Home Exchangeに興味ありますか?

  • 面白いことをやってる人たちがいるんですね。
  • 検索すると、仲を取り持つサイトがヒットします。以下のサイトはその1つです。
  • 日本在住の日本人と、海外在住の日本人は意識が違うはずなので、回答者様におかれてはどこの国に何年在住か教えて頂ければ幸いです。
  • ベストアンサー

Home Excgage に興味ありますか?

面白いことをやってる人たちがいるんですね。 検索すると、仲を取り持つサイトがヒットします。以下のサイトはその1つです。 https://www.lovehomeswap.com/ 貴方は興味がありますか?機会があればやってみたいと思いますか? 日本在住の日本人と、海外在住の日本人は意識が違うはずなので、回答者様におかれてはどこの国に何年在住か教えて頂ければ幸いです。 以下は日本の愛知県在住のカナダ人一家の体験記ですので参考にして下さい。 日本でのカーター一家 オーストラリアのパースに住むカーターさん一家と、家を交換して生活してみたギャスライトさん。 釣り、ハイキング、ドライブなど、かの地での暮らしを大いに楽しむことができたが、一方のカーターさんは、 家の外でも内でも日本語という言葉の壁に苦労したらしい。 それでもお互いにとって、家の交換はよい経験になったようだ。 Life was great in Perth. We swam in the Indian Ocean, we did a boat cruise and a nature tour. We fished, we hiked, we really enjoyed ourselves. Parrots visited us while we picnicked and a snake shed its skin under our table. Even driving was exciting: We had a near run-in with a kangaroo family on the highway and received a surprise visit from an emu while we stopped to read our map We also made some great friends and had some real fun with some Australian families. Even cleaning the house was fun. Before we left we washed the Carters' car, cleaned their home until it sparkled, left a few thank-you gifts and stocked the kitchen with food to replace what we had eaten. We were so busy having fun that it wasn't until our departure that we started to really think about life in Japan, our home and the Carters. After getting back to Japan, we met up with the Carters and shared out stories. We soon discovered that they too had lots of exciting adventures but that life was not as easy on their end. But the Carters are young, resourceful and intelligent and soon worked out how to get around with a double baby stroller and two little children. They also had fun meeting the locals and trying new food and traditional activities. But, unlike us, language was a big barrier. It was a challenge, even without leaving the house We have to admit that we were rather oblivious to how much Japanese there is in our home. From our heating system, alarm system, navigation system in our car, to our stove and media equipment, there was so much to learn and so many opportunities to make mistakes and mess things up. Driving in Japan, the roads are very narrow, parking expensive, and there are few street signs and numbers on homes, which makes it difficult for foreigners to find their way But the Carters enjoyed the challenges and the problem-solving. They loved Japan and we loved Perth so the exchange was a big success for both families. The first question people ask when they hear about our exchange is: Did anything get damaged? Well, this is not a perfect world and accidents do happen — little things like the navigation system in our car going crazy. Also, the poor Carters ended up watching TV on a multi-channel screen and in elongated picture mode until we fixed it But most importantly, we had chosen good people. It is so important to pick the right people and know the other family before you exchange homes because there is so much room for misunderstandings or even dishonesty or abuse of trust. Some hints for future exchangers: Choose the family and then the home. When you start your house-hunting, make getting to know the family, via the Net and phone, one of your main priorities. Decide together how to pay for damages, whether or not to replace food, and how clean you want your home to be when you return. Depending on your home you can decide to have designated off-limit areas. Our first home exchange was a success and we look forward to doing some more. Our next exchange is Italy and we are just now looking for a great family to trade with for the summer. This is exciting because both families will be experiencing foreign languages and totally different cultures!

