
  • 海外で商品を注文したが、送金額不足と商品リスト不明の連絡があり、理解できていない部分がある。
  • 支払いは受け取ったが、注文内容を受け取っていないため問題が発生している。
  • 商品の配送先の問題により、送料が不足しているため追加支払いが必要。
  • ベストアンサー


海外で商品を購入して、下記の内容のメールをもらいました。 送金した、金額が不足しているという事と商品リストがわからない。 という内容は理解できたのですが、肝心な様子ニューアンスが分からないでいます。理解出来ていない部分をおしえていただけませんでしょうか…。宜しくお願い致します。m(__)m Hello, Today I receive your payment by Pay-Pall. Thank you very much, but I don’t received your order. I don’t know what is wrong. So please sent me your order by e-mail, and as soon I received it, I wil sent it to you by priority. Another problem is you have click on the buttom for shipping the are only for the Netherlands, so your shipping cost are to low. When I received your order, I go to the postoffice and the can tell me what the shipping cost for your order to Japan. I will sent you a e-mail what you have pay to low and please will you that also pay by Pay-Pall Thank you very much Have a nice weekend.

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • neminemi
  • ベストアンサー率50% (213/418)

※Pay-Pallで入金だけは確認できたけど注文内容が不明なので、注文した商品が何かをメールで教えてください。すぐに商品を送ります。 ※入金について、送料がオランダ国内向けの金額なので、こちらが上記のメールを確認したら郵便局に行って日本向けの送料を確認してまたメールします。それからPay-Pallで追加の送料を送ってください。 という2点が書かれています。



neminemiさま、おはよう御座います。 ご回答有り難う御座います。 肝心な所が、理解出来てなかったです。 再確認できて、助かりました。 「郵便局で確認」という部分は、拾い切れませんでした… お忙しい所、本当に有り難う御座います。m(__)m


  • 翻訳してもらえませんか

    We have sent you many emails previously discussing the situation in regards to your order. Your order was left abandoned by UPS because you was away from your shipping address for 3 months. Our company had to pay the cost of £137.00 to have this returned otherwise this would have been a loss to us by your absence. As your product refund total only comes up to £116.00, you will not be receiving this refund as this is covering the cost of the return of the order (£137.00) and our company has paid the remaining £21.00 outstanding. NO REFUND will be issued.

  • 海外通販でのメール 

    ↓のようなメールが届いたのですが、自動翻訳を使ってもいまいち意味が分かりません。翻訳できる方お願いしたいです。 We just received inventory and is in the process of shipping to you. However, we find the shipping cost to ship to you via UPS or DHL as your original choice was way too high for us to cover. Here is a list of choice to ship to you: USPS Priority Mail International $56.00 USD 6-10 business days USPS Priority Mail Express International $74.87 USD 3-5 business days UPS Worldwide Expedited® $82.76 USD 4-5 business days UPS Worldwide Saver® $84.79 USD 2-3 business days DHL Express Worldwide $85.52 USD 2-4 business days As you can see, Dhl and UPS are around 90$, we won't be able to cover the difference. We can use USPS priority to ship to you if that's ok with you, we will cover the extra charges. However I do need to let you know USPS is less reliable and a lot slower than UPS and DHL. It might take more than one month for your order to arrive after it's shipped. If you do not might the wait, we will ship it out via USPS priority for you. If you would like to use UPS or DHL, we will have to charge you the difference I'm so sorry about that. Or we can cancel your order for you if shipping is not ideal. Also, we need to inform you, you will be charged custom fees for importing U.S. goods into your country.Customs and import fees are separate from the shipping cost and are paid directly to your country's customs for importing USA goods - we have nothing to do with it nor have any control over these fees. You are responsible for any local customs, fees and duties on your order. You will either be contacted by your local delivery courier or UPS via phone and/or email. Failure to pay for import customs or refusal of the order will result in the items being shipped back to us. If the order is sent back to us, then you are responsible for the original shipping expenses, as well as any additional duties, fees, customs or taxes incurred in shipping the package back to us. We are very sorry in regards of the shipping situation. We wish we have more control over it and wish we are able to help more. Please let us know what works for you. Best, Chloe

  • 英訳をおねがいします^^

    自分なりに英訳して海外のメーカーとやり取りしてたのですが、 いま担当のひとの英語がいまいち上手く訳せずに苦労しています。 詳しい方よろしくおねがいします。 Thank you for your order! I wanted to let you know that your order has been received. I notice that you listed the shipping on the order as well. I just want to let you know that the shipping I quoted to you was an estimated price. I can definitely fax or e-mail you a copy of the invoice after the order ships and it would have the shipping shown on it. thank you, I do have the order entered as I had mentioned in my previous e-mail to you. The item is on backorder. We have a ship date of 8-30-07 scheduled for your order. I had mentioned before that we can e-mail your invoice to you after the order ships. I actually do have notes to e-mail the invoice to you. Please let me know if you have any other questions.

  • 翻訳おねがい

    英語の得意な方、翻訳御願いします。 I have sent you an email in regards to clarification of your order back on 18/04 but you have not replied me since then. But your order is now awaiting assembly and we hope to have it sent by this week.

