• 締切済み

海外でHなサイトを見ていたでのすが・・ 児童ポルノ法にあたるのでしょうか?

こんにちは 実は海外(イタリア)でHなサイト(児童ポルノとかではない)を見ていたのですが、あるリンクをクリックすると突然以下の様なページになりました。 STOP !! Your browser is trying to contact an Internet site that is used in connection with distribution of photos depicting sexual abuse of children. This is a criminal offence in accordance with the italian penal code. No information about your ip address or any other information that can be used to identify you will be stored when you this page is displayed. The purpose of blocking access to these pages is only to prevent the commission of criminal dissemination of documented sexual abuse, and to prevent the further exploitation of children who have already been abused and photographed. This is a prevention service provide from italian Internet Service Provider and the italian "National Centre for Combating On-line child pornography". 最初は気にもしていなかったのですが、 よく読んでみると児童ポルノがどうのこうのと書いてるので、 あわてて慣れない英語をよんでみたのですが、 最初の部分はイタリアの法律に従えば起訴できるみたいな事が書いて あってかなり焦ってるのですが、後半の文がいまいちよくわかりませんでした。ページを見ない事で犯罪になることを防ぐプログラムなのか、それとも性的対象となった未成年の子供たちを守るプログラムなのか。お恥ずかしい話ですがかなり心配です。 このページは警告のページなのか、それともあなたを逮捕しますよ的な ものなのでしょうか・・・? どなたか詳しいお方、ご意見おまちしています。


  • Mu-tsu-ki
  • ベストアンサー率39% (25/64)

こんにちは。文面を見る限りでは、警告、あるいは呼びかけのようです。 英文がちょっと変な部分があるので大まかな訳ですが、後半部分は、 あなたがこのページを表示したとしても、IPアドレスを含むあなたの個人情報が 利用されることが無いことを明記しております。 これらのページへのアクセスをブロックする理由は、性暴力・性犯罪へつながる 行為が拡散するのを防ぐ為と、すでに写真等を通して性暴力にさらされている 子どもたちを護るためです。このサービスはイタリアのサービスプロバイダと、 国立オンライン児童ポルノ防止センターにより提供されているものです。 …と書いてあるだけなので、大丈夫です。ただ、こういったサイトには、 ウィルス等潜んでいることも多いので、気をつけてくださいね。



ご回答ありがとうございます。 Mu-tsu-kiの回答で少し安心しましたが、 先程自分でも調べていたところ、この警告文はイタリアの警察がそういったサイトをブロックして、この警告文を表示させているとのこと。 その後も何回も続けてみている様子が あるのなら捜査の対象になる恐れがあると書いてありましたので 以後気をつけます。



  • 1. 家出は否定的ではなく実は子どもにとってよいこ

    1. 家出は否定的ではなく実は子どもにとってよいこと? 2.家出とは子どもの自主避難と捉えて良いか 3.皆さんにとって家出、児童虐待、性虐待とは? 児童虐待・性虐待への社会的な解決策とは? 社会カテゴリー皆さんの ご回答のほど、 お待ちしております。 https://www.google.co.jp/amp/s/news.careerconnection.jp/%3fp=54145&amp=1 1. Does your runaway be negative for children in reality? 2. Can we regard the run-away as independent evacuation of children 3.What are you going to go home, child abuse, sexual abuse? What is a social solution to child abuse and sexual abuse? Social Category All of you As you answered, We'll be expecting you.

  • あるサイトのアカウント登録で

    ある海外サイトで新規アカウントを登録しようとして、 下記の文章の [?] に単語を埋めなければならないようなのですが 何が考えられるでしょうか? I, [?] certify that the information on this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

  • 海外通販で困っております

    海外通販をしています。 この様なメールが来ましたがよく分かりません。 どなたか英語が得意な方ご教授ください。 私は相手側にどの様な対応をすれば良いのでしょうか? Thank you for taking the time to contact us. We apologize for the delayed response. In regards to your inquiry we do need you to contact us to verify this order. We will need you to provide the billing and shipping information pertaining to this order along with the last four digits of the credit card used and the cardholder name. Also for this order to be approved we will need you to send in a copy of the credit card used with the last four digits and cardholder name visible. This can be faxed or emailed to us. Please be sure to include your order number.

  • 翻訳教えて下さい。

    Some disturbed children are found to be living in severely dysfunctional families in which their basic emotional, and sometimes even their physical, needs are not being met. they may have experienced, or still be experiencing, physical, sexual or emotional abuse, or they may be subject to neglect. They may also face any combination of these problems. When such situations come to light, the first need is to help the family care adequately for their children. This is not always successful. In some cases the parents seem to lack the motivation needed to make the necessary changes. In others, problems such as the chronic abuse of alcohol and/or other drugs prevent change; in yet others the marital relationship is grossly unstable, and sometimes, if it proves impossible to achieve a more stable situation, all attempts to help the parents to provide adequate care for their children fail. In there circumstances, removal of the children from the home may be the only way to ensure the children's well-being and to provide them with the treatment and care they need. In all depeloped countries there are child welfare agencies which exist to provide help and, if necessary, alternative care for such children. Sometimes parents are aware that they are unable to care properly for their children and are willing to relinquish care to the child welfare authorities. If the parents' consent and active cooperation can be obtained, this is much to be desired. Sometimes, however, this proves impossible. In such cares legal action under the relevant child welfare legislation becomes necessary, although adversarial legal proceedings should be avoided if possible.

