Exploring the Barracks and the Tomb in Ancient Egypt

  • Experience the enticing smell of fresh baking bread and explore the barracks in ancient Egypt.
  • Discover the intriguing curse of a tomb and the fear it instills in those who read the hieroglyphs.
  • Dream of being assigned a skilled job, like boat building, in the fascinating world of ancient Egypt.
  • ベストアンサー

日本語訳を! 7-(5)

お願いします。 (14) When you arrive at the barracks, the smell of fresh baking bread makes your mouth water. Bakers pull loaves out of ovens large enough for you to stand in. You take some bread for yourself and then some fore your grandfather's Ka. You wander to the west side of the pyramid looking for his tomb. Your mother told you that his tomb is a miniature version of King Khufu's mer, except grandfather's is made from mud brick instead of stone. You pass the tomb of a husband and wife who worked on the Great Pyramid. You are one of the fdw who can read bits and pieces of hieroglyphs. What you read makes you quicken your pace past the tomb. It is cursed. "O all people who enter this tomb who will make evil against this tomb and destroy it; may the crocodile be against them on water, and snakes be against them on land; may the hippopotamus be against them on water, the scorpion against them on land." Even though you would never rob a tomb, the curse gives you the creeps, and you watch the ground ahead for snakes and scorpions. (15) Maybe you had better head back. The Overseer of All the King's Works will have assigned your job and you are anxious to see what you will be doing. Most of the farmers have to do all the heavy lifting, but maybe you will be lucky since you can read a little. Maybe you will be assigned a more skilled job. You hope that you can work on one of the boats in one of the boat pits. Wouldn't it be faaulous to be a boat builder for the afterlife? To help build the boat that King Khufu will use to navigate the stars?

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

(14) あなたが仮設小屋に到着すると、焼きたてのパンのにおいで、あなたは、よだれが出ます。 パン職人は、あなたが立ったまま入れるほど大きなオーブンから、パンの塊を引き出します。 あなたはあなた自身の分のいくらかのパンと、それから、あなたの祖父のカア(霊魂)のためのいくらかのパンを受け取ります。 あなたは、祖父の墓を探しながら、ぶらぶらとピラミッドの西側に歩いて行きます。 あなたの母は、あなたに、祖父の墓が、石ではなく、日干しレンガでできていること以外、祖父の墓がクフ王の墓のミニチュア版であると話しました。あなたは、大ピラミッドに取り組んだ夫と妻の墓を通り過ぎます。 あなたは、ヒエログリフをほんの少し読むことができる数少ない人々の1人です。 あなたが読んだもののために、あなたは、足取りを速めて、墓を通り過ぎます。それには、呪いの言葉が書かれています。 「おお、この墓に入り、この墓に対して悪をなし、それを破壊するすべての者たちに; 水にありては、ワニが、彼らを狙い、陸にありては、ヘビが、彼らを狙い; 水にありては、カバが、彼らを襲い、陸にありては、サソリが彼らを襲いたまえ。」たとえあなたが墓から決して物を奪わないとしても、呪いはあなたをぞっとさせます、そして、あなたは前方にヘビやサソリがいないか目を凝らします。 (15) 多分、あなたは帰った方がよいでしょう。 「国王の作業の総監督」が、あなたの仕事を割り当てているでしょう、そして、あなたは何をすることになるのか知りたいと不安に思っています。ほとんどの農民は、すべての重い持ち上げ作業をしなければなりません、しかし、もしかすると、あなたは、少し読むことができるので、幸運でしょう。 多分、あなたはより技術を要する仕事を任せられるでしょう。 船工房の1つで船の1隻の作業ができることを、あなたは望みます。 来世のための船大工になることは、素晴らしくないですか? クフ王が星々の間を進むために使うボートを造るのを手伝うのは、素晴らしくないですか?





  • 日本語訳を! 7-(1)

    お願いします。 (1) What if you were an Egyptian tomb builder? Life for you 4,500 years ago may have gone this way: The barge floated upstream, bumping to a stop at the dock alongside a small farming village located a week's journey south of the capital of Mennefer. The king's men disembarked and marched double file over the pier heading for the village center. Word of their arrival rippled from house to mud-brick house. Men and women trickled out of their homes and formed a loose ring around the king's messengers. Curious and shy, the youngest children peeked out from behind their mother's legs. One of the king's men―a scribe―unrolled a scroll and held it at arm's length. He shouted out names. You caught your breath. Would you be on the list? (2) Your grandfather set the first stones in King Khufu's mer. Now 20 years later, the eternal home is nearly finished, but there is still much work to be done. A king's eternal home is more than just a mer . There are temples and causeways and walls and the queen's tombs to be built. A papyrus inscription, called the Turin Papyrus, written long after you had traveled to the afterlife, and long after kings had stopped being buried at Giza, claims the Great Pyramid was built in less than 23 years. But for all the years you can remember, you have watched your friends board the king's barge when he harvest was done. When the floods receded, and they came back, the women fussed over them, and the men treated them with respect. You caught them sometimes walking with a swagger. They had seen the world. (3) Not everyone came home. Those that came back brought news of the ones that stayed. They had married and had children and learned trades other than farming. They chose to stay on at the Giza Plateau and work for the king. (4) For two weeks now you have felt the restlessness of the flood time. If the king's men call your name, will you be one who never returns? Will this be the last time you see your village and your family?

