• 締切済み


A high-tech granny used to be an oxymoron. But in Japan, a growing number of elderly are learning to use the Internet. "I turn on my compter the first thing in the morning. It's a pleasure to see the e-mail that came overnight," says Roko Shinohara, who is a member of the Computer Grannies Society, started in 1997 to encourage a new breed of Net-savvy elderly. The group, which accepts men as well, has members all across Japan. Most of them are in their 70s. The oldest member is a 97-year-old woman who lives alone in Kyoto. The members exchange messages and photos, and show each other their creative work―paintings, novels, poems and music. They organize tours of big electronics stores. They also shop online. "Bookstores are becoming bigger these days and it's hard to find a book I want," Kikue Kamata says. "It's quite easy online." Kayoko Okawa, 77, who founded the group, remembers how things have changed over the past decade. "Computers for old women? No way!" was the initial reaction Okawa met when she was trying to start the group. "No companies wanted to lend me computers," she recalls. But according to recent data, nearly half of Japanese in their late 60s are now online. The number of people between 70 and 79 who used the internet jumped from 15.4 percent to 32.3 percent over two years through 2006. Above the age of 80, the percentage went up from 6.9 percent to 16 percent. The hardest thing for Okawa is to drop deceased members from her mailing list. "I know it's impossible to get anything from her once she passed away. But I can't help thinking to myself,'Just maybe...,' " she said. Okawa has been contacted by the children of deceased members, who had no idea that their mothers knew how to use a computer. A son once sent an e-mail to Okawa that said:"I realized my mother had these joyful, bright days in her last years of life. I'm glad to know that." よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数0


  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9724/12096)

以下のとおりお答えします。(面白い内容でした。) 「ハイテクおばあちゃん」と言えば、かつては矛盾する表現だった。しかし日本では、ますます多くの年配者がインタネットの利用法を学んでいる。 「朝一番にコンピュータをつけるんです。前夜に来たメールを見るのが楽しみなのよ」、とシノハラ ロコは語る。彼女は、ネットに詳しい年配者の育成を促進するため、1997年に発足した「コンピュータおばちゃん同好会」の会員である。 会は男性も受け入れ、日本じゅうに会員がいる。そのほとんどは70歳代で、最高齢者は京都に独居している97歳の女性である。会員はメッセージと写真を交換し、お互いに自前の創作作品-絵画、小説、詩、および音楽-を見せ合う。彼らは大きい電気製品店のツアーを計画したり、オンラインの買い物をしたりする。「最近は書店がより大きくなって、自分の望む本を見つけることがむずかしいんです」とカマタ キクエは言う。「オンラインのほうがずっと簡単です」、と。 会を立ち上げた77歳のオカワ カヨコは、過去10年間で物事がいかに変化してきたかを思い出す。「老婆向きのコンピュータですって? あるわけないでしょう!」、これが会を立ち上げようとした時にオカワが遭遇した当初の反応でした。「どの会社もコンピュータを貸したがりませんでした」、と彼女は振り返る。しかし、最近の資料によれば、現在60年代後半の日本人の半分近くがライン接続をしている。2006年までの2年間に、70歳~79歳のインタネット利用者数は15.4%から32.3%に跳ね上がった。80歳以上でも、割合が6.9%から16%に上がった。 オカワにとって最も辛いことは、故人となった会員をメールの名簿から削除することである。「一たび亡くなってしまった人から、何かの連絡をもらうことが不可能であることは分かっています。でも、『もしかしたら…』などと考えないではいられないんですよ」と彼女は語った。 オカワは、故人会員の子供たちから、自分の母親がコンピュータの使い方を知っていたなんて考えもつかなかった、という連絡をもらったことがある。ある時一人の息子がオカワ宛にメールを送信してきて、「生涯の最期の数年、母が楽しく明るい日々を過ごせたことを知りました。それを知って、私はとても嬉しいです」、と述べていた。 以上、ご回答まで。(おかげで、高齢者のコンピュータ・インターネット事情を知ることができました。ありがとうございました。)

