• 締切済み

no longerの位置

He continued talking. At last John could wait no longer. He went ont of the room and came back a few minutes later. この英文でno longerはwaitの前に来るのではないのでしょうか? https://mysuki.jp/english-no-longer-22745


  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)




  • 次の文の中のcouldの意味は?

    お世話になります。次の二つのcouldのそれぞれの意味は何ですか。教えてください。よろしくお願いします。ある洋書からの一部です。 He started thinking about all the things that 'could' go wrong, and suddenly they did. Steve Blass no longer believed he 'could' be a major league picher, and before he knew it, he no longer was a major league pitcher. 内容はSteve Blassという人がメジャーリーグ選手で、野球に対する自信を失ってしまった、と言うものです。

  • will be ~ingの形

    X will be starting in a few minutes. (後数分でXが始まります。) X will be talking about (Xが…について話す予定です。) We'll be landing at … about ~ minutes later than scheduled. (定刻より約~分遅れて…に到着する予定です。) という文章がそれぞれあったのですが、何故どれも"will 動詞の原形"ではなく、"will be ~ing"の形になっているのですか? 分かる方教えて下さい! 優しい回答お願いします。

  • 英訳です!!

     Then the time came for Tonky and Wanly. They always looked at people with loving eyes. They were sweet and gentle-hearted. However, the elephant keeepers had to stop giveng them anything to eat. When a keeper walked by their cage, they stood up and raised their trunks high in the air. They did their tricks because they were hoping to get food and water. Everyone at the zoo said with tears, “If they can live a few more days, the war may be over and they will be saved.”  Tonky and Wanly could no longer move. They lay down on the ground, but their eyes were beautiful. When an elephant keeper came to see them, they looked so weak. He became too sad to go back to see them. Bombs continued to dop on Tokyo. And a few days later, Tonk and Wanly died. Later, when the bodies of the elephants were examined, nothing was found in their stomachs -not even one drop of water. Today, the three elephants rest in peace with other animals under the monument at the Ueno Zoo.

  • こちらの英文についてお伺いします。

    ・His father was more famous than him(he). ・My brother can swim faster than me(I). ・My brother came home later than I did. ・Does she speak English more fluently than you do? なぜ、後者2つの文には最後にdid/doが付くのでしょうか? 中学英語の復習をしていますが分かりません。 教えて下さい、お願いします。

  • 文法的にわかりません

    A few nights ago I went out for a night on the town with a close friend, her sister, and her sister’s boyfriend. By the end of the night, after several drinks too many (not an excuse, and I know you don’t approve), the boyfriend and I found ourselves alone. He came on to me, and even though I know it was wrong, I ended up making out with him. Later that night, he came to my room, I’m guessing to take things a bit further, but I immediately sent him away. I’m guessing to take things a bit furtherは挿入されているかのように使われていますが、どのような役割でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 和訳

    Soseki wrote about his English: “It’s a pity that my listening comprehension is not good enough,to say nothing of my speaking ability.” In Japan,he did not have much trouble talking with British people,but the people in London often spoke too fast for him to understand. In particular,he found the cockney dialect spoken by working class people in East London,very difficult to follow. But,in fact,Soseki’s English must have been quite good. He could understand plays. And he was taking private lessons in English literature. He probably was critical of his English because he wanted it to be perfect. He was a perfectionist by nature. Referring to the English ability of the Japanese at that time,he wrote: “The Japanese can read difficult books and know many difficult words,but the mouth and the ear are far behind. If many foreigners visit Japan in the future,our English will not be good enough to communicate with them.” Regrettably,even a hundred years later,the problem Soseki pointed out hasn’t been solved. 和訳していただけたら嬉しいです

  • 英語の文法問題

    He decided to wait at the station until his wife came.という文章で主節が過去形の場合、時を表す副詞節だと動詞が過去形になるというのはわかったんですが、ネットで検索していると Yesterday I went to aToyota dealer for my new car ,but I deceded to wait until a newer model comes out. という文章を見つけました。 解説をみると、主節動詞が過去形でも、話者がその時が明らかに発話時点にたいして未来であることを意識している場合には、時の副詞節の中の動詞形を現在形にするのが普通と解説してあったのですが、最初の文とのちがいがわかりません。 until his wife cameという文章は妻が帰ってくるまでで、未来であることを意識しているように思えるのですが、どうなんでしょうか?違いを教えてください。

  • 英文問題の添削をお願いします。

    英文問題の添削をお願いします。 次の英文の[ ]に適語を入れなさい。 1東京は日本で一番大きな都市です No other city in Japan as large [ as ] Tokyo. 2彼はあなたほど背が高くない He is less tall [ about ] you. He is [ not ] as tall as you. 次の和文英訳しなさい。 彼と同じくらい上手に英語が話せたらいいのに I wish I could he speak English as well as. もし私が鳥なら、飛べるのに ※2通り書きなさい  If I were a bird, I could fly.  I could fly if I were a bird. よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の読み方

    A curio dealer was searching for rare antiques so that he could sell for a lot of money. But rare antiques were hard to find in Edo, so he went traveling to local towns. When he came to the town of Kawagoe, he stopped at a tea stall to take a sest. この三文を読む時、まずカンマで区切りますよね。でも、英文を余り読んだ事が無いし、早口も苦手なのでカンマの前で区切りたいのですが、どこで区切ったら良いですか。

  • 英訳をお願いします。

    instgramで、自分の彼氏と、自分のお祖母さんの友達がダンスしている動画をあげている方がいました。 その方が書いたこちらの訳を教えて下さい、お願いします。長くてすみません… This moment brings me so much joy. This is my boyfriend John dancing with my Grandmas best friend at her Grandsons wedding. My amazing Grandma who is no longer with us passed away whilst John took me on our very first date. Tina Fox (a lady so special words can't begin to describe) passed as John came in to my life. #synchronicity