• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • luka1122
  • ベストアンサー率51% (55/106)

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  • 英語が得意な方教えて下さい

    パフォーマンスショーの時の映像の一部を紹介する際の英文です。 自分なりに考えましたが、自信がありません。教えて頂きたいです。 「こちらは、~育成園、孤児院にて'やさい村'という公演をした時の一部の映像です。」 This is a part of the movie which is a performance show "The Bagetable Village" at ~ Ikuseien a Children's group home in Japan. 「出演者 (数名の名前) 演出&アニメーション (一人の名前)」 Performers (数名の名前) Directed & Animated by (一人の名前) 

  • 英語の得意な方,お願いします!

    Despite the international monetary fund's bailout plan to help Argentina avoid default on its $130 billion debt,people in the streets showed no signs of euphoria as they remain disgruntled with government belt-tightening and an unem-ployment rate of more than 16percent. 一つずつ単語を調べていったのですが、意味がつながらなくて私には難しい文章だったので、誰か訳せる方はお願いします。

  • 英語のわかる方、翻訳をお願いいたします。

    インタビュー記事です。 The cameras follow her from New York to Los Angeles, and she admits her lifestyle means she doesn't see her 14-year-old son as often as she'd like. ‘I'm a f**king renaissance woman!’ she declares at one point. Jodie has said in the past about her bold style: 'I got a lot of grief about two years ago for my faux-hawk. People were making fun of it on comedy shows. 'But I don’t like to walk with the pack anyway, so of course they are going to make fun of me. I don’t care. 'Anybody really creative is going to end up on those lists.' よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英語が得意な方の力を貸して下さい!

    最近 路上での喫煙を条例で禁止して違反者に罰金を科す自治体が増えてきています。あなたはこうした傾向に反対ですか 賛成ですか。自分の考えを 英語でまとめなさい。 大学入試にむけて 少しでも多くの自由英作文にとりくみたいのですが、添削をお願いできる人がいなくて困っています(´・_・`)英語が得意な方、ぜひ 力を貸して下さい(>_<) I agree with the idea that the law to profibit smoker from smoking on streets should be made. Smoking is bad effect not only for smoker but also for people around smoker. If you smok on streets, you do harm for other people. No matter how careful they are about their health,they are forced to get bad effect for their health.

  • 英語得意な方へ!

    英語得意な方へ! 和訳のお手伝いをお願いします。 自分でやれそうなところはやってみました。 間違っていたらご指摘お願いします。 Is my pretty friend ok?元気? For me there is not much besides working, eating and sleeping. Well I'm still a little bit troubled by my jet lag. Do you know what jet lag is?(jet lagって何か知ってる?) http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/時差ぼけ If you have never traveled outside Japan you probably haven't experienced it.(あなたは海外に行ったことがないから経験したことないかもね) I hope the first you have experience it will be when you visit Belgium :)() In the hotel (Japanese business hotel) I have changed rooms 3x. The staff in the hotel thinks I'm probably very difficult :) Every time they have me a big room ...(毎回彼等は大きい部屋を用意してくれます) but the glass of the window was mat ... you couldn't look through it. I like to be able to look outside.(私は外を見ることがすき) Now I have a smaller room but with a normal window :) It was very difficult for me to explain ... because the hotel staff almost speaks no English,(なぜなら彼等は英語を話せないんだ) And food ... besides sushi, I found something else that's very nice in Japan ... fruits! In Takashimaya they sell those big peaches.(高島屋では大きい桃が売ってるよ) So oishii !!! 凄く美味しい!So sweet and juicy.(甘くてジューシーだよ) In Japan almost everything is of very good quality. (日本は全てのクオリティーが良い)I think Japanese people really appreciate nice and good things. I really like that of Japanese people. My work is very busy ... (仕事がすごい忙しい)but we're making good progress. (でもいい進歩)If things keep going this well I think I might have some more time in the next weeks. If we can meet I will buy some peaches for you.(もし私達が会えれば桃をあげるよ) But we need to hurry up (だけど急がなきゃ)... I heard the season of the peaches is ending soon (桃の季節がもうすぐ終わるって聞いたから)... Hope so see you,

  • 英語→日本語に翻訳お願いします!

    japan has some beautiful car models. you see them here every day then you have these and its hard to find them in any other country then Japan what i have seen. whats the thing with these cars? its not really about this particular car its like often when i see images of japanese streets i see cars in that shape and size for a very short time they tried to sell a car with that shape here but no body bought it

