• ベストアンサー

NHK WORLD Australia

Australia has the largest known uranium reserves in the world, but the former Rudd administration did not allow exports to India, which is not a member of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and possesses nuclear weapons. uranium reservesの前にはasが省略されているのでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語
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  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

オーストラリアには世界最大の既知のウラン埋蔵量があります、しかし、旧ラッド政権はインドに輸出を許しませんでした、と言うのは、インドが核拡散防止条約のメンバーでないのに核兵器を所有しているからです。 ☆knownは次の辞書の、【形容詞】1.の意味です。 http://ejje.weblio.jp/content/known 「既知の、すでに確認済みの」と言うような意味です。まだ、これからも大きなウラン鉱山が発見されるかもしれないが、とりあえず、分かっている範囲で・・・と言う意味です。



knownは形容詞だからその後に名詞が来ているのですね。 いつもありがとうございます。 またお願いします。


  • 文頭のAsの意味のとり方

    Plutonium does not exist in nature. As Uranium is consumed to generate nuclear power -Plutonium for nuclear warheads is produced. This is the basis for saying that nuclear power plants are also nuclear weapons factories... ↑ occupy the NRC の投稿なのですが、 『プルトニウムは自然界には存在しない。ウラニウムは原子力プルトニウムを生み出すために消費される、核兵器を生産するためだ。これは原子力発電所が核兵器の工場であるという言説の基礎になっている』と、訳しました。が、as の役割がよくわかりません。 どうぞよろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の意味を教えてください。

    下記の英文をどう訳せばよいかわかりません。わかるかたがいらっしゃいましたら、教えてください。 特に by elements that 以下がわかりません。よろしくお願いします。 ソ連とアメリカの兵器削減の話です。 "What the arrangement involved was, essentially, was an orderly accounting of the [Soviet nuclear] weapons, safeguarding of the weapons, and the removal of them from the reach by elements that could be equally damaging and dangerous to the former Soviet Union or to the West," added Brzezinski 手配は ソ連の核兵器を整理すること、兵器に安全策を講じること、兵器を・・・・・ ---補足--- 【前の文】 1991 also produced another historic superpower development, the "Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction Program." The United States committed substantial funds and personnel to assist its nuclear rival in a manner unthinkable in previous decades. 1991 年 歴史的な 超大国の進展(Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction Program)があった。 アメリカは 十分な予算と人員を、核におけるライバル(ソ連)に送った。それは、10年前には考えられないことだった。 【出展】 VOA:START Treaty Ushered in New Nuclear Era http://www.voanews.com/english/news/europe/START-Treaty-Ushered-in-New-Nuclear-Era---135742513.html

  • 次の英文を読んで質問に答えてください

    Fuels such as coal, oil, and gas are described an non-renewable, ( ) the reserves are finite and are not regenerated.Nuclear power also comes from a non=renewable fuel, uranium(although this is not a fossil fuel).Because of the harmful effects of carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and other pollutant emissions produced when fossil fuels burn, these fuels have a significant and harmful environmental impact.Nuclear power raises the problematic issues of the disposal of radioactive waste and the devastation that would result from a nuclear accident, however unlikely this may seem to the advocates of nuclear power. 1,( )に入る最も適切な語句を選んでください。 rather,although,because,nonetheless 2,英文にもっとも合う見出しを選んでください。 How non-renewable fuels affect the environment Nuclear power and environment-friendly fuels Nuclear power and its superiority over fossil fuel The dwindling reserves of non-renewable fuels 3,5行目の真ん中あたりのraisesをほかの語に置き換えても意味が変わらないものを選んでください ingests transcends encourages involves 3,the devastation that would result from a nuclear accident, however unlikely this may seem to the advocates of nuclear power.の和訳として最も適切なものを選んでください。 実際に原子力事故が起こった時、結果的に推進派がいなくなるほどの惨状になる可能性。 いかに起こり得ないように推進派には思えても、実際に原子力事故が起こった場合には引き起こされてしまう参上。 推進派は一見すると原子力事故はどれも似てないをいうが、実際に起これば結果として大惨事になるという共通点。 原子力事故が起きた結果、大惨事がもたらされるかもしれないが、こういった事故は推進派にとっては類似性がないように見えるものだ。 この質問に補足する

