• ベストアンサー



  • ybnormal
  • ベストアンサー率50% (220/437)

すみませんが、前回の訂正が不十分だったようで文の意味がおかしくなってしまいました。再度訂正させていただきます。 Japanese were not only so interested in that device の下りは、interestedを否定する内容にすべきでした。例えば、less interestedとか... kept knocking a door hundred -> kept knocking on a door hundred 素人考えですが、気になったところは、 At that time, Japanese were not only (less) interested in that device but also they usually drank tap water しっくりこないような気がします。水道水を飲めることが浄水器に興味がない理由だとすると、not only, but alsoを使うのがいいのかどうかは疑問です。 Great majority of Japanese was not interested in water 日本人は水はタダだと思っていたから興味を示さなかっただけで、水そのものに関心がなかったというわけではありませんよね。文脈からいいたいことは分かりますが、上の文だと水に関心が無いという意味になってしまいます。 Some people scattered salt at me. It means driving away evil sprit これは関係代名詞でも使って一文にしたほうが意味が分かりやすそうですが。。 Nevertheless以降が過去完了になっているのはどうしてですか? Patience andのあとに何か抜けているか、andが余計か? evil sprit -> evil spirit



再度ご回答頂きありがとうございます また作り変えましたので機会があれば是非よろしくお願いします


  • 大学留学応募のエッセイ

    お願いします。下記のお題でエッセイを提出します。文字数は丁度200wordsです。文法、文章の流れなど添削頂けると涙が出るほど助かります。 なお、文章中の()は英語に自信がない場合に日本語入れています 大学側のお題:What sets you apart from other applicants, based on unique educational or life experiences, personal or family circumstances, obstacles overcome and/or achievements? (200 words or less) 私のエッセイ:I used to work as door to door sales man about 10 years ago. To sale $3,000 water cleaner, I would often visit more than 100 houses everyday. At that time, not only Japanese are not so interested that device but also people usually drinks tap water. In previous times, people used to think that purchase natural water are ridiculous and said “drink tap water as much as you like, do not waste your money!” Great majority of Japanese did not interested water at all. Therefore, I was always turned down and was jeered and yelled at me. I had an experience with scattered salt by a man(男性から塩をかけられた経験があります). It means purify evil sprit. I believed that I could find a customer as long as I do not give in. I became discouraged several times. Nevertheless, I had kept knock a door hundred of times and then I had encountered the customers(冠詞に迷いました、the としたのは思い描いたそのお客さんに出会えたとし定冠詞にしました). At sales convention, I obtained a first prize among over 1,000 company members. Through this precious experiment, I learned patient, efforts must be pay off and I understood that If people efforts desperately, God presents us a miracle. My weakness was changed strength(by ○○はあえて書きませんでした、キリスト教系の大学なのでここは神様と読み手は考えると思うからです). This life experience is my treasure. よろしくお願いします<(_ _)>

  • 大学入学の際のエッセイ添削希望

    お願いします。以下私のエッセイの文法の誤り、文章の構成などアドバイスを是非よろしくお願いします<(_ _)> 大学側:What sets you apart from other applicants, based on unique educational or life experiences, personal or family circumstances, obstacles overcome and/or achievements? (200 words or less) 私のエッセイ:I have a special sales experience than other applicants. I had sold water cleaners as a door to door sales man about 10 years ago. I would have often visit more than 100 houses everyday in order to sell$3,000 water cleaners. I learned how to develop good communication with customers from my own experience. Decade ago, Japanese were not interested in the device since they usually drank tap water. In those days, people had thought that purchasing water was ridiculous. Therefore, I was always turned down. People would have yelled at me and some even scattered salt at me to drive away evil spirits. Since I want to be a success, I had kept knocking on hundred of doors. I realized that it is more important to become a customer’s friend than just a salesman. If friend who would suggest using the device for their friend health. Therefore, I tried becoming their best friend. The Result of patience, effort and ingenuity, I was awarded a first prize among over 1,000 company members at a sales convention. Through this experience, I learned that if people exert maximum effort, God will present miracles. I believe that I put my experience to study. (200 words)

  • 大学留学の際のエッセイ

    お願いします。200文字以内でエッセイを書けとの設問で以下のように書きましたがどうしても203文字になってしまいます。同じような内容で200文字以内で収めることは出来ませんでしょうか。また文法の誤りがあれば教えて頂けると助かります 大学側:What sets you apart from other applicants, based on unique educational or life experiences, personal or family circumstances, obstacles overcome and/or achievements? (200 words or less) 私が考えた内容:I used to work as door-knocker. I was rejected by people and was yelled me. however, At sales convention, I obtained a first prize. Through this experiment, I learned patient and my efforts must pay off.

  • 留学の際のエッセイ

    下記内容でエッセイを書きました、内容などご指摘いただくと助かります。 Describe why you want to attend an institution within the LDS Church Educational System and what value you will add to that institution. (200 words or less) I want to be a spiritually-advanced person and contribute people to be happier. There are several reasons that I choose the institution of church, BYUH. I want to learn from those who have the same sense of value. Additionally, I am fascinated by your motto “ENTER TO LEARN GO FORTH TO SERVE.” I want to serve people as an ultimate work after my graduation. I believe that BYUH is the only school that may teach me how to serve for people. I have only a child. Being able to stay near the temple and have church’s friends would give a good chance to nurture him. But also, strengthen our testimony to God. Nothing is more valuable than it for us. Finally, after graduation I will put my all into environmental job. My wife’s father has own his company and has some products to make an improvement on the green issue. I want to disseminate his products widely across to the world. I will contribute to the world as BYUH alumnus and I am spontaneous therefore, I outspoken to brighten up in class. I would be a crucial person. For these reasons, I want to be matriculated at BYUH.(198)

  • 留学の際のエッセイ

    お願いします。下記の文章はentrance essayです。 I want to be a spiritually advanced person and contribute to people’s happiness. My motivation to apply BYUH is to learn from those who have the same values as I have. I am fascinated by your motto “ENTER TO LEARN, GO FORTH TO SERVE,” I want to serve people. I believe that BYUH is the best school for me to learn how to serve others. I have a child who is one year old and whose name is ○○. It means God’s messenger. He likes people; with his arms spread, he always begs someone to hold him up, his smile makes people comfortable. He is already offering love to people as God’s messenger. Being able to stay near temples and have church friends gives me a good chance to nurture him. Nothing is more valuable than this for him. Additionally, I am temporary a worker, and my job is unstable. Therefore, I want to remove myself from this situation. Fortunately, my wife’s father owns a company and has some products to improve environmental issues. I want to disseminate his ideas worldwide and contribute to the world as a BYUH alumnus. For these reasons, I want to enroll at BYUH.(199) 知り合いのTESOL関係の方に見てもらったところ1点指摘されました 指摘箇所:3段落目のcomfortable 指摘内容:Word choice. This is strange to say. 「彼の笑顔が人々を慰める(癒す)」と言いたいのですが his smile nurses people's soulと言えますでしょうか? ※以前からエッセイを助けていただいている皆様へ このBYUHのTESOLの方から次のようなアドバイスをもらったため上記のようなエッセイに変えました you may want to add some details to your personal story about your son and wife. Using their names and a few personal details may make this paper more personal because you will sound more like an individual with a real life. This personal touch will attract the readers of your entrance essays.

  • 夢 エッセイ

    お願いします 宿題の提出課題で「見た夢」と「その分析」について出します、もしよければ添削いただけると助かります In my dream, I was sleeping on the bed. A crow flew to me and he changed his figure to a devil. The devil tried to reach his hand to my chest. His arm was very long. There were over 2 meters or more. I noticed that his existence and struggled to his hand but I could not. His hand came in my body. then, I was woke by my wife. I realized this one solid black dream. My dream indicate my mental condition. Freud would say that the crow is symbolic of trouble or failure and black colour represents despair and anxity. According to the dream-for-survival theory, We dream represent concerns about our daily lives therefore, dreaming the nightmare, I might have endured dark days. The devil symbolizes my negative aspect. Although the devil wanted to reach his hand to me, I tried to flick it away from me. It mean I tried to change my negative thinking to positive thinking.

