• ベストアンサー

skimming over the ice


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9768/12169)

>I caught a glimpse of Mark and Marge skimming over the ice. ⇒「私は、マークとマージが、氷上をかすめて飛ぶのをちらっと見た。」 ※鳥類の観察か何かでしょうか。「マーク」・「マージ」はその観察対象の鳥につけた名ではないかと…。(と読みましたが、勘違いでしたらごめんなさい!)



skimming の例文だったので、鳥だとは思いもしませんでした。ありがとうございました!


  • このoverはどのような意味でしょうか

    I've read the entire Eragon cycle, Harry Potter series, and Fablehaven series, all within the last month and a half. However, last week, I finished the Divergent trilogy, and, naturally, I've felt some emotions over the end of the final book, over the end of the final bookのoverはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • over the weekends

    I have a question of etiquette. Our adult sons (who are older than 40), their wives and our grandchildren often visit over the weekends for family sit-down dinners. over the weekendsはon the weekendsとどのような違いがあるでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • overのところの訳

    Jack wrote that movies were not group art but rather the result of a singular authority over story,acting and photography. これの訳を見たんですが「ジャックは、映画は集団 の芸術ではなく、むしろ物語と演技および撮影を 決定するたった一人の権威者の作品であると論じた」と、某会社の訳にありました。 ここで質問なんですが、なぜoverの訳が「決定する」と出ているのかどうしても分かりません。意訳したと思うんですが、overの原義から どういう風にイメージすればいんでしょうか?

  • all over the place

    We have different strengths. Al's a craftsman, so he is quite pedantic about design, where I'm much more of an artist and all over the place. ここでのall over the placeとはどういうことでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • walk over uninvited

    I don't know how to get rid of my pest of a neighbor. I moved to this community three years ago, after my divorce. I befriended "Joyce," a woman in her 70s who lives two doors down. Joyce won't leave me alone. When I entertain my fiance or friends, she is sure to walk over uninvited and interrupt us. walk over uninvitedはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • overの役割

    Dear Carolyn: This year, both of my parents passed away after long, difficult illnesses. I know I should miss them more than I do, but I feel like I've been mourning for several years already. Does that make sense, or am I rationalizing somewhere? Thanks. -- Anonymous I'm sorry for the difficult years and losses. What you say makes complete sense. It's something that has come up for years in this column in the context of breakups: Some people start processing a breakup when it happens, and some start as soon as the relationship starts to fail. That's why some people can emerge from a divorce healthy and ready to date while others need years to regroup. There is little practical difference when the grief is over a death. over a deathの意味とoverの役割について教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • glimpse と glance の意味の違い

    glimpse と glance の意味の違いを教えて下さい。特に動詞と名詞の組み合わせになると、意味の違いが何だか僕には良く分かりません。例えば、 catch a glimpse of ~ get a glimpse of ~ have a glimpse of ~ obtain a glimpse of ~ take a glance at ~ give a glance at ~ catch a glance at ~ flash a glance at ~ などは、それぞれ意味がどう違うのですか?

  • I'm over this way.

    ローマ字です(日本語はコピー・アンド・ペースト タイプできないので) Darekaga (A) ekini douryou (B) wo mukaeni ikimashita. Ryoushaha shotaimen de A ha B no shashin wo motte imasu. A ha B wo mituketa ato ikanokaiwaga kawasaremashita. A: Hi B! A! B: Oh, yeah, what's up? A: I'm over this way. I'll take this. (A grabbed some of B's luggage.) konokaiwano I'm over this way. gayokuwakarimasen donataka yakusemasuka? soreigai wo yakusuto konna kanjideshouka... A: oi B. A da! B: yaa doumo A: (I'm over this way.) Koremotukara (A ha B nonimotu no ikutukawo tukamitorimashita.) ローマ字で分かりにくかもしれませんので同様の内容を別の形で書いておきます Someone (A) went to a train station to pick up a co-worker (B). This was first time to meet together, so A had a picture of B. A found B and started a conversation. A: Hi B! A! B: Oh, yeah, what's up? A: I'm over this way. I'll take this. (A grabbed some of B's luggage. A seemed to be unfriendly.) I do not understand "I'm over this way". Does anyone translate it in Japanese?

  • 『take over』の意味について

    『take over』の意味について質問したいと思っています。 『 I want to take over A社』 このような文の場合、どう訳しますか? 『take over』には“引き継ぐ”という意味があるようですが、その訳はあてはまりません。 “私はA社と契約したい”か“私はA社に行きたい”という意味じゃないかと思ってます。 しかし、調べても“引き継ぐ”とう意味しか出てきません。 上記の『take over』の意味が分かる方、いましたら教えてください。

  • go around

    Q. Caught the Klepto Blues: Since I was in my teens, I have been in the habit of stealing small trinkets from almost every store I go to. I’ll typically take small things of little value like makeup, candy, or jewelry. However, over the years I’m sure the collective sum of my acquisitions is worth thousands of dollars. Over the past year or so, I have completely turned over a new leaf and am disgusted by my former self. Should I attempt to repay stores I regularly stole from? Should I donate a generous sum to charity? I am dumbfounded on how to right my wrongs. Sometimes I wish I had been caught so I would have had real consequences. A: I wish you had elucidated how you managed this remarkable transition. However you did it, congratulations for recognizing you had a problem and making a change. There is no way for you to go around and repay stores for long-ago stolen lipsticks and Twizzlers. ここでのgo aroundはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします