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定冠詞についての議論がおかしくなってしまうのは、一つには、定冠詞の意味がかなりいいかげんなもの、つまり、意味の幅があり、どの意味について話しているのか、それが、議論の当事者にとってもあいまいになる事が多いからだと思います. ちなみに、Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary で、the を引くと、大項目で次の4項目でてきます。 the (PARTICULAR) the (YOUR) the (ENOUGH) the (EACH) そして、次に、the(PARTICULAR)の項目を開くと、次のように、16の区分けがされています. http://dictionary.cambridge.org/define.asp?key=82277&dict=CALD より引用: the (PARTICULAR) Show phonetics determiner 1 used before nouns to refer to things or people when a listener or reader knows which particular things or people are being referred to, especially because they have already been mentioned or because what is happening makes it clear: I just bought a new shirt and some new shoes. The shirt was quite expensive, but the shoes weren't. Please would you pass the salt. I'll pick you up at the station. 2 used before some nouns that refer to place when you want to mention that type of place, without showing exactly which example of the place you mean: We spent all day at the beach. Shall we go to the movies this evening? I must go to the bank and change some money. 3 used before noun phrases in which the range of meaning of the noun is limited in some way: I really enjoyed the book I've just finished reading. Do you like the other students in your class? 4 used to refer to things or people when only one exists at any one time: What will happen in the future? After I leave college, I want to travel round the world. They live in the north of Spain. Ed Koch was for many years the mayor of New York. When we went to Paris, we went up the Eiffel Tower. 5 used before superlatives and other words, such as 'first' or 'only' or numbers showing something's position in a list, which refer to only one thing or person: That was one of the best films I've ever seen. What's the highest mountain in Europe? I shall never forget the first time we met. You're the fifth person to ask me that question. 6 used to say that the particular person or thing being mentioned is the best, most famous, etc. In this use, 'the' is usually given strong pronunciation: Harry's Bar is the place to go. You don't mean you met the Richard Gere, do you? 7 used before some adjectives to turn the adjectives into nouns which refer to one particular person or thing described by the adjective: It seems that the deceased (= this particular dead person) had no living relatives. I suppose we'll just have to wait for the inevitable (= the particular thing that is certain to happen). 8 used before some adjectives to turn the adjectives into nouns which refer to people or things in general that can be described by the adjective: She lives in a special home for the elderly. The French were defeated at Waterloo in 1815. 9 used before a singular noun to refer to all the things or people represented by that noun: The panda is becoming an increasingly rare animal. The car is responsible for causing a lot of damage to our environment. 10 used before a family name to refer to two people who are married or to a whole family: The Jacksons are coming to lunch on Saturday. 11 used before some nouns referring to musical instruments or dances to mean the type of instrument or dance in general: Nico is learning to play the piano. Can you do the waltz? 12 used before a noun to represent the activity connected with that noun: I've got to go under the surgeon's knife (= have a medical operation) next week. It's not a good idea to spend more than three hours at the wheel (= driving a vehicle) without a break. 13 used before numbers that refer to periods of ten years: the sixties 14 used before each of two comparative adjectives or adverbs when you want to show how one amount gets bigger or smaller in relation to the other: The sooner I get this piece of work finished, the sooner I can go home. 15 used before comparative adjectives or adverbs when you want to show that someone or something has become more or less of a particular state: She doesn't seem to be any the worse for her bad experience. 16 used for emphasis when you are expressing a strong opinion about someone or something: André's got a new job, the lucky devil. 特に、最後の「強調のthe」とも言うべきものは、単に、書き手のそのときの気分の表れでしかなく、ここでの、前方照応とかという議論とはまったくかみ合いません.


  • 訳しかたを教えて下さい。

    以下の訳ですが、なんともちんぷんかんぷんです。 正しいところ、間違っているところを指摘していただけないでしょうか。 1)until recently, we have understood relationship in terms of social roles. The developmental story of relationship that has dominated our understanding of a woman is that her fate lies in her choice of a life partner. 訳:最近になり、私たちは社会的役割についての関わりがわかるようになってきた。 関わりの系譜、それが私たちの女性に対する理解で最有力だったのは、人生の伴侶を選ぶ中に、 女性の運命があるという事です。 最初は、【The developmental story of relationship that has dominated our understanding of a woman】 is 【that her fate lies in her choice of a life partner.】と文章を読み取ったんですが、 私たちの女性に対する理解で最も有力な関係性の発展史は…というよくわからない訳になったので、the develop~relationshipを、thatに代入しました。きれいな日本語に整える場合は、適当ではないですよね? 2)friendship is beginning to receive the recognition it deserves as a source of meaning in adult life, and a woman has many different forms of friendship. 友情は大人の人生に意義を与えるものとしての価値があるという認識を受ける始まりであり、そして女性は多くの異なる友情の形を持つ。 これもめんどくさい訳になっています。

  • 以下の文章でわからない点があります

    I have done everything I can think of to help her get her life straightened out. 「私は、彼女が自分の人生を立て直すのを助けるため思いつくことは全部してきた」 という内容だとわかりますが、 この場合、canが使えるのですか? 現在完了形と現在形の組み合わせがよくわかりません。 ご指導よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の文章でわからないところがあります

