
  • 英語の中学生の問題です!「giving is like living」について考えてみましょう。
  • 「与えることは生きることに似ている」と言われますが、本当でしょうか?
  • 彼女の言葉からは、与えることの意味や人生の意味について考えさせられます。
  • ベストアンサー

英語の中学生の問題です 解けません!

giving is like living  与えることは 生きることに 似ている   でいいのでしょうか She said that if you stop wanting to give there is no more meaning in life 彼女は あれを言った もし あなたが 与えるをもとめることをやめたら そこは いみw¥を 住む ああ 無理だ This is not just because of her movies,but also devotion of her devotion to children all over the world 訳と 詳しい解説をおねがいします・・・もう無理だ・・

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー

初めのはその通りです。 この that は「~ということ」のような意味で, say と文をつなぐ役割を果たします。「~と言った」 彼女は,もし与えたいと思うことをやめたら,生きること(人生)にもはや意味などなどなくなる,と言った。 最後は but because of ~でしょうか。 This is because of ~で「これは~のため・せいである」 not just A but also B「A だけでなく,B もまた」 オードリー・ヘップバーンの衰えぬ人気・支持についてでしょうか。 これは,彼女の映画のためだけでなく,彼女の世界中の子供たちへの献身のためでもある。


  • 英語の問題がわからないので教えてください

    ()の単語の品詞と意味を答えろ。 この問題わからないので教えてください 1you are on a (train) 2the children have to (train)very hard 3 you are on a train that (runs)past 4 how businesses are (run) 5 Children enjoy learning about trains and are happy to (work) 6 most of the (work)is done by children 7 At (present )most of the work is done 8 though adult are also (present)

  • 英語 添削をお願いします

    ちょっとした、ジョークを考えなくてはいけません。文法もですがおかしいところを直して教えていただけると助かります。よろしくお願いします。 One day an old woman came and spoke to me in French. I said to her in French with confidence. 『Je'ne parle pas de Francais』 She smiled and told to me in French more and more. This time, I got good luck and bad luck. Good luck is this. She understood my French. Bad luck is this. She didn't understand my feeling. Because the meaning of that sentence is I cannot speak French.

  • 英語の問題

    問、日本文に合うように(  )内の語を並べかえよ。 1、彼女の目に喜びの涙が浮かぶのが見えた。   We(coming/could/eyes/in/her/joy/of/see/tears). 2、後になって初めて、何かおかしいとふと思った。   Not(did/it/later/occur/until)to me that something was wrong. 3、昨日の彼の発言は私にはあまり重要でないように思われた。   What he said yesterday (of/sounded/little/importance) to me. 4、ジムの性格を考えると、友人を裏切ったという事実は驚くに当たらない。 Considering Jim`s character,the fact that he batrayed his (be/friends/is/nothing/surprised/to) about. 5、いつものことながら、私が書いたものを読み返してみると、不備な点がたくさん目につく。 As is oftten the case with me,I cannnot reread (finding/have/I/is/that/there/what/without/written) much to be revised. 6、明日何が起こるか分からないから人生は面白いのだ。 Life is interesting (is/may/because/knowing/what/happen/no/there) tomorrow. お願いします。

  • 英語の文法を教えてください

    The rate of obesity among children in the city is said to have declined. この文の訳は、子供の中で肥満の割合が多い市は、断られ続けている でよろしいでしょうか? is said 受動態? toの意味? have declined 現在完了? 文法ついて教えてください

  • 英語のチェックをお願いします

    It is essential for us to memorize because we all depend on memories. For example, we improve playing the piano by keeping practice, which is a kind of memory. However, the lecture also said that forgetting is also important because all human beings have to remember a lot of thing every day, so we have to dump old memories. 私たちにとって記憶することは大事なことです。例えば毎日ピアノの練習をすることも一種の記憶です。しかし、レクチャーでは忘れることも大切だと教えてくれました。なぜなら人間は毎日たくさんのことを記憶しなければなりませんよって古い記憶は捨てる必要があるからです。 現在toeflを趣味で独学で勉強しています。しかし先生がいないので答えが分かりません。

  • 「彼女のアメリカ人の友達」を英語で?

    教科書に、 An American friend of hers said to her. と出ています。たぶん「彼女のアメリカ人の友達(または、彼女のアメリカの友達)」と言う意味だと思いますが、なぜ、 Her American friend said to her. と書かないで、わざわざこんなにややこしいわかりにくい表現をするのでしょうか。 できるだけわかりやすく教えてください。

  • not の守備範囲

    以下の和訳に関してです。 For these reasons it is important not to give tetrachloroethylene when there is a possibility of Ascaris infection and to deworm children when they are ill and febrile or before giving an anaesthetic. it is important (1)not to give ~          (2)not to deworm ~ それとも、 it is important (1)not to give ~          (2)to deworm ~ いろいろ自分で調べたのですが、not の守備範囲に関して 基本的ルール?がわかりません。ご教示いただければ幸いです。 よろしくお願い申し上げます。

  • 英語の問題

    適当な語を選ぶ Let's have()in the shade of the tree. My daughter isn't a good computer(). Tom is a fast (). Kate is an early (). [rest riser user worker] 並べ替え 姉は成績について父と長いこと話し合った My sister (my dad /a long talk /with /had) about her grades. 高齢者に対して医療補助をすることは重要 Is is important (help /to /to /give /medical) the elderly. 私達はジョンの日本語の上達にとても驚いた We (good progress /very surprised /John's /were /at) in Japanese. 文を完成 私にとって自分の進路を決めるのは簡単ではない It is not easy for me to ()()()about my career. いろいろなことに興味があるからだ This is because I ()many(). 私は間違った選択(choice)はしたくない I don't want to ()the wrong (). 先生にアドバイスを求めようと思う I will ask my teacher to ()()()().

  • 英語の和訳です。お願いします!!

     Once, an elderly man consulted me because of his severe depression. He could not overcome the loss of his wife who had died two years before and whom he had loved above all else. Now how could I help him? Well, I refrained from telling him anything, but instead confronted him with a question, "What would have happened if you had died first, and your wife would have had to survive you?:" "Oh," he said, "for her this would have been terrible; how she would have suffered!" "You see," I replied, " such a suffering has been spared her, and you have spared her this suffering - to be sure, at the price that now you have to survive and mourn her." He said no word but shook my hand and calmly left my office. In some way, suffering ceases to be suffering at the moment it finds a meaning, such as the meaning of a sacrifice.  Of course, this was no treatment in the proper sense since, first, his despair was no disease, and second, I could not change his attitude toward his unchangeable fate because from that time on he could at least see a meaning in his suffering. Our main concern is not to gain pleasure or to avoid pain but rather to see a meaning in our life. That is why we are even ready to suffer, on the condition, to be sure, that our suffering has a meaning.

  • 英語の文法チェックしてください、

    The second story “Girl” was more interesting to me. The story is like family motto from her mother to girl. This story imply that girl’s mother really love her children with extravagance. I can find her mother’s love, worry and many more feeling to her daughter. I like this story because this story has more adorable feelings. I believe that “white elephant” is more difficult than “Girl”, because that story is mostly consisted of conversation between them, however, that conversation makes me confused. It is not clear for me. The girl was mad first time, but she easily come back to good mood the end of the story. I wanted to see the process how she came back to good mood. I believe that “Girl” is not a real story. I guess that this story is talking about future’s children. In my opinion, the girls’ mother wants to have a girl baby in her future, so she is talking about how her children want to grow up when she have a girl baby,