  • 和訳してください

    教えていただきたいのは一文のみなのですが、長文の最後の文なので念のため全文記載します。 WASHINGTON — U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry says a nuclear accord with Iran will halt Tehran’s march to atomic weapons capacity and provide a window to negotiate a final agreement. The Obama administration is attempting to convince skeptics at home and abroad that the preliminary deal is good for America and its allies. In a media blitz on U.S. airwaves Sunday, Secretary Kerry described the accord as a first step towards a possible peaceful resolution of Iran's nuclear ambitions. Appearing on CBS’ Face the Nation program, Kerry detailed restrictions Tehran has agreed to. "They will have to destroy the higher-enriched uranium they have, which is critical to being able to build a bomb," he said. "Once they have destroyed that, they only have lower-enriched uranium. They are not allowed under this agreement to build additional enrichment facilities. We will have restrictions on the centrifuges, which are critical for enrichment.” The secretary stressed the agreement mandates rigorous verification. “It is not based on trust. It is based on verification," he said. "It is based on your ability to know what is happening. So you do not have to trust the people you are dealing with. You have to have a mechanism in place whereby you know exactly what you are getting, and you know exactly what they are doing.” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu blasted the agreement as a “historic mistake.” Appearing on ABC’s This Week program, Republican Senator Saxby Chambliss said the accord falls short of the international community’s overriding goal. “Nothing in what Secretary Kerry just said moves us in the direction of preventing Iran from developing a nuclear weapon,” said Chambliss. The senator also objected to any relaxation of economic pressure against Iran. “Now is just not the time to ease sanctions when they are working,” he said. Late Saturday, President Barack Obama described sanctions relief as “modest” and subject to cancellation if Tehran does not meet its commitments. Secretary Kerry said the accord is far preferable to having Iran unconstrained in its nuclear activities. 上の最後の文の和訳をお願いします。 一応、havingは第5文型でunconstrainedはconstrain(強いる、規制する)と言う意味を否定していることは分かるのですが、日本語として体をなす文を作れないでおります。

  • NHKワールドとNHKワールド・プレミアム

     NHKワールドとNHKワールド・プレミアムは、 違うものでしょうか?


    英語で放送していますが、誰を対象にしているのか不思議です。 各国滞在者の日本人向けなら日本語で放送すべきです。 そうでないなら経費削減の為放送を廃止すべきです。 事情に詳しい方の解答をお願いします。

  • NHKワールド

    よろしくお願いします。 昨夜、下記のニュースを読み、非常に興味深く思いました。 http://zasshi.news.yahoo.co.jp/article?a=20110804-00000301-playboyz-soci 人にはそれぞれ勉強方法がありますが、まずはお金をあまりかけない、ということで、 私も試してみたく思います。 しかしながら、ここのホームページのどこからニュースを聞くことが出来るのか、また、 その英文がどこにあるのかが見つけられずにいます。 今日も再度探してはみますが、ご存知の方おられましたら、、教えていただきたく 思います。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。


    昨日NHK ONLINEのサイトを開いたところその日のニュースがページの上の方に流れながら表示されていました。これは便利だと思って、流れる文章を読んでいたのですが。今日になってまたNHK ONLINEを開いたところ、どこを探しても昨日のような流れる文章がでるページを見つかりませんでした。僕自身昨日はどうやってそれを表示させたのか全く覚えていません。どなたかこれを表示させることができる方法を知っている方教えてくださいお願いしますm(_ _)m このサイトです↓↓ http://www.nhk.or.jp/english/

