• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:簡単な英文ですが、文法、前置詞など確認お願いします)


  • We all live together on this earth.
  • Beginning of a journey to the new world.
  • Togetherness makes us stronger.


  • ベストアンサー
  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

5. If any of us wasn't here, we wouldn't be us. 7. Feel the warmth, and the kindness of the mother ocean. 9. Teachings from father and embrace of a mother make children grow up. 気になったのは以上の3文のみ。 大変によく出来た文章だと思います。



marbleshit さん、早速のご回答ありがとうございます! 回答を見て、あ、そうだったんだ!と気付きました。 warmth のスペルミス、失礼しました。そこまでわかっていただき、恐縮です。 参考にさせてもらいます。ありがとうございました。



  • 簡単な英文ですが、文法、前置詞など確認お願いします

    動物、自然をテーマにした絵に付け加える英文です。 簡単な内容ですが、文法、前置詞、自然な英語の言回し等 わかる方に確認をお願いします。 1. The first sunrise of the new year. 2. You make me so happy being around all the time. 3. Gently, a mother holds her child's young heart. 4. This is a precious moment. 5. Save this planet for our children. 6. I just want you next to me. 7. Swim toward the light of hope. 8. Can you hear the heartbeat of this planet? 9. What is there over the horizon? 10. Mom, your arms are so warm. 11. Thanks mom, for always thinking about me. 12. A gift from the moon to children. 以上12文です。 よろしくお願いします。

  • most of day / most of the day ?

    ある文章で It was such a pleasant day that we went down to the river for a picnic and spent most of day there. というのがありました。 でも,most of the day の方がよく耳にするので不自然に思い 例文検索を様々な方法でしてみました。 やはり most of the day しか目につきませんでした。 と,いうことは上記の文章は間違いでしょうか。 それともそういう言い方もありなんでしょうか。 とても急いでいます。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 以下の英文の解釈をお願いします。

    以下に英文(大幅に省略しているので文章の繋がりは読めないです、スミマセン)と、それに対する疑問点を書かせていただきます。よろしくお願いいたします。 It is a beneficial thought that we were once children.(省略) We try to behave not as we want to behave, nor even as we think we ought to behave, but as we think others expect us to behave. So we enter into a world of pretence and deception, deceiving others and perhaps ourselves as well, and being deceived by them in turn. So we are placed under a continual strain.(省略) After all, it isn't so easy to act the part of someone else, according to what we imagine others may be expecting of us, especially when that expectation may change from day to day. As for all this strain, I hardly need add how harmful it must be to our health. (省略) Pretending we are still children is just as bad as pretending we are other adults than ourselves.(省略) All pretence is positeively harmful, if only by putting us under a strain and so impairing our health. At the same time, we must recognize there's still something of the child left in us. We never grow up in such a way as to leave the past entirely behind us. What we were, in a deep sense, we still are: and it is important for our health and peace of mind to admit the fact. 2(5)文目で"we think(imagine)"という挿入がなされている所が上手く訳出できませんでした。3文目の"in turn"は「騙し、その次には騙される」という感じで訳したのですがどうでしょうか?10文目で"such a way as to~"に関してこれは"so as to~"的に訳せばいいのでしょうか?11文目は":"の前の部分の構造がまったくわかりませんでした。

  • 英文の文法構造を教えてください。

    We all agree that the aim of education is to fit the child for life ; however, there are as many opinions as to how that fitting is to be done as there are men to hold them. という英文の文法構造と、和訳を教えてください。

  • 英文が正しいかどうか教えて下さい

    下の英文の、おかしな文やアドバイスなどがあれば教えてください。 Second I will state about the study. Now children have to go to school in nine year. We can learn and study that we need things for live. But we can learn not only school but also television and movies. We have education channel for children. Children can learn by watch it. For example, words, vocabulary. But television and movies have more. Movie teaches us important things in story. For example, dream come true and friend. School teacher don’t teach us about it. We learn a lot of things watch television I like watch television about famous people’s success process. And we can learn culture other countries. So I think that television and movies teach us a lot of things. よろしくお願いします。

  • 前置詞教えてください

    (  )内の正しい前置詞を教えてください 1There were heard some footsteps (   )the house.  家の外に足音が聞こえた 2Each of us thinks and acts (   )a different place.  私たちは皆異なった立場から考え、かつ行動する ( )内には前置の単語1つだけ入れたいのですが何が入りますか? よろしくお願いします

