The Power of Gratitude

  • Discover the mystic power of gratitude
  • Gratitude: the key to meaningful connections
  • Why gratitude is the most important word
  • ベストアンサー


英語のできるかた訂正をお願いしたいです 急いでます>< I believe in gratitude. The spirit of language means mystic power of words affecting the real world that was mainly believed in ancient Japan. This I believe. Do you always say, “I’m sorry” to people around you when you are some wrong to them? Do you always say, “good bye or take care” to your friends? Do you always say, “thank you” to everyone when you have somebody doing for you? Which are you sides, always saying or not saying? Although these words are significant for people, I believe that gratitude is the most important word for me.

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー

先程一度答えようとしたらページの不具合で反映されませんでした(T□T)解答が間に合えば良いのですが。。。頑張って打ち直します! まずは確実にココはこっちの方が正しいと言える点から。 >The spirit of language means mystic power of words~. →The spirit of the language means the mystic power of words~. >This I believe.→ This is (that) I believe. >Do you~when you are some wrong to them? →Do you~when you are something wrong to them? >Do you always say, "good bye or take care"~→ Do you always say, "Good bye" or "Take care"~ >Which are you sides, always saying or not saying? →Which sides are you, always saying or not? この一連の文章は”きちんと気持ちを伝えるのは大切。なかでも感謝の意は一番大事”という事ですよね? もしそうだとすると、最後の文章のAlthoughの意味がイマイチ理解できません。 なので私だったら という感じの文章を書きますね。 These words are significant for people to show your feeling, and in my opinion, I believe, to tell "Thank you" is the most important. それから冒頭の部分、間違いかもしれない。。。けど間違いじゃないかも。。? なので私だったらこう書くな という文章を載せます。 >I believe in gratitude. →I believe that to tell own feeling is important. >~that was mainly believed in ancient Japan. →~that is the ancient belief of Japan. 私は海外で生活しているので、もしかしたら日本人が好む表現ではないかもしれない事、今でも”the"や"a"が苦手で良く抜かしてしまうので見落としているかもしれない事を心に留めておいてください。 もし他の方が解答されたらそちらの方を参考になさってくださいね!(笑)



詳しい説明ありがとうございました!^^ すごくたすかりました><


  • american movies

    I have a question for the American people. Do you use the same words in your daily life that are used in American movies? For example, when you are attacked by a man with a knife. "You should only use knives in the kitchen"? I'd love to know.

  • これはアメリカの英語ですか?

    スポーツの部分は、仕事としてスポーツをここでしているということですか? メルともの彼のメールなんですが、なんだか難しくて訳せません(アメリカの英語ですか?)。たぶん、??も文字化けかなと思います。分る方いましたら教えて下さい。お願いします。i am still paid for doing a sport here as well and i will tell you more about that later ok? i am 32 years old now i hope that is no to old for you to get to know?? I believe that there are not good or bad races just good and bad people? but when i read some AD's i don't think many of them think that way at all?? but i hope you are having a nice weekend? and i hope you do send me your picture cause some say they will but they don't?

  • 英文添削をお願いします

    下の文章の添削をお願いできますか? You may already forget when you said to me this but they are enough words for insult me. But even I feel so I still tried to behave nicely at that time. あなたはいつどんなふうにそれを言ったかも覚えてないかもしれなけれど、でもあの言葉の数々は私が屈辱を感じるのに充分だった。それでも、私はあのとききちんとあなたに接しようと努力した。 I wanted to believe that you are not the kind of person who can easily cheat one's wife and daughter. I wanted to believe that it is not possible that you are like that.... 私はあなたが簡単に奥さんや娘さんを裏切るような人だと信じたくなかった。そんな人であるはずないと思いたかった。 以上です。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 文法の訂正、お願い致します(急ぎです)

    I don't have enough words to express my gratitude to you. You are my special friend who I could open my mind. I didn't need to try to be good in front of you and it was really confortable for me. You always stand by me,sapport me.That's why I could try new things. You made me relive and gave me comfidece all the time. I wanted you to stay here longer. Things won't be the same without you. I respect you,thank to you,like you as my special friend. See you someday. Sincerely.

  • we all doがよくわかりません。

    Saying that you were feeling sad because we had some very good and special times last year. You said you are bitter, and those are difficult words for me to hear. I realise that you have feelings, we all do. But I never made any commitments to you 君は私達が去年過ごした特別な楽しい思い出を、辛いと言ったけど、そういう言葉って聞いても僕には理解出来ないよ。君の気持ちはよく解かっている。we all do. 僕は君に何の約束しなかった。 このwe all doなのですが、皆そうだよ、他の女友達も同じだよ、と言っているのでしょうか? それとも我々なのでしょうか、、理解出来ません。 教えてください。

  • 英語が得意な方教えてください

    1 A : How often do you go to your favorite restaurant? B : I usually go around twice month 2 A : What do you usually eat when you go there? B : I usually have ( ) 3 A : What kind of restaurant do you neve go to ? B : I never go to ( ) 4 A : What food do you always want to eat? B : I always ( ) どなたか、文章を訳せる方いらしたらお願いします。 (   )内はどんな言葉を入れてどんな使い方をするのかも教えてください。 宜しくお願い致します。 、

  • 至急。英語について。

    don't worry no matter if you do that or not I love you. I will always I love you. It is just hard to show that sometimes because we are so far away.←この離れてるからそれを示すのが難しいって 愛してるってことをちゃんと伝えれないのがってことですよね?

  • 英語わかる方、大至急お願いしますm(_ _)m

    この英文を和訳してほしいです(>_<) お願いします! Thank you so much. Your words are the sweetest I’ve heard. I just think good for people to mind their own business because there’s many ways to live (and likes/dislikes). If you really want should. But then I will lose you (sad).

  • 英語での失礼のない、丁寧な断り方、

    英語での失礼のない、丁寧な断り方、 いつも回答してくださり、ありがとうございます。"hey ,can I talk to you?" とか聞かれたり、または、カウンセリングなどで 「話したくないです」をもっと丁寧な英語表現で言うにはどのような言い方がありますか? 例えば断るとき。 「ごめんなさい。家族のことは誰にも話したくないのです。家族のことは思い出したくない。」  友達や、あるいは目上に人に、「ごめん(なさい)、今は疲れていてはなしたくないの(ですが。。。)など。 できるだけ失礼にならないように、英語でいうにはどのような言い方がありますか? たくさん教えていただけるとうれしいです。 how to decline politely. Thank you very much for answering my questions at all times ! if you are asked ," can i talk to you ?" what would you say when you don't want to answer the question ? For examle ,imagine when you don't want to answer about your family or when you receive counseling treatment. What kind of way of saying are there not to be polite ? How do you react to those questions so that they won't bother them ?

  • 英語

    1Tom said that his room wasn't (enough,more than,have,to,big) five people in it at one time. 2Jack always reads some books or other (to,as,behind,to be,not) the times. 3(the peace,when,the world,be,is,there,no,telling,may,of)threatened. 4It (goes,saying,are,that love,without,and trust) of vital importance in life. 5(denying,is,conditions,no,people surrounding,there,that,young) are formidably harsh. 6Unless you're going to use it regularly, (an expensive dictionary,buying,it's,such,no use). 7In (habitable,Mars,to,more,order,make) to life, the temperature of the planet must increase. 8(adult/into/a person/order/to/a mature, responsible/in/develop/for), he or she needs to experience life firsthand. 9By the late 1950s scientists had already accumulated (between,a clear,evidence,link,enough,show,to) smoking and cancer. 10I always encourage my students to be individual and to think themselves, but I (help,thinking,do,listen,cannot,that,not,they) to what I say. 1、6、7には訳をつけて頂きたいです。 お願いいたします。