The Future of Work and Communication

  • The future of work and communication is changing rapidly. Telecommuting has become a phenomenon where employees can work from home and send their work to their companies with computers. This allows them to spend more time with their families and could have a positive effect on society in many nations. Handicaps will no longer hinder communication, as blind individuals can use programs to read text files.
  • However, the internet also presents new challenges. Criminals and terrorists have more opportunities to commit unlawful acts, such as spreading destructive viruses without the user's knowledge. Despite the risks, the internet offers vast opportunities and challenges for those who wish to participate in it.
  • In summary, the future of work will see a shift towards telecommuting, allowing for greater flexibility and family time. Communication barriers for individuals with disabilities will be overcome through technological advancements. However, there will also be challenges in terms of cybersecurity and unlawful activities on the internet.
  • ベストアンサー


和訳をお願いします。 The way people work will be altered, as well. The telecommuting phenomenon has begun. Instead of driving to the office every day, some employees stay at home and send their work to their companies with the computers. As a result, they can spend more time with their families. This could have a positive effect on the entire social structure of many nations. Being handicapped will no longer hinder communication. For example, people who are blind will be able to communicate with the help of programs that read text files.  On the negative side, the Internet will give criminals and terrorists more opportunities to commit unlawful acts. Destructive programs, namely, viruses that get into your computer without your knowing it, will become a bigger problem.  The Internet is vast and exciting. For those who wish to participate in it, the future will be filled with opportunities and challenges. 大方意味は分かるのですが、細かい点でつまづきました。 例えば、2行目のdrivingは運転する、でいいのか、ほかに良い訳し方があるのか、 また4行目のBeingは動名詞か分詞構文か、などいくらか良く分からない箇所がありました。 お願いします。

  • 英語
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  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

同様に、人々の働き方も変わるでしょう。在宅勤務の現象が始まっています。毎日オフィス(会社)まで車で行く代わりに、従業員の中には家にいて、コンピュータで彼らの会社に彼らの仕事を送る人もいます。その結果、彼らは家族とともにより多くの時間を過ごすことができるのです。これは、多くの国々の社会構造全体に、肯定的な影響を及ぼす可能性があります。ハンディキャップを負っていること(障害があること)は、コミュニケーションをもはや阻害しません。たとえば、目の見えない人々は、テキストファイルを読み上げてくれるプログラムの助けを借りて情報交換することができます。 否定的な面では、インターネットは犯罪者やテロリストに違法行為を行うより多くの機会を与えることになるでしょう。破壊的なプログラム、すなわち、あなたの知らないうちにあなたのコンピュータに入りこむウイルスは、より大きい問題になるでしょう。 インターネットは巨大で、刺激的です。それに参加したい人々にとって、将来は機会と挑戦(やりがい)に満ちあふれているでしょう。 *2行目 driving は、「drive to ~」で「~に車で行く」と覚えておくとよいと思います。go to ~ by car と言っても同じです。他動詞で使って、drive ~ to ... 「~を車で・・・に送る」等も同様です。ここでは、instead of の前置詞の後ろで、動名詞として使われています。「~する代わりに;~せずに」等の訳で大体間に合う時が多いです。 *4行目 Being は、Being handicapped で「障害があること、ハンディキャップを負っていること」と言う受け身の動名詞です。will (no longer) hinder の主語になっています。



回答ありがとうございました。 本文が、途中からでしたので、中途半端になってしまったかもしれませんが、 解説ともに助かりました。


  • どなたか英語が分かる方よろしくお願いします。

    翻訳をしていただけたらと思っています。 どうぞよろしくお願いします。 In your future life together with this Soul Mate he will be quieter more reserved than you. You will often be the one to starts the conversation, or bring up topics for discussion more than him. But his opinion and advice will be very important to you, and you’ll seek it out. He will be the better educated and more bookish, or intellectual. He will have more know how and will seem to know more than you, or be able to find out more and to supply you with information when you need it for various things. You and he will hardly ever quarrel or be nasty and unpleasant with each other. But there may be many disagreements with those around you. You will always be tactful diplomatic careful and polite and loving with each other. You will have a similar mentality and communication will be one of the great strengths of this relationship.

  • 英語 ?

    X is home to more 100 dogs. のbe home toは何かの熟語ですか? Many of dogs will be adopted by new orners. Others will spend the rest of their lives at the shelter. のOthersってThe othersじゃないんですか? 回答お願いします。

  • 読み

    And when younger, healthier people don't go in -- this is how insurance works. If you don't buy in, then you're left with the pool of people who need the insurance. The more people who need their insurance, means the insurance companies paying more and make less. And that's what I think continues to be out of balance.  という文の初めを 1。「若く健康な人々が保険契約に加入しない時」という読み方と 2、「若い時、健康な人は、(保険に)入らない」という読み方と  その他にも読み方があれば教えてください。

  • 和訳してください!!

