• 締切済み


環境問題の長文ですが、以下の和訳のおかしな所を教えて下さい。 Because the number of people is growing,we are taking more and more land to live. 人口は増え続けているので、私たちは、もっと多くの住む場所を必要とする。 One of the things which makes us differet from other animals is that we can see these global problems and do something about them. 動物たちと人間と違うことは、私たちは、世界の問題を理解して、何かをすることができる。

  • 英語
  • 回答数4
  • ありがとう数0


  • takamagi
  • ベストアンサー率25% (5/20)

takingですが、「it is taking space」と言った時は「(それは)場所をとっている(占拠すると言った意味合いで)」という意味になります。landとspaceは場所や空間と言うように意味的に似通っているからこの場合も「必要とする」じゃなく「どんどん住む土地を拡大させていってる」「(地球上の)土地を使いまくってる」のようなニュアンスになると思います。 one of the thingsは複数差異があることを示唆しているので、この和訳だと理解し解決する事が唯一の違いと取られかねませんので保険かけて下の方がおっしゃているように「違いの一つは」的な文のほうがいいと思います。あとdo somethings about themは「それらを解決する何らかの行動を起こせる」と言う意味なので、「何かを出来る」よりはもうちょっと具体的に「解決する」と言う言葉を入れた方がいいかもしれません。


One of the things which makes us differet from other animals is that we can see these global xxxx. 動物と人間を異なるものにする要因には幾つかあるので、"one"をはっきりと表現した方が好いように感じますが、細かすぎますか?


we are taking なので「必要としている」 「動物たち」より「動物と人間との違いは」と日本語では単数形で言いと思います。 「これらのグローバルな問題を理解して、それに対して何かをすることができることである」 do something は「行動を起こす」でもいいかもしれません。

  • yuu111
  • ベストアンサー率20% (234/1134)

おおむねいいと思いますが、以下のところをもう少し考えてみてください 「is growing」は「続けている」? 「land」は「場所」? 「is that」はどこに? 「global」は「世界の」? 分かってそう訳しているならかまいませんが、 「makes us different」ってどう訳す? 失礼します


  • 和訳

    次の文の和訳をよろしくお願いしますm(__)m The amount of land we can use to produce food is also limited. Today, roughly 11% of the land on Earth can be used for crops, while another 20% is available for raising animals. Each year, however, more of this land is lost as cities grow and roads stretch across the land. In addition, overcultivation has already damaged an amount of farmland equal to the size of the United States and Canada combined. It is posrible to increase the amount of farmland, but only a little. Some farmland can be more productive if people start using different farmingmethods, but this will not increase worldwide production very much.

  • 和訳をお願い致します(哲学関係)

    いつも楽しく拝見させて頂いています。 英語の哲学関係の本を読んでいるのですが、どうしてもぴんとこない部分があるので、英訳をお願いできたらと思います。 Now we call that which is in itself worthy of pursuit more final than that which is worthy of pursuit for the sake of something else, and which is never desireble for the sake of something else more final than the things that are desirable both in themselves and for the sake of that other thing, and therefore we call final without qualification that which is always desirable in itself and never for the sake of something else. 内容にずれがなければ、意訳でも結構です。 どうぞよろしくお願い致します。

  • 和訳をお願いします

    和訳をお願いします 長くなってすみません(>_<) Although the population growth rate is expected to slow down, an increasing population still creates problems. First of all, with more people in the world, more food must be grown to feed them, though the amount of land we can use for agriculture is limited. According to the FAO, grain consumption has increased by 200 percent since 1961, but the amount of farmland remains almost unchanged. Second,a growing population is harmful to the environment. With more people and increased human activities, it is natural for the amount of CO2 in the air to increase. This speeds up global warming. Scientists expect that temperatures will rise by 0.4℃ in the next 20 years. An increasing pollution brings problems not only to developing nations, but also to the whole world. If we continue on our current path, the earth's resources may disappear before we know it.

  • 和訳がどうしてもわかりません

    When we are very frightened and worried,our body produces certain chemicals to help us fight what is troubling us. These chemicals produce the energy needed to run away from an object of fear,but in modern life that's often impossible. The police searched the woods,the garden,and every room in the old house,looking for clues,but the amount of evidence that they found was small. We have left undone those things which we ought to have done;and we have done those things which we ought not to have done. Being stupid and having no imagination,animals often behave far more sensibly than men. Efficiently and by instinct they do the right,appropriate thing at the right moment. 和訳お願いします!!!

  • 和訳お願いします。

    1,everybody agrees that she is resembling her mother more and more these days. 2,she is living with her grandmother while her house is being renovated. 3.the great east japanearthquake is an unprecedented tragedy which none of us have ever experienced. 4,china's economy has growing at almost 10% since it embraced economic reforms and free market principles.