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • KoalaGold
  • ベストアンサー率20% (2539/12476)

ちょっと待って、それほとんど私です!みたいな質問です。オーストラリア在住36年です。 パースの弟夫婦はカナダの夫婦と一年間家を交換しました。教師同士の交換です。学校のポジションごと交換する交換教師制度を利用しました。家族3人でカナダに住み、その間私たちも訪問してカナダ観光とsきーを楽しみました。 他にもハウスシッタークラブが存在し、ペットと庭の世話をしながら留守番をす流ことで住居費無料、というのがあります。高齢女性がこういうことには好まれていて夫婦なら尚更安心できるようです。ペットをペットホテルに預けたくない、ペットを自分の家の環境のまま可愛がってもらいたい、そういうファミリがかなりいるのです。我が家も犬がいたためにシッターさんを頼み、55歳の元校長先生だった方で庭も完璧、家の中も完璧にきれいにしてくれました。 我が家はHomeExchangeにもHomelinkにも入会してました。その後Airbnbが出てきて、自分の家をサービスマネージャーに世話してもらって貸し出し8ヶ月世界旅行して民泊巡りをしました。 しかし毎週家を引っ越すのにはもう疲れたので次回は長期滞在がしたいし、同時期に我が家にステイしてくれる人がいればありがたいなあ、と常々考えています。 日本にも行きたいし、その他どこでもオープンです。我が家はオーストラリアの便利のいい市内に近い治安の良い住宅地。どなたか家を交換してもらえませんでしょうか?個人的なメッセージはここにありがとうポイントを送る際に書き込むことができます。



回答ありがとうございます。 昔、パースの Fremantle に文通友(ネット時代以前)がいましたが、刑務所の写真を送って来たことがあります。刑務所はFremantle にあるんですか?彼の住所はとっくに紛失しています。 興味あるどころか既に実践されてるんですね。 回答が殆どないところをみると、皆さん興味がない方が多いのでしょうね。考えてみると、日本人は他人に非常に壁を持ちますから、初対面の人たちと交流するというのは苦手というか、出来ないのでしょうね。 私のヨーロッパ人の知り合いも大の旅行好きですが、旅行で家を空ける時ペットがいると一々他人に世話を頼まないといけないので、ペットは飼わないようにしたと言ってました。 もっとも、日本のように高額のカネをペットホテルに払う必要はなく、気軽に引き受けてくれる隣人はいるのですが、それでもやっぱり面倒なのか遠慮するのか、ペットを飼わないという方を選択しています。 でも、シッタークラブというのがあれば便利ですね。さすが、白人は旅行好きなだけに何でも考え出すもんですね。 興味がない人の回答を聞けなくて残念です。



>日本にも行きたいし、その他どこでもオープンです う~ん、私自身は若い時世界中をうろうろしましたが、そして今もヨーロッパの知り合いなどを訪問しますが、高齢になって怠け癖が出て来て、家の中も外も超乱雑。他人に家を貸すとなると一大掃除しなくちゃなりません。 それに隣人たちは unfriendly この上ない。決して楽しめないでしょう。 でも、日本人でも中には friendly で Home Exchange に興味を持ってる人はいるとは思いますから気長に探してみられたらどうでしょう。ひょっとして、日本に住む外国人なら興味を持ってる人が多いかも知れませんね。

その他の回答 (1)

  • zyunchan
  • ベストアンサー率26% (5/19)

それで、英語の質問はなんですか? 適切なカテゴリーを選ぶことをお勧めします。



回答ありがとうございます。 適切なカテゴリーはここだと判断しました。 どのカテを選ぶかは質問者の自由になっています。 管理者側も質問者の「カテ増設要望」に応じることは余りなく、渋々一番回答が来そうなカテを選ぶことになります。 例えばこの質問が「国際問題」だと考えて質問を出すと、あのカテでは英語を読める人が少なく、しかも韓日問題に特化してる感もあって、回答を期待できません。 英語を自由に読める人が集まっているカテはここだけなので、その人たちへ質問しているつもりです。 外国と日本のカルチャーの違い、英米人と日本人の意識の違いなど比較人類学に属する問題でも、投稿するカテが設けられていませんので、このカテで投稿して来ました。 シカチメンコに考えるべきではありません。多分、あなたは日本在住の日本人だと想像します。そういう幅の無い考えをするのは日本人に多いですから。


  • よろしくお願いします

    My neighbor, whom we used to be friendly with, suddenly dropped us. It was at the time my teenage son was having problems with drugs and the police had been to our house a few times (nothing violent). This was very hurtful at a very low point in our lives, when we would have appreciated a friendly face and some support. dropped usはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 通訳お願いします。

