
  • 過剰な注目や高い期待が引きこもりの原因となることがある。
  • 若者の引きこもりは両親とのジェネレーションギャップから生じることがある。
  • メディアや映画、漫画によって引きこもりのライフスタイルが受け入れられるようになり、新たな引きこもりが発生することもある。
  • ベストアンサー


This excess attention, plus high expectations may sometimes cause the recluse to completely reject his parents' and society's values. Children may feel that the only way to express their own feelings is through complete isolation. Another cause is thought to be the generation gap between the young recluses and their parents. By isolating themselves, the young recluses are protesting against their parents' lifestyle. Finally, now that these recluses have become well-publicized in the media, movies and in managa, their lifestyle has come to be seen as acceptable or even trendy to some, and this may be causing new recluses to isolate themselves as well. While there are many causes for this isolation, there is usually a trigger such as bullying, failing an exam or losing a girlfried. 和訳 この過剰な注目プラス高い期待は時に、引きこもる人に両親や社会の価値感を完全に否定させることになる場合があります。子供たちは、自分自身の感情を表現する唯一の方法が完全なる孤立の中にあると感じるのかもしれません。 別の原因は若者の引きこもりと彼らの両親との間のジェネレーションギャップだと考えられています。 自分自身を孤立させることで、若者の引きこもりは両親のライフスタイルに反対しているのです。最後に、今やこうした引きこもりは、メディア、映画そして漫画で有名になっており、彼らのライフスタイルは、受け入れられたり一部の人にはトレンディーとさえ見受けられるようになりました。この孤立には多くの原因がありますが、通常はいじめや試験の失敗、または恋人を失ったなどが引き金です。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9726/12098)

以下のとおりお答えします。 >This excess attention, plus high expectations may sometimes cause the recluse to completely reject his parents' and society's values. Children may feel that the only way to express their own feelings is through complete isolation. >この過剰な注目プラス高い期待は時に、引きこもる人に両親や社会の価値感を完全に否定させることになる場合があります。子供たちは、自分自身の感情を表現する唯一の方法が完全なる孤立の中にあると感じるのかもしれません。 (語句説明1) *plus:「加えて、その上」などの日本語にもできます。(カタカナ語は必要最小限にしましょう。) *sometimes:「しばしば」まではいきませんが、「時に」よりやや頻度が高い感じですね。「往々にして」というのがあります。 *may cause ~:「~させるかもしれない」。mayを「かもしれない」に対応させにくい場合は、「~させるようなことになる」としてもいいですね。 (添削訳文1) この過剰な注目に加えて高い期待は、往々にして、引きこもりの人に両親や社会の価値感を完全に否定させるようなことになる場合があります。子供たちは、自分自身の感情を表現する唯一の方法が完全なる孤立の中にあると感じるのかもしれません。 >Another cause is thought to be the generation gap between the young recluses and their parents. By isolating themselves, the young recluses are protesting against their parents' lifestyle. >別の原因は若者の引きこもりと彼らの両親との間のジェネレーションギャップだと考えられています。自分自身を孤立させることで、若者の引きこもりは両親のライフスタイルに反対しているのです。 (語句説明2) *Another:この語はもともと《An「1つの」+other「別の」》ですから、「もう一つの」とする方が原語に近いかもしれません。ここは「例をもう一つあげると」の意味ですが、「別の」と言うと、例がその後も続くような印象を与えかねません。 *generation gap:ほぼ、「世代間の不一致・相違・開き・乖離(かいり)」と訳していいと思います。カタカナ語を敵視するわけではなく、理由があります(次項に書きます)。 *lifestyle:「生活様式・生き方」でいいでしょう。確かに今や「ライフスタイル」なる表現が日本語に定着した観がありますが、安易にカタカナ語を使うことを習慣づけると、「日本語の語彙力の貧弱化」に拍車をかけるような気がするのです。 (添削訳文2:微妙に語順なども変えました) もう一つの原因として、引きこもりの若者とその両親との間の、世代間の不一致があると考えられます。自分自身を孤立させることで、若者の引きこもりは両親の生き方に反発しているのです。 >Finally, now that these recluses have become well-publicized in the media, movies and in managa, their lifestyle has come to be seen as acceptable or even trendy to some, and this may be causing new recluses to isolate themselves as well. While there are many causes for this isolation, there is usually a trigger such as bullying, failing an exam or losing a girlfried. >最後に、今やこうした引きこもりは、メディア、映画そして漫 画で有名になっており、彼らのライフスタイルは、受け入れられたり一部の人にはトレンディーとさえ見受けられるようになりました。この孤立には多くの原因 がありますが、通常はいじめや試験の失敗、または恋人を失ったなどが引き金です。 (語句説明3) *have become well-publicized:「よく報じられるようになった」。 *and this may be causing new recluses to isolate themselves as well:(この部分、お訳が脱落しています!)「そして、このことがまた、新しい引きこもりが自分自身を孤立させる(ことの)もとになっているのかもしれません。」 *losing a girlfried:ここでは、若い男性が主題となっていますので、単に「失恋」とするだけでもいいでしょうね。 (添削訳文3) 最後に、今やこうした引きこもりは、メディア、映画、漫画などでよく報じられるようになってきたので、彼らの生活様式が受け入れられたり、一部の人にはトレンディーとさえ見られるようになりました。そしてこのことがまた、新しい引きこもりが自分自身を孤立させるもとになっているのかもしれません。この孤立には多くの原因がありますが、通常はいじめや試験の失敗、または失恋などが引き金になっています。





