• 締切済み

documented site は、どう訳せばよいのでしょうか

Brain metastases are an infrequent but documented site of metastases for renal cell carcinoma. この文章のdocumented siteはどういう意味でしょうか。 siteは「部位」でしょうか。 回答よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語
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  • trytobe
  • ベストアンサー率36% (3457/9591)

腎細胞癌において、脳(への転移)は、稀ではあるものの文献で報告のある転移部位である。 というように、infrequent と並列になった語で、文献に記載された(文献になった)、という文字通りの意味で良いかと思います。



ご回答、ありがとうございます。 documentという単語はいろいろな意味があるので迷っていました。


  • 携帯は脳を活性化させる

    http://www.voanews.com/a/cell-phones-cause-increased-brain-activity-117085853/171385.html の文章を読んで問に答えるというものをやりました。 最後の問において、 本文と合致するものを2つ選べ、というものがあり、 a: The result of the study by the NIH does not prove that Cell phones are harmful. b: A muted cell phone does not seem to activate the metabolism of the brain. c: This study done by the NIH seems to conclude the debate over the safety of cell phones. d: May studies have found evidence of a close relationship between cell phones and cancer. e: The NIH study shows that the activated cell phone stimulates our brain cells. f: The wireless companies are doubtful about the safety of radio frequencies. というものでした。 aとeが本文に合致すrのではないかなと思うのですが間違っていますでしょうか。 ご面倒をおかけしますが上記文章と問の正誤についてのご確認お願い申し上げます。

  • この英語の和訳、合っているのでしょうか?

    この英語の和訳、合っているのでしょうか? Long-Term Survival of Patients Treated With Photodynamic Therapy for Carcinoma In Situ and Early Non-Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma 光力学性治療で治療される、上皮内ガンと初期の非小細胞肺がんの患者の長期生存 いろいろ考えてみたのですが、situの意味やらなんやら、上手く訳せません。 ご教授お願いします。

  • 英文の和訳

    Those who have been exposed to radiation are the victims of no global struggle, but of our own desire for an abundant life. 和訳をお願いします。

  • 添削してください.医学系論文の導入部分です.宜しくお願いします.

    添削してください.医学系論文の導入部分です.宜しくお願いします. The objective of this in vitro study was to explore the applicability of Raman spectroscopy to distinguish basal cell carcinoma from its surrounding non-cancerous tissue; therefore, identifying possibilities for the development of an in vivo diagnostic technique for tumor border demarcation. Raman spectra were obtained in a two-dimensional grid from unstained frozen sections of 15 basal cell carcinoma specimens. 以下のように訳しました. 特に;therefore 以下がよく分かりません. この体外研究の目的は,基底細胞をそれ自身の正常細胞と識別するためのラマン分光法の適用(性)を調査(探索)することだった. このため,腫瘍の境界の境界設定に関する生体内での診断上の技術開発の関する確立 ラマンスペクトルは15の基底細胞癌検体の染色していない冷凍切片から2次元格子(碁盤目)として得られた.

  • 高校英語の英文和訳お願いいたします!

    少し長いのですがお願いします。 自力で訳してみたものの、ところどころ関係詞で苦戦しています。。。 (1)The biggest trick that older brains employ is to use both sides of the brain at the same time to handle tasks for which younger brains rely on mainly one side. Electronic images taken by cognitive scientists at the University of Michigan, for example, have slown that even when doing basic recognition or memorization exercises, seniorsexploit the left and right brain more extensively than more men and women who are decades younger. Depending on both sides of the brain gives them a tactical advantage, even if the pure speed of each side's processing is slower. (2)Animal experiments prove that an undamaged nerve cell can take over the functions of a neighboring nerve cell that has become damaged or that has simply declined with time. The brain creats ways to keep itself sharp by making these kinds of adjustments on a widespread scale over time. お願いいたします!!!

  • thatの使い方と訳を教えてください。

    冒頭部分が 1-1)Trying to map the brain has always been cartography for fools. Most of the other parts of the body reveal their workings with little more than a glance. 1-2)The heart is self-evidently a pump; the lungs are clearly bellows. But the brain, which does more than any organ, reveals least of all. という感じの文です。(3-lb=1.4kg) 1-3)The 3-lb. lump of wrinkled tissue--with no moving parts, no joints or valves--not only serves as the motherboard for all the body's other systems but also is the seat of your mind, your thoughts, your sense THAT you exist at all. 1-4)You have a liver; you have your limbs. You are your brain. 1-3)のTHATが接続詞なのか自信がありません。AT ALLもいまひとつ自信がありません。 それぞれ文法的にはどのような働きをし、The 3-lb. lump of wrinkled tissue is the seat of your mind, your thoughts, your sense that you exist at all.はどのような訳になるでしょうか。 1-4) You have a liver; you have your limbs.が1-3)のbut alsoより前、You are your brainがbut also以下に対応しているようですがいまひとつ言いたいことが分らないのですがどのように1-3と1-4のつながりを説明できるでしょうか。 2-1)The struggle of the mind to fathom the brain it inhabits is the most circular kind of search--the cognitive equivalent of M.C. Escher's lithograph of two hands drawing one another. M.C. Escher's lithographについては分ったのですがthe most circular kind of searchを置き換えたthe cognitive equivalent ofの特にcognitiveの部分をうまい日本語にできないのですが、よい表現はありますでしょうか。 2-2) But that has not stopped us from trying. In the 19th century, German physician Franz Joseph Gall claimed to have licked the problem with his system of phrenology, which divided the brain into dozens of personality organs to which the skull was said to conform. 文脈的にはpersonality organは「それぞれ特徴を持つ部位」と考えられますが、「人それぞれが持っている部位」というのも拭いきれないのですがどちらでしょうか。 また、名詞+名詞だと読みづらいのですがpersonal organsでは通じないでしょうか。 (The New Map Of The Brain By JEFFREY KLUGER)

  • 牧師さんが言う言葉

    埋葬の時に牧師さんが言う言葉なのですが、 意味がよく分からずに困っています。 お助けいただければと思います。 of whom may we seek for succour, but of thee , Oh Lord , who for our sins are justly displeased

  • この英文を訳してください><

    The United States Congress declared the 1990s the Decade ofthe Brain, but some suggest that the twenty-first century will be the century of the brain, when the last great frontierin biology-an understanding of the most complex biological system,the human brain -will be conquered. Already the considerable advances made in brain science over the past 50-100 years are being called upon to explain many things about human behavior. Universities are asking what various disciplines and fields can learn from brain science and vice versa. Fields as diverse as philosophy, music, English, linguistics and anthropology are represented, as well as the expected fields of biology, psychology, and computer science. Many examples can be offered to illustrate the impact of brain science on other disciplines;I offer two here. First, studies of how we learn and remember things have demonstrated convincingly that memories are largely reconstructive and creative. False memories are not uncommon. These findings have fundamentally changed the way the law views eyewitness testimony. Contrary to the long-held belief that an eyewitness can faithfully record and remember an event, we now realize that what we remember of an event depends on many factors -previous experiences, biases, attention,imagination, and so forth. Different eyewitnesses can give very differentreports,though in each case describing what each observerfirmly believes he or she saw. A second example is the placebo effect -long thoughtto be without physiological basis.If a sugar pillis administered to someone experiencing pain,that person reports a lessening of the pain if told the placebo will help. We now know thatthe pain reduction is caused by the release of special chemicals in the brain. No drug trial today is carried out without a control group receiving a similar, but presumably inactive, agent. But placebo effects can greatly influence the outcome of such trials. How then do we decide what works and what doesn't? This question has enormous implications for medical therapies. How far does the influence of brain science extend ? Do studies on the developing brain,for example,tell us much about how we should raise or educate our children ? Some say yes, but others respond with a strong no. The stakes are high public programs costing millions,if not billions, of dollars, are linked to notions supposedly neurobiologically based, but often the neurobiological evidence cited in support of one position or another is weak, controversial, orinterpreted too strongly. The view that the young brain is more modifiable than the adult brain Which is certainly true -led to the notion thatthe firstthree years are the essential ones forraising a healthy, happy, and competent child. 7)This extreme view, and the evidence on which it is based, has recently been critically examined in John Bruer's book, The Myth of the First Three Years.As Bruer clearly documents, the first three years are important for brain development, but so are subsequent years. Nothing close down completely after just three years- indeed, the brain continues tomature until the age of 18-20.

  • 死刑について質問です。

    死刑について英語で質問です。 このサイトでも 死刑の問題は比較的関心も高いんですが、 このサイトでは英語の得意な人が多いと思いますので、英語での質問に英語でお答え頂きたいと思います。 Most of the Japanese are for the death penalty. But some people point out several contradictions. (1) If an eye for an eye is barbarous, a life for a life should be more barbarous. But why is the death penalty admissible? (2) How do you think about the miscarriage of justice? (3) How do you justify the act of the executioners if a murder is evil? 以上、3点ですが、英語の達者な方、英語で反駁して頂けますか?

  • [英語]not A but B

    『あれらはAではなくBに適している』 と英語で言うには、 They are suitable for not A but B. という文章であっているでしょうか? 回答お願いいたします。