  • 留学のエッセイ

    お願いします。以下の内容でエッセイを書きました。文法の誤りを教えていただけると非常に助かります、よろしくお願いします 尚、「200文字以内で」とありますが今222文字あります、最終的に調整したいと考えています Describe why you want to attend an institution within the LDS Church Educational System and what value you will add to that institution. (200 words or less) There are several reasons why I choose BYUH. That's because church’s institution. First of all, I want to learn from those who same sense of value. Second, I made an impression on BYUH’s school characteristic “ENTER TO LEARN GO FORTH TO SERVE.” I want to serve people through after graduate’s work, hope to be of service to someone, and I have received kindness by many people, therefore, I want to return the favor. I believe that BYUH is the only school where teach me how to serve for people. Third, I have an only child. He is my pleasure and my treasure. Being able to stay near the temple and have church’s friend would give him chance to nurture. Nothing is more valuable than this for us. Finally, I am a temporary worker and very unstable work. I would like to snap out from my vicious circle. After graduation I will put my all into environmental job. My wife’s father have own company and he has some idea and products to make an improvement green issue. After I learn business marketing I will take over his company and disseminate his products widely across to the world and help to make change to better place. I want to contribute to the world as BYUH alumnus. For these reasons, I want to matriculate BYUH.

  • 英語を訳してください。

    (1)As a young boy I was always aware that what people said was not always what ther meant or were feeling and that it was possible to get others to do what I wanted if I read their real feelings and responded appropriately to their needs At the age of eleven,I began my sales career selling rubber songes door to door after school to make pocket monyy and quickly worked out how to tell if someone was likely to buy from me or not . When I knocked on a door,if someone told me to go away but their hands were open and they showed their palms,I knew it was safe to persist with my presentation because,despite how negative they may have sounded,they weren`t aggressive. If someone told me to go away in a soft voice but used a pointed finger or closed hand,Iknew it was time to leave.Iloved being a salesperson and was excellent at it. As a teenager,Ibecame aptts and pans salesperson,selling at night,and my ability to read people earned me enough money to buy my first piece of property (2)Selling gamve me the opportunity to meet people and study them from nearby and to evaluate whther they would buy or not,simply by watching their body language. this skill also proved a bonazafor(※幸運の鍵) meeting girls in discos. Icould nearly always predict who would say yes to a dance with me and who wouldn`t. I joinde the life insureance business at the age of twenty and went on to break several sales records for the firm I worked for,becoming the youngest person to sell over a million dollars`worth of business in my first year. this achievement qualified mefor the prestigious Million Dollar Round Table(保険営業成績トップクラスの人々からなる相互研鑽と社会貢献を趣旨とした組織) in the USA. (3)As a young man A was fortunate that the techniques I@d learned as a boy in reading body language while selling pots and pans could be transferred to this new area,and was directly related to the success I could have in any venture involving people (1)(2)(3)のところの英語を訳してください。

  • 英訳 添削

    英訳したので添削してください。 クラスのある人がいじめられていた。 私は見て見ぬふりをしていた。 だか、私の友達はいじめられていた人を助けようとしていた。 もし、助けて次にいじめの標的にされるかもしれないというのに。 結局、いじめはなくなり、その友達もいじめられることはなかった。 私はその友達はとても勇気があるなと思った。 私もこのように勇気のある人になりたいと思いました。 It was hard on people with a class. I turned a blind eye. However, my friend tried to help the person on whom it was hard. It is said that it may help and then may be made the target of bullying. After all, bullying was lost and it was not hard on the friend. I regarded the friend as not courageous at all. I thought that I would also like to become those who are courageous in this way.

  • 訳を教えてください

    以下の文章の最後の一文がよくわりません。ご教授ください。 However, up until the moment that those keys were turned over, I was still searching for something that had greater value to me than anything I had ever imagined as a child, and that I knew for certain was in that house at one time. https://medium.com/@bclund/the-most-valuable-fake-id-in-the-world-ddb7a9120c5 これのand that I knew for certain was in that house at one time.の部分です。よろしくお願いします。