Americans' Belief in Equality: Why Important People Don't Make a Fuss About Where They Sit in a Car

  • Americans in important positions do not make a big fuss about where they sit in a car for another reason: their strong belief in equality.
  • It is expected for individuals in high positions to minimize their own importance and for those around them to not make a big fuss over them.
  • Respect is gained when important people treat everyone equally, even those considered 'little guys'.
  • ベストアンサー


Americans who are in important positions would not make a big fuss about where they sit in a car for another reason. Americans strongly believe in equality as an ideal. Someone who is of high statues is expected to minimize his own importance. The people around him are also expected not to make too much of a fuss over him. An important person who is nice to the "little guy" is respected. 日本語訳 重要な地位にあるアメリカ人は、別の理由もあって車内でどこに座るかについて大げさに騒ぐようなことはしないでしょう。アメリカ人は、理想としての平等を強く信じています。高い地位にいる人は、自身の重要度を抑えた振る舞いをすることが期待されるのです。彼の周りの人たちもまた、彼のことで大騒ぎしないことが望まれます。「平凡な人」に印象の良い重要人物が尊敬されるのです。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9726/12098)

回答が寄せられませんね。質問の仕方を変えてみたらいかがでしょう。 例えば、 《 コーパス:Americans who are in important positions would not make a big fuss about where they sit in a car for another reason. Americans strongly believe in equality as an ideal. Someone who is of high statues is expected to minimize his own importance. The people around him are also expected not to make too much of a fuss over him. An important person who is nice to the "little guy" is respected. 質問:(1)Someone who is of high statues ~ のstatuesは、statusの誤植であるとの指摘がありますが、statuesのままで解釈する方法はありえないでしょうか。(2)An important person who is nice to the "little guy"を「平凡な人」に印象の良い重要人物 と訳して問題ないでしょうか。》 …とこんな具合です。 因みに私は、(すでにお答えしたように)どちらに対しても否定的です。 (1)statuesの意味は、あくまでも物的存在としての「像」であって、評価の観点を内包する「人物像」の意味合いはありません。類義語figureなら、その意味合いを含む用方があると思いますが、それでも(この場合のように)複数形にする必要はありません。そもそも、この語尾の-sは、複数形のそれではなく、たまたま語尾に-s がつくstatus「地位、身分」の誤植であることを(この面からも)語っている、と見ることができます。 (2)「(~にとって)印象の良い」は、受け手側から見た表現ですから、それを表すためには、前置詞にforまたはwithを充当するのが自然でしょう。これに対して、toは「行為の行方・さし向けられる先」を表しますので、― is nice to ~ は、「― は ~ に対して親切である」と訳すのが穏当なところでしょう。もし、― is nice for (with) ~となっている場合なら、「― は ~ にとって優しい(人である)」といったニュアンスになると思われます。 問題箇所の原文とその訳文をまとめます。 (1)Someone who is of high statues (→status) is expected to minimize his own importance. ⇒高い地位の人は、自分自身の重要性を抑えることが期待されるのです。 (2)An important person who is nice to the "little guy" is respected. ⇒「平凡な人」に優しい重要人物(こそ)が、尊敬されるのです。





  • 英文和訳があります。和訳は正しいですか?

    Americans who are in important positions would not make a big fuss about where they sit in a car for another reason. Americans strongly believe in equality as an ideal. Someone who is of high statues is expected to minimize his own importance. The people around him are also expected not to make too much of a fuss over him. An important person who is nice to the "little guy" is respected. 和訳 重要な地位にあるアメリカ人は、もうひとつの理由から車のどこに座るかについて大きな騒ぎは起こしません。アメリカ人は理想としての平等を強力に信じているのです。高い地位にいる人は出来るだけ目立たないようにすることを期待されるのです。彼の周りの人たちもまた、彼を過度にちやほやしないものと思われています。「平凡な人」に親切である影響力のある人が尊敬されるのです。

  • 英文と日本語訳があります。日本語訳は正しいですか?

