
  • ある男性が犯罪学の修士号を取得したとき、彼が囚人にインタビューする機会が一番興味深かったという。
  • 彼は彼らを聞く中で自分自身も驚くことがあり、彼らの主張に納得してしまい、何が正しくて何が間違っているのか考え込むことがあった。
  • しかし、自分が道を誤ったことに気付く前に。
  • ベストアンサー


His master’s degree in criminology was the most intriguing, when he got to interview prisoners. “Listening to them, I sometimes surprised myself; I’d be convinced by their arguments, and would wonder about what was right or wrong—before realizing that I had gone off course,” he recounted. http://www.ntd.tv/inspiring/life/this-70-year-old-man-is-guinness-world-records-holder-for-15-university-degrees-and-hes-still-learning.html had gone off courseと過去完了が使われている理由と、この意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • corta
  • お礼率76% (4131/5367)
  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数4


  • ベストアンサー
  • 16530
  • ベストアンサー率47% (260/542)

まず訳します。  彼の犯罪学の修士課程において、囚人たちへのインタビューを行った時が最も興味をかき立てるものだった。「彼らの話を聞いているうちに、時々私自身でも驚いたんだが、彼らの主張に説得されて、何が正しくて何が間違っているのか、疑問を持ちそうになったんだ。そのうち自分がやるべきこと(犯罪学の研究)から違う方向に行ってたことに気がつくんだけど。」と彼は語った。 → 囚人へのインタビュー 過去・継続 had gone off course   → 正しいことと正しくないことに疑問を持ちそうになる 過去・継続   ・ ふと我に帰り、修士の研究のから踏み外しそうになっていたことに気がつく 過去 realizing ・記事のインタビューに答える 過去 recounted had gone off course は、コースから外れる、ですが、ここでは修士の研究としての囚人へのインタビューと言う目的から逸脱してしまったこと。




その他の回答 (1)

  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

1。had gone off courseと過去完了が使われている理由と、  進路を外れるのが先で、それに気づくのが後だから、また「進路を外れてしまう」という行為が完了して、そのあとにそれに気づくからでしょう。 2。この意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします  下記のように「進路を外れる」「コースをそれる」という意味です。  http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=go+off+course





  • 和訳教えてください

    和訳教えてください Hardly had I spoken to him than he was gone. よろしくお願いします

  • 英文法なんですが・・・

    英文法なんですが・・・ He asked me if I (was/were/had ever been/had gone) abroad. という問題で、was と had goneがダメな理由は「私に(電話ではなく面と向かって)聞いているから」ということで良いのでしょうか? もしasked himならばwas や had gone もOKなのでしょうか? あともう一つあるんですが The girl (drowns/will be drowned/should drown) if no one tries to help her. で仮定法じゃなくてただの条件というのは解るのですが、なぜshouldはだめなんでしょうか?drownの自動詞用法で「溺れ死ぬはずだ」ではおかしいのでしょうか? 解る方居ましたらお願いします!!

  • 東大の和訳問題の一文です。

    I was wondering how on earth I was going to get through the evening. Saturday. Saturday night and I was left alone with my grandmother. The others had gone --- my mother and my sister, both dating. Of course, I would have gone, too, if I had been able to get away first. Then I would not have had to think about the old woman, going through the routines that she would fill her evening with. 最後の一文にあるgoing throughを文法的にどう解釈すればよいのか分かりません。and的な分詞構文と考えてI would not have gone throughとしてよいのか、全く別の解釈ができるのでしょうか。

  • 英語がわからないので、教えてください。

    To me, he was the first man to land on the moon; I knew that I had no advice to give him and that what I had already given was probably not much help. この訳を教えてください!

  • lost his way

    I thought my husband and I had a great marriage -- until I looked on his phone and found text messages to another woman. I was crushed. I asked him about it, and he said that it was nothing and that there were only a few messages. When I checked our cellphone details, I was completely devastated to find that it had been going on for almost a year and there were almost 2,000 text messages during the past six months. When I talked to him about this and all the lies he had told me, he said he had lost his way and he was sorry and didn't want to lose me. lost his wayはここではどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • to have + past participle?

    He seems to have gone to France already. これは私が今までに出会ったことのない用法です。 私はto + infinitiveの形しか知りません。 haveもinfinitiveなのでいいのですが、 現在進行形の助動詞のように使われているのでとても変に見えます。 この用法はなんと呼ばれているのですか? 彼はすでにフランスへ行ってしまった、と訳せばいいのでしょうか? でもそれならto be goneと現在形の方が私にはしっくりきませんか? それとto have goneが許されるなら、to have been goingとか さらにto had goneとかもOKなんでしょうか (He seemed to had gone to France already.とか)? もう一つ例を見つけました。こっちにいたってはさっぱりです For this course one needs to read a lot. You don't need to have read that book. (このコースでは本をたくさん読む必要がある。君たちはあの本を読む(読んでくる?)必要はない…って訳すのかな?)。 教えてください。

  • stay on top of his job

    Two years ago, my husband’s personality drastically changed overnight. Months later, after showing him one of your columns, I convinced him to see a doctor. It turns out he had a minor stroke at the age of 40. He did not notice the change; however, I was concerned because his short-term memory was very limited, common sense was gone, and he was no longer affectionate or attentive with me. The first year was really hard, I helped him stay on top of his job, and I wrote extensive notes so he wouldn’t forget to feed our kids or forget to drop them off at day care on his way into work. stay on top of his jobはどのような意味でしょうか?あと、on his way into workはon his way to workと言っても同じことでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • what chance had I with

    "What was it?" I asked. "I fell to dreaming about the bog," he said, "and to wondering where it went, and to looking at the sun on it a long way off where it goes silver and golden; and, begob, what chance had I with that upbringing ; and, God help me, I turned my thoughts to Tir-nan-Og." アイルランドの作家の文章です。 what chance had I with that upbringing ; は「私はたまたまそういう気質であった 」というように解釈してよろしいでしょうか? アドバイスよろしくお願いします。

  • 空所補充お願いします。

    ( )a kilometer when I was overtaken by Langdon. I hardly gone I had hardly gone I had gone hardly Hardly I had gone At that corner of the temple there is a small monument ( ) a lot of cats and dogs are buried. that which on which under which お願いします!

  • He was surprised that I had sold my

    He was surprised that I had sold my houseは文法的に正しいのでしょうか。He was surprised to hear that I had sold my houseが正しい文だと思うのですが。