How Global Warming is Affecting Polar Bears

  • Many researchers believe that the health of polar bears is directly tied to the health of the environment. Scientists are concerned that global warming is disrupting ice patterns, which are crucial for the survival of polar bears. The Canadian Wildlife Service has observed a two-week advancement in spring weather and ice melt over the last 25 years. This change in climate affects the amount of time that the ice is present in the Hudson Bay and Arctic waters, impacting the polar bears' ability to hunt for seals. In short, global warming is threatening the existence of polar bears.
  • Global warming has a direct impact on the survival of polar bears, who rely on ice to hunt seals. Researchers have found that climate change is causing an advancement in spring weather and ice melt, resulting in less time for polar bears to hunt. This change in climate, specifically the reduction in ice availability, is a serious threat to the polar bear population. Conservation efforts are crucial to address the impact of global warming on polar bears and their habitat.
  • The health of polar bears is closely connected to the health of the environment. Scientists have observed a significant advancement in spring weather and ice melt due to global warming. This change in climate has direct implications for polar bears, as it impacts their ability to hunt for seals. The reduction in ice availability is a major concern, as it limits the time polar bears have to access their primary food source. Urgent action is needed to combat global warming and protect the vulnerable polar bear population.
  • ベストアンサー


Many researchers believe that health of polar bears parallels directly with the health of the environment. Scientists are concerned that despite the constant cold in Northern Manitoba, it may not be staying cold long enough to keep the environment stable. In other words, global warming may be affecting the ice patterns, which are critical for the survival of the polar bear. Cam Elliot explains what the situation means for the continued existence of the polar bear. “Over the last 25 years, research conducted by the Canadian Wildlife Service has found about a two-week advancement in spring weather and ice melt,” he reports. “Polar bears are a creature of the sea ice. When they are out on the ice,they are hunting seals. Anything in the global climate that would affect the stability or the length of the time that the ice is on the Hudson Bay or the length of the time that the ice is on the Hudson Bay or the Arctic weters is going to have immediate impact on polar bears.”To state the issues simply and clearly:polar bears need ice, and global warming may be taking it away from them.

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
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  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9728/12102)

(前回に引き続き)以下のとおりお答えします。誤植と思しきところがありましたが、推測で補いましたので誤訳があるかも知れません。その節は悪しからずご了承ください。 多くの研究者が、北極グマの健康は環境の健全性と直接的な並行関係にあると信じています。科学者は、北マニトバが恒常的な寒冷地であるにもかかわらず、その環境を安定状態に保つのに十分な長期間の寒冷が続かないかも知れない、と心配しています。すなわち、地球温暖化が氷の存在様式に影響している可能性があって、それは北極グマの存続にとっては危険なことなのです。 カム・エリオットが、北極グマの継続的生存にとって現況の意味するところを説明します。 「最近の25年間、『カナダ野生生物局』の実施した研究によって、春暖気候と氷の融解のせいで2週間分の前倒し情況が発見された」と彼は報告しています。「北極グマは海氷の生き物なのです。彼らが氷上にいる時には、アザラシ狩りをします。ハドソン湾や北極海における氷の安定性とか存続時間に影響を及ぼすような地球規模の気候状況のすべてが、即時に北極グマにとっては衝撃となってしまうのです。」 問題点を単純かつ明快に述べれば次のとおりです。すなわち、北極グマには氷が必要ですが、地球温暖化がそれを彼らから取り除きつつあるのかも知れない、ということです。 以上、ご回答まで。


  • 日本語訳お願いしますm(__)m

    At Churchil,Manitoba,polar bears gather every November,for it is near Churchil that Hudson's Bay first freezes intosolid ice.Churchil is equipped with a polar bear siren that sounds whenever a bear is spotted ambling down a street or pawing through the town garbage.lf the animal persists in wandering around town,it is hauled off to Churchill's Polar Bear Jail where it is accommfdated at the town's expense until the ice freezes.Polar bears hunt seals,but before they can go out onto the ice to stalk their prey,the ice must be solid enough to support their prey,the ice must be solid enough to support their tremendous weight:Adult males can weigh one-thousand five-hundred pounds,three-quarters of a ton of pure predator.While they wait on the shore for the ice to form,the young bears spar.They learn important lessons in self-defense from wrestling and mock biting.When the time comes to pick a mate,protect a kill,or defend a cub,polar bears fight,sometimes to the death.