    Americans therefore value promptness. One is expected to arrive a few minutes before an official appointment AND expected to leave prompty at the end of the appointment. During the appointment, both sides are expected to get down the reason American business appointments are shorter. Daily office calendars are usually split up into 15-minute units. Anyone needing more time, say 30 minutes, asks for double time in advance. 日本語訳 よってアメリカ人は迅速性を尊重します。正式なアポイントメントの2, 3分前に到着し、「そしてまた」、アポイントメントが終わればさっさと立ち去るものと思われています。アポイントメントの間は、両者ともアメリカのビジネスアポイントメントがなぜ(時間的により)短かいのかを飲み込んで(*理解して)いることが期待されています 。日常の事務用カレンダーは、通常15分ずつの単位に分けられています。もっと長い時間、例えば30分が必要な人は、前もって2倍分の時間を要求します。

  • 英文と日本語訳があります。和訳は正しいですか?

    Americans therefore value promptness. One is expected to arrive a few minutes before an official appointment AND expected to leave prompty at the end of the appointment. During the appointment, both sides are expected to get down the reason American business appointments are shorter. Daily office calendars are usually split up into 15-minute units. Anyone needing more time, say 30 minutes, asks for double time in advance. 日本語訳 よってアメリカ人は迅速性を尊重します。正式なアポイントメントの2,3分前に到着し、そしてアポイントメントが終われば速やかに去るものと思っています。アポイントメントの間で両方が、アメリカ式ビジネスアポイントメントがより短くなるために本題に入ることが求められていると思っています。日々のオフィス用カレンダーはたいてい15分単位に分けられています。もっと時間がほしい人、例えば30分ほしい人は前もって2倍の時間を要求します。

  • 英文を日本語に翻訳したいと思っています

    英文を日本語に翻訳したいと思っています 数学のグラフをテーマにした英文です ※の部分だけで結構なのですが、私の訳はこうです 「辺はもし頂点vが辺の端点ならば範囲を含みます」 どうでしょうか? incident withを上手く訳せたような気がしません ・Adjacency and Incidence Two vertices v and w in a graph are adjacent if an edge runs between them; if a loop occurs at v, v is adjacent to itself. An isolated vertex is not adjacent to any vertex. Adjacent edges have a common vertex. ※An edge is incident with a vertex v if v is an endpoint of the edge.

  • この英文の訳は??

    (1) a.He pretend not to be her friend. b.he did not pretend to be her friends. (2) a.It is difficult for him never to go there alone again. b.It is not difficult for him to go there alone again. (3) a.I think it important not to tell him the fact. b.I do not think it important to tell him the fact. がわかりません。 (1)は2つとも「彼は彼女の友達のマネをしなかった」 というよくわからない文にしか訳せないし、 (2)は a.「彼にとって一人で再び来こない事は難しい事だ。」 b.「かれにとって一人で再び来る事は難しくはない。」 と訳したのですが、何かおかしい気がします。 (3)は a.「私は彼が言わない真実は大切な事だと考えている。」 b.「私は彼が言った真実は大切な事ではないとかんが得ている。」 と訳してみましたが自信がありません。

  • 英文と日本語訳があります。日本語訳は正しいですか?

    If someone invites you to a party at 5:00 p.m. in the United States, you are expected to arrive 20 or 50 or so minutes late so that the hostess has enough time to make last-minure preparations, shower and dress up, and look like it was all no trouble at all. It is not polite in the United States to make the guests feel like their presence is any kind of burden. It is in turn not polite to point out to the hostess that she must have worked hard to prepare for the party. 日本語訳 もし誰かが午後5時からのパーティーにあなたを招待したなら、アメリカでは、主催者の妻が最後の仕上げをし、シャワーを浴び、ドレスアップし、そして最終的に問題なしと確認する時間をあたえるために20~50分遅れていくはずです。客に自分たちがいるだけで、主演者側の負担になっていると感じさせることは、アメリカでは洗練されたことではないのです。同様に主催者側の妻に対し、パーティーの準備を頑張ったんですねと指し示すことも、洗練された行いではありません。