  • 英文と和訳があります。和訳は正しいですか?

    There are now efforts being taken to solve the problem. Support groups have been established in order to help bring young recluses back into society. Ironically, it is the parents who are seen as not being very helpful in their recovery. Rather, some experts who are the cause of the behavior. When a child first begins isolating him or herself, the parents tend to have patience and allow the behavior to continue instead of insisting that it stop. In this way, the kindness of parents may not be helping the teclusive child. 和訳 現在、問題を解決するためにいくつかの努力がなされています。 支援グループが、若い隠遁者(ひきこもり)の社会復帰を助けるために設立されました。 皮肉にも、彼らの復帰・回復においてあまり有能でないとみなされるのは、両親です。むしろ、何人かは、その行動(ひきこもり)の原因となる専門家である。子供(彼または彼女)が最初に孤立し始めたとき、 両親は、忍耐力があって、止めるよう主張せずに、その行動(ひきこもり)を続けるのを許す(認める)傾向があります。 このような方法では、両親のやさしさは、孤立している子供の役に立っていないかもしれません。

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします。

    A blind date is a date for two people who have never met before. Their mutual friends usually arrange the match. With the rise of the Internet, blind dates are becoming more common than before. Through instant messaging and Internet chat forums, people have a chance to meet people. Blind dating is exciting for some people, but it can be a stressful emotional experience for others. This may be mainly due to a lack of self-confidence and the inevitable fear of meeting an unknown. In the United States, people often talk about the experience of their friends. Some people like to gossip a lot. People who like to gossip often talk about individuals they may not know and that can be hurtful, especially if rumors and gossip continue to be shared. This conversation is between two friends about another friend. In this case, the two friends, Amy and Lisa, having the conversation want the information to remain confidential in order to protect this mutual friend, Toshi. At the end of this conversation, the two friends agree to keep their information confidential. "I've got your back" is a phrase used as reassurance between friends. the phrase is used to show confidentiality, solidarity and trust.

  • この英文の和訳お願いします。 難しいです。

    There are therefore 192 subjects(forty per cent of the sample) whose happiness and domestic efficiency are to a greater or lesser extent dependent on the ready accessibility of their children or other relatives. No solution of the problems of old age will be acceptable to the people themselves or to their children which does not take the family factor into account. King, Sir Geoffrey, formerly Permanent Secretary, Ministry, of Pensions and National Insurance, "Policy and Practice", Old Age in the Modern World, 1995. Studies in other places such as Hammersmith, Acton, and Northern Ireland have also produced some evidence of close ties between old people and their relatives and of a willingness to bear the burden of nursing care. But the evidence gained in these inquiries was incidental to their main purposes. There has been no specialized study of the place of the old person in the family. Yet such detailed knowledge may be fundamental to any understanding of old age or of its problems. That is the starting point of this study. How often do old people see their children and their brothers and sisters, and do they live near or far? What services do relatives perform for each other every day and at times of crisis? What is the differences in family role of an old man and an old woman? Can a more precise meaning be given to loneliness and social isolation and what does it mean to be widowed, single, or childless? Is the status of old people undergoing change? Which old people make the greatest demand on the State aid or replace the efforts of the family? These are some of the questions which will be discussed in this report.

