• 締切済み


A drop shipper would be coming over to japan to pick the item after payment has been recieved by you.


  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

支払いがあなたによって受領されたあと、卸売商は品目を選択するために日本にやって来ます。 ☆ 私は、上記の様に解釈しました。

  • nani-21
  • ベストアンサー率35% (34/95)

★A drop shipper would be coming over to japan to pick the item after payment has been recieved by you. 卸売業者は、あなたから支払いが受理された後で、日本へ送るアイテムを選び(見つけ)ます。



  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入しました。支払いの事でメールが来たんですがいまいちわかりません。すみませんが意味を教えてくれませんか?お願いします。 Just send a Paypal reminder to cover the rest of the balance of $AAA You have not been charged twice, there is only one payment with credit card of $BBB and the payment via Paypal of $AAA Please confirm when this payment has been accepted. I will call Yomato Transport today for an afternoon pick up as soon as payment has been confirmed.

  • 英文和訳です。

    長文の中の一文なのですが, どのように訳したらいいか分からないのでお願いします。 If our planet were covered, as are others, by ammonia, then things would have been very different, and the world would not have evolved in the way it has.

  • 和訳

    Many thanks for the order you have placed via our website, however we have just tried to take the payment from your credit/debit card but unfortunately this has been declined by your bank. Please could you advise if you have another card which you can use to make this payment? if so we would recommend that you place a new order with the new card details through the website, we will then cancel the current order and use the new details instead. Alternatively I can send you a Pro Forma invoice for this order so you can make a payment by bank transfer. Please let me know by return how you would like to proceed. どなたか和訳をお願いします。

  • 英文の和訳をして頂けませんか?

    下記の英文を和訳いただけないでしょうか? 大まかな内容でも結構です。 何卒お願いいたします。 (DUKは組織名です。) In the right hand picture the internal welded plate is correctly welded into position and there are no scrape marks present inside the bore to indicate that the plate had been forced in after damage occurred. Also the round hole on the flange is severely distorted, and as a close fit pin is used to orientate the component during the clamping of the connector on to the assembly fixture, the damage must have occurred post assembly. Judging by the distortion on the edge of the flange the connector has been subjected to a severe impact on the edge of the flange adjacent to the hole as well as the upper body of the connector which must have occurred post manufacture, there have been no reports of damaged packaging which would have been highly likely to have occurred if the damage had happened in transit. It is a more probable theory that the connector has been damaged post-delivery. DUK therefore do not accept liability for the damage to this connector. Impact damage suspected to have occurred post-delivery.

  • 英文の和訳をお願いしたいです

    The fight over the Monsanto Protection Act has become the turning point in the debate on political lobbying and genetic engineering in the U.S. For the past 20 years, Monsanto has been able to get their laws written behind closed doors when no one was watching. Today, we've built a movement that is paying attention to every lie they tell the media, our elected officials and every time they try to corrupt our democracy. For far too long, Monsanto has been allowed to operate under cover of darkness, manipulating our elected officials, the media and scientific institutions that would normally serve as safeguards against their deeply flawed technology.

  • 次の英文を訳してください

    Due to the declining birthrate, Japan will soon see the number of applicants to colleges fall to equal that of students accepted by such higher institutions. This phenomenon is expected to occur in April 2007. Colleges are making painstaking efforts to attract an increasing number of prospective students. This struggle for survival will apply not only to private colleges but also to national universities whose status has been changed to that of independent administrative agencies.

  • 次の英文を和訳してください!