  • 日本語訳を! 7-(2)

    お願いします。 (5) When the scribe out your name, you are afraid you heard wrong. Your knees feel a little weak. You've never left your village before. What will the world be like in the north across the Nile from the capital? (6) You rush home to pack your things. While piling your clothing in a square and tying it into a bundle, you suddenly feel too old for your mother's kisses. She's weeping behind you. But when you turn you see the pride in her eyes. Maybe she is thinking that if you help build the king's pathway to the heavens you will get to journey to the afterlife, too. (7) The barge is waiting by the dock. You and several others from the village hurry to board. The boat is already loaded with young men from villages even farther south. As the river currents carry you swiftly northward, you watch your village grow smaller and smaller until you aren't sure if you can see it. The ship is noisy with bragging men who have worked many flood seasons at Giza. Their voices fade, because suddenly you wish you were back in your village, watching your mother weave reed sandals, and not on a barge among men you don't know. (8) What was it like for young people who worked on the pyramids of King Khufu and the pyramids of his sons? To come from small farming villages, float up the Nile to the Giza Plateau and live in a barracks town of thousands? As they approached Giza, the Great Pyramid must have appeared to thrust out of the plateau as if it would pierce the sky. The monument was so massive that it took more than 4,000 years for humans to build anything taller. Until the Eiffel Tower was built in Paris in 1889, the Great Pyramid was the tallest building on earth. What would it have felt like to a simple Egyptian peasant to be part of such a huge project? How would you have felt that first day at Giza?

  • 日本語に訳してください。よろしくお願いします。

    どなたか日本語に訳していただけないでしょうか? 宜しくお願いします。 The Dragon in your chart shows that your fate is bound up with environment and distant places for good or for evil. This sign means that distance and places and people far a field will bring out the karma or crisis As will religion, and relatives of the partner. Situations that go deep and that fate seems to thrust on you for you to struggle with, things that will color or alter the pattern of your life, a long time after. But through the difficulties you will either find a way to connect to you deeper wisdom and spiritual powers, or else you will loss faith in things you used to believe in. perhaps both, at different times and stages of the karmic journey of live. Karmic things are a test of strength, and your inner strength and your own sense of identity, will be tested through situations involving places, environment, unfamiliar cultures and strange ideas, matters in your relationship. The ninth house has to do with dreams, disillusionment, truth and fantasy. There may be a gap between your dreams and your destiny in love. Between what you believe or hope for and what you get. The way you adapt to that or fail to adapt will be the making or the death of the relationship emotionally, Non of it will be apparent at the beginning. For karmic destiny is always obscure, hidden and takes long years to unfold.

  • 日本語訳を!

    お願いします (20) Akhenaten's new capital was lined with office building after office building: the palace, the House of the Correspondence of Pharaoh, where the Amarna Letters were found; the police station, with a full staff of policemen who rode around in chariots; and a university, where priests of the new order were educated. Now that the old myths were no longer taught, Akhenaten had to write new ones. The Great Hymn to the Aten shows us Akhenaten's poetic side. He writes that even "Birds fly up to their nests, their wings extended in praise of your ka [spirit]." The hymn teaches that the Aten created not just Egypt, but the entire world and everything in it:  You create the earth as you wish, when you were by yourself,...all beings on land, who fare upon their feet, and all beings in the air, who fly with their wings. The lands of Khor [Syro-Palestine] and Kush [Nubia] and the land of Egypt.... Tongues are separate in speech, and their characters as well; their skins are different, for you differentiate the foreigners. The hymn also makes it clear to the priests that they will not be the ones who represent the Aten on Earth, "There is no other who knows you except for your son [Akhenaten], for you have apprised him of your designs and your power." (21) Then Akhenaten took a fatal step. He denied Egyptians the afterlife. He doomed his new religion to failure. He gad rankled the people by taking away the old gods and the old traditions, and now he took away their hopes for eternal life.

  • わかりやすい日本語にしてください

    1.Which certain guide will go with you on tours we will know the day before your trip. 2.And you can be sure that transport and guide will be ready for your tours! 3.And please don't change your plans for the tour with us as we prepare transport, guides and our schedule for you.

