Haunting and Harassing Thought

  • Discover how the haunting and harassing thought portrayed in literature is addressed by experts in psychology and psychoanalysis.
  • Learn about Edgar Allan Poe's 'The Imp of Pervers' and how the protagonist's pleasurable feeling transforms into a haunting and harassing thought.
  • Explore real-life examples and discussions on the experience of being plagued by meaningless fragments of words or music in one's mind.
  • ベストアンサー

haunting and harassing thought

文学作品に時々描かれる,ある心理現象を 心理学,精神分析学,等ではどのように扱っているか 専門家の方々にご教示いただきたく思います。 Edgar Allan Poe の "The Imp of Pervers" という短編小説において, 完全犯罪を実行した犯人(作品の語り手)は 初めは犯罪が露見しないと安心していますが, やがて不安になっていきます。 その過程は次のように描かれています。 But there arrived at length an epoch, from which the pleasurable feeling grew, by scarcely perceptible gradations, into a haunting and harassing thought. It harassed me because it haunted. I could scarcely get rid of it for an instant. It is quite a common thing to be thus annoyed with the ringing in our ears, or rather in our memories, of the burthen of some ordinary song, or some unimpressive snatches from an opera. また,類似の例として次のような短歌があります。   覚めてより耳に離れぬ唄のあり   そがまた実に下らぬ唄にて       西中真二郎『春の道』(平一五年)所収。 また先日,「教えて!goo」において, 頭の中で音楽が鳴りやまず 勉強に集中できない学生さんの相談がありました。 http://oshiete1.goo.ne.jp/qa3297144.html いずれもまとまりのある体験や想念を思い出しているのではなく, 無意味な断片的な言葉や音楽の記憶に悩まされているように思います。 また,病気ではなく誰にでも起こりがちなことだと思います。 このように,自分の意思に反して頭の中にとりつくような言葉や音楽, "haunting and harassing thought" を示す術語や, このような思考についての研究はありますでしょうか。 よろしくお願いいたします。


  • ベストアンサー
  • Diogenesis
  • ベストアンサー率49% (859/1722)

伝統的な精神医学用語では 「強迫観念」と呼ばれてきたものに相当するかと思います。 近年,より広範で日常的な雑念と病的な強迫観念とを連続的なものと捉え 共通する基盤を想定して包括的に考察しようとする視点が生まれており, 「侵入思考」という概念のもとに研究が進展しています。 詳しくは下記の研究書を参考になさってください。 侵入思考/雑念はどのように病理へと発展するのか http://www.seiwa-pb.co.jp/search/bo05/bn561.html



早速にご教示いただき,誠に忝うございます。 ご紹介くださった書物を購入し勉強いたします。 「侵入思考」,たいへんに興味深く思います。 ご回答,ありがとうございました。


  • 和訳 Give it some thought

    外国人です。。。私の和訳はあっているでしょうか。添削をお願いいたします。  “Regardless of guilt”, why is that? [Give it some thought.] 「有罪無罪に関係なく」、はどうしてでしょう? [考えてみてください]

  • off-and-on about

    I am in the middle of a divorce from my husband of almost 10 years. I had an affair with an out-of-state co-worker toward the end of my marriage and developed feelings for him. In the meantime, my co-worker has been off-and-on about the status of our relationship, and I ended up sleeping with a colleague during a work trip. off-and-on about the status of our relationshipはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 『The Moth and the Star』