  • 訳してください

    Ovsyanikow explains ,“What is especially attractive in polar bears in terms of conservation is that it is an umbrella species. It is a large predator which is at the top of the food chain in the Arctic.” This means that biologists can tell a lot about the condition of the Arctic environment by studying the polar bear. It also means that the helth of the polar bear species reflects the health of a number of other species in the Arctic region. As the people and scientists watch the bears, the animals can be observed desperately trying to find something to eat in the frozen earth-they even try to find something to eat in the frozen earth-they even try to eat grass. “They are hungry,”observes polar bear guide John Bykerk. At this time of year, the built-up fat reserves that have kept the polar bears alive since the ice melted, have served their purpose. Sadly, the bears' bodies are starving for energy by now, and some are beginning to look thin. It is not surprising that the bears are hungry; it has been a long time since they have eaten anything at all. Bykerk explains, “Unless they are lucky enough to find some dead beluga whale or some dead seal, thy have essentially gone four months at this point without having a bite to eat”

  • 訳してください

    Near the edge of the Arctic reagion of Canada, the short summer is repidly disappearing. The sun is pale, and the brief days of fall are being chased away by a constant cold wind from the north. Along the western shore of the Hudson Bay, winter is beginning to close its grip and make this a very inhospitable environment. It is an icy cold region in which few animals or plants can survive. One animal,though, actually thrives in these freezing, lonely surroundings:the polar bear. Every year on the western edge of the Hudson Bay, polar bears hungrily wait for the freezing of the bay in order to begin their hunting season. Winter has the perfect land carnivore and an animal that depends on the ice and cold for its survival. What is it about this remarkable and beautiful marine mammal that makes it particularly suited for such extreme temperatures? よろしくお願いします。

  • 日本語訳お願いしますm(__)m

    Polar bears are the subject,spirit,and essence of couutless lnuit myths.By far the largest Arctic animal,polar bears are also intelligent,inquisitive,and highly individual.The polar bear is not merely a symbol of this region,but the very embodiment of life,the Arctic incarnate.The great white bears are not the only creatures that have adapted to Arctic conditions. Arctic foxes trail polar bears out onto the winter ice and scavenge their seal kills.On land,the foxes listen acutely for the sounds of mice scurryin under the snow,stalking and pouncing on them like cats.Most Arctic animals,the polar bear excepted,change coats from white to brown to match the snow in winter and the tundra in summer :the fox...the ptarmigan...and the snowy owl...all wear camouflage.Wild swans'tattoo patterns across the sky,wild peese return for the brief Arctic summer to nest.Many birds breed in the Arctic:Eared grebes...seagulls...and arctic loons.Under the midniggt sun,arctic cotton bursts into bloom,and the Arctic sky soars blue and limitless over the burgeoning life of summer.

  • 英語の質問です。

    the next moment you are intenscly alert . your senses focused on what is right in front of your eyes . you might be thinking, what is a polar bear doing sitting here on the street? ※うまく訳せません教えてください。

  • 英語訳

    The theory about life on Mars is also supported by something in the rock which simple life forms on earth produce. There is also reason to believe that there was once a lot of water on Mars and that some of it is still there in the form of ice. We may thus be able to argue that certain kinds of bacteria may be living around the ice. NASA has looked at Mars closely by putting two vehicles on the surface of the planet. 英語の宿題をやっているのですがここだけどうしても訳せません。 分かる方いたら教えて下さい。

  • 添削をお願いします!

    高校で資料を参考にして、エッセイを書く課題が出ました。 一度書いてみたので添削をお願いします! ※文章構成(first of all, secondly In conclusion と 最初のパラグラフと最後のパラグラフとの内容が被ること)に関しては学校からの指示なので、そのままでお願いします。 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ People had better be concerned about climatic change. One of the things that are in question most and most influential is global warming. These days, global warming has been serious. If we took preventive measures against global warming thoroughly, we would be in peril of our life. Also the Island whose altitude is low may sink in the sea because the ice in the arctic is malted by rising temperature and sea water. First of all, according to the report from Nasa in 2005, the amount of sea ice that floats in the chilly arctic is much less than what it used to be. This report says that it is probably because of warmer arctic temperature. This thing is so serious. But now global warming has been in progress in spite of the official date like this is going public. Secondly, the report says that the amount of sea ice that floats in the chilly arctic is much less than what it used to be. This report says that it is probably because of warmer arctic temperature. This change may surprise many people even who don’t take interest in global warming. We are not able to keep this the situation any more. In conclusion, we had better think of global warming and need to immediately start working out solutions for this problem. Otherwise, we will really be in peril of our life. ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ※念のために言いたいことを大まかに日本語で書いておきます※ ^------------------------------------- 人々はもっと気候変動について気にかけるべきである。もっとも影響があり問題となっているのが地球温暖化だ。近年、地球温暖化は深刻化してきている。もし私たちが徹底的に地球温暖化を防がなければ、生命の危機に瀕することになるかもしれない。また、海水や気温の上昇により北極の氷が溶け、水面が上昇して海抜が低い島々は海に沈んでしまうかもしれません。  第一に、NASAの2005年に調査によると、「資料抜粋:the amount of sea ice that floats in the chilly arctic is much less than what it used to be. This report says that it is probably because of warmer arctic temperature.」これのことはとても深刻です。しかし今でもこのような調査が公表されているにも関わらず地球温暖化は進行しています。 次に、この調査は「資料抜粋each year, during the month of September, the amount of sea ice floating in the Arctic Ocean is typically at its lowest amount for the entire year. That year, and all the way back to 2002, the amount of sea ice has been 20% less than the average amount seen normally between 1979 and 2005.」ということを示しています。この変化は、地球温暖化に興味がない多くの人々でさえも驚かせてしまうかもしれません。私たちはこの状況をこれ以上そのままにしておくことはできないのです。 要するに、私たちはもっと地球温暖化のことを考え、この問題について対策を練る必要があります。そうでなければ、本当に命の危険にさらされるかもしれないのです。