  • 英文を和訳して下さい。

    The Treaty of Sèvres (French: Traité de Sèvres) was one of a series of treaties that the Central Powers signed after their defeat in World War I. Hostilities had already ended with the Armistice of Mudros. The treaty was signed on 10 August 1920, in an exhibition room at the Manufacture nationale de Sèvres porcelain factory in Sèvres, France. The Sèvres treaty marked the beginning of the partitioning of the Ottoman Empire, and its dismemberment. The terms it stipulated included the renunciation of all non-Turkish territory and its cession to the Allied administration. Notably, the ceding of Eastern Mediterranean lands allowed the creation of new forms of government, including Mandatory Palestine and the French Mandate for Syria and the Lebanon. The terms of the treaty stirred hostility and nationalist feeling amongst Turks. The signatories of the treaty were stripped of their citizenship by the Grand National Assembly led by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, and this ignited the Turkish War of Independence. In that war, Atatürk led the Turkish nationalists to defeating the combined armies of the signatories of the Treaty of Sèvres, including the remnants of the Ottoman Empire. In a new treaty, that of Lausanne in 1923, Turkish sovereignty was preserved through the establishment of the Republic of Turkey. George Dixon Grahame signed for the UK, Alexandre Millerand for France, and Count Lelio Bonin Longare for Italy. Avetis Aharonian, the President of the Delegation of the First Republic of Armenia, which had signed the Treaty of Batum on 4 June 1918, was also a signatory. One Allied power, Greece, did not accept the borders as drawn, mainly due to the political change after the Greek legislative election, 1920, and never ratified the treaty. There were three signatories for the Ottoman Empire: ex-Ambassador Hadi Pasha, ex-Minister of Education Rıza Tevfik Bölükbaşı, and second secretary of the Ottoman embassy in Bern, Reşad Halis. The Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic was not a party to the treaty because it had negotiated the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with the Ottoman Empire in 1918. In that treaty, at the insistence of Grand Vizier Talaat Pasha, the Ottoman Empire regained the lands the Russian Empire had captured in the Russo-Turkish War (1877–78), specifically Ardahan, Kars, and Batumi. The Treaty of Versailles was signed with the German Empire before the Sèvres treaty, and it annulled German concessions in the Ottoman sphere, including economic rights and enterprises. Also, France, Great Britain and Italy signed a secret "Tripartite Agreement" on the same date. The Tripartite Agreement confirmed Britain's oil and commercial concessions, and turned the former German enterprises in the Ottoman Empire over to a Tripartite corporation. The Treaty of Sèvres セーヴル条約

  • 和訳をお願いします

    和訳をお願いします 長くなってすみません(>_<) Weapons of war are cruel. Yet, some weapons cause more destruction than others. These weapons are seen by the international community as being so "inhumane" that they should be banned. The cluster bomb is one of these weapons. A cluster bomb is a bomb that contains many smaller bombs known as "bomblets. " Some cluster bombs carry more than two hundred of them. When these bombs are dropped from planes on cities with large populations, damage during attacks and afterwards can be frightening. Some of the bomblets are set not to explode as soon as they hit the ground. The bomblets set the cities afire and those left unexploded can cause damage long after a conflict has ended. What makes cluster bombs especially cruel is that a lot of civilians, including children, are the victims of unexploded bomblets. A child runs into one of them by accident, mistakes it for a toy or food and touches it. Then, "Boom!" it goes off. In rural areas, the bomblets sleeping in farmland make it impossible for farmers to grow their crops, and this can lead to hunger and even starvation. Something has to be done as soon as possible, or people will continues to suffer. From the 1970s to the 1990s, cluster bombs were produced by 34 countries and used in 23 places of conflict. There is, however, a brighter side to the story. In 2009, a total of 98 nations signed an international treaty to ban cluster bombs. This may be a stepping-stone to a total ban not only on cluster bombs but also on all kinds of weapons of war. Let' s get rid of these weapons, and the world will be a more peaceful place to live. [語注] inhumane 非人道的な cluster bomb クラスター爆弾 set~afire ~に火をつける conflict 紛争 civilian 民間人 rural 農村の treaty 条約 stepping-stone 足がかり