• ベストアンサー


トランスフォーマーのマーベル版を訳しているのですが、ここの吹き出しのブローンの「one punch and yer buildin'...or decepticon...goes bye bye 」がきれいに訳せません。 どのように訳すのか教えてください、お願いします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

 一発殴っただけで、その作り物っていうか、偽物は、吹っ飛んじゃうんだ  みたいなことでしょう。この間が読んだことありませんので語尾などは適当に調整してください。  建て物の話なら   一発殴っただけで、そのビルっていうか、ごまかしは、吹っ飛んじゃうんだ とも。





  • どなたか英語が分かる方よろしくお願いします。

    体の特徴が書いてあります。 翻訳をしていただけたら助かります。 He is of mean stature, meager, Lank, lean dyspeptic looking; Stoop shouldered and tall in height, but pallid awkward and weakly. The body is thin and ill formed and clumsy. He has an insignificant way of moving, as though he has not great confidence or like one who wishes to remain anonymous and have no attention focused on himself. There is nothing bold or strident about his movements. They are more contained, even a bit fretful and timid. His face I have described in detail in the previous reading. His neck is thin and slightly scrawny with visible columns and muscular cords at the side of it and pale like marble, and the Adams apple is a visible protruding curve in the neck shape, the skin poorly pasty colored and dingy. The neck is more fleshy and rounded out under the throat and parotid area., more hollowed and boney and sunken in above the clavicle bones. He has broad shoulders, like a great balanced yolk, but he doesn’t carry them erect, not a stooping or cringing gait, if one shoulder goes down the other goes up like a yoke or balance across them, but slightly stoop shouldered,, not as proud and erect and smart as he could be. These peculiarities of gait can make him look a little languid and a little less poised or ungraceful and ungainly but soft in step. The body is not cold to the touch by he always has a chilly look about him.

  • 英語の文の意味を教えてください><

    皆さんこんばんわ! 自分でもいろいろ調べたのですがこの二つの文の意味が 全く分らないのでどなたか教えてください(´;ω;`) (1)compound subjects joined by and referring by and referring to one entity take a singular verb. (2)compound subject joined by and referring to separate entities take a plural verb. どうぞよろしくお願いします><

  • 英語を訳していただきたいです。

    ある長文の中である五つの例文を訳していただきたいです。 1.But one is the richer in true and useful wisdom, the more one reads. 2.There are so many good books in the world that it is foolish to waste time on one that does not give you pleasure and profit (unless reading it is a requirement to pass an examination, or something like that). 3.However, if you find yourself bored by a book that many well-informed people regard as important and readable, be fair with yourself and confess that perhaps the shortcoming is not in the book but in you. 4.A book which now seems dull or difficult will prove easy to grasp and fascinating to read when you are more mature intellectually. 5.They lack the background and the maturity of mind necessary to meet the author of the book on his own intellectual level. 長ったらしいですが、分かる方は教えていただきたいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の訳です。

    They come in different colors and sit, lie down or hand by their hands. この文章のhand by their handsがわかりません。hand in handならきいたことがあるのですが、ぜひおしえてください。

  • 英語の意味

    RTサイトの英文ですが http://rt.com/usa/218159-usa-anti-police-demonstration/ 上のリンク先の一段落・・・↓ “Every 28 hours a person is killed in the United States by a police officer or authority figure or vigilante, and nothing stops for them,” Kirbie Joseph, an organizer of the march in New York, told The New York Times. “Everything goes business as usual, and so we can’t stop.” この中で、 nothing stops for themとはどういうことを言っているのでしょうか… それは、「警察官たちがそのようなことをしても、全てが何もなかったかのように過ぎていく」ということでしょうか。 そして、最後にこのデモ行進の企画者であるカービーさんが、「we can’t stop」 と言ってますが、これも似たような意味なのでしょうか… よろしくお願いします。

  • one and a halfとone and one halfという記述について

    こんばんは。 ある英文なのですが、 He demonstrated that known inflight disasters caused by bombmings or other acts of violence averaged one and one half per year. 訳は大丈夫です。ただ、最後のほうにある、one and one halfという 表現は、one and a halfとどう違うのでしょうか? どちらかというと、後者のほうをよく目にするもので、前者の 記述に若干目を奪われました。 何か、両者の違いや使い方などについてご存知の方がいらっしゃれば、 ご教示願います。 宜しくお願いします。

  • 英語の翻訳

    海外通販にて商品を注文したところ、以下のようなメールが送られてきました。 翻訳願います。 thanks You for Your order! There´s one problem: By mistake I don´t have the hooded jacket with stars, and the sweater with bird print in size 1y. I can offer these items in size 2-3y (they are small in size and would fit a 1y old) or I will refund the money for these items or if You wish You can cancel Your order! sorry and thanks for Your understanding,

  • 英語文献の翻訳に困っています。だれか助けてください

    Cognitive processes The Formal Operations period, as Piaget labeled the adolescent stage of cognitive development, is one of mature organization of facts and events, with sophisticated manipulation of materials and symbols. The person capable of formal operations views problems from several different vantage points, all without making a move. Problem or conflict resolution goes on largely as a matter of mental manipulation. The image of the expect chess player, quietly conjecturing moves and outcomes several steps ahead of the present position of the game, dealing simultaneously with many different contingencies, is an apt one for the cognitive portrait of the adolescent.

  • 英語の翻訳をお願いします。

    ネットのエキサイト翻訳などを使っていたのですが、途中から訳が分からなくなりました。 アメリカからノコギリヤシサプリメントを取り寄せたのですが、注意書きが読めません。 情けないですが、お願いします。 Take one capsule three to five times daily, preferably with meals, Capsules may be opened and prepared as a tea. Other Ingredient:Gelatin. This product is intended for use by men and is not intended for use by women. If you are taking any medications, consult your doctor if any adverse reactions occur. Do not use if seal under cap bloken or missing.

  • 英語訳してください。

    one day I took a sheet of orienting in some Indian language, and tried to find the words the page looked like nothing but a jumble of strange sharps. Even when I was concentrat i ng on one short,common word,it took a long time before I could recognize that word as sight and pick it out of the others. Ofen I would go right by it without nothing it. In the same way, it takes a child some time to get sufficiently used to the sharps of letters and words to be able to see at a glance that this word is like that one, and this other word almost like it, and this other word altogether different. So we must give him plenty of time and not be surprised or upsept by what looks like slowness or thoughtless error. When a child, having lookd for a long time at two words on a page without seeing that they are the same, suddenly exclains, "Oh, I see, they are the same!" we must not think that what he has done is trivial. We must realize that the child has made a real and important discovery. 訳お願いします。