  • いきなり失礼します。

    いきなり失礼します。 今度、初めてプレゼンをするので英語でスクリプトを書いたのですが、 はずかしながら自信がありません。 申し訳ないのですが、どなたか 変なところを直していただけませんか? よろしくお願いします。 Do you know global warming? The global warming is the average temperature and water temperature of sea are rising phenomenon. It is a center of environmental problems in the world. It’s since 1980. Many countries are doing measure for global warming. Because the global warming has a big influence on the entire earth. It can be said that global warming is a cause of various environmental problems, and result. Big cause of global warming is carbon dioxide as know to us. Then , how will carbon dioxide makes the global warming. It is because carbon dioxide has the characteristic of greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases is a gas with working that confines heat on an atmospheric inside in the atmosphere. As for the earth, the atmosphere and sea are warmed by light from the sun. Heat by this sunlight is naturally cooled. But, the greenhouse gases stops this heat. The abatement of emission of carbon dioxide is done all over the world, as measures for controlling global warming for this characteristic. So, it can be said that the earth today is in the state wrapped in greenhouse. The problem of the global warming is not only rising of the temperature. It is that, the balance of the climate collapses.

  • エッセイの添削をお願いします!

    高校で資料を参考にして、エッセイを書く課題が出ました。 一度書いてみたので添削をお願いします! ※文章構成(firstly, secondly In conclusion と 最初のパラグラフと最後のパラグラフとの内容が被ること)に関しては学校からの指示なので、そのままでお願いします。 以下 People had better be concerned about climatic change for ecosystem. It is global warming that one of the things that are in question most and most influential. These days, the affect the impact of global warming has been serious in Arctic. If we took preventive measures against it thoroughly, the animals on the ice in Arctic, such as, polar bear and earless seal, would be threatened with extinction. Firstly, according to the report from Nasa in 2005, the amount of sea ice that floats in the chilly arctic is much less than what it used to be. In other words, this report says that the environment which they can live on is not what it used to be. Secondly, the report says that each year, during the month of September, the amount of sea ice floating in the Arctic Ocean is typically at its lowest amount for the entire year. That year, and all the way back to 2002, the amount of sea ice has been 20% less than the average amount seen normally between 1979 and 2005. That is to say, it shows that the place which it is possible for them to live on has gradually decreasing. In the future, it and they may perfectly disappear. In conclusion, we had better think of what global warming affect them and need to immediately start working out solutions for this problem. Otherwise, they will really have died out by mankind. 以上 ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ ※念のために言いたいことを大まかに日本語で書いておきます※ ^------------------------------------- 人々はもっと生態系のためにも気候変動について気にかけるべきである。もっとも影響があり問題となっているのが地球温暖化だ。近年、北極での地球温暖化は深刻化してきている。もし私たちが徹底的に地球温暖化を防がなければ、ホッキョクグマやアザラシなどの北極で生活する動物たちが絶滅の危機に瀕することになるかもしれない。  第一に、NASAの2005年に調査によると、「資料抜粋:the amount of sea ice that floats in the chilly arctic is much less than what it used to be. This report says that it is probably because of warmer arctic temperature.」言いかえれば、このレポートは彼ら(北極に住む動物)の住む環境が昔と変わってきていることを示している。 次に、この調査は「資料抜粋each year, during the month of September, the amount of sea ice floating in the Arctic Ocean is typically at its lowest amount for the entire year. That year, and all the way back to 2002, the amount of sea ice has been 20% less than the average amount seen normally between 1979 and 2005.」ということを示しています。つまり、彼らが住むことができる場所が徐々に減ってきているということを示します。将来、その場所と彼らは完全に姿を消すかもしれません。 要するに、私たちはもっと地球温暖化とそれが与える動物への影響を考え、この問題について対策を練る必要があります。そうでなければ、彼らは人類によって本当に絶滅してしまうかもしれないのです。 ※※※ 学校からの指示としては、自分の意見を Scentists using satellites date have confirmed that the amount of sea ice that flats in the chilly arctic is much less than it used to be , and that's probably because of warmer Arctic temperatures. Earch year, during the month of September, the amount of sea ice floating in the Arctic Ocean is typically at its lowest amount for the entire year. That year, and all the way back to 2002, the amount of sea ice has been 20% less than the average amount seen normally between 1979 and 2005. という資料から二つ根拠をあげて述べろ という指示です。 長いですが添削をお願いします

  • 日本語訳お願いします!

    Western Canada has an astonishig range of scenery:From Manitoba's sub-arctic tundra and Saskatchewan's rich farm lands to Alberpa's majestic mountain peaks and British Columbia's coastal forests.No matter how modern and convenient Canada's cities are,at their back is always the haunting wildness of the Far North,the kingdom of the ice bear,the land of Nanook of the North.Polar bears are creatures of the Far North and the Arctic:they are found nowhere else on earth.