• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:日本は英語に、英文は日本語に訳してください。)


  • ボウリングはゆっくりのボールでも良いスコアが出る。
  • 簡単だと思われているボウリングの醍醐味。
  • 個人的な選択が重要なボウリング競技。


  • ベストアンサー
  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)

1. No matter how slowly the ball goes, you can get good scores if it hits a right spot. 2. That's why bowling is thought to be an easy sport to play. 3. This is the real pleasure of sport. 4. 研究者たちは、人々の感情的反応こそが、ロキアの困難な状況が自分たちを行動に至らせたのだと信じていた。 5. 問題は、男性は女性よりも自分たちの着こなしについて、さほど熱意がないということだ。 6. 他の人たちが、そのレースで何をやってくるかを正確に知ることは、個人として自分がするかもしれないことについて考えることほど重要ではない。 以上でいかがでしょうか?






  • 英語の訳お願いします

    John Palumbo, another industry expert, is sure that underground marketing is the right way to reach young people. "A product has to have credibility to succeed," he says. "People have to see it. They have to understand it in real way. The best way to do that is to put it in their world. And that's what we do. We put the product in their lige." However, one might ask what exactly is "real" about two young women pretending to be enthusiastic about a sweater? Advertising executives would say it's no less real than an ad. The difference is that you know an ad is trying to presuade you to buy something. You don't know when a conversation you overhear is just a performance

  • 英文を日本語に訳してください。よろしくお願いします

    (1)An English passenger kindly drew me into conservation. He was older than I. He asked me what I ate, what I was, where I was going, why I was shy, and so on. He also advised me to dine with him. (2)I think part of the uproar over cloning is that many people simply don`t understand what it is. They seem to have it confused with genetic alteration, another technology that`s creating a stir.

  • 英文を日本語に訳してください。よろしくお願いします

    ・Having twice the size or amount. ・An unhappy feeling when you have done something wrong. ・The money that a person is ordered to pay as a penalty. ・To have an opposite result to what was intended. ・A thing that encourages someone to do something.

  • 英文を日本語に訳してください。よろしくお願いします

    (1)Why go on a trip up Mt.Snowdon - it is raining heavily, we won`t be able to hike up the mountain, so what about putting it off? (2)Mutual understanding is something that is particularly important for people of different cultures, enabling them to respect one another`s. (3)As a result, they behaved in a manner which we considered unpleasant or even impolite.

  • 日本語に訳してください。

    こんにちは。 下記の英文を日本語に訳してください。 The so-called drug war was started in the 1980s and it was aimed directly at the black population. None of this has anything to do with drugs. It has to do with controlling and criminalizing dangerous populations. It's kind of like a U.S. counterpart to "social cleansing." Poor black males are criminalized the most by the drug war. The number of black men in the criminal justice system is enormous. That criminalizes a dangerous population. What about the population which is declining in earnings and jobs? They're frightened. The more you can increase the fear of drugs and crime and welfare mothers and immigrants and aliens and poverty and all sorts of things, the more you control people. Make them hate each other. Be frightened of each other and think that the other is stealing from them. If you do that you can control people. And that's just what the drug war does. よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の文法チェックしてください

    Especially, Australian people are more individualism than Japanese. We tend to care about what people think about. On the other hand, Australian is more likely to do whatever they want. Also, they value their own individuality. I do not know that was good for us, but I just changed my mind after knowing their thinking, and now I always do whatever I want to try as much as possible because my life can not repeat. Anyway, all of my experiences in Australia were amazing for me. The most unforgettable experience over there was learning to appreciate my parents because they always cared about me, and support me all the time. Now, my family is the most precious treasure to me. なにか文法のミスを指摘してもらえるとうれしいです

  • 英文を日本語に訳してください。お願いします。

    (1)に入る言葉は、(1)By the way(2)By contrast(3)By all means(4)By coincidenceのどれですか? People who are concerned about climate change tend to worry about what would happen if the Antarctic ice sheet or the glaciers of Greenland were to melt. And, as most experts agree, these ice sheets are so huge that if they melt, it would mean major environmental damage caused by sea level rise and other effects. (1), the rest of the world`s glaciers contain less water and their disappearance would be a regional rather than a global disaster. If the Earth is losing its glaciers, the place where it matters most is in the Himalayas. The Himalayas are a grand mountain chain 2500km long. They contain the world`s highest mountains including all fourteen that are more than 8000m high. Because giant glaciers surround all the major Himalayan mountains, their melting would greatly influence the Earth`s climate. It is not likely that all this ice is going to disappear in the next few decades. But there is every chance that these glaciers will go on becoming smaller at a far faster rate than they have in recent centuries. Scientists supported by the British government have looked at what this might mean for the Himalayas area. It turns out that the Indus, the major river of Pakistan and of which the Himalayas are the source, could carry anything from 14 to 90 percent more water in the next few decades. This would mean terrible increases in flooding and erosion. But once a great enough percentage of the glaciers has melted, the amount of water in the river would fall by 30 to 90 percent over the end of the century. As this water is the basis of all life and agriculture in Pakistan, the effects hardly need explanation. If the planet continues to warm, there could be big shifts in the environment. Small glaciers would simply disappear and larger ones would retreat. There are signs that this is already happening.

  • 英文の日本語訳について教えてください

    今、とある長文を訳しているのですが、少しずつ訳すことの出来ない場所があるので、訳していただけるとありがたいです。 文が全然繋がっていないので訳しにくいとは思いますが、よろしくお願いします。 We would like to celebrate her retirement and her contribution to the company. We would like to take this opportunity to present Ms. Muller with a gift that will remind her of us for quite some time. So at some point in time, people are going to hesitate to hire the job hopper as they don't expect that person to stick arounnd for liog. Others choose to change jobs when they receive better offers, when they're forced to do so because they've moved to another location or have been affected by some change in their personal lives. The thing about changing jobs is that it could backfire if the timing is not right, and you could end up in a less desirable position than the one you were in before. よろしくお願い致します。

  • 日本語から英語へ

    In the future, I would like to become a teacher, and teach as much as I can to people. The reasons are, firstly, because I like to teach people. But still, it is difficult to teach in any case. So I want to be a teacher that can tell what I want to tell clearly. Secondly, this occupation is a job that gives us a chance to communicate with all sorts of people from all sorts of countries, and know about them. This can be the reason of why I want to work for this occupation. And now, to make my dreams come true, I need to study. Studying is important, and I would continue to put effort to become a teacher. Thank you very much. と、いう文章を日本語へ翻訳していただきたいのですが、よろしければお願いします。

  • 英文の意味を教えてください・・・

    Television is the first truly democratic culture-the first culture available to everyone and entirely governed by what the people want. The most terrifying thing is what people do want. ―この英文の意味を教えていただけないでしょうか。なんとなく分かるのですが、あくまでなんとなくで、いったい何が言いたいのかわからなくて・・・直訳と意訳の両方を教えていただけると大変たすかります。