  • ウイルスにやられました。。。誰か対処法を教えて下さい

    ウイルスにやられました。。。なんかデスクトップのファイルとか開くとファイルが固まってしまんです。それで、インターネットのサイトを設定できるところありますよね?(インターネットのアイコンの所で右クリックして)。そこ C:\WINDOWS\secure.htmlになってるんです。それで開くと下のような書かれた文字が出てきます。僕は中3の男です。あんまりPCは詳しくないのでなるべく詳しく教えてくれるとありがたいです。。。  ↓    ↓        ↓ Detected SPYware! System error #384 __________________________________________________________________________ Your IP address is Using this address a remote computer has gained anaccess to your computer and probably is collecting the information about the sites you've visited and the files contained in the folder Temporary Internet Files. Attention! Ask for help or install the software for deleting secret information about the sites you visited. __________________________________________________________________________ Your computer is full of evidences! ISP of transmission: BBTEC Your IP address: They know you're using: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98) Your computer is: Windows 98 Risk status for further investigation: VERY HIGH RISK To protect from the Spyware - click here To prevent information transmission - click here To delete the history of your activity, click here

  • 片親疎外PASについて(3)何が書いてあるか教えて

    The criteria described below are fairly easy to identify separate and apart from the court file. When there is uncertainty about any of them, these criteria can be used to guide the attorney in the deposing of witnesses as well as in their examination in court. Criteria I: Access and Contact Blocking Criteria I involves the active blocking of access or contact between the child and the absent parent. The rationale used to justify it may well take many different forms. One of the most common is that of protection. It may be argued that the absent parent's parental judgment is inferior and, therefore, the child is much worse off from the visit. In extreme cases, this will take the form of allegations of child abuse, quite often sexual abuse. This will be addressed in more detail in Criteria II, but suffice it to say that often this is heard as a reason for visitation to be suspended or even terminated. On a more subtle and common level, an argument heard for the blocking of visitation is that seeing the absent parent is "unsettling" to the child, and that they need time "to adjust." The message here is that the absent parent is treated less like a key family member and more like an annoying acquaintance that the child must see at times. Over time, this pattern can have a seriously erosive effect on the child's relationship with the absent parent. An even more subtle expression of this is that the visitation is "inconvenient," thereby relegating it to the status of an errand or chore. Again the result is the erosion of the relationship between the child and the absent or "target" parent. One phenomenon often seen in this context is that any deviation from the schedule is used as a reason to cancel visitation entirely. The common thread to all of these tactics is that one parent is superior and the other is not and, therefore, should be peripheral to the child's life. The alienating parent in these circumstances is acting inappropriately as a gatekeeper for the chi

  • 訳をお願いします!!

    Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, archbishop of Washington, D.C., said Monday that the Catholic Church responded too slowly to the crisis of clerical sexual abuse, and the heat is on bishops to fix it now ここのand the heat is on bishops to fix it now と McCarrick said in a wide-ranging discussion with the USA TODAY editorial board and reporters ここのwith以下のところをどうやって付け加えるのかがわかりません~[壁]/_;) シクシク よろしくお願いします

  • 海外の会社からの返信です。和訳お願いします。

    海外の会社からの返信です。和訳お願いします。 I will need more information than that to go ahead and treat something a client hosts as abuse. None of our staff understand Japanese and hence it is difficult to ascertain whether that is infringing material. If you wish,you can prepare an email request that we will forward to our customer (however, he would take down the content only at his own discretion). Alternatively,you can me with further details and proof that this is infringing material under US law and we'll take it down right away. よろしくお願いします。

  • 海外サイトの英訳をお願いします

    海外サイトでライセンスについて記載されている英文が分からず困っています。 This Pack is published under a Creative Commons Attribution license and Free for both personal and commercial use. Under this condition: provide a mention of this "Free Vintage Vectors" and a link back to this page. このパックは、クリエイティブコモンズ帰属ライセンスの下で公開され、個人および商用の両方の利用は無料です。この条件では:この "フリービンテージベクトル"とこのページへのリンクのバックの言及を提供します。 上記は翻訳ソフトを使ったものですが、「言及を提供する」の箇所がよく意味が分かりません。 英文の「provide a mention of ~」の箇所だと思うのですが・・・ これは、利用する場合はリンクバックをしなきゃいけないよ、ってことでしょうか?

  • 海外通販のやりとりのメールでわからない英語表現があります。

    海外通販で先方に注文メールを送信したが、なかなか返事がこない為、 催促のメールをした際に、「数日後に計算書を送ります。」という 先方からの文章の後に以下の様な英文が付いていたのですが、 内容が把握できず困っています。 日本語での意味を教えて頂けないでしょうか。 どうぞよろしくお願いします。 DISCLAIMER: ‘This communication and the information contained in it are confidential and may be legally privileged. The content is intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom it is addressed and others authorised to receive it. If you are not the intended recipient it is hereby brought to your notice that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or dissemination, or alternatively the taking of any action in reliance on it, is strictly prohibited and may constitute grounds for action, either civil or criminal’