• 締切済み

Website is not opening

Hello everyone, I was searching for some help regarding Aadhar Card and found this website and now it is not opening. Can anybody help me. Website's link is provided below. Website : http://www.eaadhargovstatus.in/check-aadhar-card-application-status-online-through-dob-and-name/


  • Gletscher
  • ベストアンサー率23% (1525/6504)

It is openning, noproblem for me.


  • 上手に訳せなくて困っています。

    訳して、内容をつかみたいのですが、上手に訳せません。 お願いします。 The first is the habit of regarding everything good that life gives as above your expectations,and every misfortune as below than.

  • 英語でのオークション取引に困っています

    オークションで商品を落札し、ペイパルで支払いを済ませたら以下のような文章が送られてきました。 もうだいぶ経つのですが商品が届きません。 このメールの意味は発送は完了しているということなのでしょうか。 問い合わせ番号のようなものがあったのですが、 こちらが有効なのかどうかもわかりません。 おわかりになる方がいらっしゃいましたら、よろしくお願いいたします。 The seller has provided the following Shipment Tracking Information for your review: Shipping Company: USPS Shipment Tracking Number: 876865865 The seller has provided the following Order Status information for your review: Order Status: Shipped The seller is providing this feature through the PayPal website as a means for communicating this information to you. Please note that the Shipment Tracking Information and Order Status displayed above is exactly as the seller entered it.

  • 質問いたします。

    質問いたします。 movabletype5をインストールしているのですが、Create Your First Websiteというところで「The 'Publishing Path' provided below is not writable by the web server. Change the ownership or permissions on this directory, then click 'Finish Install' again.」と出てしまいます。この原因を調べたのですが、なかなかよくわからず困っている次第です。ご教示宜しくお願いいたします。

  • Opening System is not found

    パソコンの電源をいれると Opening System is not foundと出て起動しないのですがどうしたらいいでしょうか。 毎回なるわけではなくて、電源を何回か入れなおすと(F2とか適当に押したら?)直ります。

  • 下記の英文を訳してくださる方はいませんか?

    Although this is common knowledge, it is not entirely correct. For example, an old person can recall a series of numbers as well as a younger person-provided the series is not too long, provided enough time is allowed for study, and provided no interfering material is presented between the study time and the test time. In short, if you do not hurry them or interfere with them, old people can remember a telephone number as well as anybody. They are less successful, even when allowed time to study, at other kinds of tasks used to study memory in the experimental laboratory, including paired-associate learning and serial and free recall of word lists. お願いします。

  • 訳してください。

    YouTubeに動画を投稿したらこんなメールがきました。 どういういみなんでしょうか・・・。 Your video has been received by YouTube and is being processed. For video upload status and help,pjease visit www.youtube.com よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳みてください

    Japanese girl has just had a baby and their is a congratulation card which everyone is signing. What can i put in Japanese? この意味は、日本人の女の子が子供ができたので、みんながお祝いのカードにサイン? してるんだけど、自分は何て書いたらいい? で、あってますか?

  • パソコンを買いましたが繋がりません

    Yahoo! - Help Sorry, Method Not Implemented. The requested method for this URL is not supported. Please check the URL for proper spelling and capitalization. If you're having trouble locating a destination on Yahoo!, try visiting the Yahoo! home page or look through a list of Yahoo!'s online services. Also, you may find what you're looking for if you try searching below. Search the Web advanced search | most popular Please try Yahoo! Help Central if you need more assistance. が出てしまいいます。どうしたらよくなりますか?

  • 扇風機死ぬ本当?is fan death real

    扇風機つけっぱなしで寝ると死ぬのはほんとですか?また理由をおしえてください。 Is fan death real?if it is or if it isn't I'd like to know why. And also, if it's not real, why do people believe that it's real? I've sited many of the Japanese and English sites for the past few weeks but all the pages say different things so I couldn't get a specific idea about it. I know that everyone's busy on their own works but I hope you'd help me thanks!!

  • 和訳手伝ってください;; さっぱりわかんないです;;

    和訳手伝ってください;; さっぱりわかんないです;; (1)The paradox the automobile has thrust upon us is that liberation is bondage. The automobile has made it possible, literally and figuratively, to go anywhere, to be anyone.  支配?可能?誰でも?? (2)The car has provided a fast, efficient, adaptable, identifiable engine of forward(and upward) mobility, and as such it became an important cultual symbol system, a language pratically everyone spoke. 車 速い 気をつける? 皆 はなす? ・・・・単語の訳も怪しいくらいです;; 進級がかかってるので・・ 英語が得意な方 たすけてください><