    通訳お願いします。 In my Japanese class one day the teacher was checking our vocabulary for places we went to in our daily lives.For example, she said, 「kitte ga hitsuyonara,dokoniikebaiidesuka?」 And we said, 「Yubinkyokunigkebaiidesu,」 and so on. After asking the place to get various things, she asked where to get tissue. Without thinking I answered, 「Eki ni ikeba iidesu.」 It was only when everyone lauhed that I realized the answer she had wanted was 「Yakkyoku ni ikeba iidesu.」 But really, who would ever buy tissue? I had only lived in Japan a few months and my drawer was filled with them! 以上です。お願いします。

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    What has the response been like for you? Patrick: I was walking over from the bus and some kids freaked out and came over and they looked exactly like [Chester] -- with the ear thing and the flannel. I said, “You guys are Linkin Park fans, aren't you?” And they said, “Yeah! You're the Filter dude!” Then some 20 year-old is on their phone, looking me up. ... It's awesome because Chester is bringing a younger crowd and, at the same time, we have a single out now and it's doing it's job, bringing in younger people to mix with our longtime fans. For a while there, we'd do a show and go, “Gee, everybody's the same age.” [Laughs] So now we have this song that connects to the youth.

  • ヘルプ!翻訳お願い致します!

    Kind Attn Mr.Taku As per our phone conversation with Mr.Oshiro of this morning, we have concluded the fact that "Hachiyo" is not in a position to perform to purchase PET RESINS as was planned.Definitely it is a great disappointment to us and we are in a dillema now as how to pass on this disturbing news to our supplier"INDO RAMA" We had highly recommended Hachiyo to our supplier due to our good long term relationship with Mr.Oshiro without any doubts and any due diligence on Hachiyo. After all the long wait we are now told that transaction has to be aborted. We vouched for "Hayicho". We yet fail to understand why all of a sudden this transaction has to be aborted when we were informed a day earlier that the lab result was positive and that we were proceeding. Honestly, to an extent we feel that our simplicity and trust has been breached by "Hachiyo"with no real explanation from them for their drastic actions to abort transaction. Yes ,we treated this whole matter in a gentlemens way and agreeing verbally on the whole matter. Hence this was a Gentleman's agreement. Otherwise if this was a different party without being introduced by Mr.Oshiro, we would have signed an agreement in the beginnng. In normal practice an agreement would have been signed with a clause of non performance penalty for the value of 2% based on the annual contract value. In this we are refering to 100mt per month as verbally agreed with a trial purchase of 21 mt. We would have also asked for a Bank Comfort Letter but also did not ask for that. However since this was a Gentleman's agreement and as per our teleconversation with Mr.Oshiro this morning, we would like Mr.So to suggest how he would like to settle the penalty on a gentleman's basis due to this situation. Please also note, the supplier had also committed to allocate these quantities for Hachiyo and supply on this basis accordingly. This was also on a verbal basis because of our relationship with them.We are very concerned now as how to explain this bombshell news. The other concern of ours is ,we are gong to face ,that our supplier might not entertain any other buyers of ours as our first trial run for the Japanese market turned out to be a disaster.The damages is one thing but more so our long years credit wth them is now at level zero. With all due respect Mr So,we feel that "Hachiyo" should also should give us a written explanation to this subject matter ( As to why they had to abort the transaction ) Kindly reply urgently as we have to answer to Mr.Ben and also our supplier as soon as possible. Sincerely, Tarlok Singh Narula // Goldy Singh Narula

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    On being fired from STP: “Emotionally it's really hard to wrap your head around, because I grew up with them my entire adulthood. At least with Robert. Corey and I called Robert to see if he was interested in joining our band, creating a new one really because the only other band I had been in was the high school one I had formed with Corey. We had bigger aspirations, we had known Robert as a bass player, we knew he was a really good bass player. So we located him and found where he was living. We made the phone call, and we started out just writing some songs, and then we built the band from there and moved up to Hollywood. It was a long thing. On an emotional level it hurts.

  • すみませんが訳してもらえませんか?

