自由英作添削 自分の考えを述べよ

  • 家族とはどのようなものか自分の考えを述べよ(100~150)
  • A family is something very difficult to describe but important for you. They understand and support you.
  • Your family is always there for you, providing understanding and support in difficult times.
  • ベストアンサー

自由英作添削 もうしわけありませんが

本当にすみませんがよかったら。。。。 家族とはどのようなものか自分の考えを述べよ(100~150) I believe that a family is something which is very difficult to describe but is very important for you. One reason is that your own family can understand you very much. For example, when you have difficulty with your future, you usually ask your family for advice. Some people may say that they talk with their friends about your trouble. Of course, they often do so. However , it is the case that they ask their family at last . People will find themselves being supported by their family. Can you imagine your life without the family ? In conclusion, There is no place like home , where your family welcome you.

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数0


  • ベストアンサー

受験生の方と仮定します。 貴英文は、言いたいことはよくわかるし、誰がみてもおかしいという英文がない(間違いがないということではないが)というような点から、合格点(旧帝大・早慶レベル)に入っていると思います(例えば東大合格者といっても、そんなにうまく書けるわけではなく、そこそこ程度でしょう)。 で、貴英文について若干の感想を: 1. これは三つのパラグラフからなっているようですが(本番では、各パラがよくわかるように - 例、各パラの頭を少し引っ込めるとか、各パラ間を一行空ける)。 2.第二パラで、One reason ... となってますが、これだと、 Another reason is ... といったようなものが後に来ることを想像(期待)してしまいます。 また、第一パラで、 ... there are many reasons for that. といったような表現があり、それを受けての第二パラを始めている感じを受けます。 3.このようなエッセイライティングでは、第一パラを受けての、第二パラ、それを受けての第三パラ、の「流れ」が重要ですから、第二、第三パラの頭の書き出しを工夫すると(論理の流れを大切に)印象のいいものになります(母国語のライティング訓練でよく指導されること)。 4.第一パラでは、is very difficult to describe ... is very important と2点でてきますが、その後の内容はimportantの理由のみなので、第一パラの内容は考え直した方がいいかと思います。 5.have difficulty with your future は be concerned about your future あたりに。your life/study/work などならそれでいいですが。 6.  Some people may say .... about "their" trouble が内容的に論理的な語でしょう。また、trouble はここでは不適切な語でしょう。 7. it is the case that ... at least は「最後には家族」ということはわかりますが、表現は再考が必要でしょう。  8.In conclusion のあとはカンマのようですが、There is → there is .. 試験では(1)主張点を意識して、全体の論理の流れを考え適切なパラグラフ展開を、(2)基本的な文法ミスをなくす、(3)自信のない表現・単語などは、その他の言い方で対応する、(4)採点者に自分はこんな表現・フレーズ・語を知っているとアピールする(持っているものを最大限出す)、がいいのではないでしょうか。 で、以上を考え試案: I believe a family is one of the most precious things we can have in our lives. There are many reasons for that, but all boils down to this: Your family understand and support you more than anyone else. When you are concerned about your future or in need of help, you usually go to your family for advice or support. Some say they seek such help from their friends. Yes, I agree we do so often, but for many their families would be the last resort they would go to for help. We could be most candid with our families, feeling being supported immeasurebly by them. A saying goes, "There is no place like home." Your home is where your family welcome you all the time, especially when you are in dire need of help. 見直しませんので、誤字等は不適切なところあれば了解してください。 Hope this helps and keep my fingers crossed for your success.

その他の回答 (1)


No. 1です。 送信したら試案の第二パラがところどころ改行になっていますが、続いており一つのパラです。


  • 自由英作文の添削をお願いしたいんですが。。。

    現在浪人中なのですが 添削を依頼できる方もおらずこちらに質問させていただきました。 勝手なお願いですがよろしければお願いします テーマ  オリンピックについて自分の考えを約100~150語で述べよ In my opinion, the Olympics are very important events. As you know,this is the age of globalization, so it is necessary for you to contact more actively with foreigners, but there is few opportunity to do so. Some people may say that thay have such chance since a lot of foreigners come to and live in Japan. However, I rarely see Japanese people talking with foreigners very friendly. This is the case. Then,through sports, many people can communicate with people from all over the world. In other words, the Olympics can give you such opportunity. Therefore I would say that the Olympics are very precious.

  • 自由英作文の添削をお願いします。

    自由英作文の添削をお願いします。 コンビニの24時間営業について、反対か賛成か。 I don't agree with the opinion that convenience stores do business for 24 hours. This is because they have a bad influence on the environment. The use of energy around the clock contributes to global warming seriously. As you know, Global warming is one of the most pressing problems that the world is now facing. But, you may say that to stay open for 24 hours is convenient or even necessary for people who work night shifts. However,I think that global warming is bigger problem than that because these people only change their lifestyles. For this reason,I think convenience stores shouldn't stay open in the night-time. ※私は大学受験生です。周りに添削してくれる方がいなく困っています。どんな些細なことでもいいのでご指摘くださればありがたいです。よろしくお願いします。

  • 大学受験対策の自由英作文の添削をお願いします。

    テーマは「理想の家族について」です。 字数は70字前後です。 The best family is that of course that members are familiar with , and they don't lie other members. If a person once lie you , you will never believe and will hate him. In fact , not lying is very difficult , but it is important for family to keep excellent relationship. So , if you want to have the best family , you should not lie others. 計63words 内容、文法的な面で至らない点を指摘頂けると嬉しいです。 では、よろしくお願いします。