  • 日本語訳をお願いします。

    It's so exited I'm glad to hear you again, your picture is wonderful and makes me want to go there,i really wanna to touch the snow by my own hand,that must be fantastic i think.(* ̄︶ ̄*) in here i can wear shorts haha!!or sometimes i don't wear clothes,is to warm for me,and actually i'm a little envy you because you can see the snow falling from the sky~^o^~ by the way,my major is media,i learned it for almost 2years but i feel like i get nothing.maybe my heart is not for school but if i don't learn more now i afraid i will regret in the future::>_<::make me crazyπ_π anyway,i can see your techniques for photography must be very well,haha!!maybe next time i will send you a picture of myself to you,but don't be so disappoint haha!!\^O^/

  • 日本語に訳してください。よろしくお願いします。

    どなたかお分かりになれば翻訳をお願いします! You have the star of Pisces the celestial fish setting over the western horizon. Anyone with Pisces on their seventh house will have a cross to bear in relationships. In love you have lacked real relationships. You have loved the shadow not the substance. Escapist romance, in love with love, your dreams, not the real person. You tend to choose impractical people to love. Those who are perceptive, idealistic full of tenderness, but who in the end may be weak, indecisive and elusive. You are easily manipulated by partners who play on your feelings and emotions. You have a deep feeling nature, and you have made sacrifices. You know the pain of love. Something in you has died for love, or loneness, many times. Partners who have been elusive, weak or out of reach who seemed to promise you something but then disappear like the mist. Like a dream. You long for something real and lasting and this time you’ll find it.

  • 日本語訳を!

    お願いします (16) For the lucky children, there was school (but it was rare for a girl to be that lucky). Education was a privilege for a select few. The majority of children never learned to read or write. Education began for children at about five years old. Those who did go to school walked, carrying a lunch of bread cakes and drinks. Or, if they were wealthy enough, tutors came to their home. During the Middle Kingdom, temples and palaces built Houses of Instruction where a chosen group of boys trained for their future jobs. In school, children sat cross-legged on the floor and recited passages over and over and over again. When they knew the sayings by heart they would write them over and over and over again. Papyrus was too expensive to waste on school children, so students practiced their penmanship with reed brushes and ink cakes (just like watercolors) on polished limestone or pieces of pottery. If tax collecting was in the limestone or pieces of pottery. If tax collecting was in the student's future, he would learn arithmetic, too. Teachers expected their students to work hard and were quick to whip those who didn't. One scribe wrote, "Don't waste your day in idleness, or you will be flogged. A boy's ear is on his back. He listens when he is beaten." (17) At 12 or 14 it was time to marry and begin a family. For in the words of a New Kingdom scribe, "Take to yourselves a wife while you are young, so that she may give you a son. You should begat him for yourself when you are still young, and should live to see him become a man." And above all, "Make a holiday! And do not tire of playing!"

  • 日本語訳を! 6-(2)

    お願いします。 (4) The Ka, on the other hand, was stuck in the tomb. It had to stay with the body. In order to survive, the Ka needed to eat and drink. Friends and family of the dead person would bring offerings to the tomb for the Ka. They even brought clothing for it. The Ka needed the corpse, or the spirit would perish―and if it perished, good-bye Field of Reeds. In an emergency situation, the Ka could use a statue that looked like the deceased as a fallback body. Or it could even occupy a picture of the deceased on the tomb wall. Pharaohs paid artisans to recreate their images everywhere. A forgotten pharaoh was doomed. No sense taking chances. (5) The Akh was the spirit that represented immortality. It could shine with the stars at night and the sun in the day, or live forever in the Field of Reeds. The three spirits' main responsibility was to make sure that the dead person lived forever. Their job was to gain entrance to the Field of Reeds. And here's where it got tricky, because entering the Field of Reeds was as challenging as any video game. (6) When a person died, his or her spirit took off toward the setting sun and entered the dangerous Underworld. After a long journey the spirits arrived at a labyrinth of gates and doors. The gatekeepers and the magical doors would quiz the spirits. "I will not let xou through me," says the jamb of the door, "unless you tell me my name." "I will not open for you," says the bolt of the door, "unless you tell me my name." (7) There were many names to memorize in order to open the doors, names such as "She Who Licks Her Calves" and "He Who Cuts Up An Opponent" and "Toe of His Mother." Call one tormentor by the wrong name and you were condemned to haunt your own grave and wander the desert moaning through eternity.

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    After four years of violation of its territory, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is to be fortunately liberated. ... American troops enter the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg as friends, and will abide rigorously by international law. Their presence, which will not be extended longer than is absolutely necessary, will not be a burden upon you. The operation of the government and institutions will not be impeded. Your lives and livelihoods will not be disturbed. Your person and your property will be respected.