    We very much enjoyed meeting you twice in Osaka. In the end we decided to hire a person with no experience in the book business or Sales. HOWEVER, we would like to consider you for future positions in 「A」. I think that your character and experience is suitable for employment with us. Please keep in contact with our company. With your permission, you will be candidate #1 for any future position. Best regards,

  • 次の文を上手に訳したいのですが・・・

    どの文章も上手な訳ができません 訳が得意な方お教えください What a trip!! We had a wonderful time in Japan and our dream holiday sadly ended back at Heathrow in the pouring rain. We had experienced first class Japanese hospitality and even had the wonderful opportunity to stay in a Ryokan in Atami. The visit to Head Office was very interesting -to listen to the history of Yamatake Company, to see the ink sticks being made and actually making and using the ink. To have the chance to see our colleagues and to learn from our parent company how it developed and achieved 100 years of trading. We were not great artists when it came to the etegami drawing - it seemed difficult - we would rather have eaten the oranges and apples than drawn them. We have since enjoyed doing it and have mastered the technique in our own ways! The sights we saw in Nara and Kyoto, especially the geisha girls, will remain etched in our memories for a long time. We marvelled at the temples and the relaxing feeling of serenity in the gardens surrounding them. Our final destination of Tokyo and the trip up the tower was fantastic, followed by the meal with Tokyo office and lasting memories of Kareoke. We thank all Yamatake staff for making us so welcome and ensuring that our trip to Japan was so special and memorable. We look forward to Yamatake UK going from strength to strength and also achieving many years of trading.

  • どうしてもわかりません・・・

    訳していただきたいのですが、あまりこのような内容の経験がないのでわかりません。 外国人のメル友の投稿で、このようなメールが届きました。私の分る範囲や辞書などで調べた、この人は、ただの友達を探しているというより、お互いのプライベートにははいりこまないくらいの関係???をのぞんでいるということですか? なんといっているのでしょうか おねがいいたします。I know that it is a little to soon for asking about a date, but I was wondering if it was possible if I could meet you somewhere! I am a good guy this is currently still new to Japan, and is looking for a good person to have a relationship with. Not jumping over the curve asking you to be in a relationship with me, but I was just asking first could we exchange pictures and numbers. And later we could get to know each other better. But that is all on you! I will send you some pictures of me form my pone whenever my ship gets in range where I can get signal. I will give you my phone email, and my ship email.

  • 英文添削お願いします。

    英文添削お願いします。 October 16th ‘10 I was busy today. As soon as I got up morning, I went to do rice-cake making. As a mallet of today was bigger than I had used ones of past, my arm パンパンになった。 And it was fine, I was tired a lot. After rice-cake making, I had to put a TV board together. But I had just bought some parts for that. When I got a call from the shop buying the TV, I was not easy a little. But I had a promise with my friends to go out to drink, I gave up it and did it. We met in grilled meet restaurant. We bought a 50percent off ticket of this restaurant with an internet. It was great and we would be full. As the TV will come to my house yester morning, I had better go to sleep early. It is almost 2 o’clock.

  • 下記英文の解釈について質問があります 2

    You could have just continued down with your solo efforts. What made you come together for a new Lokai album nonetheless? I like to work with Stefan a lot. For me it´s a very unique way of creating music. At the same time, we are both continuing with our solos. My second solo album is almost ready. I am looking for the right place to release it right now. It is called KMET and it´s an electronic Singer-Songwriter project. In the studio I write, record, play and sing it all. Also on stage, it works as a one man show with the support of a little live sampler. I think with "transition", lokai have found their very own sound and aesthetic. So that alone offers to me something no other project can. We have very different personalities (even though some people think we are brothers) and this can be quite fruitful. With lokai, it´s is clear that certain sounds or structures will not fit. So it is a restriction that makes the world a little smaller and for me that is a great way to work. Complete musical freedom and variety are aspects I can entertain as a solo artist. So that alone offers to me something no other project can. この一文は倒置?でしょうか? もともとはどうなるのでしょうか? With lokai, it´s is clear that certain sounds or structures will not fit. So it is a restriction that makes the world a little smaller and for me that is a great way to work. 結構この人の文章では、with~, というのがありますが、これは上記の場合Lokaiでは、という風に訳せばよいでしょうか? その次のit's の it はthat以降ですよね。That certain sounds or structures will not fit is clear.その次の文章がわかりません。soは後のthatと因果関係があるのでしょうか? それと、上記とは別に This second album was really a lot about getting our own "lokai sound". この文章ですが、 シンプルな構造にすると this second album was getting our own lokai soundということでしょうか? そうすると、aboutがうまく解釈できないのですが・・・。 以上となります。長いですがよろしくお願いいたします…。