• ベストアンサー


外国の学校の中で興味のある学校があります。(英語圏ではありません) 年齢的に未だ入学まで時間があるので、学校についてもっと知りたいのですが日本語での情報が少ないです。少しでも生の情報や感想をききたいので現地の学校に通う日本からの学生とお話をしたいと思っています。 学校への問い合せでは、このように言えば通じるでしょうか。 i'm very interested in this school,the information on this school written in japanese is very limited,if possible,i'd like to have an opportunity to talk to Japanese students that currenlty attends the school to get more picture of the school and living 自分で作ってみましたが、赤ペンが必要ですよね.. アドバイスの方をお願いします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数4


  • ベストアンサー
  • ucok
  • ベストアンサー率37% (4288/11421)

最後の「and living」だけ意味がわかりませんでしたが、あとは通じます。ただ、ここまできれいに英語が書けているのだから、大文字小文字や句読点もきちんとしたらいいんじゃないかと思うんです。 I'm very interested in this school, but the information on this school written in Japanese is very limited. If possible, I'd like to have an opportunity to talk to Japanese students that currently attend the school to get a better picture of the school and the life there. と言いたかったのでは? で、肝心な、相手に対する要望や質問は何ですか? 相手に例えば「どうしたら、日本人の生徒さんと連絡をとれますか?(How could I get in touch with your Japanese students?)」などと質問しなくていいのでしょうか。



livingは、現地の生活を表現したかったのですが、やはりハテナな印象を与えてしまったようですね。私の英語はまだまだで、大文字小文字や句読点に関しては、毎回忘れてしまいます。 ld I get in touch with your Japanese students? こちらのフレーズ、とても参考になりました。 ありがとうございました!

その他の回答 (1)

  • Chicago243
  • ベストアンサー率38% (401/1043)

十分趣旨は伝わる英語だと思いますよ。自身持ってください。 まずは文の区切りはピリオドをおくか、接続詞とかで文をつなげるのかとかもう少し 意識する方がいいですね。 i'm very interested in this school,the information on this school written in japanese is very limited, -> I'm very interested in your school; however, the information on this school written in japanese is very limited. 場合によっては少し唐突かもしれませんので、 I am writing this email to inquire information about your school because your school is very attractive for me. I looked up the all available information, and then I became eager to know much more about your school. 学校に関しては、学校関係者におくるならyour schoolのほうがいいと思います。 if possible,i'd like to have an opportunity to talk to Japanese students that currenlty attends the school to get more picture of the school and living ->If it's possible, I'd like to have an opportunity to Japanese students in your school to get more picture of your school and school life. あんまりいじる必要は感じませんでした。



自分では、自信がもてなかったので質問して本当によかったです。 とてもいいアドバイスを頂けて、とても感謝します! ありがとうございました。


  • ~がある。というときの表現について。

    お世話になります。 haveで表現する「ある、いる」と、thereで表現する「ある、いる」でちょっと迷ってます。 たとえば、この学校には100人生徒がいる。 という時、 There are 100students in this school. This school has 100students. では、どちらが正しいのでしょうか。 ほかにも、日本には色んな方言がある。の場合。 There are a variety of dialects in Japanese. The Japanese language has a variety of dialects. 文法的にはOKなのか、間違ってるのか。 もしOKならニュアンスがどう違うのか、 その点ご解説よろしくお願いします。

  • 簡単な英語です

    並べ替え問題で ケン・タナカはこの法科大学院に通った最初のアジア系の学生だが、1950年に判事になった。 この文を英訳したら Ken Tanaka,the first of the Asian students to attend this law school,was elected a judge in 1950. となるみたいですが、attends と to を逆にしてはいけない理由を教えてください。

  • 企業への手紙チェックのお願い【英語】

    この度、海外にインターンシップをすることになり、会社を選んだ理由などを書いてるのですが、どうしても文章がうまくかけず、どこか違和感を感じています。おかしいところがあれば是非ご指摘をお願いします。 The reason I chose your company is that your company recruit computer science students and open mind students. Now I am developing a system for Bangladesh customer as a project manager in my University. During the first summer vacation of the graduate school, I joined an internship program for one month and a half in a Japanese company. There I developed a WEB application by using JAVA, and acquired Japanese business manners and requirement gathering in this internship. Through this experience I think I learned a little confident. Then I would like to study about European business style and I am interested in your internship to contribute understanding customer’s need. Your advantage that you will adopt me is that I have knowledge of system development and that my experience is very helpful to understand Japanese customer’s need. For all of these reasons, I hope I can join your internship.

