• ベストアンサー

Once we have understd 和訳

Once we have understood these deeper functions, we can be content that we have understood the process itself. 一旦私たちがこうしたより深い役割を理解すると、私たちはその過程 そのものを理解したことに満足できる。 Have understoodが訳せていないように思います。訂正をお願いします。

  • kahe
  • お礼率79% (291/368)
  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • d-y
  • ベストアンサー率46% (1528/3312)

一旦これらのより深い機能を理解してしまえば、 私たちは、その過程そのものを理解したと満足できる。 日本語で完了形のニュアンスを出すのは難しいですね。




その他の回答 (1)

  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

 そんなに訂正する所はないように思います。  「こう言ったより深い機能が分かると、その過程そのものが解明できた、と満足できる」  質問者さんの訳の方が、いいと思います。





  • for us which we ask

    We use have + object + -ed form when we talk about someone doing something for us which we ask or instruct them to do. It emphasises the process/action rather than who performs it: ここでのwhichの役割は何でしょうか?

  • 和訳をお願いします

    We (especially Jens) have added a bunch of new content to Minecraft that we want to get out asap, so there will be a content patch update next week with a whole pile of fun new toys, including a water mob and quite possibly paint if we can figure out how exactly it should work

  • 和訳をお願いします

    We (especially Jens) have added a bunch of new content to Minecraft that we want to get out asap, so there will be a content patch update next week with a whole pile of fun new toys, including a water mob and quite possibly paint if we can figure out how exactly it should work.

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします

    It appears that we can have the capacity to monitor more than one chain of speech at once, though it may not be possible for us to monitor both to the same degree, or for us to have full conscious awareness of the content of both. We are also able to attend selectively to one conversation, even if there are loud competing conversations in the background, by extracting the relevant information from the complex signal of mixed speech. 以上2文よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳

    We require prepayment for all international orders via wire transfer. You will see the $20 handling fee for wire transfer on the quote. We ship via UPS. I have estimated the freight charges on the quote as well. Etymotic Research cannot estimate customs, duties or other taxes that vary by company. These are the responbility of the buyer. We can bill to your UPS account if you would like, just reply with the account number. Should you choose to move forward with order please confirm the shipping method and wire fee. We would reply with the wire instructions at that time. There is approximately a 4 week period once payment is processed to build the ER10B+ instrument.

  • 英文和訳

    "We have to talk." To women, usually the ones saying this to men, these four words are often an expression of a desire to connect, to address something with a man on a deeper, more satisfying level. It often means, "Let's get together and see if we can move things to a better place." Saying this to a man can feel dangerous. As one woman put it "Get ready for World War Three" To men, these may be among the most feared words in the language. They often stimulate what we call male relational dread. One man's response was,"Let me out of here!" Another man said, "To me those words mean : `Next stop,divorce.`" These words often mean somethings quite different whwn they are said to someone ofthe same genger. When women say to other women,"We have to talk," it can mean a multitude of things. If the other woman is someone new with whom the woman feels friendly, it can mean,"Let's get to know each other." If it's an old friend whom she hasn't seen for a while, it can mean, "Let's catch up - do I have things to tell you!" And if it is a friend with whom she is in frequent, even daily contact,it can mean,"Wait till you hear this. I've got to tell you about last night." Men rarely say this to other men. When they do, sometimes it has a sense of invitation, as in, "Hey, let's catch up!" But often it has the connotation of "You're in big trouble with me.Get ready for a hassle." Gender differences in the meaning of these words start early. In our gender dialogues between seventh-grade boys and girls, their comments and questions often focus on "talk" : BOYS: Girls talk for most of the conversation so we don't have to talk. GIRLS: How come boys don't talk first? How these gender differences can be used in dialogue to heal the relationships between women and men is the topic of our discussion.

  • 和訳

    Sorry we were just informed by our supplier that the item is delayed and we won’t get the battery in stock for another week. We do have 2 other kinds of batteries available right now, the 52.8AH and the 26Ah. 52.8Ah is bigger than your current order and the 26Ah is smaller than that. Would you like to switch to any of these 2 batteries or wait for the current one? We could issue you a refund too if you can’t wait. 誰か和訳お願いできないでしょうか 困っています。。。

  • 和訳を教えて下さい。

    環境問題の長文ですが、以下の和訳のおかしな所を教えて下さい。 Because the number of people is growing,we are taking more and more land to live. 人口は増え続けているので、私たちは、もっと多くの住む場所を必要とする。 One of the things which makes us differet from other animals is that we can see these global problems and do something about them. 動物たちと人間と違うことは、私たちは、世界の問題を理解して、何かをすることができる。

  • have to offer の使い方

    以下の点について教えてください。 Please view the following information about the hotel so that you can make maximum use of all we have to offer. have to というと must の意味を連想してしまったのですが、その意味では 文脈からしっくりこなかったので調べたところ、以下のような内容を確認しました。 あるサイトのあった記載ですが、似たような例文です。 We are close to public transport, theme parks, beaches, the Southport Business Distric and everything the Gold Coast has to offer have (has) to と考えるのではなく、to offer するものを have(has) 所有しているという解釈に なるとありました。 文法的な理解としては、have と to offer の間に何か省略されているといった解釈をするのでしょうか。 例えば、 ... have much to offer 提供できるものをたくさん持ち備えている。 アドバイス頂けますでしょうか。

  • 次の英文の日本語訳の添削をしていただけないでしょうか。

    お世話になっています。 次の英文の日本語訳の添削をしていただけないでしょうか。 "a life course preparation"→「あるライフコースの準備」 が良く分かりませんでした。 《英文》 The process of training itself represents a life course preparation that is understood and invoked to signal readiness. 《日本語訳》 訓練の過程それ自体が、レディネスを示すものとして理解されたり想起されたりする、あるライフコースの準備なのである。