Should I Create a Treat Basket for the Kids from the Easter Bunny?

  • Parents were all happy to allow their children to attend a campout on Easter weekend, except for one mother who insisted on a treat basket from the Easter Bunny.
  • The mother wanted a special meeting to explain to all the children that her son still believes in the Easter Bunny and that they should keep up the façade.
  • The person politely declined and explained that their goals for the campout and their beliefs were different.
  • ベストアンサー


This weekend we planned a campout for our 8-year-old son and a few of his friends. Parents were all happy to allow their children to attend even after we realized it was Easter weekend. However, one mother was insistent that I create a treat basket to give the kids from the Easter Bunny. My family does not celebrate this, and the other children camping with us all are aware of the nonexistence of the bunny. She wanted us to hold a special meeting, pre-campout, to explain to all the children that her son still believes and that we all need to keep up the facade. I politely rescinded my offer to take her child explaining that we have different goals for this campout and different beliefs. That while having her son with us, we would not be able to “keep the magic alive,” as she says, and it is unfair to ask a group of five 8-year-olds to lie to a friend. the kids from the Easter Bunnyはどのような意味でしょうか?あと、That while having her son with usの訳と文法的解説をよろしくお願いします

  • corta
  • お礼率76% (4118/5352)
  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9721/12092)

#1です。説明を一部訂正・追加して再送いたします。 >the kids from the Easter Bunnyはどのような意味でしょうか? ⇒「(ある母親が)イースター・バニー*から子供たちに(贈り物のお菓子など入れるカゴを私が作るべきだと主張しました)」。 *「イースター・バニー」:以下をご参照ください。 (上のサイトから一部引用) 「イースター・バニー(英語: Easter Bunny、Easter Rabbit、Easter Hare とも)あるいは復活祭のウサギ(ふっかつさいのうさぎ)は、復活祭の卵(イースター・エッグ)**を運んでくるウサギのキャラクターである。西方教会(カトリック教会・聖公会・プロテスタント)における復活祭の風物詩となっている習慣であるが、東方教会(正教会・東方諸教会)では同様の習慣はない。同じく復活祭の風物詩である復活祭の卵は東方教会・西方教会を問わず極めて古い時期からの習慣であるが、イースター・バニーは西方教会のみにみられる習慣であり、16世紀から17世紀にかけて定着したものである(起源を15世紀、定着の始まりを19世紀とする者もいる)」。 **「復活祭の卵」:生命や繁栄の象徴。 >あと、That while having her son with usの訳と文法的解説をよろしくお願いします ⇒冒頭のThatは、先行文のexplaining thatのthatと並列関係にある接続詞です。「~ということ、(および)~ということを説明して(…した)」。 (前後を含めて、次の部分を訳せば、以下のようになります。) I politely rescinded my offer to take her child explaining that we have different goals for this campout and different beliefs. That while having her son with us, we would not be able to “keep the magic alive,”* as she says, and it is unfair to ask a group of five 8-year-olds to lie to a friend. 「我々はこのキャンプアウトが(イースターとは)異なる目標と、異なる考え方のものであることを説明して、彼女の子供を引き受けるという申し出を丁重に断わりました。我々が息子さんとご一緒するとき、彼女が言うように「魔法を生かす(バニーにカゴ入りの贈り物を届けてもらう)」*ことはできないし、8歳児の5人グループから友だち(彼女の子供)に嘘をついてもらうのも真っ当なことではない(ということを説明して、彼女の子供を引き受けるという申し出を丁重に断わりました)。」 * “keep the magic alive,”「魔法を生かす/生かし続ける」とは、「実際にバニーやサンタクロースがいて、子供に贈り物を届けてくれる(状況を演出する)」ということです。 「彼女」はそれを主張して、バニーに扮した人がカゴを持って現れ、子供に贈り物をあげるという趣向を主張したわけです。 しかし、それは、たまたまこのキャンプがイースターの時期と重なっただけで、それぞれの趣旨が全く異なるので、それを丁重に断ったわけですね。




その他の回答 (1)

  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9721/12092)

>the kids from the Easter Bunnyはどのような意味でしょうか? ⇒「(ある母親は)イースター・バニー*から子供たちに(贈り物をあげるためのカゴを私が作るべきだと主張しました)」。 *「イースター・バニー」:以下をご参照ください。(一部引用しておきます。) 「イースター・バニー(英語: Easter Bunny、Easter Rabbit、Easter Hare とも)あるいは復活祭のウサギ(ふっかつさいのうさぎ)は、復活祭の卵(イースター・エッグ)**を運んでくるウサギのキャラクターである。 西方教会(カトリック教会・聖公会・プロテスタント)における復活祭の風物詩となっている習慣であるが、東方教会(正教会・東方諸教会)では同様の習慣はない。 同じく復活祭の風物詩である復活祭の卵は東方教会・西方教会を問わず極めて古い時期からの習慣であるが、イースター・バニーは西方教会のみにみられる習慣であり、16世紀から17世紀にかけて定着したものである(起源を15世紀、定着の始まりを19世紀とする者もいる)」。 **「復活祭の卵」:生命や繁栄の象徴。 >あと、That while having her son with usの訳と文法的解説をよろしくお願いします ⇒冒頭のThatは、先行文のexplaining thatのthatと並列関係にある接続詞です。「~ということ、(および)~ということを説明して(…した)」。 I politely rescinded my offer to take her child explaining that we have different goals for this campout and different beliefs. That while having her son with us, we would not be able to “keep the magic alive,” as she says, and it is unfair to ask a group of five 8-year-olds to lie to a friend. 「我々はこのキャンプアウトの異なる目標と、異なる考え方であることを説明して彼女の子供を引き受けるという申し出を丁寧に断った。我々が息子さんとご一緒する限り、彼女が言うように「魔法を生かす」ことはできないし、5人の8歳児のグループから友だち(彼女の子供)に嘘をついてもらうのは不当である(ということを説明して彼女の子供を引き受けるという申し出を丁寧に断った)。」





  • 簡単な英文ですが、文法、前置詞など確認お願いします

    自然、家族愛をテーマにした絵に付け加える英文です。 自前の英文なので、文法、前置詞の使い方など、 わかる方に確認していただきたいです。 1.We all live together on this earth. 2. Beginning of a journey to the new world. 3.Togetherness makes us stronger. 4.It's not a special day, but a very happy day. 5.If any of us weren't here, we won't be us.   6.There's a peace of mind that someone's there for you anytime. 7. Feel the worth, and the kindness of the mother ocean. 8. We should always remember that family is the most important of all. 9.Teachings of father and embrace of a mother make children grow up. 10.Children are the most precious treasure. 以上です。長文失礼しました。 宜しくお願いします。

  • 英語の和訳

    1Christians believed in one God, a God whose laws were to be obeyed by the sun and stars as well as by men. 2There are a lot of Japanese who do not feel comfortable about taking time off while their fellow workers have to continue working. 3“To make the difference” is an expression that always has a positive meaning in English. If a man tells his wife, for example, that marrying her has made all the difference, he's saying that he's very happy he married her. 例えば…の例が分かりませんでした。 4In our dreams we all aspire to be, do and have great things. Yet most of us simply aren't creating the results we want. What we need to understand is that greatness exists in all of us, but it is up to us to put it out of ourselves. It is true that we all have genius. We just need to learn how to apply our genius. 1行目とWhat~が良く分かりません。

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    Over the last couple of months, we observed the success that this method has produced for several bands and artists alike. It's an unusual method, but it's a new method and it seems this is a way for us to connect with you, our fans, on a much more personal level. We like that. After laying down an ear recipe that is sure to piss off a few neighbors on our new record “The Sun Comes Out Tonight,” we realized it was necessary that we Tour the World and break a few more strings with all of you. This is something we've dreamt about from the very beginning, but to fulfill this dream we are going to need your help. Essentially, the success of this campaign will determine the epicness of the Tour. We want to bring you the very best of Filter. ※ 『The Sun Comes Out Tonight』はアルバム名、『Filter』はバンド名です。

  • ebbs and flows

    I am a part of a circle of friends that tend to do things together (girls' nights, weekend getaways, etc.). Obviously, some of us are closer than others, and that ebbs and flows, but this seems largely accepted. that ebbs and flowsの訳をよろしくお願いします

  • 単語は調べたのですが、訳せません(><)教えて下さい!!