  • 英文を訳してください

    英文を訳してください strange is our situation here upon earth. Each of us comes for a short visit, not knowing why, yet sometimes seeming to divine a purpose. From the situation of daily life, however, there is one thing we do know; that man is here for the sake of other men- above all for those upon whose smile and well-being our own hapiness depends, and also for the countless unknow souls with whose fate we are connected by a bond of sympathy. お願いします

  • 前置詞句がどこにかかるのかが分からない

    下記の英文ですが、前置詞句がどこにかかり、どのように訳せばよいのかが分かりません。 We must accept the good and the bad in ourselves. However, when we come to judge others, it is not by ourselves as we really are that we judge them, but by an image that we have formed of ourselves from which we have left out everything that offends our vanity, or would discredit us in the eyes of the world. (第一文) 我々は受け入れなければならない、我々自身の中の良いも悪いも。 (第二文) しかしながら、我々が他者を判断するときは、我々自身、つまり我々が本当に今ある状態を基準とするのではなく、ある種のイメージを基準としている、そのイメージとはつまり我々が形成したイメージ(of ourselvesがimageにかかるのか、formedにかかるのか分かりません)で、かつ、(from whichをどう訳せばよいか分かりません、whichの先行詞はan imageだと思うのですが)、我々は全てのものを除いた、その全てのものとは我々の虚栄心を傷つけたり、世間の目から我々の信用を損ねるもののことだが。 上のような状態までしか訳せません。

  • 英文でわからない部分があります。

    There were times when Ruy wished to embrace his friend and to tell him of the love and admiration he had for him, which exceeded that expected of a servant for a royal master. ※Ruyは臣下で、his friendは王子です。 後半のwhich exceeded that expected of a servant for a royal masterがどのような英文構造になっているか、理解できておりません。 下記のように補ってもいいなら、まだわかるのですが。 which exceeded that ( which was ) expected of a servant for a royal master お手数かけますが、上記の英文構造につきまして、ご教授賜りたく、何卒宜しくお願い致します。

  • この英文はどれくらいのレベルか

    この英文は中3,高1,高2,高3の中でどれくらいのレベルだと思いますか? 全部読まないで答えてもらってもいいです 時間があったら回答お願いします   Don't we find it irresistible? The Internet is everywhere, and it is loved and used by everyone for everything. Many of us get up in the morning, and before saying hello to anyone we live with or before even having breakfast, we sit down and use and enjoy the Internet. We get our news, receive our mail, send our letters, write to our teachers, do our shopping, arrange our lives, schedule our travels, meet new friends, review all the knowledge in the universe, and most of us do it while we are sitting in a chair looking at screen. Can life get any better? Well, there are some disadvantages mixed in with all the advantages, and sometimes it is a good idea to take a closer look at the other side of paradise. But for now, let's just look at all the things we like to do with our new number one companion of the 21st century.   The United States military began the Internet with a small network of computers in the swinging 1960s. Non-military users began enjoying the benefits when companies and American universities were given access to do research related to military projects. The information window was opened and could not be closed. In 1989, the World Wide Web was presented to the world. I think any of us who make the Internet a daily companion would agree that nothing has been the same since we first decided to go online.   A quick survey reveals that most people will tell you that they use the Internet to stay in touch with others on the Internet. Most of us say that writing or receiving e-mail is our number one use of the Internet. We do this at home, at work, or wherever we sit down at a computer. We send and receive e-mails for fun, for personal reason, daily for business, and in all areas of our work. The Internet allows us to communicate from room to room, city to city, or country to country for the same price and the same immediate speed. Correspondence is king of Internet use.   As students, we use the Internet to do research and help us with our assignments. Friends or teachers often suggest we look up an article on the web. We act on those suggestions nearly as frequently as we write e-mails. We love the ability to grab quick chunks of information and make it ours. As students, we no longer have to search through dusty books and spend money, copying articles to get our research done. This unique research tool is available twenty-four hours a day, every day of the week, or as long as have electricity or a form of power to get us online.   For those of us who have watched travel agencies close up their doors and go out of business, we know that online travel is the future, and the future has arrived. Wherever we want to go and however we want to get there, the Internet is our guide and companion to those destinations. The Internet has changed the way we travel forever. Go online with a credit card in hand, and you can arrange for hotel in Dallas, a rental car in Los Angeles, or a safari in Kenya.   Electronic commerce or e-commerce is one of the fastest growing areas of Internet use. E-commerce is the buying and selling of either services or merchandise while using the Internet. Buying cars, sending musical greeting cards, downloading the newest music, and even trading stocks are done everyday on the Internet before some of us see the sun rise. Just imagine how many millions and millions of dollars have changed due to commercial activities since you started reading this.