  • 英語が得意な方。。

    英語が得意な方! カナダの友人へ英語のメールを作成しました。 文法などの間違いがあれば教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。 I feel much better. Thank you for your concern. 体調良くなったよ。心配してくれてありがとう Chicken soup looks so delicious. I would like to try it :) チキンスープ、美味しそうだね! 食べてみたいな。 I often drink miso soup when I'm not feeling well. 私は体調が悪い時はよくお味噌汁を飲むよ。 Yes, I do. We will often use an air conditioners. In Japan it is very hot in the summer and the temperature can reach 40 degrees here. 私たちはよくエアコンを使うよ。日本の夏は暑くて、40度くらいまで気温が上がるんだ。 So we can't live without air conditioning. だからエアコンなしじゃ過ごせないよ You'll be fine :) You are smart so I think that you will be able to become proficient in Japanese. あなたなら大丈夫だよ。あなたは頭がいいから、すぐに上達できる。 Surely,"Hi" means "ya a", "Hello" means "konnichiwa" and "How are you?" means "genki desuka" in Japanese but Japanese never say them among friends. 確かに、"Hi"の意味は"やあ"、"Hello"の意味は"こんにちは"、"How are you?"の意味は"元気ですか"だけど、友達の間では言わないな~。 Wow, -35 dgrees? So It is very cold winter there. えつ、-35度? そっちの冬は凄く寒いんだね Actually, I rarely see the Japanese movies but I often see Japanese animation movies. 実は、日本の映画をあまり見ないんだ。でもアニメ映画ならよく見るかな。 I went to see The Amazing Spider Man2 last week. I want to see Maleficent next time :)! 先週はスパイダーマン2を見たよ。 今度はマレフィセントを見たいな。 Yes, I often take a sauna when I go to a sento. うん、サウナはよく入るよ。 Salt sauna is my favorite! Do you know that sauna? 塩サウナがお気に入り! 塩サウナって知ってる? I have a younger brother and an elder brother. I get along well with my younger brother but not with elder brother. 私は兄と弟が1人ずついるよ 弟とは仲がいいけど兄とはそうでもない。 In Canada, guys give girls presents on Valentain's day? That's great! I wish I had been born as a Canadian. There is a day called "White Day" in Japan. Guys give present to girls in retern on March 14. カナダでは男の子がバレンタインデーにプレゼントをするの? それはいいね! カナダ人に生まれたかったよ 日本ではホワイトデーと呼ばれるひがあるよ。 男の子がお返しに女の子にプレゼントをあげるんだ。 Thank you for the beautiful pictures! The sky there is so beautiful. 素敵な写真をありがとう! そっちの空はとってもきれいだね。 I wish you the best of luck with everything.

  • 【大至急!】英語が得意な方!和訳お願い致します。

    I often saw people buying drinks from machines, and I noticed some of them did not dispose of their cans or bottles properly. I also found the machines often spoiled the beauty of the scenery. Vending machines are not found only in Japan, and some truly do offer convenience. Still, I can't help thinking that Japan has too many of them. I've heard that there are more than 5.5 million of the machines in Japan! Are so many of them really necessary? It's a hard question to answer, but to me, the answer is "no". I don't think convenience is everything. We should consider the energy wasted, the scenery destroyed and the environment harmed by having so many "convenient" machines.

  • 急ぎです。英語の得意な方和訳お願いします。

    R KELLY のVictoryという曲です。 すごい好きな曲なのですが どのサイトにも和訳がのってません... 全部分の和訳をお願いしたいです。 よろしくお願いします。 Seems like the more I climb the hill gets deeper And the more I rise see I get deeper It's like the more I give see the more is taken And the more I'm loved the more I'm hated Still the more I fall the more I'll get up And keep on driving when the road gets tough And I won't stop till I get what's mine But un till then See I'm tearing down the walls and I'm moving the mountains I'm stirring up the sea and be leavin in a change Putting out the fire indure it to the end They will come and I will shout victory Tearing down the walls and I'm moving the mountains I'm stirring up the sea and be leavin in a change Putting out the fire in dure to the end They will come and I will shout victory Seems like the more I win the more I loose The more my minds made up the more I'm confused It's like the more that I search the more I get lost And just when I get on seems like I fall off But the more it rains the more I pray Cause I know tomorrow will bring a brighter day So I won't stop till I get what's mine But un till then I'm tearing down theese walls and I'm moving the mountains I'm stirring up the sea and be leavin in a change Putting out the fire in dure it to the end They will come and I will shout victory I'm tearing down the walls and I'm moving the mountains I'm stirring up the sea and be leavin in a change Putting out the fire in dure it end They will come and I will shout victory When the morning comes I will rise There a angel for me in the sky As long as heavens right by my side I'm tearing down these walls and I'm moving the mountains I'm stirring up the sea and be leavin' in a change Putting out the fire in dure it to the end They will come and I will shout victory

  • 英作 短い 

    添削おねがいします★ よく知っているはずの街並みが、普段とは別の方向から眺めただけで、一変することがよくある。 when you see the usual streets in a different angle it often comes out in a strange view. streets i ought to know well often seem to change when they are seen from an unusual direction. 2文つくってみました。