    Rose looks at her son Jack and this is what she sees: a narrow face and ears that stick out a bit, and his hair―well, that seems to have a life of of its own. ★narrow…狭い、細い ★stick out…目立つ、~をやり抜く、あきらめない

  • 和訳をお願いします

    和訳をお願いします(>_<) When we got our first cat, rather than doing everything herself, my motor insisted that my sister and I heplp care for out cat by feeding and brushing her. This was a valuable lesson for both of us. Caring for a pet can also help children develop caring social responsibility, and that has been useful to me in other areas of my life.

  • どのような意味でしょうか

    This past year, I made a new friend with the mother of a child in my daughter's class. "Christina" is intelligent, interesting and funny. I very much enjoy her company, and our children get along great. Sounds perfect, right? Except for this: Christina is constantly inviting us to do things, only to cancel. She cancels at least three-quarters of the activities we plan. She will solicit our attendance, and then (usually at the last minute) remember something else she had planned, or her daughter will be too tired or not interested anymore, etc. I understand that things with kids can be dicey. I know it's normal for children this age to be fickle. The thing that bothers me is that this happens so often, and my daughter is inevitably disappointed. I've tried not telling her about any plans we make until we are on the way to the activity, but even so, that is no guarantee that Christina and her daughter will actually show up. In addition to the school connection, this family also attends our church, so the two children will be seeing each other six out of every seven days for the foreseeable future. school connectionとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • よろしくお願いします

    I am one of six adult siblings. We gather once or twice a year in a low-key kind of way to stay connected and catch up. My brother "Tom," his wife and three adult children stopped attending these events a couple of years ago. This left us perplexed. Recently Tom's son (my nephew) shared with the family that he was gender-transitioning to being a woman. We reached out to my brother and our new niece, "Laura," in our individual ways, with messages of support and acceptance. My brother followed up with an email explaining that this was the reason for the recent absences, as they took time to process it and to support Laura, who wasn't yet ready to share her changes with the broader family. the broader familyはここではどのような意味でしょうか?なぜ比較級になっているのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 和訳をお願いします!

    いつもお世話になっています。 Me and some of my friends are coming to Tokyo this weekend and I was wondering if you would like to possibly meet up and show us around and party with us. We are a bunch of teachers from A. Korea who happen to be on a long weekend. 友達から上記のメールをもらいましたが意味が分かりません・・。 自分なりに訳してみたのですが、分からない所が多く返事が書けません。 「私は今週末に友達何人かと東京に行きます。私たちと一緒にパーティーに行きたくないですか?私たちはAの先生の集団です。(最後の文章は全くわかりません・・)」 かなり自信がありませんが、こんな感じかなぁと思っています。 間違いなど教えていただけると助かります! 宜しくお願いします。

  • 以下の英文の解釈をお願いします。

    以下に英文(大幅に省略しているので文章の繋がりは読めないです、スミマセン)と、それに対する疑問点を書かせていただきます。よろしくお願いいたします。 It is a beneficial thought that we were once children.(省略) We try to behave not as we want to behave, nor even as we think we ought to behave, but as we think others expect us to behave. So we enter into a world of pretence and deception, deceiving others and perhaps ourselves as well, and being deceived by them in turn. So we are placed under a continual strain.(省略) After all, it isn't so easy to act the part of someone else, according to what we imagine others may be expecting of us, especially when that expectation may change from day to day. As for all this strain, I hardly need add how harmful it must be to our health. (省略) Pretending we are still children is just as bad as pretending we are other adults than ourselves.(省略) All pretence is positeively harmful, if only by putting us under a strain and so impairing our health. At the same time, we must recognize there's still something of the child left in us. We never grow up in such a way as to leave the past entirely behind us. What we were, in a deep sense, we still are: and it is important for our health and peace of mind to admit the fact. 2(5)文目で"we think(imagine)"という挿入がなされている所が上手く訳出できませんでした。3文目の"in turn"は「騙し、その次には騙される」という感じで訳したのですがどうでしょうか?10文目で"such a way as to~"に関してこれは"so as to~"的に訳せばいいのでしょうか?11文目は":"の前の部分の構造がまったくわかりませんでした。