  • 英語が得意なjかたこの英文の和訳をしていただけませんか

    This is because plants support various living things in the environment. At present, there are 25 regions in the world that have been classified as hot spots. Together, the combined land area of these regions dose not exceed 1.4% of the total land area of the earth, but over 60% of the earth’s land creatures are distributed in these regions. However, 70% of the original plant life in these regions has been lost. Furthermore, in the areas where species are declining, it has been reported that more than 90% of the original species have disappeared. Japan is a country with many forests and 67% of the land area of the country consists of forests.

  • 英語の長文、和訳お願いします、II

    The amount of land we can use to produce food is also limited. Today, roughty 11% of the land on Earth can be used for crops, while another 20% is available for raising animals. Each year, however, more of this land is lost as cities grow and roads stretch across the land. In addition overcultivation has already damaged an amount of farmland equal to the size of the United States and Canada combined. It is possible to increase the amount of farmkand, but only a little. Some farmland can be more productive if people start using different farming methods, but this will not increase worldwide production very much. While we have many different sources of commercial energy, there is a limited supply of many of them. Today, most of the world's commercial energy comes from three nonrenewable energy resources―petroleum, natural gas, and coal. Three quaters of this commercial energy is used by developed countries. As the standard of living goes up in other contries, so will the demand for energy. Some scientsts predict that if everyone in the world lived like an American, our fossil fuel supply would last for just fifteen more years. Clearly, the number of people that the Earth can support in the future will depend on many things. The Earth may be able to support 9 billion people, but what will their standard of living be? And what effect will all these people have on the environment?

  • 和訳についてお願いします。

    A part of history is the story of science, of what we have found out as to how things happen, why they happen and what things are. (質問1) how things happen, why they happen and what things are. 「物事がどのようにして起こるのか、何故起こるのか、それらは何なのか」→訳はこれでよいでしょうか?(更に良いものがあれば教えてください。特に、thingsは「物事」でいいのか、それとも「現象」など、変えてしまっていいのか。) (質問2) 質問1と同じ箇所ですが、「how things happen=物事の生じる過程」「why they happen=物事の生じる理由」「what things are=物事の種類?」最後の「物事の種類」でいいのかよく分かりません。 (質問3) what we have found out as to how things happen, why they happen and what things are.の具体例はどのようなものでしょうか? (質問4) A part of history is the story of science, of what we have found out as to how things happen, why they happen and what things are. この文章は、同格構文だと思いますが、どことどこが同格関係になっているのでしょうか?(自分が思うに、scienceと what we have found outですが、なぜwhat we have found outの前にofがあるのですか?)

  • 文法を意識した和訳をおねがいします。

    こんにちは。 大学の試験勉強中なのですが、全く持ってお手上げ状態です・・。 どなたか、どうかご指導よろしくお願いいたします。 意訳ではなく、文法を意識した直訳が求められている問題です。 この一文だけで前後に文はありません。 【問】 Why we were told these things we did not know, and it is probable that our teachers knew no better than we did. Why we were told (these things){we did not know}, /and [it] is probable 【that our teachers knew no better than 「we did」】. 《理解できている点》 1、(these things){we did not know}    → we did not knowはthese thingsにかかる      「私たちが知らなかったそれらの事柄」     2、[it] is probable 【that our teachers knew no better than 「we did」.】    →[it]:仮主語、【】節:新主語      「【】であることは有り得る。」 3、no better than~:~と同然の      ※後ろに明らかに良くないことを置き、「それと同じ程度に良くない」と述べるために使われる。 《疑問点》 1、Whyが文頭にあるのは倒置がおこっている? 2、最後のdid = know?    →「教師も私たちが知っていたレベルしか知っていなかった」? よろしくおねがいします。

  • 英文の和訳

    英文の和訳をしていただけるかた のみで、お願いできますでしょうか? においについて?みたいな感じです・・。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 Every one has a distinctive individual odour, but it is often so subtle that we do not smell it. It is harder still to describe in words. Your soul mate washes frequently, and his odious and fragrance will not be strong, but the subtle nuances of them are a warmth, like cloth. He smells of shampoo, and faintly fragrant and like hair styling products, and there is a subtle undertone of oiliness, cooking oils and toasted and fried things. soap, faintly of burnt things, and tomatoes and cheese or pizza, There is a fragrance of mingled things,. These odours are so faint you hardly smell them, you more feel it, you know when he is there, like the difference between him and an empty space, but the subtle difference in air is uniquely his own. The strongest parts for detecting this smell are the region of his hair and collar.. The cloth and cooking smell is the undertone, the lower note or less pleasant background of his perfume. and the shampoo and hair styling products, stronger like a cloaking smell but they are both so fine and subtle that it is hard to detect these things