  • 外国の方からの質問がよく分からない

    オークションで外国の方から以下の質問が来たのですが 言っている意味が分かりかねてます。 送る時に商品の価格を書くのですが (日本円で書いたら関税が勘違いして安く見積もって くれるかもしれないから日本円で価格の部分を 書いて欲しい)といってるのでしょうか? Actually, I was hoping that you would write the value in Japanese using English numbers. The seller I usually deal with in Japan writes the correct Japanese value but it always looks like a small USD value. I hope you understood what I meant. This is a direct quote taken from the seller's email: "For EMS basic coverage, I write value 20000 yen by using Japnese writing, not numeric. So it could look like $25. "Ten thoudand" in Japanese writing could look like "5". 40000yen value could look like 45" If you are willing to do this, I would very glad to do business with you.

  • 英語で’ぜひよろしくお願いします’という丁寧な返事を書きたいのですが。。。

    今、アメリカの大学院で研究のボランティアをしています。 その頑張りが認められて、今年から大学院生として正式なラボのメンバーにならないかというお誘いがありました。 I have been very pleased with your hard work, enthusiasm, and obvious pleasure in conducting research. Accordingly, I am able to offer you support in the form of a graduate assistantship to work in my laboratory. Please let Dr. Smith and I know whether you are interested in accepting this opportunity.メールを書くのは友達に対してが多いので、丁寧な表現がなかなか思いつきません。私はぜひこの申し出を受けたいのですがどのように返事をすればよいのでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。

  • この英文を書いたのは同一人物でしょうか

    下記の2つの文章を書いたのは、同一人物だと思いますか? 【A】 Hi. I'm an Australian guy interested in doing a language exchange as I'm planning a trip to Japan next year. I'm really interested in Japanese culture and it would be great if we could meet up for a chat over coffee. I have some experience teaching English (I taught at a private school for a couple of years while abroad in Poland) so I can help you with your English if you like. I'm also interested in music, art, movies, books & graphic novels (and Japanese manga!). Look forward to hearing from you! 【B】 Hi. I'm an Australian guy looking for a Japanese language exchange partner. I'm really interested in Japanese culture and I'm planning to travel there later this year so it would be cool to learn some Japanese and make some Japanese friends. I worked overseas as an English teacher for a couple of years so I'd be happy to help you improve your English. Hope we can help each other out and have fun! Look forward to hearing from you!

  • ebay初心者です。

    ebayに出品してますが、こんな質問がきました。 hi, would u accept payment via paypal in 7 to 10 days? is that ok? i am very interested in this item. これはpaypalで支払いをまてるか? ということですかね? 通常どうなんでしょう? なんてこたえればいいですかね?

  • [緊急]日本語訳お願いします!

    Does it mean that you're not shy? :) I really like buddhism! I think this is the religion I like the most, it's the most believable, thoughtful, and I agree with what that religion say. :) Our teacher said that Japanese celebrate Xmas in a different way to European People, I don't really know whether it's true or not...! This is a good thing to be interested in the world, and France is a nice place, you'll see, you might like it ! :D This morning, i had a japanese conversation lesson with a real japanese person, and she spoke to me all in Japanese and I didn't understand anything, except few easy things... and I realized that I was very bad for speaking and understanding Japanese! We only had a year of japanese lessons, so we're not very ready to speak japanese fluently, so I'm sorry, I'll do my best but my japanese level isn't great...! ^^ I'm very excited to come in 10 days now ! :DDD It's a huge adventure for me!!! I'll try to check my email every day for you to have a answer quickly ! :p See you soon !!! 急いでいます! 早めに返事いただけると助かります(;~;)

  • 英検準二級

    英検準二級のライティングです。 16点中何点くらいあると思いますか? QUESTION Do you think school libraries should have more English books? Answer I think school libraries should have more English books.I have two reasons. First, English is very useful.It is important for people to read English books. Second, For example school libraries have many English books, students is interested in English. That'why.I think school libraries should have more English books.

  • 英語の添削をお願いします

    文法上のミスや点数なんか大体で教えて下さいm(._.)m 内容はある学校の規則にあなたは同意しますかしませんか、そしてそれは何故かという問題に対しての解答です ある学校の具体的な規則はスルーして下さい。 I think in protecting students privacy, japanese school shouldn't follow the example of it . in his 2010 article privasy at school "choices ahead'by sm Foane write," the rules do not openly state that the teachers have the right to search a cell phone. " This clealy violates student's privacy. Of course, it is right that the phones are only collected and kept by the teachers, when the students cause the problem. But to see the content of the phones is no good. Therefore, I can't agree with the examples.