    A high-tech granny used to be an oxymoron. But in Japan, a growing number of elderly are learning to use the Internet. "I turn on my compter the first thing in the morning. It's a pleasure to see the e-mail that came overnight," says Roko Shinohara, who is a member of the Computer Grannies Society, started in 1997 to encourage a new breed of Net-savvy elderly. The group, which accepts men as well, has members all across Japan. Most of them are in their 70s. The oldest member is a 97-year-old woman who lives alone in Kyoto. The members exchange messages and photos, and show each other their creative work―paintings, novels, poems and music. They organize tours of big electronics stores. They also shop online. "Bookstores are becoming bigger these days and it's hard to find a book I want," Kikue Kamata says. "It's quite easy online." Kayoko Okawa, 77, who founded the group, remembers how things have changed over the past decade. "Computers for old women? No way!" was the initial reaction Okawa met when she was trying to start the group. "No companies wanted to lend me computers," she recalls. But according to recent data, nearly half of Japanese in their late 60s are now online. The number of people between 70 and 79 who used the internet jumped from 15.4 percent to 32.3 percent over two years through 2006. Above the age of 80, the percentage went up from 6.9 percent to 16 percent. The hardest thing for Okawa is to drop deceased members from her mailing list. "I know it's impossible to get anything from her once she passed away. But I can't help thinking to myself,'Just maybe...,' " she said. Okawa has been contacted by the children of deceased members, who had no idea that their mothers knew how to use a computer. A son once sent an e-mail to Okawa that said:"I realized my mother had these joyful, bright days in her last years of life. I'm glad to know that." よろしくお願いします。

  • オークションでの取引について

    オークション(出品)で海外の方から取引希望のメールがありまして なんとか翻訳サイトを使い銀行の振込みまでこぎつけました。 しかし、BANK OF AMERICAから届いたメールがお手上げです>< 長いですがどなたかできるだけ詳しく訳していただけないでしょうか? 以下全文です ***ATTENTION*** The Payment has been APPROVED,you Can Now ship the merchandise to the buyer's shipping address. Due to complaints from our customers of seller refusing to ship out item after payment has been recieved,we have resolved that payment would not be delivered until we have verified that the item has been transferred to Local Post (Post Office/UPS) for shipment.You are expected to make the shipment within 24 hours of recieving this Payment Notification and contact our Costumer/Technical Dept. with the tracking number for Shipment Verification. The Money will NOT be dispatched from our Bank or get to your Bank Account until the shipment has been verified.This measure is taken in order to protect both seller and buyer interests and to reduce the occurrence of fraudulent activities. ****PLEASE NOTE*** Due to the fact that Bank Of America processes thousands of orders daily, We therefore RECOMMEND contacting the Customer Support Representative that has been assigned to this particular Order directly. This ensures speedy verification of shipment as well as prompt Transfer of your Money. Send shipment tracking details to bank.manager@accountant.com Once shipment has been verified,You will receive a "MONEY DISPATCHED" email from Bank Of America informing you that the Money has been Transferred to your Bank Account for you to Verify with your Bank immediately. You can Now and Send PSP , by Ems Japan Post office to the following Shipping address below :

  • 英文の和訳をお願い致します!

    下記英文の和訳をお願い致します。 They would like you to produce an illustration on the theme 'nobody saw it coming', in the light of recent events in Japan. The brief is free, so you can illustrate what you wish but it should reflect an emotional response to the recent events in Japan. 'nobody saw it coming' この解り易い意味も併せて教えて頂ければと思います。 ご教授のほど宜しくお願い致します。

  • 英文和訳です

    Once the electrode was implanted, the team used a computer model of speech that Guenther had developed over the past 15 years to decode the signals coming from the man’s brain and discern which vowel sounds he was thinking about. Guenther presented the results at the Society for Neuroscience meeting in Washington DC on 19 November. So far, the patient has been able “to produce three vowel sounds with good accuracy”, says Guenther. This happens as quickly as normal speech, he says. “The long-term goal within five years is to have him use the speech brain-computer interface to produce words directly”, Guenther says. Most of the interfaces currently being developed transmit signals from the region of the brain that controls movement to either a prosthetic arm or even, as shown by a recent study in monkeys, the subject’s own arm. According to Guenther, this is the first brain-computer interface that has been tailored for speech. よろしくお願いします^^;

  • ブラザープリンターのDCP-J973Nで、突然「インク検知できません」と表示されるトラブルが発生しました。新品の純正インクを使用していましたが、プリンターが動作せず印刷ができません。
  • トラブル発生時に試した対処方法は、電源を切って一定時間放置し、新品のインクを取り付けた後に再度電源をオンにしても、依然として「インク検知できません」と表示され、プリンターが動かない状態です。
  • 使用したのは約10日前であり、白黒印刷10枚程度は問題なく行えていました。しかし、今回のトラブル発生以降、印刷ができない状態が続いています。お困りの方は、具体的な解決方法を教えてください。