• ベストアンサー


we will re-make and to be ship by all our cost with customs clearance and domestic delivery cost in japan. You can received it until by 12th at your office without any cost pay. 上記の文は、輸送費のみ費用がかかるのでしょうか?リメイク費もかかりますか? 宜しくお願いします。


  • ベストアンサー
  • kabsc
  • ベストアンサー率18% (2/11)

背景がわからないから正確にはわかりませんが、 リメイクは「あなたがわ」の費用でするようです。 通関費用と国内輸送費も「あなたがわ」でもつようです。 しかし、 あなたの事務所には12日までに費用なしで物品を受け取ることができるようです。 矛盾しているようですね。



  • 訳してくれませんか?

    訳してくれませんか? Toll International: Shipping approx 24 days transit time. The attached document shows charges including customs clearance and delivery to your door $AUD 376.50 plus USD $755.00 if you want us to pay for customs clearance etc. TNT Freight: AIR Price estimation: AIR freight: AUD$724.96 plus customs clearance charges, approx 2 weeks transit time

  • スウェーデンから木馬を運搬したいのですが…

    スウェーデンを旅行中に、高さ110cm・タテ150cm・ハバ60cm・重さ90kgの木馬の製作を依頼してきました。その木馬は完成したのですが、どのような輸送方法をとったら良いのか迷っています。輸送コストは安いほどよいとしてもどの位の日数がかかるのかもわかりません。どなたか経験ある方教えてください。 英文メールによると、海路で420ドル【Shipping by sea to a sea-port i Japan is US$ 420:- + the cost in Japan and for delivery to your house which are unknown.】、 空輸で700ドル【Shipping by Air Freight to tokyo airport is $ 700:- + delivery cost to your house. ?】と書いてありましたが、 海路の場合何処の港に着くのか? 空輸・海路ともに日本に到着してからの輸送方法は? 事前に指定できるのか? … 基礎知識がありません。

  • 英訳お願いします。

    ソフトウェアの配布方法について書いてあると思います。 英訳ソフト等は試してみましたがちんぷんかんぷんでした。よろしくお願いします。 Delivery Delivery is free by email followed by a CDROM and Paper Manual by Snail Mail. This package will have a Green Customs Label identifying the contents as Software upgrade of no commercial value. A nominal value is given to the CDROM and Paper Manual.

  • 翻訳出来る方、教えて下さいm(_ _)m

    翻訳出来る方、教えて下さいm(_ _)m   The freight offer was based on AIR CARGO  not on DHL  this time.  But the Japanese forwarder (partner of Panalpina)  does not accept to make customs clearance for private persons, except if the supplier pre-pays the import duties.  So they are the following 2 solutions now:  1)      We send your shipment by DHL  as allways        -  The freigth charge is Euro 180,00 higher than  with air cargo.  You could pay this difference of Euro 180,00 to us together with your next order 2)      We send it by air cargo  and accept to prepay the Japanese customs duties.  In that case we will send you the invoice for the customs duties after we paid it and will ask you to pay it back to us  by PayPal or bank remittance  Please let us know which solution you prefer.  Your shipment cannot be dispatched before we answer to the forwarder.  Sorry for this inconvience.

  • この英文を和訳お願いします。

    Your order has been processed and shipped! Your package was shipped using USPS First Class or Priority Mail International and you should expect to receive it in 3-7 business days. However, some of our customers are reporting delivery times taking upwards of 3 weeks, depending on each country and its customs policies. If you still haven't received your order 4 weeks after receiving this email, please contact us by visiting the help link above. International customers should be aware of the customs policies within their own countries. Your package may be held up for inspection and/or subject to import duties and taxes. Contact your local customs office for further information.

  • 海外の品物を注文して・・・

    海外で商品を購入して、下記の内容のメールをもらいました。 送金した、金額が不足しているという事と商品リストがわからない。 という内容は理解できたのですが、肝心な様子ニューアンスが分からないでいます。理解出来ていない部分をおしえていただけませんでしょうか…。宜しくお願い致します。m(__)m Hello, Today I receive your payment by Pay-Pall. Thank you very much, but I don’t received your order. I don’t know what is wrong. So please sent me your order by e-mail, and as soon I received it, I wil sent it to you by priority. Another problem is you have click on the buttom for shipping the are only for the Netherlands, so your shipping cost are to low. When I received your order, I go to the postoffice and the can tell me what the shipping cost for your order to Japan. I will sent you a e-mail what you have pay to low and please will you that also pay by Pay-Pall Thank you very much Have a nice weekend.

  • 【英語→日本語】和訳をお願いします

    海外通販をした際のメールです。どうぞよろしくお願い致しますm(__)m Dear Mako, Ref your Order Number 600000451 your Order weight is 2 kilograms shipping cost = 44.12 US $ Goods cost = 18.80 US $ Total for Goods and shipping = 63 US $ Kindly arrange to pay either by Western Union for Mona Wahib Erian Cairo, Egypt or By Bank Transfer to the Bank Details Bank: Commercial International Bank (CIB) Zamalek Branch Cairo Egypt Name of account holder: Mona Waheeb Erian Account no. 0700935760 SWIFT CODE: CIBEEGCX001. awaiting for you to pay the cost so we can ship your Order Best Regards DR. Mona Erian

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    When are people going to stop calling Social Security and Medicare "entitlement" programs? They're not "entitlements" - they're insurance programs that you pay into! If I pay you $15,000 for a car with automatic windows and then you deliver me a car without them, it's fraud and I should sue you! So why is it not fraud if you offer me a 65 year retirement age, and then you change it to 67 after I've paid in???

  • they held us up という状況がつかめません

    以下はアメリカ人が車で国境を越えた時の事らしいです。 Getting stopped by customs and border patrol didn't help either. They held us up until early morning hours. And we ended up sleeping during the day. 「They held us up until early morning hours.」ですが 「手を上げろ」はhold upですよね、 最初読んだ時に何時間も手を上げていたのかと思いました。 ずっと手を上げていたらとても辛いと思います。 それとも単に、拘束した(足止め食らわせた)という意味でしょうか? 質問に不足がありましたら補足したいと思いますので 宜しくお願いいたします。

  • 以下の英文を訳して下さい。

    Less than a week later, on 26 October, U-24 became the first submarine to attack an unarmed merchant ship without warning, when she torpedoed the steamship Admiral Ganteaume, with 2,500 Belgian refugees aboard. Although the ship did not sink, and was towed into Boulogne, 40 lives were lost, mainly due to panic. The U-boat's commander, Rudolf Schneider, claimed he had mistaken her for a troop transport. On 30 January 1915, U-20, commanded by Kapitänleutnant Otto Dröscher, torpedoed and sank the steamers SS Ikaria, SS Tokomaru, and SS Oriole without warning, and on 1 February fired a torpedo at, but missed, the hospital ship Asturias, despite her being clearly identifiable as a hospital ship by her white paintwork with green bands and red crosses.