• 締切済み

strangely its opposite

アイルランドの田舎の光景の描写ですが、意味が解からない部分がありま す。 for some of the curves of the road round the little hills, and up long slopes to where views broke suddenly wide upon wanderers; and some of its windings by streams, as though for a while it had found a beautiful mate, strangely its opposite ; and its journey straight and far over bogs of heather,to which heaven appeared to have delegated its beauty; and many a twist and turn where it seemed to hurry, and many a lazy land where it seemed to rest; and stretches rarely met, where it appeared to attain to the dignity of a highway. some of its windings by streams は道が小川にそってくねって延びていることでしょうか? as though for a while it had found a beautiful mate, strangely its opposite これがどういう比喩なのか解かりません and stretches rarely met, where it appeared to attain to the dignity of a highway. 主要道路の威厳を保つために細い帯のような道(?)が滅多に会わない・・とはどういくことでしょうか? ヒントだけでもアドバイスいただければ幸いです。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数3


  • joshsan
  • ベストアンサー率39% (116/293)

as though for a while it had found a beautiful mate, strangely its opposite 川面に映った道路の様子です。 and stretches rarely met, where it appeared to attain to the dignity of a highway. strechはまっすぐに伸びた道であり、その前に出てきた曲がりくねった小道とは関係ありません。 数本の直線道路はめったに交わることはない。各々が、(自分こそが)本道であると主張するかのごとく。




  • tjhiroko
  • ベストアンサー率52% (2281/4352)

>some of its windings by streams これはお書きになったとおりの意味でいいと思います。 >as though for a while it had found a beautiful mate, strangely its opposite 「奇妙な正反対の取り合わせながらも、しばらくの間素敵な仲間を見つけたかのように」くらいではないでしょうか。 川と道がしばらくの間となりあって進むところがあり、その様をまるで仲良く一緒に寄り添っているかのようだと言っているのでしょう。 >and stretches rarely met, where it appeared to attain to the dignity of a highway. 曲がりくねった道ながらも合流することなくそれぞれのコースを進み続ける様子を、主要道路であることの威厳を保っているかのように見える、といっているのでは。 他者に迎合することなく、我が道を行くといった雰囲気を漂わせている、という感じですかね。





  • itsで良いのでしょうか?

    次の英文の「its tiny glass bowl」の itsは、間違っていないでしょうか? 正しくは theのような気がするのです。 その理由は、itsは所有格で「誰かの tiny glass bowl」という意味だと思うのです。「its=the goldfish(金魚)」かなと思ったのですが、the goldfishは、tiny glass bowlの所有者ではありえないので、itsを使うのは、間違えのような気がし、theの方が適切のような気がしました。 A small boy stood watching the goldfish. It swam round and round in its tiny glass bowl, and every movement of its tail made the water flash in the sunlight.

  • within its rank

    下記の文中のwithin its rank とは、どういう意味でしょうか。よろしくお願いします。 One institution Gorbachev failed to reform, however, was the Soviet Communist Party. And it is within its ranks, along with the leadership of the military and the KGB, that hardliners attempted a coup against Gorbachev in August 1991. 出展: http://www.voanews.com/english/news/europe/Gorbachevs-Domestic-Reforms-Led-to-End-of-Soviet-Union-135190548.html

  • 和訳:itsの意味が解りません。

    問題文は以下です。 What the world needs is a return to sweetness and decency in the souls of its young men and..... 訳文:今日の世の中が必要としているのは、優しさと品格を若者の心に取り戻すことで..... 日本語訳は上記のように有るのですが、"its"の役割、必要な理由が解りません。 私が“訳文”を英訳したら、 What the world needs is a return of sweetness and decency to the souls of young men.になりそうですが、これですと"a return"は場違いとも思うし、意味も違うように思えます。 とは言え、落ち着かない気持ちで困っています。助けてくだい。 宜しく、

  • its は何を受けているのでしょうか?

    There is growing recognition that the family is a diverse and complex thing, the traditional family being only one of its forms. 上の文の its は何を受けているのでしょうか? 「伝統的な家族というのはitsの形態の一つに過ぎない」(コンマ以下の部分訳) と訳したのですが、itsが何を受けているのかが分かりません。

  • 英文の翻訳をお願いいたします

    どなたか以下の英文を翻訳できる方が居ましたらぜひお願いいたします。 As this book seeks to demonstrate, the visual world and its producers, its users and its designers, are engaged in a heated debate over the status of design - who has ownership of it, who is qualified to do it, and how we receive and interpret it, It is in a period of evolution, and requires more developed and rigorous understanding. It may seem odd to say this , but whatever your view of the discussion in this chapter, it should ve clear that design is not simp;y a visual medium; it is a social and, as we have identified, a political one. It just happens to be most apparent visually in the messages sent to us by commerce, media and government, and the subtler but equally important messages we send each other in our everyday practices. Like an iceberg, 90 per cent of visual communication is hidden beneath the surface. And, just like an iceberg, it is the invisible 90 per cent that provides the raw power of visual communication. So, there we end this overview of some of the key ideas that are involved in the study and under standing of visual communication and its relationship with design. Undoubtedly, like some of the practitioners interviewed for the book, you will disagree with some of it. Hopefully some of it will have challenged your own positon on this subject.

  • in all its forceの訳しかた

    以下のパラグラフで、最後の文章のなかにあるin all its force の訳し方に困っています。どなたかわかる方がいらっしゃいましたらお教え願えないでしょうか? Economy holds for its follower, strength, endurance, vigilance, and capacity to achieve. It bestows great power on him who leans it well. Who has realized in all its force the supreme strength of Economy?

  • its human origins

    本文中のits human originsは「人間が作り出した」と解答にはありますが、その訳になる経緯を説明できる方いらっしゃいますか?(答えでは、humanが「人間による」で、originsが「生まれ」とあります) Unfortunately, for the past century some humanists have been at odds with technologists, viewing technology as a harmful force beyond their control-all the more intolerable because of its human origins. This attitude is part of the humanist's traditional focus on the past and unwillingness to embrace either the art or technology of the present.

  • キューバの説明 日本語訳

    Cuba was the last Spanish Colonial enclave in America and is the largest island of the Caribbean Sea. Due to its location as a crossroad between the Old and New Worlds, it is a true melting pot where different influences have intermingled for centuries. Though the Pre Columbian population was soon exterminated by the Spaniards, some remnants of their culture has been retained on recipes, names of places like Havana, for instance, and archaeological findings. キューバについての説明なのですが、”Due to its location as a crossroad between the Old and New Worlds,”の部分がいまいちわかりません。「旧世界と新世界のクロスロードなっていたため」だとおかしいですか?

  • to the dignity of

    The school rose at that time to the dignity of a magazine. to the dignity ofの意味がわかりません。 宜しくお教えください。

  • 英語の訳の問題です

    Los Angeles is unique unto itself;but unique in a special way that makes it strangely familiar to an English academic of my generation and experience. but以下がよくわかりません。 よろしくお願いします。