    James Thurberの『The Moth and the Star』という短編からの質問です。 (この英文で物語は終わります) http://okwave.jp/qa/q8924851.html(こちらの英文から続いています) The moth left his father's house, but he would not fly around street lamps and he would not fly around house lamps. He went right on trying to reach the star, which was four and one-third light years, or twenty-five trillion miles, away. The moth thought it was just caught in the top branches of an elm. He never did reach the star, but he went right on trying, night after night, and when he was a very, very old moth he began to think that he really had reached the star and he went around saying so. This gave him a deep and lasting pleasure, and he lived to a great old age. His parents and his brothers and his sisters had all been burned to death when they were quite young. Moral: Who flies afar from the sphere of our sorrow is here today and here tomorrow. The moth thought it was just caught in the top branches of an elm.のところなのですが itはthe starですか? 星がニレの枝のてっぺんに引っかかっていると思った、ということですか? catchは引っかかるという意味でしょうか?(受動態で引っかけられている?) he began to think that he really had reached the starについてですが 過去完了形になっているので、すでにもう星に届いていたのではないかと思い始めた、ということでしょうか?(根拠はないけれど、そう思い込んだという感じでしょうか?) Moral: Who flies afar from the sphere of our sorrow is here today and here tomorrow.について 最後の教訓(寓意)の英文の構造と訳がわかりません。 出だしがwhoで始まっているのに最後に?がないのはなぜでしょうか? Who flies afar from the sphere of our sorrowが主部、 is here today and here tomorrowが述部ですか? Moralのところが訳せないのですが この話の中の蛾は蛾の本分は果たさなかったけれども 自分の夢を追ってそれはそれで幸せだったのではないか、という印象です。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • early とhe found 〜について

    添付ファイル文章の He was simply an early lover of humanity と the reason this life struck him in this way was that he found in it at that time, as he thought an extrordinary being, our celebrated elder, Zossima, の部分についてです。 1. early のここでの解釈の仕方が分からないです 2. he found の目的語にour celebrated elder, Zossimaがきて、 そのゾシマを 関係代名詞asでhe thought our celebrated elder, Zossima,(to be )an extrordinary being, となっているのか、それとも asが接続詞で、 「彼が考えたように」と付け加えていて、 目的語が our celebrated elder, Zossimaと an extrordinary being,となっているのか分からないです。   解説お願いします

  • よろしくお願いします

    I thought I was happy with my life and making good progress. I have a job I like, my husband just went from contracting to permanent at his company, we are starting to look for a condo, we are saving for retirement. Then all of a sudden some of my friends are making major life changes, and I suddenly feel like I am failing or pathetic by companion. One is moving from the Bay Area to Sacramento to a house she and her husband bought, one is moving to Portland, one is going to grad school in France, and one is going to Ireland. While my husband points out that some of them are just running away from their problems and that none of them are saving for the future the way we are, I feel like I am somehow failing. We are all in our 30s. Some of it is the idea of losing some friends who, while I didn’t see as often as I would like, will leave an absence for me, some of it is this feeling like I should be doing more. contractingは「契約社員」でしょうか?あと、leave an absenceはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 文頭のBut, Andを頻繁に見かけます。

    絶対にご法度だと言われ、それを使うと添削ではかなりの確率で指摘されるらしく、また、英語の試験でも誤りだと見做されるらしい「文頭のBut, And」を、英語圏の文書で頻繁に見かけるのですが、これは一体どういうことでしょうか。以下にその例を挙げます。 <But> ○This world in space and time is the only world that our human sensory apparatus can apprehend. But then there is another realm which is not in space or time, and not accessible to our senses, and in which there is permanence and perfect order. This other world offers us only brief and unsatisfactory glimpses. But it is what one might call real reality.(略) These physical bodies of ours come into existence and pass away, are always imperfect, are never the same for two moments together, and are at all times highly perishable. But they are the merest and most fleeting glimpses of something that is also us and is non-material, timeless, and indestructible, something that we may refer to as the soul. ○America thinks of modernity as all good ― and it has been almost all good for America. But for the Arab world, modernity has been one failure after another.(略) Afghanistan was very clearly a base for al-Qaeda operations, and it was on that basis that United States went on the offensive in that country, deposing the Taliban regime that had supported the terrorists. But what of Pakistan, which officially opposes such terrorist groups, but is generally thought to have them operating within its territory? ○At trial, the judge instructs the jury on the relevant law, and the jury determines the facts of the case and applies the law it has been given to the facts. But because a jury's decision to acquit is far all practical purposes unreviewable, it can, if it chooses to do so, refuse to apply the law and acquit a defendant or convict on lesser charges in spite of the judge's instructions. ○If one gets out too soon, one loses a lot of potential income.(改行) But it is impossible to predict the timing of the peak, since some trivial factor that never will be discovered the exact timing of the end of the bubble. ○The city was attractive precisely because it offered freedom from the compulsory and coercive rural community. But it was destructive because it did not offere any community of its own.(略) The first to point out that humans need community is one of the geat classics of sociology, Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft by Ferdinand Toennies, published in 1887. But the community that Toennies, over a century ago, sitill hoped to preserve ― the organic communities of traditional rural society ― is gone, and gone for good.(略) Instead of the traditional communities of history, our communities need to be free and voluntary. But they also need to offer the individual in the city an oportunity to achieve, to contribute, to matter. (略)And so has been the money. But the result have been meager everywher. (改行) But it is equally clear that the private sector, business, cannot fill that need, either. ○An interesting obsaervation is that the first, second and, to some extent, the fourth levels can be satisfied by financial reward. But such needs as recognition and personal development require managers to look for additional methods tomotivate people.(略) Financial reward is an important but complex method of motivating people. But money is not the only motivator: equally important are recognition and responsibility. <And> ○In a little over two days the world's capital markets move as much money as all of the world's economies move in a year. And on an abnormal day the world's capital markets can move much more than $1.3 trillion. ○But it was destructive because it did not offere any community of its own.(改行) And human beings need community.(略) The needs were certainly there. And so has been the money.(略) It has worked, but only in one country, Japan. And even there, it is by now clear, it is not the answer. <So> ○The problem is that what postmodernism might mean in one discipline is not necessarily compatible with what it might mean in another.