    This may have been the sort of life Janet Adkins feared when she lay in her car and pressed the button that released lethal drugs into her body. 前文に「アルツハイマーの患者は症状が進行すると、本当に死にたいときにはもう 自殺する気力がなくて地獄だというような内容の文があってのThisです。 このwhenっておかしくないでしょうか?「~するときに、これはジャネット・ アドキンが恐れた生活だった」で良いんですか?下のようにすれば意味が通じると 思うのですが・・・。 Because this may have been the sort of life Janet Adkins feared, she lay in her car and pressed the button that released lethal drugs into her body. これだと「アルツハイマーが恐かったから致死薬が放たれるボタンをおす」のようになって意味が通じますよね?それに対して初めの文はどのように考えればよいのでしょうか? それと、続きの文なのですが、 Mrs. Adkin's doctor believe she had years to go before her self disappeard into the swamp of Altzheimer's. このhad years to go っていうのは何かのイディオム表現ですか?辞書には載ってないのですが・・・。それとher self disappeard into the swamp of Altzheimer'sはher selfが主語ですよね?her selfってherselfっといっしょですか?herselfは主語になれないはずだけど、これはどう考えればよいのでしょうか? 長文すみません。誰かお願いします。

  • 入試問題です。初めて見る問題でさっぱりわかりません

    入試問題です。初めて見る問題でさっぱりわかりません。 She is a talented musician( ). 1 that brother of her 2 that brother of her's 3 her that brother 4 that brother of hers よろしくお願いします。

  • この文章を訳して頂けますでしょうか

    Don't say that life is always worth living!! Life is a experience that alot of people won't get maybe they die at birth or die young maybe. God put us all here for a reason! Don't you ever think your life is not valued . Always cherish life. I'm always going to be your friend and be here for you I got your back always. It's better for me this way because it's not fair to you that I don't know what I want right now. And things are changing now.

  • [that is.]に続く文章は?

    NHKラジオ英会話講座より ..... Your life and career are all ahead of you. You could go strait to the top. If you really want to succeed, that is. 「・・、もちろん、本当に成功したいという気持があればだけどね。」 (質問)[that is.]で文章は切れてますが、続けるとすればどんな文が来るでしょうか? 文の最後が、[,that is.]とか[,this is.]で終わる例文を2,3教えていただけませんか? わかりやすい説明をお待ちします。よろしくお願いいたします。 以上

  • 英語の中学生の問題です 解けません!

    giving is like living  与えることは 生きることに 似ている   でいいのでしょうか She said that if you stop wanting to give there is no more meaning in life 彼女は あれを言った もし あなたが 与えるをもとめることをやめたら そこは いみw¥を 住む ああ 無理だ This is not just because of her movies,but also devotion of her devotion to children all over the world 訳と 詳しい解説をおねがいします・・・もう無理だ・・

  • 短い文章を読んでいます

    その一・和訳に変なところはないでしょうか。 Usually what a man calls fate is a web of his own weaving, from threads of his own spinning. たいてい人が運命と呼ぶモノは自分で編んだ編物である、自分で紡いだ糸から。 The chains of habit are generally too small to be felt till they are too strong to be broken. たいてい習慣の鎖はあまりにも小さくて感じられない、あまりにも強くて破れなくなるまでは。 Her madness was the consequence, and not the cause, of an aimless and irregular life. 彼女のもの狂いは結果である、原因ではない、無目的で不規則な生活の。 その二・[fouled」以下「for」以下の役割、機能はどういったものでしょうか。 Yet the greatest misfortune that Jesus found in the stricken people was their having no one to love them. At the center of all their unhappiness was the wretchedness, fouled with their own hopelessness and loneliness, for want of being loved. その三・翻訳をお願いします。名言集で見かけますが、定訳はあるのでしょうか。 It is better that some should be unhappy rather than that none should be happy, which would be the case in a general state of equality.

  • 文章解釈 

    添付ファイル文章に関する質問です。 "Show me that the good life doesn't consist in its length, but in its use, and that it is possible-no, entirely too common-for a person who has had a long life to have lived too little." 1. in its useは「人生の使い方」と解釈して合っているでしょうか? 2. Show me that (the good life doesn't consist in its length, but in its use,) it is possible-no, entirely too common-for a person who has had a long life to have lived too little. 「長い人生を生きてきた人がほとんど生きてないことが可能である、いや、あまりにもありふれすぎたことであることを示しなさい。」 it is possible-no, entirely too common-for a person who has had a long life to have lived too little の解釈がわからないです。 live too little というのはどういう文法になっていて意味はどのように取ればいいのか分からないです。 little は副詞として予想しているのですが、自信がないです。 解説宜しくお願いします。

  • of について

    これはこの夏最高の映画だ。 This is the best movie of the summer. あれは人生で最悪の日だった。 That was the worst day of my life. この2例文とも of を使うとテキストにありますが in ではいけないでしょうか。