  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

 ハイテク婆さん、とは撞着語法(下記)だと思われて来た。しかし日本では高齢者でインターネットを駆使する人が増えている。  「アサイチにコンピュータのスイッチを入れ、前の晩に来たメールを読むのが楽しみよ」と、ネットに詳しいお年寄りの新しい世代を作ろうと1997年に発足したPC媼の会の会員である篠原ロコさんは(これ凉子さんかも)言う。  https://kotobank.jp/word/%E3%82%AA%E3%82%AF%E3%82%B7%E3%83%A2%E3%83%AD%E3%83%B3-677055  この会には男性も入れ、日本中に会員がいる。ほとんどが70代だが、最高齢は、京都で独り住まいの97歳の女性だ。  会員はメッセージや写真を交換し、絵、小説、詩、音楽などお互いの創作品を見せ合う。この会は、大きな電子ストアのツアーを企画し、オンラインでの買い物もする。「本屋は最近大きくなって、本が探しにくい、でもオンラインなら簡単」と鎌田菊枝さんは言う。  この会の創始者で77歳の大川加代子さんは、この十年間のものの変わりようについて言う。「お婆さんにコンピュータ?冗談じゃない」と言うのが当初の反応だったそうだ。  「会社という会社全部が、コンピュータを貸してくれるのに大反対だった」と彼女は追想する。しかし最近の資料によると、60代後半の半分近くが現在ネットに接続している。  2006年までの2年間に、70歳から79歳までのネット使用者数は、15.4%から32.3%に跳ね上がっている。80歳以上は、6.9%から16%に上がっている。  大川さんに取って一番辛いことは物故者を、メール連絡票から消去する事だと言う。「一旦亡くなった人からは、何も来ない事は分かっている。でも「ひょっとして」とつい思ってしまう」と彼女は言う。  大川さんは、物故者の子供たちから、母親がPCの使い方を知っていたとは知らなかった、と連絡を貰った事がある。  一度大川さんにメールした息子は、「母が、一生の最期の日々をこんなに楽しく輝かしく過ごせたと知って、本当に嬉しい」と言った。  (原文に漢字はないので、オカワカヨコのようになりますが、その代わりに漢字を仮に入れておきました適当に直してください)  


  • 英文の和訳をお願いします。

    In 1992, the event’s second year, a team of researchers at the Shiseido Research Center in Yokohama were accorded the Ig Nobel Prize for Medicine for their pioneering research study “Elucidation of Chemical Compounds Responsible for Foot Malodour,” especially for their conclusion that people who think they have foot odor do, and those who don’t don’t. Their paper attracted notice after it was published in the British Journal of Dermatology in June 1990. Abrahams pointed out that “approximately 50 percent” of eventual Ig winners come to the selection committee’s attention from published scientific papers. “We are always looking,” he told The Japan Times. “And anyone can send in a nomination. In a typical year we receive something like 7,000 new nominations. Between 10 and 20 percent of those are people who nominate themselves. But they almost never win. Winning an Ig Nobel Prize seems to be a side-effect. If it’s your main goal, you are very unlikely to succeed.”

  • 次の英文訳してくださいお願いします!!

    (1) The fact that those who are overweight die earlier than those who are not should be easy to understand. (2) The fact that domestic cats will share a home with a human family is, in itself, proof of their flexibility. (3) It was very pleasant to sit and watch the bathers splashing about in the water. 以下の3文お願いします。

  • 次の英文の和訳をお願いしたいです。

    Adult diapers are set to outsell baby diapers in Japan by 2020 in just the latest example of the challenges facing a nation where more than 20 percent of the population are 65 and older. The Nikkei newspaper reports that paper companiesーDaio and Nippon paperー are expanding their "incontinence products" manufacturing facilities in preparation for an expected surge in demand. Quartz.com says the adult diaper market is growing by up to 10 percent year-on -year and rakes in $1.4 billion per year.Adult diapers can go for as much as two and half times the price of baby diapers. Japan has one of the fastest-aging populations in the industrialized world,and there are concerns about how elderly citizens reling on care will be cared for in the years ahead. In a startling reported by the Telegraph newspaper,nearly a quarter of all shoplifting arrests in Tokyo last year involved pensioners over the age of 65. More than 3320 pensioners were detained by police,eclipsing for the first time the number of teenagers detained in the same year (3195). About 70 percent of the thefts involved food,signaling the growing poverty amongst pensioners living alone in Tokyo.

  • 次の英文の和訳をお願いします。

    Climate change is often associated with extreme weather events, melting glaciers and rising sea levels. But it could also have a major impact on human, animal and plant health by making it easier for diseases to spread. Various germs and parasites may find the coming years a time to live longer and prosper. Rising temperatures are changing environments and removing some of their natural impediments. Sonia Altizer is an associate professor at the University of Georgia’s Odum School of Ecology and lead author of the study. She said it’s a review of research done over the past 10 years to see what trends and new information on climate change have emerged. “One of the big themes that has emerged is that there’s a lot of diseases, especially in natural systems, where there as a pretty clear signal that either the prevalence or severity of those diseases has increased in response to climate change.” She said some of those natural systems where the signal is strongest are in the arctic and in warmer oceans. “So in the arctic there are parasitic worms that affect muskox and reindeer, for example, that are developing faster and becoming more prevalent and expanding their ranges. And then in tropical oceans, like Caribbean coral reefs, there’s a large amount of evidence that has mounted that shows that warming interferes with the symbiosis of corals – makes them more vulnerable to disease and at the same time increases the growth rate of some lethal bacteria,” she said. But a second theme emerged indicating that sometimes climate change may have no effect at all. “The other main point that we focused on is that knowing why different pathogens respond differently to climate change is what’s needed to help us predict and ultimately manage disease outbreaks in people and animals and plants,” she said. Some countries will be much better prepared to handle the disease threat than others, like those in Europe and North America. . “Surveillance, vector control, modern sanitation, drugs, vaccines can be deployed to prevent outbreaks of a lot of diseases, especially vector borne disease or diarrheal disease that are much more problematic in the developing world. And so these can counter the effects of climate change and make it hard to detect increases in those pathogens,” said Altizer. Controlling vectors means controlling such things as mosquitos and ticks, which can carry malaria or dengue fever. In developing countries, pathogens affecting agriculture and wildlife could adversely affect food security and the livelihoods of indigenous peoples. So how concerned should health officials be? Altizer said there’s no simple answer. “I think that the answer to it really depends on the location. So where, when and what pathogen? So I think we’re at a stage now where in the next five to ten years scientists will be able to move towards a predictive framework that will be able to answer questions about where in the world and what pathogens are responding and will continue to respond most strongly to climate change.” Altizer says the effects of climate change will unfold over decades. So it’s vital to follow long-term standardized data for many diseases and pathogens. She said crop management may be a good example to follow. It has a long history of tracking disease outbreaks, forecasting potential threats and responding to those threats early.

  • 次の英文を大至急訳してください

    Sandra is a slender lady who can eat as much as she likes without having to exercise like a fiend. She is in a shrinking minority of people who follow a Western lifestyle. The norm is to be fat. In most of Western Europe and the United States more than half the adults are overnight. What, then, explains the ability of Sandra and others like her to stay thin in such an environment? The answer is complex and not the same for everyone. Apart from upbringing and environment, scientists are discovering that genes and biology are more important than previously believed.

  • 次の英文の和訳をお願いします!!

    "It has very much become a cancer of poor women and a cancer for which poor women die," she said. Disparities in mortality extend to highly treatable cancers, such as acute lymphoblastic leukemia, fatal to just 10 percent of patients in wealthy countries but deadly 90 percent of the time in poor countries. Knaul said there are several myths about global cancer that need to be exploded, including that there's nothing that can be done, that tackling the problem would cost too much, and that bigger health issues plague the developing world. All are false, she said, adding that institutions like HSPH are key to gathering affordable, innovative solutions from around the world that can be used toward new strategies to meet the challenge. Students are a big part of the solution, Knaul said, because they'll be designing the health solutions of tomorrow. In addition to organizing Friday's event, students who have been touched by cancer planned to participate and share their stories of surviving or supporting a family member's struggles with the disease. Toni Kuguru, one of the student organizers, became interested in the subject when her husband, David, became ill with multiple myeloma. He was treated in the United States and is currently in remission, but the episode got Toni Kuguru thinking about the health care system in his native Kenya, where the outcome could have been different. Kuguru said she hopes that more students will get involved after hearing about the problem and the personal testimony of those touched by cancer. "What we're hoping for the student body is that they'll be inspired. We're hoping students understand there's lots of possibilities out there to become involved," Kuguru said.

  • 次の英文の和訳お願いします。

    1,U.S. exports to china grew 20.5 percent from 2004 to2005 and are continuing to grow rapidly,with an increace of 36.5 percent during the first five months of this year,comrared to 2005. 2,the plane was making a right turn over Los Angels when it suddenly plunged nose-down from a height of 500 feet. 3,we are pleased to announce that we are taking part in the 36th hong kong international film festival running March 21 through April5. 4,the instructor said," a participant who is continuously chatting with his or her neighbor can be extremely disruptive tovthe entire group."

  • 次の英文を和訳してほしいです。

    There was one large difference between the animal study and the human research projects mentioned in the article: the researchers controlled what the animals in the earlier studies ate, while the humans reported their eating behavior. Thus, as Dr. Bartke mentions, there is a question about the quality of the data. As long as the researchers kept careful records on what was fed to the animal subjects and prevented the animals from getting food from other sources, they could be confident of the food intake measurement. Humans, however, are not lab rats. It is not ethical, or generally possible, to completely control the environment that a human experiences. In this case, it was likely not economically feasible to control the diet for the subjects in the “diet group.” As a result, the researchers relied on self-reported data from these subjects. It is very unlikely that all of the members who reported that they cut their caloric intake by 30% actually did so. If the control their diet and observe their action, then we might be able to accept that the members of the group actually reduced their calories by 30%. However, one would then worry that a group of people who could take three months to go to a lab environment might not be representative of the general population.

  • 英文和訳

    Calling to mind this city's revolutionary past, he says he would accept the nomination for president "on behalf of a new birth of freedom — on behalf of the middle class who deserve a champion, and those struggling to join it who deserve a fair shot; for the brave men and women in uniform who risk their lives every day and the families who pray for their return; for those who believe our best days are ahead of us." 1.who deserve a fair shot はどう訳すのですか? 2.who の先行詞は those (struggling to join it ) と思いますが、どうでしょう?

  • 和訳をお願いいたしますm(_ _)m

    和訳をよろしくお願いします! On November 15 a festival is held for children seven (siti)five(go) and three(san) years old, and so the festival is called shichi-go-san. The reason why we have a celebration for these years is because odd numbers are believed to be lucky since they cannot be divided by two. In addition, we are told that since the ages of 7, 5 and 3 years are important growth steps for children, it is, therefore, significant to honor the children of these ages. In many parts of Japan, a child is received as a member of a shrine parts when he or she is seven. Though the are variations according to locality, in general, boys who are three and five and girls who are three and seven are dressed in their best clothes, and are taken by their parents to large and prestigious shrines, and very often A to the shrines of their local deities. It is customary after the visit to buy chitose-ame(thousand-year candy), sold at the stalls on the grounds of the shrine. よろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m