
  • セスは、母親のレンジャー車を持っており、毎年このコミックブックのコンベンションに行く完璧なアリバイも持っています。さらに、自分の人生で何も間違ったことをしていないこともあり、それが両親に偽の信頼感を与えています。
  • そして、君はそれをすべて、スマホの中にある夏という存在に捧げたいのですね。
  • セス:(一時停止)ごめん、それは修辞的な質問だと思っていました。はい、ライアン、はい。学校の前の最後の週末には、人々はティワナに行くものです。それは伝統ですし、通過儀礼でもあります。それに、メキシコで何が起きても、メキシコに留まります。
  • ベストアンサー


Seth : We have my mom's ranger, we have a perfect alibi as i go to this comic book convention every year and we also have my entire life never doing anything wrong. Which completely allows my parents to give a false sense of trust. Ryan : And you want to give that all away for Summer in a wet t-shirt doing body shots. Seth : (pause) Sorry, i thought that was a rhetorical question. Yes, Ryan, yes. On the last weekend before school, one goes to Tijuana, it is tradition, it is a right of passage, and you know what else? What happens in Mexico, stays in Mexico.

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

S「お袋のレインジャーがある,俺はこのマンガの集まりに毎年行くんだ、だから完璧なアリバイがある、おまけに俺は今までの一生で一度も悪い事したためしがないんだ。ということで家の両親には絶対に信用されてるんだ。(=今回はその信用を裏切る事になるけれども)」 R「でその(信用を)全部サマーの濡れたTシャツ全身像のために捨てたいのか。」 S「(ためらい)(俺が返事をしなかったのは)答えの要らない質問だと思ったからさ。そうだライアン、そうだ。学校が終わる最後の週末、ティオワナへ行く、これは通過儀礼だよ、で付け加えておくが(<他に何があると思う?)メキシコであったことはメキシコに置いてくるんだ。」  レインジャーは、車の事でしょう。  濡れたTシャツ全身像は、アメリカの男性を興奮させるようです。  rhetorical question に着いては下記をご覧下さい。   http://eow.alc.co.jp/rhetorical+question/UTF-8/  ティオワナは、サンディエゴのすぐ南、国境を隔ててメキシコにあり、女郎屋のひしめく町。サンディエゴには米国海軍の大きな基地があり、水兵は一年中、学年末の56月は卒業前の学生が「通過儀礼」(大人になり)に行くところです。What happens in ○○, stays in ○○。と言う表現は「○○で起こった事は、帰ってからは喋らない、秘密にしておく事」という意味です。





  • what you got caught

    Marissaの言ったWhat you got caught?の意味を教えてください (Luke and Holly are upstairs dancing intimately. They start making out, while Marissa and Ryan + Summer and Seth go to dance, Marissa sees Luke and stares with horror, as Summer and Seth a couple seconds later. Luke sees marissa and he stops dancing) Marissa : What are you doing? Luke : I'm sorry. Marissa : What that you got caught? (to Holly) Don't ever talk to me again. Summer :[to Holly] you are such a bitch!

  • 下記の英会話を日本語に訳してくださいm(__)m

    I wish I could just have the right chance to quit the is job and set up a new life and start a good business that will give me a rest of mind so that I can have time for you よろしくお願い致しますm(__)m

  • 英作並べ替え問題

    自分で考えたのですが自信がないのでお願いします 1.持ち物といえばごらんの通りの服しかありません。 I ( )( )( )( )( )( ) you see me. (but/have/in/nothing/the clothes/which) 私の答え I have nothing but the clothes in which you see me.   このin は なぜ必要ですか? 2.われわれはみな時間の短いことをこぼすくせに、持て余すほど時間があるのだ。 We all complain that time is short,(and/time/we/than/more/yet/have) we know what to do with. 私の答え    and yet we have more time than このyetの意味は? 以上 間違いがあれば教えてください。

  • とある英歌詞の和訳をお願いしたいのですが・・・

    題名は  5one on d!splayです。 Eyes go shut I dissipate Into thin air leaving no trace Distant voice Not listening Why don't you just save your breath? All of your words feel like a jail That blocks the sun and makes me stale Not enough gold in all the world So why have I surrendered To your abusive ways The cracks have opened up to the core Is there anywhere to go from here now? Sick with the lies consuming our souls ↓ココのサビでもいいので和訳お願いします! Give me one reason to take the breath we breathe for granted Hold it in so long that you forget to say Give me one reason to remain confined within the fences Here with you and my soul on display Bite my tongue Swallow the pain A bit disturbed by these displays Now we've got nothing to say The silence growing deadly So here we are drifting apart Neither willing to drop their guard Haven't we got something to say? The distance growing deadly From years and years of pain The cracks go deeper than we can see Let's take a good look at where we are now Maybe the end's the start that we need Give me one reason to take the breath we breathe for granted Hold it in so long that you forget to say Give me one reason to remain confined within the fences Here with you and my soul on display Life is too precious to waste

  • わからない英文があります

    下記の会話文にある、"if all it takes is a couple a cheerleaders walking by and suddenly it's like Summer and we just didn't happen"の意味を教えてください。 動画 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRm9Nsn-dwQ&feature=related 3分18秒から。 Seth: It's a good thing I never thrown anything away, the questions are different but you get the idea Ryan: Yeah, that I'm gonna fail Seth: Hey, no you're not gonna fail ok, you have to get in. I will not spend another year at that school alone, ok please, thankyou. study. (pauses) Especially though, if all it takes is a couple a cheerleaders walking by and suddenly it's like mmm Summer and I we jus, we just didn't happen (Ryan looks at him) Seth: Sorry, you study (pause) here's the thing though Ryan (Ryan looks frustrated) we connected, right we connected and it was awesome, especially the part where she kissed me, I do believe I might've ma Ryan: Seth! I have two hours until I take this test, so unless you plan on attending Newport union high wi Seth: Right, got it less talking more study

  • 下記の英会話を日本語に訳してくださいm(__)m

    I have been into a bad relationship. My ex-hurt and cheated on me a lot, that's why I am on the internet to give it a try. よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英作文の添削希望です

    センター失敗した外大志望者です。 2次試験8割を目指して必死で英語をやっています。 お願いします。 ●余暇には何をしていますかと聞かれるといつも返事に困ってしまう。つまり、何もしていないからだ。  余暇とは、誰にでもある自由な時間のことである。何をしてもいい時間であるが、また何もしなくてもいい時間でもある。 ●Whenever I'm asked what I do in my leisure time, I'm at a loss. In short, I don't do anything. Leisure time means free time everyone has. We can spend that time anything we like, and also we don't have to do anything in that time. 四文目が元の日本語からだいぶかけ離れています。 しかも意味も通らないと思います、けれど、どうしても上手く言えませんでした。 助言をお願いします。

  • 英作文をしたのですが自信がありません。文法等の添削、内容についてのアド

    英作文をしたのですが自信がありません。文法等の添削、内容についてのアドバイスをお願いします。 In recent years, there has been a lot of argument of having classes on Saturdays in elementary schools in Japan. A five-day school week started as a part of the new education system known as “yutori education” and these days it has been argued that we should do away with this system as soon as possible. But this system shouldn’t be abolished for following 3 reasons. First, it helps children to get communication ability. In Japanese elementary school, they usually don’t have discussions in the classes. They only listen to the teachers speaking at their desk, having little time to have interactive communications. It obviously prevents children from getting communication ability. But if Saturday is a holiday, they will have a lot of time to spend with their friends and families, and have a lot of time to have interactive communications. Actually, in my childhood I used to go a park to play catch with my father on Saturdays and talked a lot with him. There is no doubt that it has great effects on communication ability to talk a lot with friends and families. And it also prompts children to be independent. In school, they do only things that the teachers say to do. But when they graduate, no one tells them what to do. They have to find what to do on their own. If Saturday is a holiday, they will have more chance to know themselves, and to think about what they should do, that is, to be independent. In addition, apart from the educational problems, it will bring us economic effectiveness. If it is holiday on Saturdays, more people will go traveling with their family, and spend a lot of money on their way. Even if you don’t go traveling, we will have more chance to spend money to have pleasure. Actually, after playing catch I used to go to batting center with my father on Saturdays. There is no doubt that we use more money if children are at home than if they are in school.

  • 英会話、英訳添削お願いします。

    (3)英訳添削してください!英会話に活用したいので正しい表現や他にオススメの表現。日本語になくてもこの状況ではこんな英文も使えそうみたいな+αがあると尚嬉しいです。よろしくお願いします。出来るやつだけでも構いません。 もうすぐホストファザーの誕生日なんだ。 どうやってお祝いするのがここらでは普通なの? ちなみに日本では誕生日パーティを開いて皆でケーキを食べて誕生日の人にプレゼントをあげたりするよ ホストファザーにあげるものが分からない。 何をあげるべきかな? 君はお父さんに何をあげた? 君は今まで誕生日にどんなプレゼントをもらってきた? 去年の誕生日はどう過ごした? My host dad's birthday is coming soon. How do you celebrate someone's birthday in common? By the way , we have a barthday party. We eat a cake and present for someone. I don't know what to get him birthday. What should I get for him. How about you what you get for your father. What kind of present have you given in your birthday? How did you spent your last birthday? 誰とホームカミングに行ったの? 君を誘えばよかったな(後悔) どんなダンスを踊ったの? ちょっとやって見せてよ 君のドレスを着た写真をFacebookで見たけど本当に似合ってたよ。 この目でみたかったな~ なんでダンスパーティーがアメリカではこんなに人気なの?(アメリカにいる時にin Americaってあまり言いませんか?カリフォルニア州にいるんですがIn Californiaとかaround hereの方がいいですかね?) Whom did you go homecoming with? I should have invited you. What kind of dance did you play? can you show me how to do it? I saw your picture which you were in dress by the Facebook,It really looks good on you. I wanted to see that with my own eyes. Why is the dance party so famous in America? 長文で多くなってすみません。 よろしくお願いします。 英語、英会話、英訳

  • 意味を教えてください

    My boyfriend of two years is sweet, smart, funny, and we have what I would consider to be a great relationship. We are open with each other about any problems that arise and understand that both of us have been in a couple serious, long-term relationships in the past, which we can easily talk about. However, a few months ago I glimpsed a text thread on his phone with his ex-girlfriend from high school, and, upon further investigation, realized that they’ve spoken every few days for what seems to be months. every few days for what seems to be monthsの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします