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The Essence of Polar Bears: Arctic Life Incarnate


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    ホッキョクグマは、イヌイット(エスキモー)の数知れない民話の題材であり、魂であり、要素である。北極圏に住む動物の中でホッキョクグマは、他に比べてずば抜けて体格が大きく、その上頭脳もよく、好奇心も旺盛で、しかも個性がある。     ホッキョクグマは、単にこの地域の象徴であるだけでなく、北極圏の生活そのものの生きた姿だと言える。この偉大な白い熊は単に北極圏の自然に適応した生物ではない。     北極狐は、シロクマの後を追って冬の氷の上に足を伸ばし、(白熊の喰い残した)アザラシの肉を食べる。陸では、キツネは雪の中を走るネズミの音を鋭く聞き分け、後を追い、猫のように飛びかかる。     ホッキョクグマ以外の北極圏の動物は、キツネ、雷鳥、白フクロウ、などすべて保護色に身を固め、白から茶色へと夏の凍土、冬の雪に合わせて毛の色を変える。     野生の白鳥は、空に入れ墨の模様を描き、雁は、短い夏の巣作りに北極へ帰る。北極で子を産む鳥は多い。カイツブリ、カモメ、ルーンなどがそうである。     真夜中の日光のもとで、北極圏の綿の花が咲き、夏の生気が満ちてくる上に、北極の空は、青く、果てしなく流れる。


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    Western Canada has an astonishig range of scenery:From Manitoba's sub-arctic tundra and Saskatchewan's rich farm lands to Alberpa's majestic mountain peaks and British Columbia's coastal forests.No matter how modern and convenient Canada's cities are,at their back is always the haunting wildness of the Far North,the kingdom of the ice bear,the land of Nanook of the North.Polar bears are creatures of the Far North and the Arctic:they are found nowhere else on earth.

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    At Churchil,Manitoba,polar bears gather every November,for it is near Churchil that Hudson's Bay first freezes intosolid ice.Churchil is equipped with a polar bear siren that sounds whenever a bear is spotted ambling down a street or pawing through the town garbage.lf the animal persists in wandering around town,it is hauled off to Churchill's Polar Bear Jail where it is accommfdated at the town's expense until the ice freezes.Polar bears hunt seals,but before they can go out onto the ice to stalk their prey,the ice must be solid enough to support their prey,the ice must be solid enough to support their tremendous weight:Adult males can weigh one-thousand five-hundred pounds,three-quarters of a ton of pure predator.While they wait on the shore for the ice to form,the young bears spar.They learn important lessons in self-defense from wrestling and mock biting.When the time comes to pick a mate,protect a kill,or defend a cub,polar bears fight,sometimes to the death.

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    Ovsyanikow explains ,“What is especially attractive in polar bears in terms of conservation is that it is an umbrella species. It is a large predator which is at the top of the food chain in the Arctic.” This means that biologists can tell a lot about the condition of the Arctic environment by studying the polar bear. It also means that the helth of the polar bear species reflects the health of a number of other species in the Arctic region. As the people and scientists watch the bears, the animals can be observed desperately trying to find something to eat in the frozen earth-they even try to find something to eat in the frozen earth-they even try to eat grass. “They are hungry,”observes polar bear guide John Bykerk. At this time of year, the built-up fat reserves that have kept the polar bears alive since the ice melted, have served their purpose. Sadly, the bears' bodies are starving for energy by now, and some are beginning to look thin. It is not surprising that the bears are hungry; it has been a long time since they have eaten anything at all. Bykerk explains, “Unless they are lucky enough to find some dead beluga whale or some dead seal, thy have essentially gone four months at this point without having a bite to eat”

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    Many researchers believe that health of polar bears parallels directly with the health of the environment. Scientists are concerned that despite the constant cold in Northern Manitoba, it may not be staying cold long enough to keep the environment stable. In other words, global warming may be affecting the ice patterns, which are critical for the survival of the polar bear. Cam Elliot explains what the situation means for the continued existence of the polar bear. “Over the last 25 years, research conducted by the Canadian Wildlife Service has found about a two-week advancement in spring weather and ice melt,” he reports. “Polar bears are a creature of the sea ice. When they are out on the ice,they are hunting seals. Anything in the global climate that would affect the stability or the length of the time that the ice is on the Hudson Bay or the length of the time that the ice is on the Hudson Bay or the Arctic weters is going to have immediate impact on polar bears.”To state the issues simply and clearly:polar bears need ice, and global warming may be taking it away from them.