  • 個人輸入をしたくて海外の業者と取引をしているのですが当方英語に不慣れな

    個人輸入をしたくて海外の業者と取引をしているのですが当方英語に不慣れなため大変困っております。 英語翻訳ツールを利用しても形をなさない日本語訳になってしまい細かいところ理解できません。 下記の英文なのですがどなたか翻訳していただけないでしょうか。 よろしくお願いいたします。 Hello, Sorry for the delay. I thought I sent you a follow up message regarding the shipping costs, but after looking I see I did not. Shipping for this product is going to run an additional 255.00 USD and it will be shipping by cargo. All of the wheels are made to order and your order has been placed with the manufacturer per 14th of Sept. I can invoice you the shipping costs and the wheels will ship as soon as they are complete. Again, not sure how I missed this one but you are my number one priority. Let me know if you have any questions. If not just let me know that you are ok with shipping and I will send the invoice. Thank you for your patience

  • 個人輸入という形で海外の業者と取引をしているのですが当方英語に不慣れな

    個人輸入という形で海外の業者と取引をしているのですが当方英語に不慣れなため大変困っております。 英語翻訳ツールを利用しても形をなさない日本語訳になってしまい理解できません。 下記の英文なのですが翻訳していただけないでしょうか。 よろしくお願いいたします。 Hello, Sorry for the delay. I thought I sent you a follow up message regarding the shipping costs, but after looking I see I did not. Shipping for this product is going to run an additional 255.00 USD and it will be shipping by cargo. All of the wheels are made to order and your order has been placed with the manufacturer per 14th of Sept. I can invoice you the shipping costs and the wheels will ship as soon as they are complete. Again, not sure how I missed this one but you are my number one priority. Let me know if you have any questions. If not just let me know that you are ok with shipping and I will send the invoice. Thank you for your patience

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    宜しくお願いします。 海外のお店から以下の文を送ってもらったのですが、 翻訳サイトでは完全な文章にならなかったため こちらに質問致しました。 ---------- Hello, CD costs 203,- CZK and 60-80,- CZK for shipping. So the total amount is in today's rate 15,- USD. So the easiest way to pay it is pay by pay-pal. If you have this possibility please pay 15,- USD to our pay-pal account:カクカクシカジカ When we receive money we will send you the CD so please let me know your address where we have send the CD. Thank you. All the best,

  • アメリカの通販サイトで注文したらこんなメッセージが

    アメリカの通販サイトで注文したらこんなメッセージがきました。 追加料金を払うか15ドル以上買ってトラッキングナンバーを取得しないか?って意味であってますかね? 特に返信必要でしょうか?追加料金支払わないと送ってくれないわけじゃないですよね? Hello friend, well received you order with thanks. Kindly note you order will be shipped by untracked shipping method since the order amount is $8.08(we informed on the page that order amount <$15 will be sent without tracking.), if you want to send with tracking information, please pay extra $1.3 or just increase your order up to $15 or so. Please see whether any more items you want in our store? Thank you. Kindly note for most popular countries it comes as fast as the tracked shipping, but still for some countries it delays more or less(according to our experience), it is up to you.

  • 英訳してほしいのですが

    I sent your order out on Monday the 12th. I also enclosed a $36.00 International money order for overpayment for my CD. However today I recieved back from my bank the check you had sent me for the $81.00. They said it was not negotiable here to go through our banks. I will be returning this check to you today in the mail. Please arrange another payment to me for your CD. The charges I have incurred for your CD and shipment total is $47.00. If you could get an international money order from your bank there shouldn't be a problem. If you can pay by credit card, that would be even better. I have an online payment form if you would like to use it using your credit card. http://www.patswe bgraphics.com/creditcardorder.html My address for mailing again is: 以上です。どうぞ宜しく

  • 翻訳お願いいたします。

    やはり 詐欺にようです。 I have just completed the Payment and Am sure you have received the confirmation from My Bank regarding the Payment.You can check your e-mail for confirmation of payment, a total sum of ¥763,030 yen was sent, ¥680,000 for the Merchandise and the extra ¥78,530 for the Pick Up charges and ¥4,500 for the money gram charges, Kindly proceed with the shipping Agent fees via through En-remit.com to this following address Agent First Name: FIFONSI Middle Name: NANWARA Last Name : MIDINGOYI City: Cotonou Country: Republic of Benin Post Code: 229 So kindly go to any nearest Money gram office and proceed with the payment to the shipping company or You can make the payment online by using your Credit Card, just visit https://enremit.com/guest/remit/register/ and send ¥ 78,530 to ( FIFONSI , NANWARA , MIDINGOYI ) and after that Money gram Agent will give you Receipt which you will send to My Bank Once My Bank are able to confirm it,All your money which I paid will surely be release into your Bank account without any delay. All other documentations should be prepared by my Pick Up Agent.I advice you to check both your inbox or junk/spam folder for the payment confirmation message. My shipper would be coming around to your area to have the Merchandise for picked up once you have sent the shipping charges fee to them. I will be waiting to hear from you once the money has been sent to my shipper. Thanks for the business.