• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー

大学生の方、残念ながら、間違いです。答えは Speech probably first developed between 2,000,000 and 500,000 years ago, during which time our brain tripled its size. speechは、人間の「言語能力」、during which timeは、「その間に」人間の頭脳の大きさが三倍になったということです。whichの先行詞は、between 2,000,000 and 500,000 years agoです。


  • which の指示代名詞と関係代名詞の使いかた

    which の指示代名詞と関係代名詞の使いかた Speech probably first developed between 2,000,000 and 500,000 years ago, during time which our brain trippled its size. Speech probably first developed between 2,000,000 and 500,000 years ago, during which time our brain trippled its size. which の位置ですがどちらが正しいのでしょうか which time となると which は指示代名詞(どの)となり どの時期、どの時代となり 前後がつながらないと解釈します。 during time (which our brain...)となると ~の時期、と関係代名詞として time を先行詞として意味がありますが。 文法に自信がある方かネイティヴの方いらっしゃいましたらご回答お願いいたします

  • 並び替え英語

    彼女は何と言えばよいのかわからなかった。だから何も言わなかった。 She wasn't quite sure what to say,[anything/didn't/is/say/she/which/why]at all. 今日の世界はわずか20年前の世界とまったく変わっている。 The world today[different/from/is/it/quite/what]was only twenty years ago. 自分で考えたけど並び替えはどうも苦手で(≧×≦;) お願いします

  • 高校英語 訳と並び替えです!

    英語の訳と、並び替えお願いします! 1と2は訳 3~5は並び替えです。 1.He has a daughter, who lives in London. 2.My sister, who studies in Boston, is coming back to Tokyo next month. 3.そのリンゴの木は、両親が五年前に植えたもので、いくつか実をつけた The apple tree, (my parents, which, planted, five years ago), has given us some apples. 4.ベスは、ピーターが結婚したいと願ってる人で、明るい女性だ。 Beth,(marry, to, hopes, Peter, whom), is a cheerful woman. 5.昨日は雨がひどく降っていたので、私たちはずっと家の中にいた。 It was raining hard yesterday,(us, inside our house, kept, which) 以上の五問です! ちなみに並び替えは()内だけです!お願いします!

  • 英語の並び替えで困っています。

    英語の並び替えで困ってます。誰か教えてください。 Q次の日本文の意味に合うように、(  )内の語句を並べかえてください。 (a)シリコンは物理特性が炭素に似ている非金属です。 Silicon is a ( resembles / physical / carbon / its / non-metal / in / that ) properties. (b)光源から来る光はスクリーンに向かうように方向を変えられる。 The ( coming / the light source / directed / from / light / toward / is ) the screen. (c)面積は2次元であり、平方メートルの単位で測量することができる。 The area is two-dimensional( meters / and / measured / can / square / in / be ). (d)何千年も前には、ゴミは天然物質から出来上がっていたので問題にならなかった。 Thousands of years ago, garbage was ( it / because / up / was / not / made / a problem ) of natural materials. 問題は以上です。よろしくお願いします。

  • at the/a rate of

    以下に「~の割合で」という意味で「at the/a rate of」というフレーズが出てきますが、どうして冠詞の使い分けがされているのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします。 Starting about one million years ago, there was an increase in the growth of the human brain. It expanded at first 【at the rate of】 one cubic inch every hundred thousand years; then the growth rate doubled; it doubled again; and finally it doubled once more. Five hundred thousand years ago the rate of growth hit its peak. At that time the brain was expanding 【at a rate of】 ten cubic inches every hundred thousand years. No other organ in the history of life is known to have grown as fast.

  • 英文和訳です

    Once the electrode was implanted, the team used a computer model of speech that Guenther had developed over the past 15 years to decode the signals coming from the man’s brain and discern which vowel sounds he was thinking about. Guenther presented the results at the Society for Neuroscience meeting in Washington DC on 19 November. So far, the patient has been able “to produce three vowel sounds with good accuracy”, says Guenther. This happens as quickly as normal speech, he says. “The long-term goal within five years is to have him use the speech brain-computer interface to produce words directly”, Guenther says. Most of the interfaces currently being developed transmit signals from the region of the brain that controls movement to either a prosthetic arm or even, as shown by a recent study in monkeys, the subject’s own arm. According to Guenther, this is the first brain-computer interface that has been tailored for speech. よろしくお願いします^^;

  • 構文がわかりません

    Our capacity for culture must have evolved over the vast period of five million years , during which man's development departed from that of our relatives , the anthropoid apes . この文の during which ~あたりの構造がわかりません。言語をテーマとした論説の一節です。よろしくお願いします。

  • wave upon wave

    Wave upon wave of glaciation during the Ice Age, which ended a mere 12000 years ago, polished the terrain. このwave upon waveとはどういう意味でしょうか? 辞書に載っていなくて分かりませんでした。 是非教えてください。

  • Whichの使い方

    以下について教えていただけないでしょうか。 I have known Ms.Y for more than two years, during which time she worked as a researcher for Cosmo Arts. (1)she以降に穴がないのにどうしてここでwhichが用いられているのでしょうか? (2)もしかしまして、 timeとshe の間にwhenが省略されているでしょうか? (3)whichの前にはduring、後にはtimeがありますが、このような語法、文法的にどのように考えたらよろしいでしょうか? 色々考えましたが、わからないものでお尋ねしました。 宜しくお願い致します。

  • 英語の長文の訳助けて><

    Research projicts follow the trends of their times, and life span psychology has developed as the post-war baby boom generation has matured. The current wave of research into ageing and care of the elderlu, for example, can be seen as directly resulting from that generation reaching retirement age. LIFE-TRANSITIONS Gould(1978) developed the idea that adult life consists of a series of transitions, or life changes, which occur ar different times in our lives. The first of these is that of adjusting to the responsibilities of being independent and living away from parental care. Looking after ourselves without someone in the background is quite different from the kinf of independence which occurs when living as part of family group, where there is always someone to fall back on, or to look after you if you become ill. This transition, Gould argued takes place usually between the ages of 16 and 22. Then there is another transition, which takes place during our twenties, in which we develop our own competences and autonomy, and choose our rulus to live by, rather than simply conforming to our parents' rules and principles. A third transition, according to Gould, happens between 28 and 34, as we come to know ourselves better, and learn to come to terms with aspects of our nature which we weren't really aware of before. And the final transition involves accepting that life isn't going to last for ever━that is, developing a sence of our own mortality. This final transition, Gould argued, happens between the ages of 35 and 45.