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英文を書きました。 添削、アドバイスをお願いします。 以下の文章をみてください。 ・文法的におかしなところはありませんか? ・誤字脱字はありませんか? ・表現はおかしくないですか? 添削お願いします。   ※全体じゃなく一部だけでもかまいません。 The apartment Building does not take trouble. アパートは手間がかからない。 The apartment Building has many facilities. アパートは多くの設備を持ってる。 We can use these facilities by paying a rent. 私たちは家賃を払うことでこの設備を利用できる。 Even if these facilities broke down, a resident is irresponsible and does not need to bear a repair. もしこれらの設備が故障したとしても住人には責任はなく、修理費を負担しなくていい。 When there is a trouble whether it is in a single house, you must pay a large amount of repair every the degree. 一軒家でなにかトラブルがあるとその度ごとに多額の修理費を払わなくてはならない。 Do you understand it? わかりますか? Unexpected expenditure decreases than I live in the single house if I live in the apartment Building. アパートビルに住めば一軒家に住むより不意の出費が少なくなる。 The maintenance cost of the house is hardly necessary besides a rent and the expenses for lighting and fuel. 家の維持費は家賃と光熱費以外ほとんど必要ない。 In addition, a manager arranges cleaning and painting, facilities check regularly. また、定期的に清掃やペンキ塗り、設備点検を管理人が手配してくれる。 The apartment Building does not take much trouble as above. 以上のようにアパートビルはあまり手間がかからない。

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こんにちは。 アパートは・・・というので、Theをつけていますが、これは特定のアパートを指すので、一般に言う場合は、an apartmentです。 「アパートは手間がかからない」というのは住むには手間がかからない、ということで、 Living in an apartment doesn’t require additional work. An apartment building has many facilities. アパートは多くの設備を持ってる。 We can use these facilities by paying rent. 私たちは家賃を払うことでこの設備を利用できる。 Even if these facilities break down, residents are irresponsible and do not need to bear expenses for repair. もしこれらの設備が故障したとしても住人には責任はなく、修理費を負担しなくていい。 If you live in a single house and have troubles, you must pay a large amount of money for repairing. 一軒家でなにかトラブルがあるとその度ごとに多額の修理費を払わなくてはならない。 Do you get it? わかりますか? If you live in an apartment, you would expect fewer expenses than living in a single house. アパートビルに住めば一軒家に住むより不意の出費が少なくなる。 You will hardly have to pay for maintenance.→ 家の維持費といってしまうと、 The maintenance cost of the house といってしまうと、一軒家のことになってしまうのと、前の文にアパートに住むと、と言っているのと、家賃、光熱費というのは維持費にはならないので、「維持費はほとんど必要ない」でいいと思います。ちなみに光熱費には、utilityという単語があります。 家の維持費は家賃と光熱費以外ほとんど必要ない。 In addition, a manager arranges cleaning and painting, facilities check regularly. また、定期的に清掃やペンキ塗り、設備点検を管理人が手配してくれる。 As mentioned above, it is not costly to live in an apartment. 以上のようにアパートビルはあまり手間がかからない。


  • 英文の添削おねがいします

    英文を書きました。 添削、アドバイスをお願いします。 以下の文章をみてください。 ・文法的におかしなところはありませんか? ・誤字脱字はありませんか? ・表現はおかしくないですか? 添削お願いします。 I think a modern apartment building is very comfortable. 私はアパート(マンション)は快適だと思う。 Because apartment buildings is multifamily housing, there is a room in top and bottom right and left. アパートは集合住宅だから上下左右に部屋がある。 Therefore the room of the apartment is hard to get cold and retains heat. だから、アパートの部屋は冷えにくく保温性がある。 How do you think of this? あなたはこれをどう思う? I think that this is a very good phenomenon. Because the warm room is comfortable and It can save an electricity bill. 私はこれはとても良い現象だと思います。なぜなら暖かい部屋は快適で、電気代も節約できるから。 In addition, in the apartment Building, security is steady from a single house. また、アパートビルは一軒家よりセキュリティがしっかりしている。 In spite of being it going away that a security camera, locking automatically are set up, what the person who lives in the same building even if I say anything watches is effective crime prevention measures. 防犯カメラ、オートロックなどが設置されていることもさることながら、なんといっても同じ建物に住む人が見てくれていることは効果的な防犯対策です。 I can live life that we can feel relieved by security by these security measures. これらの防犯対策によって私たちは安全で安心できる生活をおくることができる。 I think that acquaintances increase as a day passes in the multifamily housing. 集合住宅では日がたつにつれて知り合いが増えると思う。 I cooperate by this, and the making of more comfortable space will be possible. これにより協力してより快適な空間づくりができるでしょう。 Because barrier-free is the mainstream in the modern apartment Building, any people regardless of age or sex can live without being in need of it. 現代的なアパートビルはバリアフリーが主流だから老若男女不自由せずに生活できる。

  • 英文の添削をお願いします。

    英文の添削をお願いします。 私の家の外壁は茶色で、レンガ調のタイル張りです。 The fence of my house is brown in colour, and covered with tiles in mock-brick touch. ○○市のトマトの収穫高は日本一である。 ○○ is the largest tomato producer in Japan.又は、The crop yield of tomato in ○○ -city is highest in Japan. 人の前に立つと緊張する? そういう時は、そこにいる人の顔がジャガイモと思えばいいんだよ! Do you get nervous when you face others? In that case, think a potato for the face in front of you. 宜しくお願いします。

  • whichについて

    The lease on this apartment is up in a month, after which I suspect the rent will go up. の文でwhichはThe lease on this apartment is up in a month の代名詞ぽいのですが、それならthatでよさそうなのですが、なぜwhichをここで使っているのでしょうか。よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英文の添削をお願いします!

    1)The typhoon blew the roof off the house. =The house had the roof (b ) off ( ) the typhoon. 2)You must show us all the tickets. =All the tickets ( ) ( ) ( ) to us. 3)He has recently been laid off by the company. =The company ( ) recently ( ) ( ) off. 4)People think that Ichiro is a great baseball player. =(It) (is) (said) that Ichiro is a great baseball player. =Ichiro (is) (thought) (to) be a great baseball player. 5)Everybody in this community knows her name. =Her name (is) (known) (in) everybody in this community. ()内の添削をお願いします。 英訳や解説を加えてくださると助かります。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文を添削してください

    House Un-America Activities Committee(HUAC)についてのことです。 The House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), a committee of the U.S. House of Representatives, investigated allegations of communist activity in the U.S. during the early years of the Cold War (1945-91). HUAC’s controversial tactics contributed to the fear, distrust and repression that existed during the anticommunist hysteria of the 1950s. The work of the committee continued to decline in importance throughout the late 1950s and early 1960s until the committee itself was renamed the House Internal Security Committee in 1969, prefiguring its eventual abolition in 1975. ⇨The House Un-American Activities Committee investigated communist activity in the U.S. during the early years of the Cold War. HUAC’s tactics contributed to the fear that existed during the anticommunist hysteria. However the work of the committee declined in importance and until the committee itself was renamed the House Internal Security Committee in 1969, prefiguring abolition in 1975. 上の文は教科書やインターネットで調べて引用したものです。 長いので、勝手に短くしてみました(⇨以降の文章です) こちらの文章が文法的、意味的におかしくないか確認して欲しいです。 また、ここは削れるよ、とかこの表現はこうした方が簡単、などあれば、そちらも教えて欲しいです。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英文で添削をして欲しいです

    次の例文ですが、間違ってるところがあれば直して欲しいです。 ・彼の出血が始まりだした He start bleeding. ・どちらも残念です too bad , neither. ・もう好きなようにして Do as you like. ・日本はデフレが続いていますが、いまだに土地代が高いです。 それに関連して、特に首都圏では家賃が高いです。 In Japan, Keeping a deflation, although land of value is still expensive. and in particular around of tokyo, cost of house rental is high.

  • 英文の穴埋めの添削をお願いします!

    1)Once you meet her, you'll find that she is nice to (talk). 2)Eddy is only thirteen. He is (not old enough) to get a driver's license. 3)Nobody likes to be (made) fun of in public. 4)"John (seems) to like the fried rice." "He sure does! That's his third helping." 5)Tom did not tell the truth (so as not to) hurt his mother. 6)You need not give it to me, if you don't want (to). 7)It is hard to please my grandfather. =My grandfather is ( ) ( ) ( ). 8)We can't complete this task in a day. =It is ( ) (for) us (to) (complete) this task in a day. 9)They need some instructions to tell them what to do. =They need some instructions to tell them what they ( ) ( ). 10)It is said that the mayor practiced kendo very hard in his youth. =The mayor is said (to) (have) (practiced) kendo very hard in his youth. 11)You were so kind as to drive me to the airport. =It was very kind ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) me to the airport. 12)People say this house was built 100 years ago. =This house is ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) built 100 years ago. 問題文が多くてすみません。()内の穴埋めです。 解説や日本語訳を付けてくださると助かります。 添削よろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m

  • 英文の添削をお願いします。

    下記の英文の添削をお願い致します。 When I got up in the morning,I felt srtange atomoshere. I noticed my oclock aram did not go off.I had to go now. but I wanted to have a breakfast.I asked by myself what sholud I do. I made a decition I have a breakfast puickly. If I skip a breakfast,I feel bad and somthing happen during a class. so I think my decition was correct. As a result,I could get to the school on time. Morning class I studied about a fairlytale especially little red riding hood . the fairytale is called AKAZUKINTOOOKAMI in Japan. first,I talked about the import of this story in own country. Among stories is a little different. Second,We listened to another story on youtube I tell you about the story of summary. When The wolf hanged on in forest,he finded one house which a grandmather live.He is hugrry so he tyied to eat her.He came into her house and eat her up!He knew a liitle girl is coming.He waited for her in the house. A littl girl came into the house and met him.She did not realized he is wolf.she said,What great big eyes you have.He replied,All the better to see you with. but she came up with idea he has cool fury so I want the fury. she has guns and shout him.He was dead. She made a fury coat out of wolf slkin. She said,Hell,and do please note my lovely furry coat. I finished made up a story. but I worked with classmate that she ignored to me. I could not stand over again but I can not be helped. I think I am the worst level in this class.I can not speak English very well. Evening class We talked about heart. I think It is difficult to explain heart.It is depend on person. but We couled talk about having heart ot heart. After school I went to the Oxford Circe which is famous for shopping road. I bought some underwear which is Small size and a T-shirts, I was filld up satisfaction. At dinner My host mother told me about a tommorow's dinner. A familly is going to come home at dinner time and have a dinner with us. I feel complax and better at the same time. I can talk person who is diffrent usual but I do not have confedence. I think I lose my confidence tomorrow.

  • 以下の英文を早急に訳していただきたいです。。。

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  • 英文添削について

    英文を送ったのですが、理解出来ないと言われました。 文章が分かりにくいのでしょうか? 皆さまのご意見をお聞かせ頂けますと幸いです。 Do you think either "(1)Bangs and back hair , gags covering the ears" or "(2)Gloves that cover behind hairs and forelock, but ears give out" "(3)A gag that does not cover bangs, both hair and ears with cloth"is a natural gag?