    Suppose that consumers want more pots and fewer pans than are being turned out.The public will buy up the existing stock of pots, and as a result their prices will rise. Contrariwise, the pan business will be dull: as pan makers try to get rid of their inventories, pan prices will fall.

  • 英語の質問がうまく訳せません

    英語の質問されたのですが、うまく訳せません。 わかる方よろしくおねがいします。 You enter a warehouse. Their is ittle light, but you are able to find you way around. The sound of music draws you to corner of the warehouse. The are FIVE GHOUL CLOWNS, playing a dancing video game. The have razor sharp teeth and scary weapons. Magic can not afect them, They sense your presence and turn facing you. The run to you to attack. Time to fight! What character would you want to be to defeat them and how would you handle the situation? If you had to be chained with a character for one year, what would be the character and what would you do? You can have dinner with your favorite character. And at this dinner you may ask one question. Who woud be the character and what would be your one question? What's number 1 on your bucket list? (Something you want to do before you leave the planet). What advice would you give to people getting started in ××? ××は趣味の内容です

  • 翻訳をお願いいたします

    以下の文章を和訳していただけるかたのみで。 お願いできますでしょうか? ここは定型文ではないと思いますが、 抽象的な章かもしれません。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 The Dragon in your chart shows a permanent union. But the crisis when it comes will be dire and connected with money. If you have spent the past in poverty the future will be in comparative wealth, and visa versa. This area of your life will undergo a severe reversal in the years of marriage or living together. If in the past you have been financially inadequate and dependant on others, the role will gradually but harshly be reversed, There is a decline and you will end up the provider, with heavy responsibilities and others not pulling their weight It will in the end or later years seem to be you who is the breadwinner, or who is learning to be self sufficient. The karma of the relationship will gradually force you to be the one who has either to work, or who has to find strength to manage the money and make the husband work harder. It is a relationship for life maybe, but not an income for life.

  • 和訳してくださいっっ

    Outer Searching Gives You a New perspectiv About Disabilities 1,Contact with Other Families Youer Outer Search leads you to other families who have chidlen with specal need. You will meet and hear about children and families with problems similar to youra and problems that seem greater or less than yours. You will see how other families have struggled with succeeded with the difficult emotions ofr Surving and the challenges of Searching . Families define and deal with the idea of disability in their own way, according to their personal and religious value systems, cultural beliefs, and personalities of individual family members. 2New Awareness Your Other Search gives you a new awareness of how peo-ple with disabilites are viewed and treated in Amerikan society. Before your experience with your child, you may not have givin much thought about people's attitudes toward disadilities. You will encounter people in your neighbor-hood, in the grocery store checkout line, and at the park who will say things that will absolutely amaze you with their sensitivity or total lack of it . You will find yourself zeroing in on newcasts and articles about the experiences of people with disabilities and learning how American so-ciety meets and fails to meet the special needs of people with disabilties.

  • 英語の文を日本語にしてください。

    (1)Even people in their 40s and 50s feel their memory starting to slip. "Why can`t I remember names?" they sigh. "Where did I put my keys?" With the passing of the years, the question move from annoyance to concern. (2)Leisure is a very important topic, for several reasons. Many people spend more time at their leisure than at work; many find their leisure more satisfying than their work; leisure can be a major source of happiness and of mental and physical health. よろしくお願いします。

  • どなたか英語の分かる方通訳お願いします。

    なんとなくの意味はわかるのですが、今度泊まるホテルのことなので間違えて訳してるといけないので、どなたか英語の堪能な方通訳お願いします。 ちなみに万が一のため、パスワード等の情報は変更してあります。 Can you please advise us of your estimated time of arrival. Our Reception will be closed when you arrive. Please make sure you have the following information with you for access to the building and your apartment. Please collect your keys and access information from our safe which is located outside the main entry doors next to our intercom system. We will leave an envelope inside the safe with your name on the outside and keys and access information inside the envelope. The code to open the safe is: 200. If you have any problems with the collection of your keys please press 9# on the intercom located next to the safe or mobile 0427 37005 and we will be able to assist. Please note that the balance of your accommodation will be processed against the credit card we are holding, on the morning of your arrival day.

  • 英語を訳して下さい

    unfortunately, there has been a change of freight charges for your order #054. Due to a second and heavier parcel, freight charges are $300,00 instead of $200,00. The open balance of $100,00 can be paid with the next order. We apologize for any inconvenience caused. Please find enclosed the invoice for your order. The original invoice will then be in the parcel.