How to Read English Sentences: Tips for Beginners

  • Learn how to read English sentences effectively, even if you're a beginner.
  • Discover the best way to pause between clauses in English sentences.
  • Improve your reading fluency by understanding how to appropriately use commas.
  • ベストアンサー


A curio dealer was searching for rare antiques so that he could sell for a lot of money. But rare antiques were hard to find in Edo, so he went traveling to local towns. When he came to the town of Kawagoe, he stopped at a tea stall to take a sest. この三文を読む時、まずカンマで区切りますよね。でも、英文を余り読んだ事が無いし、早口も苦手なのでカンマの前で区切りたいのですが、どこで区切ったら良いですか。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

A curio dealer was searchingfor/rare antiques* so that he could sell for/a lot of money. But rare antiques were hard to find/in Edo,* so he went traveling/to local towns. When he came to the town/of Kawagoe,* he stopped at a tea stall/to take a sest. * 大きな区切り / 小さな区切り でもなるべくなら*の所だけで息継ぎするように練習しましょうね。



分かりました。 親切に有り難う御座いました。頑張ります。


  • 英文添削お願いします。需要

    1I call the car dealer and and he tould me (on the )that the demand for Preus123 I ordered is so strong that Toyota/the manifacturer hasn't been keeping up with production.soI have to wait for my delivery of my new car untill next month. 2According to the car dealer, Toyota has been strugling/is strugling to keep up with the demand for the Preus 123 I ordered, so~ 1「僕が注文したプリウス123(特定の一台ではなくその車種全体)の需要が高くて、トヨタ/製造会社は生産に追いつけていない。」 2「ディーラーによると、僕の注文したプリウス123への需要に対応しきれていない/需要に追いつけていないらしい。だから~」 のような文なのですが、特定の一台ではなくとする場合には a~とすべきなのでしょうか?また1をhasn't been able to~と表現した方が良いか(nuance的にどう変わるか)、単にcan not keep up with~とした方が良いのか訂正があればして頂き、説明して頂ければ幸いです。そしてexceedを使えば1及び2はどう表現すればよいでしょうか?1及び2は共に「需要が供給/生産を上回っているから待たないといけない」という意味なのですが、長文ですが宜しくお願いします。

  • 英文を訳してください

    次の英文のコンマが多すぎて、どういう構造になっているのかわかりません。 教えてください、よろしくお願い致します。 Imagine a man, I say, whose most brilliant hopes have perished, to whom the felicity of love and friendship have nothing to offer but pain at best, whom enthusiasm (at least of the stimulating variety) for all things beautiful threatens to forsake, and I ask you, is he not a miserable, unhappy being?

  • 英文和訳おねがいします

    いつもお世話になってます。 最後の文だけがわかりません。   There were once two people travelling on train, a scientist and poet. They had never met before,so naturally,there wasn't much conversation between the two. The poet was minding his own business,enjoying the passing scenery. The scientist was very tense,trying to think of things he didn't know so he could try to figure them out. 自分の訳  「その科学者はとても緊張していたそしてわからなっかたことを解決できるように考えようとした。」 解答例では「科学者は、真剣になったので、問題を解決することができた。」 so he could =so that he could  だと思いますが so の前にはコンマはついてません。 解説お願いします。

  • 英文!

    英文の和訳をよろしくお願いします! But he did not have enough resources to realize his dream:money, navigation skill, and command of English. For five years, he worked hard to prepare for his trip. He practiced sailing a yacht, read many books and manuals, and learned English. At the age of 23, he finally left Japan in a small yacht.

  • 英文を教えて下さい。

    下記の英文を教えてくれませんか?お願いします。 I wanted to ask you for a favor, as you know we have been using a lot of prints and among them some animation characters but in 2015 we want to acquire “Anime” characters to use as part of our design. Since all Anime characters originate from Japan I wanted to ask you if you know where we can acquire the rights to some character designs. Here in USA, normally there is a website service that we can purchase the designs for use but for Anime characters most of them are in Japanese so we’re having a difficult time searching for the right company. Can you help us?

  • 英文の意味

    It was a matter of amazement to him that a Pope could have so little regard for the friendship of the King of England as to treat him with such a lack of respect, as a man whose desires were of so little consequence. ローマ法王はイギリス王に対して敬意を持って接していないということでしょうか。また、 so little regard … as to treat him の so … as to は She was so kind as to tell me the way. で使われている用法と同じでしょうか。 お手数かけますが、ご教示をよろしくお願い申し上げます。

  • お手数ですが、次の英文を訳して下さい。

    The alternative residence system effectively shackled the power of the daimyo, especially as they had to leave their wives and eldest sons behind in Edo when they returned to their domains. Only a very persistent and ingenious lord could plot rebellion if he had to spend half his time in the shogunal capital away from his territory in the country. Moreover, the costs of the regular journey to and from Edo, to say nothing of the expense of maintaining a permanent establishment there, taxed the financial resources of even the largest han. han 藩

  • 英文を読んで訳すのを教えてください。

    He started for the market with the cow. On his way to the market he met a man who had a pig with him. “Good morning,” said the man. “Good morning,” answered Jack. “Will you give me your old cow for this fat young pig?” said the man. Jack thought that it was a good idea. So he exchanged his old cow for the young pig. He walked on happily until he met another man who had some fine beans. “These are magic beans,” said the man. “’I’ll give you one of them, if you give me that pig.” Jack thought that it was wonderful to have a magic bean. So he agreed to it and carried the bean proudly back home. He showed the bean to his mother. “Is this all that you have got for that cow?” she said. “Now we have no cow to give us milk. All we have is this bean.” 次の文の指示された文を英訳してください。 (1)He walked on happily until he met another man who had some fine beans. これを解いてみると、 (1)彼はいい豆を持っている人に会うまで楽しそうに歩き続けた。 になりました。しかし、先生に間違っていると指摘されたのでどこが間違っているのか教えていたでけませんか。 出来れば意訳があれば教えてもらいたいです。

  • 英文について

    (1)下記文章のwordの意味がわかりません。 教えて頂けると助かります。 As word of his brave acts spread, he came to be honored. (2)下記のreminderの意味がわかりません。 Because he serves as a reminder that the potential for goodness lies within each of us.

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    On 13 December Briand formed a new government, reducing the size of the Council of Ministers from 23 to 10 and replacing Roques with General Lyautey. That day his government survived a vote of confidence by 30 votes, and Joffre was appointed "general-in-chief of the French armies, technical adviser to the government, consultative member of the War Committee" (he was persuaded to accept by Briand, but soon found that he had been stripped of real power and asked to be relieved altogether on 26 December), with Nivelle replacing him as commander-in-chief of the Armies of the North and Northeast. A Senate Secret Session on 21 December attacked Briand's plans for a smaller war cabinet as “yet another level of bureaucracy”; on 23 December Briand pledged that he would continue to push for a “permanent Allied bureau” to secure constant cooperation between the Allied nations