  • 下の英文の日本語訳をお願いします。

    Besides the size of homes, ideas about newness are another difference. In Japan, a house or apartment building that is older than about 30 years is considered old. This is partly because the traditional material for building Japanese houses is wood, which has a short life span. Another reason is that Japanese tend to put a greater emphasis on new things compared to North Americans. This need for new things may come from the Buddhist idea that nothing is permanent, or perhaps it originated with Shinto ideas about purity. As a result, homes more than about 30 years old are usually destroyed and replaced by new ones. North Americans are less concerned about the age of their homes. This is because they are often made of more solid materials such as brick, which lasts a long time. In fact, older homes are often made of better quality materials than new homes. Naturally, the interior goes out of date, so many owners renovate the inside of their homes. In this way, some houses last for more than 100 or 200 years. Another major difference involves the behavior of people towards their homes. Japanese have had a long tradition of cleanliness. IN the third century, Chinese travelers to Japan commented on the cleanliness of the Japanese. Early European travelers made similar comments. In the home, Japanese have some rather unique characteristics related to cleanliness. For instance, no one wears shoes inside, an important part of Japanese culture related to group identity. On the other hand, North Americans often wear shoes in the house, even in the bathroom and bedroom. Another difference that shows the cleanliness of Japanese is the separation of the toilet and the bathroom. In North America, they are usually in the same room. ※renovate「更新する」 make a distinction 「~を区別する」

  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    As seen by members of other nations, this emphasis on questioning and searching is bad for young people's "manners." Foreigners often feel a great lack of respect in our youth. It is true that many do become rude. Foreign visitors are often startled and frequently annoyed to find junior staff members daring to challenge older executives or argue points with them; they do not always like it when these young men or women make detailed but often revolutionary suggestions. One's own blueprints, reports, or analyses may be scrutinized in detail perhaps even challenged by a young person. This is not to be considered an insult or loss of face; nor is it an indication of "no confidence." Our whole approach to research is different. We try not to emphasize the personal. Your ideas are being looked at, not you yourself. To us the two are quite separate. This is the way our minds work. We are seeking facts; we are not challenging you as a person.

  • 英文の訳をお願いします

    以下の文章を訳していただけますか。お願いします。 He deeply desires, a true friend, someone whom he can express his feelings and thoughts to. People and relationships are important to him despite his independent exterior. He is interested in the lives and affairs of those close to him. He is an excellent arbitrator, negotiator and peace maker and meddler in other peoples problems. But not soft B, he is as forceful as he feels is necessary for achieving his own aims and ambitions, and if he feels others are not appreciative of what he is trying to do, then he will consider them unworthy of his time and efforts and he will take back what ever efforts he has made on their behalf, or whatever he has given then, When he gives to people it is not free, even if it just advice, it comes on loan. And at some point the loan is recalled. The favour owed is collected like a debt by him.

  • 英文の翻訳

    以下の翻訳をお願いします One who travels hopefully in life knows where he wants to be and what he wants to do, but quite never arrives. Yet the pursuit of things may bring him more pleasure than would the victory. He will enjoy a wide experience of life, the highs and the lows, the wealth and the poverty, life riches tapestry of experience but he has not realized that it is the journey for him that counts, not the success or failure at the end of it. He is free with his gains, and can be lavish and prodigal, can throw himself totally into everything he becomes involved He is not extreme so much as whole hearted in things, he has no moderation. He is irascible, yet kind. He gives advice and wisdom and the benefit of his experience to those who are more expert or aught to know better than him. He has a kind of shrewd cleverness, A good judge of things as they are. And an intuitive knowledge of how to manipulate things to his own advantage in life.