Identifying Error-Prone Modules: A Key Design Consideration

  • The relationship between internal design attributes and failures is crucial in software development. By identifying modules at the design stage with error-prone or difficult-to-maintain profiles, we can improve the quality of the software.
  • Understanding the impact of internal attributes on future errors and maintenance challenges is essential. Through careful analysis, we can identify design modules that require special attention.
  • Accurate identification of error-prone modules during the design stage can save time and effort in the testing and maintenance phases. By addressing potential issues early on, software teams can ensure smoother development processes.
  • ベストアンサー


knowing the relationship between internal design attributes and failures, we want to be able to identify modules at the design stage whose profile, in terms of measures of internal attributes, shows that they are likely to be error-prone or difficult to maintain or test later on. コンマが多く、訳せずに困っております。どなたかご教授お願いします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数3
  • ありがとう数3


  • ベストアンサー
  • litsa1234
  • ベストアンサー率28% (230/795)

(訳の一部追加訂正) (訳) 設計の持つ内部特性と失敗の関係を知るためには、内部特性測定値に基づく分析結果によるとそのモジュールは間違いを犯しやすいか、あとの維持管理や検査が難しいとかというようなことを設計段階で見極める能力が欲しいものである。 …を参照。 以上、参考になれば幸いです。



litsa1234さん、訂正ありがとうございます。 参考にさせていただきますね。

その他の回答 (2)

  • litsa1234
  • ベストアンサー率28% (230/795)

>knowing the relationship between internal design attributes and failures, we want to be able to identify modules at the design stage whose profile, in terms of measures of internal attributes, shows that they are likely to be error-prone or difficult to maintain or test later on. (訳) 設計の持つ内部特性と失敗の関係を知るためには、内部特性測定値に基づく分析結果によるとそのモジュールは間違いを犯しやすいか、あとの維持管理や検査が難しいとかというようなことを見極める能力が欲しいものである。を参照。 以上、参考になれば幸いです。



litsa1234さん、回答ありがとうございます。 参考にさせていただきますね。

  • hrsmmhr
  • ベストアンサー率36% (173/477)

内部設計の属性とエラーの関係性を知ることにより、どのモジュールが誤りやすいとか、管理がしずらいとか、テストを続行しなければならいとかを、 内部属性の数値を使い、プロファイルから明示できるようなモジュールを設計段階で認識できるようにしたい



hrsmmhrさん、回答ありがとうございます。 参考にさせていただきますね。


  • 英文の訳

    Changes to the inspection process, for instance, may be based on measures of faults found, even though the ultimate goal of reliability is based on failures, not faults. コンマが多くてどのように訳せばいいのか分かりません。どなたかご教授お願いします。

  • 英文の訳

    長い英文ですが、どなたか訳してもらえないでしょうか? Many articles and books describe new methods and tools that may make your organization or project more productive and your products better and cheaper. But it is difficult to separate the claims from the reality. Many organizations perform experiments, run case studies or administer surveys to help them decide whether a method or tool is likely to make a positive difference in their particular situations. These investigations cannot be done without careful, controlled measurement and analysis. As we will see in Chapter 4, an evaluation’s success depends on good experimental design, proper identification of the factors likely to affect the outcome, and appropriate measurement of factor attributes.

  • 英文の訳

    Yet we wish to be able to predict which parts of the software system are likely to be less reliable, more difficult to test, or require more maintenance than others, even before the system is complete. ですが、コンマが多くてどのように訳せばいいのか分かりません。どなたか訳をお願いできないでしょうか?

  • 英文の訳

    The terminology often used in software engineering can be imprecise and misleading. Many software practitioners and researchers mistakenly think that to be meaningful, a measure must be useful, practical, worthwhile, or easy to collect. These characteristics are not part of meaningfulness. Indeed, such issues are difficult to address for any measure, whether it occurs in software or in some other scientific discipline. For example, carbon-dating techniques for measuring the age of fossils may not be practical or easy to do, but the measures are certainly valid and meaningful! Thus, meaningfulness should be viewed as only one attribute of a measure. 長いですが、どなたか訳してもらえないでしょうか?宜しくお願いします。

  • 英文の訳

    It can be shown mathematically that the cyclomatic number is equal to one more than the number of decisions in a program, and there are many programs that have a large number of decisions but are easy to understand, code and maintain. 最後のcode and maintainがどのようにかかるのか分かりません。どなたかご教授お願いします。

  • 英語訳お願いします。

    Check points for a proposed design. (1)Where are the metrology and force loops and how are they shared? (2)Are there any heat source and,if so,what are their likely effects? (3)Is the design symmetrical and are the alignment principles obeyed. (4)What other sources of error are likely to be encountered and can they be reduced by using compensation or nulling? 分かる範囲でいいので、よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文訳お願いします No3

    長いので4つに分けました! The research suggests that consumers lose around £1.2 billion every year. On average victims have a higher chance than non-victims of falling for another scam within 12 months of first being caught out, because their personal details are added to so-called 'sucker list' of people who have been taken in; the list is then sold to other scammers. While the elderly were more likely to be targeted by a scam, the highest percentage of vibtims were, surprisingly, aged between 35 and 44. Of those who fell for the scams, 32 percent said it was because of the legitimate and professional style of the communication, 25 percent said they were caught off guard, and 18 percent because of excitement at the prospect of getting a good deal or winning a prize. The research also highlighted the fact that whilst men and women are equally likely to be victims of scams, women are more likely to fall victim to miracle health scams and career opportunity scams, while men are more likely to lose money to investment scams and lottery scams. Most strikingly, the study found that less than five percent of those scammed reported their experience to the authorities, so the scale of the problem is far greater than had hitherto been thought. すいませんが 英文訳をお願いします!!

  • 難解英文

    是非、お教えください。 RECOMMENDS that governmnents formulate national policies and regulations with respect to the import, local production, sale, and distribution of drugs and biologicals so as to ensure that essential drugs are available at the various levels of primary health care at the lowest feasible cost; that specific measures to taken to prevent the over utilization of medicines; that proved traditional remedies be incorporated; and that effective administrative and supply systems be stablished. measures to taken のところなんですが、なぜ、measures to be taken あるいは、measures be takenにならないのでしょうか? かなりフォーマルな文書からの引用ですので、適当な英文ではないと思います。よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文訳です。

    英文が上手く訳せません; どこで区切ればよいのか分かりません。どなたか訳していただけないでしょうか?部分的にでも構いません。 On the whole they are aids to writing intelligibly, for they are in the main no more than the distillation of successful experiments made by writers of English through the centuries in how best to handle words so as to make a writer's meaning plain. Some it is true, are arbitrary.One or two actually in crease the difficulty of clear expression, but these too should nevertheless be respected, because lapses from what for the time being is regarded as correct irritate the educated reader, and distract his attention, and so make him the less likely to be affected precisely as you wish.

  • 次の英文の和訳お願いします。

    Provision for in-service inspection and testing of equipment installed in high active areas shall be defined according to the official requirements on pressurized equipment. Safety measures to minimize the consequences of potential failure or leak in high active area shall be implemented. わかる範囲でかまいません。 宜しくお願いします。