
  • 高校時代、塾で出会った人に一目惚れ。半年間の片思いを経て付き合うことになったが、恋に夢中になって勉強時間を犠牲にした結果、一次試験で失敗してしまった。
  • 焦って必死に勉強し、二次試験に合格した。
  • 高校時代に恋と受験の両立に苦悩した思い出。恋に身を委ねることで大切な試験を失敗し、それによって学んだ大事な教訓。
  • ベストアンサー


英文の添削をお願いします。もっと自然な英語になれれば嬉しいのですが・・ When I was high school student, I fell in love with a guy at first sight where we both belonged to cram school. After being in a one-side love for half a year, I could have a relationship with him. Then, We lost ourself in love and we spend most of the time together at the expense of our study. As a result, I failed the first stage examination for national university, then I studied hard to death. At last, I passed the second stage examination. 「高校時代に塾で一目惚れした人に半年間の片思いを経て付き合って、お互い夢中になって受験勉強の時間を犠牲にして恋愛をしていた。その結果一次試験に落ちて、焦って死ぬほど勉強して二次試験で引っかかったんだよ」という内容を伝えようとしています。

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • sknuuu
  • ベストアンサー率43% (408/934)

When I was a high school student, I fell in love at first sight with a guy in the cram school that we both belonged to. After half a year of one-sided love, we got into a relationship. ここで、could have ... とすると、「そういう関係に"なれたかもしれない"」と読めます 「~できた、なれた」という感覚を入れたい気持ちはわかります(日本人として)が、助動詞をはさむ必要はないです 入れたければ、were able to have ...とでもするかですね(でもなんかおかしい) (Then,) We lost ourselves in (or, became obsessed by) love and spent most of the time together whithout studying (anything). どういう感覚を込めるかですが、lost in loveというのと、obsessed by (with) loveというのは少し違うというのはわかるはず lostというのは文字通り「気が付いたらわからなくなっていた」 obsessedというのは「とりつかれてどうしようもなくなった」 お好きな方を at the expense of our studyとかat the cost ofとか使ってもいいとは思いますが、「~を犠牲にして」というのとin loveという関連性があまりにも強すぎるような感じがしてならない(意図的な感覚が入り込みます) 「勉強もせずに」程度でいいのでは thenはいらない(なんか、(1)~、(2)~、(3)~って感じ) Eventually, I failed the first stage examination for national university. ここはas a resultよりも、eventuallyとかin the endの方が・・・ これは好みかもしれませんが、前段と関連で判断しました I, then, studied hard to death. Thenを最初にすると、やはり前段とのからみが気になって・・・ 中に入れると流れが良くなります(もしくは、As I thought this situation would ruin (spoil) everything I had studied, I studied hard ...とするか) howeverとか、thereforeとかもそうですが、thenを文頭で使うことは実は少ないです 強調するときとか以外は「中」です As a result, I passed the second stage examination. ここはas a resultでいいと思います(前段との関連が強い) at lastは「やっと(←ちょっと違う?)」 When I was a high school student, I fell in love at first sight with a guy in the cram school that we both belonged to. After half a year of one-sided love, we got into a relationship. We lost ourselves in (or, became obsessed by) love and spent most of the time together whithout studying (anything). Eventually, I failed the first stage examination for national university. As I thought this situation would ruin (spoil) everything I had studied, I studied hard to death. As a result, I passed the second stage examination.



大変丁寧な添削をありがとうございます!ニュアンスから汲み取っていただいて完璧な文章になっています・・ couldに関しては仰る通りです。日本人思考で英文を書くとどうもキレイな文章が書けなくて。。at the expense of も直訳すぎるんですね。たしかにwithout studyingくらいの方が良いです。またいつもThenやhoweveを文頭に持って来てしまうんですが、文頭ではあまり使わないとの事初めて知りました! 大変勉強になりました!ありがとうございます★☆

その他の回答 (1)

  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9724/12096)

When I was high school student, I fell in love with a guy at first sight where we both belonged to cram school.(「塾」はcramming school、whereを関係副詞として使いましょう。) →When I was a high school student, I fell in love with a guy at first sight at the cramming school where we both belonged to. After being in a one-side love for half a year, I could have a relationship with him.(「片思い」はone-sided love。) →After being in one-sided love for half a year, I could have a relationship with him. Then, We lost ourself in love and we spend most of the time together at the expense of our study.(ourselvesやspentの語形に注意。「犠牲にして」は現在分詞構文sacrificing~でも言えますね。) →Then, We lost ourselves in love and we spent together sacrificing most time for study. As a result, I failed the first stage examination for national university, then I studied hard to death. At last, I passed the second stage examination.(so ~ that …の構文を利用して、2文を1文にしてみます。) →As a result, I failed the first stage examination for national university; but then I studied so hard for my life that I could pass the second stage examination at last.