  • 自由英作文の添削をお願いします

    周りに添削を頼めるような人がいないので、自由英作文の添削をお願いします。ネット上で細かく添削するのは大変だと思いますので、文法上誤っている点の指摘や全体を見ての感想・アドバイスをいただけるとうれしいです。 (問)次の意見について100文字以上の英文で意見を述べなさい。 It is better to marry late rather than early. (答) I disagree with this statement. First,as people marry late,women give rise to their children when they are old.Although medical technology is improving now,it is still danger. The younger they do,the less danger they pass away. Second,if their father is old when baby is born,and they retire their job because of their age when their children go to college,it is difficult for them to pay money. Certainly,if people marry late,they afford to prepare for marrying because they have much money.But they should take their children into account. Thus,it is better to marry early rather than late.

  • 英作文の添削お願いします。

    はじめてアメリカへ行く人が、はたして自分の英語で分かってもらえるかと不安になるのは当然のことだ。 (1)It is natural to worry whether people in the U.S would understand your English or not when you visit there for the first time. (2)It's natural for peopke who visit America for the first time that they worry if their English would be enough to make understand.

  • 自由英作文添削

    自由英作文の添削お願いします 設問:「子供は親の背中を見て育つ」と言う言葉があります。それでは、親というものは子供にどのような「背中」を見せるべきではないと思いますか。また、それ はなぜですか。具体的な例をあげながら70語程度の英語で説明しなさい。 I think parents should not show their children their rudeness to others. It is because , if they see their rudeness every day , they will imitate their attitude. It leads to many ploblems in the society. For example, if they don't look up to the senior , they talk friendly with their boss, and the boss get angry then they may lose their job. It is very terrible. 英語得意なかたお願いします。 出来れば文章の構成方法も教えていただけたら嬉しいです。

  • 自由英作文を添削してください!

    慶応義塾大学の自由英作です、この大学の問題は解いたことがないので分かりません。 何について書くかというと まず状況から言うと、地元の高齢者ハウスを応援するために、二人の高校生がポスター何枚か学校に掲示します。 でも、少人数しか集まらなくてはじめられない。 指示が、どのようにしたら人数を集めることができるかということです。  ポスターの内容  ・場所がかいてあり  ・日時が毎週日曜・9時から   ・人数25人  ・活動内容は、話し相手、食事の補助、散歩の付き合いなど です  条件があって    ・生徒たちはなぜ少ししか応じてくれなかったのか。    ・どういう行動をとるべきか。    ・なぜその行動がうまくいくとかんがえるのか。 指定語数は100語です。 僕は136字書きました。 よろしくおねがいします。 Recently there has been a few young people who are interested in volunteers for caring elderly people. This is why, only a few students responded. I think that there are many things which they can in order to gather people. I think that they should interest people who are indifferent to the volunteer activity.For example , they talks eagerly over it with their friends in person. Then , I would like to mention poster. First, I think they change a.m.9:00 to a.m.10:00.This is because young people are poor at getting up early.when they are used to doing it, they should return to a.m.9:00 . I also think they should draw pictures and make it colorful in order to attract people. It is the most important thing is to convey their passion.

  • 自由英作文の添削をお願いします。

    (A) 問題文: 次の会話を読み、空所(1)と(2)をそれぞれ15~20語の英語で埋めよ。 Jason: Did you hear about Naoto? His father is being transferred back to Tokyo next month, so the entire family is returning to Japan. Naoto's very upset. He wants his parents to let him stay here. Arthur: No, I hadn't heard! (1)____________________________________ Jason: Well, but (2)_________________________________ Arthur: Maybe you're right. 私の解答: (1): I don't want him to return to Japan. We have promised that we will go hiking during next summer vacation. (2): it would be better for him to live with his family than to live alone. (B) 問題文: 次の英文を読み、内容について思うことを50~60語の英語で記せ。 ただし、treatとpeopleは、それぞれ一回しか用いてはならない。 Pets should not be treated like people. 私の解答: In my opinion, pets should be treated like people. For one reason, pets also have their feeling, so they can be friends for us. It is natural that you think 'friends' like human. For second reason, we sometimes hear about animal abuse. To think animal as human will be able to prevent animal abuse. 時間を計って問題を解く一環で短い時間で書いたので、酷い出来かもしれません (B)は自分で見ても内容の時点でしっくりこないものがあります 添削のしようが無い程に内容が酷かった場合、文法面を中心に指摘して頂けると助かります どれか1問でも構いませんので、どうぞよろしくお願い致します

  • 自由英作の添削お願いします

    問 Describe your first childhood memory.(50字程度) 答 My first childhood memory is to go to Kyoto with my family when I was three years old. We saw famous temples and shrines in Kyoto. I was moved by how beautiful they were. My paewnts looked enjoyable,so I also felt so.(43字) 英作苦手なので 全然得点源になりそうにないのですが これでどれくらい点入りますかね...

  • 自由英作の添削お願いします

    問 Describe your first childhood memory.(50字程度) 答 My first childhood memory is to go to Kyoto with my family when I was three years old. We saw famous temples and shrines in Kyoto. I was moved by how beautiful they were. My paewnts looked enjoyable,so I also felt so.(43字) 英作苦手なので 得点源になりそうにないのですが これでどれくらい点入りますかね...