  • 和訳お願いします。

    "An urgent telegram from our surveillance aircraft! It discovered enemy's aircraft carriers!" "The distance from our fleet is 80 miles. The cruising speed is 20 KT. They are flying their aircrafts for our direction now!" "The estimated time of their arrival is 6:35. Only 20 minutes ahead!" "Fighter squadron ready to take off immediately!"

  • (英語)映画でわからないところがあります。

    映画(An education)を見ていてわからないところがあり、質問させていただきます。 The trouble is that's where St John's Smith Square is. この文で、that's ~の部分がしっくりきません。 The trouble is where~ではなくthat is where となるのはなぜでしょうか? 似たような文をtedで見つけました。 I have one last thought, which is that it really makes a difference what we say-- the wards that come out of our mouth. このwhichはone last thought なのはわかるのですが、このitはなんでしょか? 私なら、 I have one last thought, which is that makes a difference what we say~ にしてしまいます。 これもちょっとしっくりきませんが。。 よろしくお願いします。

  • ★ジャパンタイムズのEssay(Midsummer night's dream)について質問です。

    ★またまた、ジャパンタイムズのEssay(Midsummer night's dream)について質問です、宜しくお願いします。 (http://www.japantimes.co.jp/shukan-st/english_news/essay/2007/ey20070803/ey20070803main.htm) ・・・It said, "Know this: something is truly perfect only when it is completely free of hinges!" ★この「something is ・・・of hinges」は具体的にはどのような意味なのでしょうか。 ・・・I concluded that the voice might have a point, on some level too deep for me to fathom. But there was one painfully obvious hole in its logic. If perfect things were all free from hinges, what would the perfect hinge look like? ★上記の「on some level」これは具体的にはどのような意味なのでしょうか。「あるレべルにしか到達していない私にとっては」と言う意味でしょうか。 ・・・I, for one, suspect our dream-machine is a toy provided to us chiefly for our personal entertainment. And -- perish the thought -- just maybe for that of our neighbors. ・・・・・・・ Like any media, though, busy people will want to think twice before indulging in the luxury pastime that is midnight dream analysis. ★この「chiefly」、「just maybe for that of our neighbors」「analysis」はどのように訳せばよいのでしょうか。 「just maybe for that of our neighbors」は「for our personal entertainment」との対比だろうという気はしているのですが・・・。 以上宜しくお願いします。

  • 日本の喫茶店についての文章から・・・。

    The modern Japanese kissaten still exhibits some of the features of Meiji-era cafe from which it - as well as bars - developed. この、which it がどうも意味がとれません。解説してくれるかた、いらっしゃいましたらお願いします。