  • 【至急】英文の和訳です。よろしくお願いします。

    It is now generally accepted that the child's reading ability progresses through several periods of reading development. The first period, known as "reading readiness," begins at birth and continues normally until the age of about six or seven. Reading readiness includes the physical ability to see and hear, and the mental ability to remember words and their letters, and to use simple sentences. In the second period of reading development, children learn to read very simple materials. In the United States, children usually will be able to read perhaps 300 or 400 words by the end of the first year. By the end of this period., pupils are expected to be reading and enjoying simple books by themselves without help from teachers or parents.

  • 英文の和訳2

    またまたすみません。 今回も、英文の訳を教えてください。 お願いします! 1.It is good to live a busy and honest life,for no one can be happy who is useless, and idleness makes all sorts of things wrong. >It is good to live a busy and honest lifeの意味はわかるのですが、 その後の文の意味、特にuselessとidleness の間にandがあるのにコンマが入る意味がわかりません。 2.It may be thought that the field of the unknown has been exhausted in engineering and that there is nothing left for the inquiring mind, but this comment is only made by those who do not see for themselves. >but this comment is only made by those who do not see for themselves の文の訳は分かるのですが、そこから前のところがさっぱり分かりません。 ちなみに、the inquiring mind=研究心のある人、だそうです。 長い文で読みづらくてごめんなさい。 スペルは一応確認しましたがもしかしたら打ち間違いがあるかもしれません。 おかしいときは、遠慮無く言ってください。

  • 英文と和訳があります。和訳は適切でしょうか?

    Then there are the growing numbers of people who never get married. This trend may be occurring because women are no longer willing to endure the lifestyle of their mothers who would do all of the housework. 和訳 それから、結婚しない人の数が増えていっている。女性が、家事のすべてを行う自分たちの母親のライフスタイルに もはやすすんで耐えようと思わなくなったので、このような傾向が起きるのかもしれない。

  • 和訳お願いします!!!

    (1) The nature of children's rights is unique in that children are socially powerless to voice their views, and that their realisation is subject to an understanding of children's rights by parents, teachers and the public in general. (2) What may be considered as ”violence" in the public arena is often committed at school under the labels "cane of affection" and educational consideration. (3) some schools maintain strict rules in the name of anti-deliquency measures and improving students' academic performance, without questioning whether this might contradict the underlying assumption of respect for children's rights.

  • 英文の和訳

    和訳をしていただけるかた のみで、お願いできますでしょうか? 定型文となります。 1段落の前半部分となります。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 The image created is meant to form like a picture in your mind and imagination., my readings can draw out your own inner psychic powers and these may add or embellish on what is said. The chart is only really a reflection of what your soul already knows. Describing things so accurately in minute intricate detail is an immensely complex task for any astrologer. I try to be as graphic as its possible to be in just one reading, in order to distinguish your soul mate from the crowd. Our time in this reading is essentially limited and fragments are taken from all over the chart to build this picture. You may feel that when these aspects are put together, your Soul Mate or future partner is either too handsome to be real, or more ugly and dreadful then you envisaged.

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします。

    以下の英文の和訳をお願いします。 Displacement is one means by which the dream does this. In the first place, it is the effect of feeling which is displaced, so that what appears to be most important and full of emotion in the dream may be really of least significance, whereas an apparently trifling matter may be pregnant with meaning. The emphasis of the dream is thus displaced and so eludes the censor.

  • 日本語に訳してくださいm(_ _)m

    日本語に訳してくださいm(_ _)m Independence is the reason why parents let their babies feed themselves as soon as they can and begin to make decisions for themselves almost as soon as they can talk. Most American parents feel that they have done their job well if their children are able to live on their own in their twenties. よろしくお願いします。