ありがとうございます!sacrificingという使い方もあるのですね。 塾がcramming schoolとのこと、知りませんでした・・色々と詳しく直していただき、ありがとうございます!


  • 英文の添削お願いします!!

    文法的におかしなところや、スペース、ここは大文字(小文字)だってところなど、チェックをお願いします!!(ひとかたまりが1文です)間違いなさそうだったら、OKだと入れてくださるのも非常に助かります!! (1)If I could reach the stars,I would take one for you, and it would shine in your heart forever like my love. (2)Do you remember? The way you hold me. You looked into my eyes and said ‘I love you'. You caressed and said nothing. But it meant more than the chance to hold me and kiss my sweet lips. (3)I'll stand by you forever. (4)Love may be sometimes hard to show. But I love you more than you could ever know. (5)My love for you is as endless as the universe. (6)Our friendship,love,and life together begins today. (7)Our new story begins now with all blessings. We roll up one page. (8)Summer,the fresh air,the fregrant breeze and the flowers under our feet. The blanket of stars is above us. We dream in it … (9)We have love to blind us. We have laughter to unwind us. Because we have fate to find each other. (10)We exchange an eternal promise and bigin to walk. (11)I pledge my self to love,respect and sincerity. (12)I love you from the bottom of my heart. I may not always show it but I do love you.

  • 正しい自然な英文に添削願います。

    英語にたけている皆様へ 以下の内容を英文にしましたが、おかしいところ・不自然なところを御指摘・添削願います。 日本語: 今日は家族4人でA川に蛍を見に行きました。ついたときには既にたくさんの人たちが川沿いにいて待ち構えていました。蛍は思っていたほどたくさんいませんでしたが、家族全員見るのは初めてだったので暗闇で光る蛍たちは幻想的で感動的なものでした。光が最高潮に達した8時半すぎには周辺の道路は大混雑で駐車場から出るのも一苦労でした。 私の稚拙な英文: Today,I went to the A river to watch fireflies with my familiy of four. There were already many people waiting it along the river when we arrived there. Fireflies were not so many less than I expect, but shining in the dark was fantastic and impressed all my families had watched at the first time. After 8:30p.m. at when the climax of it, peripheral road got congested greatly. So we had to waste time to go out the parking. 絶対おかしい。よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文添削をお願いします

    留学生が安心して日本の生活を楽しめるように、留学生の両親に英文メールを送りたいと思っています。内容が正しいか添削をお願いします。 We’re a host family for your daughter. We’re looking forward to seeing her. We have 3 daughters, who are younger than your daughter. They delight to get a new sister. First daughter who is 14 years old would like to talk with her a lot. Second who is 10 years old and third who is 8 years old would like to play with her a lot. We can’t speak English very well, but we’ll do to help her making a good memory in Japan. After deciding acceptance of foreign student from Canada, we found it little to know about Canada. This will be good experience for us, too. At last thought we’ll be careful of your daughters safe, let us know anything, if you have any her worries.

  • 英文添削

    添削をお願いします。 冠詞に注意していただければ嬉しいです。 1 私は海を見るのが大好きである。二、三時間見ていても飽きることがない。→I love gazing at sea. I am not bored for a little hours. 2 お待たせしてすみませんでした。道が混んでいてバスが20分も遅れたものですから。→I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. The road was crowded,so the bus delayed for 20 minutes. 3 多くの日本人は、日本のテレビコマーシャルの方が、アメリカで見られるものよりもずっと面白いと考えている。→Many Japanese think the TV commercial in Japan is much more interesting than that in America. 4 先日、私は子供が桜の木に登っているのを見かけた。彼らはきれいな花のついた枝を折り取ろうとしていた。このようなことは残念ながら珍しいことではない。→The other day,I saw children climbing a blossom tree. They would break off a branch with a beautiful flower. Unfortunately, happenings like this are not rare. 5 私は、あなたに遅れないようについて行くだけのスピードでは走れません。→I can't run at the speed to keep up with you.

  • 英文日記の添削をしていただけませんか(^^)

    また英文日記を書いてみました。文法的な間違いや、表現のおかしい部分などがあれば、直していただけると助かります(^^)ネイティブならこんな表現をするなど、指摘してくださると,なおうれしいです(^^) Last week , my husband went to Hokkaido reading students for a school excursion for 4 days, so I had to take care of my two-year son alone. It was hard task than I had thought. I thought that single-mothers in the world are very tough then. By the way, I and my husband want to build a detached house, so we are looking for the land recently. We can't find the proper land which we both satisfy, however. It's very difficult to decide where to live. I think we need big power to find the proper land where we live in the future.

  • 英文は正しいですか? 添削をお願いします!

    添削をお願いします. なるべく、簡単な英語で”使える表現”を習いたいです。 残業については、経理が一発で合えば、定時に帰れるし、合わなければ合うまで帰る事ができません。 As for overtime work, I can go home at a fixed time if the accounting is correct, but I can't leave work all the numbers add up. 特に月末は、月末締めの書類の処理があるため、遅くまで残業します。 Especially at the end of the month., we have to do a lot of documents for the balance date, so we stay late in the office. または We work overtime to process many kind of monthly balance sheets Especially at the end of the month. 繁忙期の月末は、たいてい夜中の12時頃まで働きます。 We usually work until around midnight during month-end busy times. 宜しくお願いします。

  • 英文の添削お願いいたします。替え玉

    1「その母親は娘の代わりにA大学を受験して合格したが、そのあと、それが発覚して入学を取り消された(A大学は入学を取り消した。 )」 2「彼は友達に運転免許の替え玉受験をさせて免許を取得した。そのあと替え玉受験が発覚して免許を取り消され逮捕された。」 1.「The mother took an entrance examination for University A in place of her daughter and passed it. Then, it was found out, and the entrance to school was canceled./University A canceled her entrance to school.」 2.「He let his friend do a substitute examination of a driver's license and acquired it. After that/Then, the substitute examination was found out, and the driver’s license was canceled and then he ware arrested. 」 また、「発覚する」をdiscoveredやcame to lightに置き換えることは可能でしょうか?またproxyという単語が代理人(替え玉になる人物)として使うならhave/let his freind take an entrance exam for A university as ~のような形で用いるべきでしょうか? よろしくお願いいたします。

  • この英文の和訳をお願いします。

    In Fig.13, we compare our results with those of Nishiida (1983) and Wetherill and Cox (1985). Nishida studied the collision probability in the two-dimensional problem for the two cases: e=0 and 4. For the case of e=0, his result (renormalized so as to coincide with our present definition) agrees accurately with ours. But for e=4, his collisional rate is about 1.5 times as large as ours; it seems that the discrepancy comes from the fact that he did not try to compute a sufficient number of orbits for e=4, thus introducing a relatively large statistical error. The results of Wetherill and Cox are summarized in terms of v/v_e where v is the relative velocity at infinity and v_e the escape velocity from the protoplanet, while our results are in terms of e and i. Therefore we cannot compare our results exactly with theirs. If we adopt Eq. (2) as the relative velocity, we have (of course, i=0 in this case) (e^2+i^2)^(1/2)≒34(ρ/3gcm^-3)^(1/6)(a_0*/1AU)^(1/2)(v/v_e). (34) According to Eq. (34), their results are rediscribed in Fig.13. From this figure it follows that their results almost coincide with ours within a statistical uncertainty of their evaluation. 7. The collisional rate for the three-dimensional case Now, we take up a general case where i≠0. In this case, we selected 67 sets of (e,i), covering regions of 0.01≦i≦4 and 0≦e≦4 in the e-i diagram, and calculated a number of orbits with various b, τ,and ω for each set of (e,i). We evaluated R(e,i) for r_p=0.001 and 0.005 (for r_p=0.0002 we have not obtained a sufficient number of collision orbits), and found again its weak dependence on r_p (except for singular points, e.g., (e,i)=(0,3.0)) for such values of r_p. Hence almost all results of calculations will be presented for r_p=0.005 (i.e., at the Earth orbit) here. Fig.13. Comparison of the two-dimensional enhancement factor R(e,0) with those of Nishida (1983) and those of Wetherill and Cox (1985).Their results are renormalized so as to coincide with our definition of R(e,0). 長文ですが、よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文 ”お気に入りの本” を添削していただけますか

    My favorite book is Memoirs of a geisha. I saw a movie Sayuri with my wife on the second of January. I was quite impressed by the movie. I came back home and I looked for the information about Sayuri. I knew the book Memoirs of a geisha at Amazon in America and there were a lot of spotlight reviews. I bought it at Amazon in Japan. So I've been reading the book because I wanted to know Japanese culture in English. I sometimes felt tears come to my eyes to read the sad story of her life. 私のお気に入りの本は memoirs of a geisha です 1月2日にさゆりを見て 感激しました 家に帰り調べたらたくさんのコメントが アメリカアマゾンに書いてありました さっそく買い読んでますが 時々彼女の悲しい人生に涙します。 

  • 次の英文の訳を教えてください。

    We study the evolution of meridional flows in the solar convection zone extending to a depth of 0.793R☉ in the period 2000-2003 with helioseismic data taken with the Taiwan Oscillation Network(TON) using the technique of time-distance helioseismology.The meridional flows of each hemisphere formed a single-cell pattern in the convection zone at the solar minimum.An additional divergent flow was created at active latitudes in both hemispheres as the activity developed.The amplitude of this divergent flow correlates with the sunspot number:it increased from solar minimum to maximum(from 1996 to 2000), and then decreased from 2000 to 2003 with the sunspot number.The amplitude of the divergent flow increases with depth from 0.987R☉ to a depth of about 0.9R☉, and then decreases with depth at least down to 0.793R☉.