
  • 訳してほしい文章について、英語が得意な方にお願いします
  • 部分的には理解できるが、全体的な意味がわからない
  • お力を貸していただけると助かります
  • ベストアンサー


どなたかお力を貸して下さい。 部分的には理解できるんですが、全体的に何が言いたのかわからなくて困っています。。英語が得意な方、力を貸してください(>_<) One day me was writing a letter to is sweetheart who lived notvery fer away Me told u that me love u very much themore me wrote the more poetical u became finally u said that in order to be with u me would suffer the greatest difficulties and face the greatest dangers me said that that to be with u only one minute Me would climb the highest mountain in the world me would swim across the widest river me would enter the deepest forest and with his bare hands fight against the fiercest animals

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数0


  • ベストアンサー

me は he の誤り、u は you ではなく she の誤りだと思います。 ある日彼は恋人に手紙を書いていた。彼女はさほど遠くない所に住んでいた。彼は彼女に書いた(「言った」ではなく)、 ※ここからは手紙の文面 「私はあなたをとても愛しています。もっと書けば書くほど、あなたは詩のように(美しく)なります。」最後に彼が書いた、 「あなたと一緒にいるためなら、壮絶なる困難や危険に直面したとしても構わない。たとえ一分間しか一緒にいれないとしても。私は世界一高い山に登り、広い川を渡り、深い森に入って、素手で最も獰猛な野獣と戦うようなことがあったとしても」

その他の回答 (1)

  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

    ある日ミーは、あまり遠くないスイートハートに手紙書いてた。     ミーは、ユーにユーを凄い愛してる、と書けば書くほど、詩的になり、ユーは、とうとうユーと一緒にいるとミーは最大の困難を冒し、大きな危険に会うと言った。     ミーは、ユーとたった一分間でも居るためなら世界で一番高い山にでも登るし、一番広い川でも泳いで渡る。ミーはもっとも深い森でもっとも獰猛な動物と素手で戦う。 (ミーは英語苦手ですから間違い多いです)


  • この文の主語と動詞を教えてください。

    Remember,my dears,that the worst thing imaginable would be for me to to disappear and for your father to replace me with another woman.

  • お願いします 訳してください。

    Yes sweetheart, I would love to have you in my arms tonight. Sleeping right next to me with your head on my chest.

  • 翻訳希望

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたに。 お願いできますでしょうか? ご指摘大歓迎です。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 He is good with children and animals, he can take charge of them and has a particular understanding of them. He can amuse and entertain children, and becomes more extrovert and dramatic when playing with them or talking to them. He will exaggerate and put on a show. He will be a happy and generous father or uncle to any children he has. Though they may not see him as he is, just the act he puts on for them. In the past your partner would have had romances in his life, that will have seemed to set his soul on fire. But you will be his most important, his greatest and deepest love of all time. He will feel proud to be with you.

  • 話法の問題が解けません。

    話法の問題が解けません。 1. She said to him, "Please help me with her homework." She ( ) him ( ) help her with her homework. 2.She said to me, "Do you remember me?" She ( ) me ( ) I remembered her. 3. She said to him, "What do you mean?" She ( ) him ( ) ( ) ( ). 4. She said to him, "Let's talk about it." She ( ) to him that ( ) ( ) talk about it. 5. She said, "How happy I am!" She said with joy that she was ( ) happy. 6.He said, "May God help me!" He ( ) that God ( ) help him. 7. Yesterday she said to me, "I'll see you tomorrow". Yesterday she told me that she would see me ( ).

  • 英語得意な方翻訳お願いいたします。

    英語得意な方翻訳お願いいたします。 job interviewの内容です。 It seems to me that your products and services are aligned with what I think I can deliver and from what I could see on your website you have been around in the market for quite and while and I would be very interested in starting out of my career with an established company that can also provide me with the opportunities I need to progress in the future and reach my goals

  • 和訳お願いします‼︎

    和訳お願いします‼︎ He said that he didn't have a frog with him , but that , if Smily would be so kind as to get him one , he would be quiet willing to bet. お願いします‼︎

  • 困っています 彼は何を言いたいのですか

    すみません彼は何が言いたいのかわかりません。 If we where dating and I told you that I had to be drunk just to be with you....would you still want to date me? こうにきかれて、デートしていて彼が私にキスしたらもうデートしないかということをきいてるの?と聞いたら、そうじゃない、if i said i had to be drunk just to kissだというのいですが、わかりません訳を教えてください

  • 英語が得意な方へ

    アメリカの質問掲示板で質問した際の、返事がよく理解できませんでした。どなたか、分かりやすく訳、または要約をしてくれませんか? 質問 I'm Japanese student studying English This time, I want to ask about subjunctive mood.If you had behaved such a way in the party, my parents would have said that ( ). In ( ), I want to insert ' I had to go home.' , but is it okay to insert this sentence? 'If I had behaved such a way in the party, my parents would have said that I had to go home.' Is this sentence correct? I can't understand the tense, therefore please tell me about how to change the tense. I'm japanese student studying English, so I couldn't write sentences well. 答え You are quite correct. The subjunctive mood is used to describe hypothetical cases, regardless of the facts of the matter. They set the scene, so to speak, and what would happen as a consequence should be delivered in the appropriate tense (which has nothing to do with mood). Thus: "They would have said I had to go home." "They would have said you were acting foolishly." "They would have said 'You are a fool,' and turned away from you." In the last example, the quote would have been delivered in the present of the hypothetical time, and should be rendered that way.

  • 不定詞を使って書き換える ①

    問題が解けません。色々調べても、どんな風に応用すればいいのかが全く分かりません。たくさんありますが、どなたか教えてください。お願いします。 ①We could see nothing but sky and sea. ②He had no money with which to buy it. ③The U.S.S.r was the first country which launched a rocket to the moon. ④If one said so, it would be wrong. ⑤Our doctor advised me that I should take a week's rest.

  • two months and change in

    Now, I’m in a new relationship, two months and change in, with someone who tells me often that he loves spending time with me, REALLY loves sex with me, is really attracted to me, all that business. two months and change inのtwo months inは2ヶ月目ということですよね?changeは何でしょうか?よろしくお願いします