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    Near the edge of the Arctic reagion of Canada, the short summer is repidly disappearing. The sun is pale, and the brief days of fall are being chased away by a constant cold wind from the north. Along the western shore of the Hudson Bay, winter is beginning to close its grip and make this a very inhospitable environment. It is an icy cold region in which few animals or plants can survive. One animal,though, actually thrives in these freezing, lonely surroundings:the polar bear. Every year on the western edge of the Hudson Bay, polar bears hungrily wait for the freezing of the bay in order to begin their hunting season. Winter has the perfect land carnivore and an animal that depends on the ice and cold for its survival. What is it about this remarkable and beautiful marine mammal that makes it particularly suited for such extreme temperatures? よろしくお願いします。

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    Located on the north arm of Great Slave Lake amid the jagged rocks of the Precambrian Shield,Yellowknife is the capital and the only city in the Northwest Territories.Gold was discovered in 1896 by miners on their way to the klondike,but the gold rush didn't get under way in the Northwest Territories until 1934.Today,subsistence fishing keeps the native people of the Northwest Territories living in close touch with nature and their tribal traditions.This harsh land is unforgiving:only knowledge of the ancient ways can insure survival.Carrying a snow knife,recognizing the right kind of snow to use,and knowing how to build an igloo are essential skills in the Far North.Blizzards blow up out of nowhere and whiteouts can last for days.To survive, one must read the horizon constantly,and anticipate.

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    Under the terms of the Chantilly Agreement of December 1915 Russia, France, Great Britain and Italy were committed to simultaneous attacks against the Central Powers in the summer of 1916. Russia felt the need to lend troops to fight in France and Salonika (against her own wishes), and to attack on the Eastern Front, in the hope of obtaining munitions from Britain and France. The Lake Naroch Offensive was launched at the request of France, in the hope that the Germans would transfer more units to the East after their attack on Verdun. Nicholas II acceded to the French request, choosing the Lake Narach area in what is now the Republic of Belarus because there the Imperial Russian Army had a significant numerical superiority over the German forces under the command of General Eichhorn.

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    On the east side of the Continental Divide high in the Canadian Rockies,lies one of Alberta's natural jewels,Banff National Park.Canada's first national park,Banff is also the most popular.It adjoins Jasper,kootenay,and Yoho National Parks,the four together forming the largest mountain park land in the world.Three different ecosystems within the the parks range from arctic to forest to prairieーand all support a rich population of animals. Amid the towering crags of the Canadian Rockies,the Banff Spring Hotel stands in all its glorious splendor.Its turrets and towers add a note of grand romance to the magnificence of the mountains. Chateau Lake Louise in Banff National Park is another example of the luxurious Canadian chateau styke.In the summer,the waters of Lake Louise shimmer emeraldーgreen.Mountain trails wind upward to alpine meadows where deer graze silently on wildflowers.In the winter,wellーgroomed slopes provide superior skiing.Lake Louise has 44 designated runs to offer with 44,000 skiable acres of terrain.

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    日本語訳を見て頂けると幸いです、宜しくお願いします。 1.a courting male his date and a business executive his travel connections. a courting male→愛を求めている男性 2.Nevertheless, he, too, had his kind of appointments to keep, especially in the service of his tribe and his gods. How did he know then when to arrive and to worship his deity at just the right moment? 3.At some early time, men realized that full moon followed full moon in a regular procession. Twelve “moons” corresponded well enough for their purposes to a complete cycle of seasons, from winter back to winter again. 4.men could know when to expect the killing frosts of winter. 5.The year 365 or 366 days, measures one complete round of the seasons, from winter through spring, summer, fall, and back to winter again. (『年(365または366日)は、』以降がいまいちうまく訳せません。。) 6.To be correct 7.But the moon goes through its phases 12 times in about 354 days ― 11 days less than a full year. Complicated corrections were needed in all lunar calendars to allow for this. 8.So Gregory provided for omitting the extra day in three out of four century years― that is, years ending in 00.

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    The illusion of unlimited natural abundance fostered by the frontier myth is cause for concern. Does America or any nation have unlimited natural abundance? There Will Be blood(2007) shows the ppioneer as a greedy capitalist who becomes rich on oil. Today's West faces serious environmental problems. The Red Desert is an area of 24,000 square kilometers in the southern part of Wyoming.The world's largest herd of elk and many species of rare plants and birds live here, but the area is threatened with dedstruction by oil and gas drilling. Over 5,000 wells have been sunk in recent years, and the U.S. government has approved 15,000 more. In Alaska, former governor and recent vice-presidential canadidate Sarah Palin, who portrays herself as an independent frontier politician supports oil and gas drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, the home of threatened polar bears and caribou. Palin even filed suit against the U.S. government because its Endangered Species Act blocks drilling in the state. With such policies, the American West many soon look like the Alaska shown in The Simpsons Movie (2007) a landscape of oil wells and pipelines, where each resident is brided with "a thousand dollars to allow oil companies to ravage state's natural beauty."