
  • 英検2級の文法問題についてお伺いします。
  • 具体的な問題について答え合わせをしましたが、一部分が理解できませんでした。
  • 解答方法や参考書の選び方についてアドバイスをいただけるとうれしいです。
  • ベストアンサー


この間英検2級を受験しました。 その回答がWEB上で掲載されており、答え合わせをしたところ、どうしても理解できない問題がありましてお伺いさせて頂きたいのです。 ( )を埋める問題です。 問1 A:Our boss wants us to finish this report by Monday, Can you work on the weekend? B:I would happy to, ( )( ) to take a day off next week. 1. able 2. provided 3. am 4. that. 5.I 私の答え:2+4 (何か変だとは思いましたが他に良い答えが出ず) 正解:4+3 問題2 When Linda came home from work on Friday, ( )( ) the light in the living room were on. But then she remembered that her daughter was visiting for a few days. 1. strange 2. it 3. she 4. that 5. thought 私の答え:1+4(これは何となく解ります) 正解:5+1 問題3 A:Tim, ( )( ) on the sofa and watch TV. Why don't you go outside and get some exercise? B:I'll go for a walk as soon as this movie is over, Dad. 1. do 2. you 3. sit 4. all 5. is 私の答え:2+3(変だとは思いつつも他に思い当たりませんでした) 正解:2+3 問題4 A:Professor Ericson, how should we prepare for our presentations next month? B:Well, you'll need ( )( ) ideas with facts, so I suggest you go to the library and look for information about your topic. 1. need 2. up 3. to 4. your 5. back 私の答え:1+4(これも若干変だとは思いましたがOKかと) 正解:3+2 問題5 When Kathy went to the hospital for the first time, she ( )( ). After she was done writing, she gave them to the nurse and waited to see the doctor. 1. given 2. out 3. forms to 4. fill 5. was 私の答え:3+2(これも変とは思いつつも他に良い案がありませんでした) 正解:1+4 他はほぼ全問正解でした。 この部分のみが全く解らないのです。 どなたかお解りの方いらっしゃいましたらお教え頂くか、この辺りのレベルの勉強には中学生、或は高校生何年生位の参考書かお教え頂けますでしょうか。 よろしくお願い致します。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー

「並び替え、2番目と4番目の番号をそれぞれ答える」ってしっかり問題かかないと、英検受けたことない人、回答しづらいだろうに。 ----------------------- A:Our boss wants us to finish this report by Monday, Can you work on the weekend? B:I would happy to, ( )( ) to take a day off next week. provided that I am able to が正解です。 provided thatの表現について調べてみてください ------------------------- When Linda came home from work on Friday, ( )( ) the light in the living room were on. But then she remembered that her daughter was visiting for a few days. 1. strange 2. it 3. she 4. that 5. thought she thought it strange that wasがないので she thought that it was strange とは繋げられません。 ------------------- A:Tim, ( )( ) on the sofa and watch TV. Why don't you go outside and get some exercise? B:I'll go for a walk as soon as this movie is over, Dad. all you do is sit on Whatとか動名詞にならない珍しいケースだが,良く見る。 ------------------------- A:Professor Ericson, how should we prepare for our presentations next month? B:Well, you'll need ( )( ) ideas with facts, so I suggest you go to the library and look for information about your topic. 問題何か間違ってないかい? ----------------------------------------------------- When Kathy went to the hospital for the first time, she ( )( ). After she was done writing, she gave them to the nurse and waited to see the doctor. 1. given 2. out 3. forms to 4. fill 5. was was given forms to fill out です。 was out given forms to fill だと意味が繋がらないと思う。



ご回答ありがとうございます。 私自身が問題の意味を理解していませんでした。 5個全部を使うんですね。 私は2個の単語だけを使うのかと思い込んでいたので、何でこんな不思議な文法があるのだろう? と思っていたのです。 5個全部使うのであればお示し頂いた答えは普通に理解できます。 問題4は間違えていましたすみません。()前のneedはありません。 お騒がせしました。(笑汗)


  • 英文法チェックしてください

    1 Japan and China have been in a danger situation these days, we have to solve this problem as soon as possible. 2 it is a great pleasure to inform you that Yumi and I have got married for 10 years. 3 I have been to the United Stated since I was at 8 years old. Now, unfortunately, I forgot how to speak Japanese. 1 I accidently bump into a bear when I go to a forest deeply. 2 Yumi call me back as soon as she realized that I called her. I guess she might like me. 3 Japan will inevitably go through an recession within 10 years, we all Japanese have to prepare for it from now on.

  • 英文法など

    I am going to go shopping for my new winter coat this weekend. のmy new のところが変な理由は何でしょうか。 When I saw my friend I ran across a street to talk to her. across a streetのところがおかしい理由は何でしょうか。 She is such a tough teacher.に対して I'll say.という答えが正しいようですが、ピンときません。 Do you need any help? に対してNo, I can do it on my own. なのかNo, I'll do it for myself.なのか。前者が正しいようですが、後者はどうしてだめなのでしょうか。 What a strange dog!に対しては Don't you know it? でしょうか。Its legs are short.でしょうか。前者はitをthatにするべきでしょうか。 Didn't I tell you to close the window?I didn't close the window. No, I didn't.でしょうか。後者のほうが良いのでしょうが、なんとなくそんな気がするだけです。

  • 文法的にわかりません

    Dear Prudence, I was pretty badly bullied in high school for my appearance and being two years younger than everyone else. In college I started lifting weights, “blossomed” into my looks and life got much better. But the emotional scars remained. Earlier this year I started a new job and discovered the administrative assistant for my group was one of my bullies from high school. I know she recognized me because she made a joke about how much I’d changed and said we had to “catch up sometime.” I was cold but polite for the sake of our professional relationship, but she must have mistaken it for forgiveness, because last week at a work happy hour, she apologized again that “everyone” was so rough on me in high school—then she hit on me. I was so infuriated that I ended up being very cruel and mocked her until she left in tears. It turns out revenge doesn’t feel so good after all, and I’ve been avoiding her entirely. I’m afraid my boss is going to start asking why I’m wasting time on things the admin should be doing. Still I don’t feel like apologizing to her, because what kind of jerk hits on someone they used to treat like dirt? Should I tell my boss what happened? I know he values me highly, so he might be willing to let me work with his administrative assistant, but I’m afraid that might come off as childish. —Did I Bully My Bully? I don’t want to rub your face in what might have been, but you could absolutely have brought this issue up with your boss before the incident occurred. Had you told him it would be difficult for you to work with your former high school bully, he might have been able to set you up with his own administrative assistant before things got to the breaking point. Had you told him it would be difficult for you to work with your former high school bully, he might have been able to set you up with his own administrative assistant before things got to the breaking point.のカンマのあとはtold himを受けてthatが省略されているのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 英文法 形式主語構文

    It for to とIt that どう区別するのでしょうか? 〇It is natural that he go there. 〇It is natural for him to go there. 〇It is dangerous for you to cross the busy street. ×It is dangerous that you cross the busy street. 〇It is a pity that some men look down on women. × It is a pity for some men to look down on women. 〇It is rude for a man to ask a woman how old she is. × It is rude that a man asks a woman how old she is. 色々読んだのですが、わかりません。 どなたか説明お願いします。

  • 文法的にわかりません

    A few nights ago I went out for a night on the town with a close friend, her sister, and her sister’s boyfriend. By the end of the night, after several drinks too many (not an excuse, and I know you don’t approve), the boyfriend and I found ourselves alone. He came on to me, and even though I know it was wrong, I ended up making out with him. Later that night, he came to my room, I’m guessing to take things a bit further, but I immediately sent him away. I’m guessing to take things a bit furtherは挿入されているかのように使われていますが、どのような役割でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 翻訳お願いします

    The shortfall is I am old and my memory is not what it once was, thank you for bringing that to my attention So I have checked and you are correct you have paid a total of $140.00 As you can see I did not originally charge you enough for shipping for both hosts I only charged you for shipping for one host now there are two hosts. OK lets start over you paid $90.00 and that completely covers the L2, we'll call that good ! So on the E2 here is the low down for the E2 host, it is $26.00 and the copper heat sink is $65.00 (normally I would charge $75.00 but you have been a good customer ) and the flat focus adapter is $20.00 shipping to you for this weight will be $12.00 and if sent as a gift then no PP fees so that would be a total of $111.00 You paid a deposit of $50.00 on 6-7-13 so the balance will be $61.00 round that off to $60.00 as a gift and I'll get em packed up and ready to go on Monday Let me know if that sounds right to you I don't want you to think I'm trying to pull the wool over your eyes or something

  • はじめて見た使い方(文法)

    A few days ago, I came across a ring-sized box my boyfriend was obviously planning to give me. It had the name of a company on it, and I immediately Googled it out of curiosity. I was taken aback when I found that this company sells cubic zirconia rings that cost about $20. So I did something that I now regret — I peeked inside the box. It was an engagement ring and wedding ring set that I saw on the website costs $20.99. an engagement ring and wedding ring set that I saw on the website costs $20.99.のsawとcostsは両方前の名詞にかかっているのでしょうか?このような言い方はできるのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 至急★和訳お願いしますm(__)m

    How are you doing today? Hope you are having a good day. I don't think that we are going to go out to sea for three months anymore. Our schedule, right now, is that we're going to go out to sea on the 21st until probably early november. it'll still be a month out but better than 3 months out. And I have a half day tomorrow and the day off on Sunday, and was wondering if you maybe wanted to go to like huis ten bosch or something. Can I ask you a question, what did your brother think of me? I didn't really get the chance to get to hang out with him and want to hang out another time, if that's ok with you and your brother ttyl

  • どんな内容でしょうか?

    Lillian would like to figure out how to get implants maybe in Japan so she can eat. I can organize having dentures made here but she would like four implants on the bottom and four implants on the top, where you mount dentures and they act like natural teeth. They are expensive but less expensive then a whole mouth of implants. Its horrible that she cannot eat! If she were to go to Japan to visit do you have a place for her to go?

  • 英訳お願いします。

    Lillian would like to figure out how to get implants maybe in Japan so she can eat. I can organize having dentures made here but she would like four implants on the bottom and four implants on the top, where you mount dentures and they act like natural teeth. They are expensive but less expensive then a whole mouth of implants. Its horrible that she cannot eat! If she were to go to Japan to visit do you have a place for her to go?