
  • 就職活動での英語での自己紹介について、アドバイスをお願いします。
  • 学部や大学院で経済を学んでおり、経済のバックグラウンドを活かして営業をしている現在の職業に興味があり、御社を志望しています。
  • 英語での自己紹介に不安があり、文章をまとめることに困っています。アドバイスをいただけると幸いです。
  • ベストアンサー


はじめまして。 就職活動で英語で自己紹介することになりました。 「学部、大学院」「経済のバックグラウンドを活かしてお客様(クライアント)とコミュニケーションをとり営業をしていくことに興味を持ち、御社を志望した」 「現在はIT系の企業で営業をしているがお客様が経済の専門家であるため、経済のバックグラウンドは活かせている」 以上の内容のスピーチをしたいのですが、自分の考えている英語に 不安があるためアドバイスしていただきたく思います。 どうか厳しいご指摘、ご意見お願いします。 Thank you for calling an interview. My name is K.K. I majored in literature at K university,and majored in economics at the University of T graduate school. Now Im working as sales engineer at IT company,but Im utilizing the economic background,because a cliant is an economic specialist. At your company,I want to work taking advantage of the economic background. 一部足りない箇所がありますが、どうしてもうまく 文章にできません。アドバイスいただけましたら幸いです。 どうかよろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • akijake
  • ベストアンサー率43% (431/992)

面接の自己紹介で、「面接をしていただき有難う御座います」は必要ない気がしますが、これは通常の中途採用過程での面接ではないのでしょうか? I have a bachelor's degree in Literature from K University, and a master's degree in Economics from T Graduate School. Right now, I'm working as a sales engineer at IT company. I am making full use of my economy background even as a sales person since our clients are specialists in Economics. I am quite sure that I can be a strong sales force for your company with my knowledge I have aquired in studies, as well as the communication skill with clients I got in my experience. などと言ってはどうでしょうか? 希望した、と言うより「御社にとって営業力となります(なりたい)」とした方が自然な気がします。 これは、スピーチの下書きですよね? なので、あまり書いた事に固執しないで大丈夫だと思います。 多少時勢が一致しなかったり、前置詞が抜けたりなどは気にせず、話す内容が考えている事とずれないように頑張って下さい!



akijake様 早速ありがとうございます。 <<これは通常の中途採用過程での面接ではないのでしょうか? 普通の中途採用です。 <<これは、スピーチの下書きですよね? 下書きです。英語は読めるのですが書く練習はしていなくて・・ とても参考になります。 どうもありがとうございました。



akijake様  この度はありがとうございました。 またこちら質問させていただくことになりそうですが、 お時間あるときにアドバイスいただけたら幸いです。 取り急ぎお礼まで


  • 英語で自己紹介

    以下の自己紹介の文を言葉づかいや英文法を直していただけませんか ありがとうございます。 I am very happy to introduce myself. My name’s Nakajima. I'm from Tokyo. I live in Seto city and I am a university's student in the second year. I was born in Tokyo province in the central of Japan. There are 5 peoples in my family. Parents, brother, sister and me. My father is a saraly man and my mother is housewife. She always takes good care of my family. When I have a free time, I often listen to the music, watch TV, read newspapers and go shopping. On sunday, I usually go to the cafeteria to chat with my friend in the morning. And I always join the English speaking club to improve my speaking skill in the afternoon. I like learning english very much. I have learnt for years at high school and university . but my english is not enough to communication. Therefore, I try my best to learn it now. And I hope i can speak english well one day. I want to be a doctor in the future. My dream is becoming a good husband, having a good wife and pretty childrens . In short, I am really happy with my life. Of course I am going to make it happier and more meaningful.

  • 英語のチェックをお願いします(自己紹介)

    外国の方々との打ち合わせで簡単な自己紹介を したいのですが、英語が全く出来ず途方に暮れています。 下記英文をチェックいただけませんでしょうか。 また、こういった力をつけるための良い本などご存知でしたら ご教授下さい。 一応日本語、英語を書いてみました。 一部情報を隠している点おゆるし下さい。 私は現在の会社にに三年間勤めています。 私はセールスチームに所属し、主に化学製品を拡販しています。 日本では、多くの研究者、特に企業の研究者は、 より安い製品を好む傾向が強い。 私は価格以外の製品のメリットをPRしたい。 そのため、私は今回のトレーニングにおいて、 製品のメリットを学び、日本のお客様に紹介したい。 I have worked at this company for three years. I belong to the sales team and promote chemical product mainly. In Japan, many researchers, in particular the researchers of the company tend to like cheaper products strongly. I want to promote the merit of the product except the price. I must learn the merit of the product in this training and I want to introduce it to a Japanese customers. 以上、お手数をおかけして恥ずかしい限りですが、 何卒、添削・英語向上のアドバイスの程、 よろしくお願いします。

  • 違いが分かりません

    英作文の問題で疑問を抱いたので教えてください。 大したことの無い疑問ですが、気になってしまったのです。 彼は早稲田大学教授です。 He's a professor at Waseda University. これが回答なのですが、 He's a professor of Waseda University. でもいいような気がするのです。 この疑問は似たような問題を解いていて、生まれました。 その問題は 彼はこの会社の社員です。 He's an employee of this company. という問題です。 この場合は He's an employee at this company. も大丈夫なのかと思います。 このような「どこどこのなになに」みたいな問題ではofとat、どっち使っても大丈夫なのかな?と安易に考えてしまうのですが、違いがあれば教えてください。

  • 英語 長文

    訳をお願いします。 In the world of advertising selling products is the most important goal. As companies are becoming more global, they are looking for new ways to sell their products all over the world. It is true that because of global communication, the world is becoming smaller today. But it is also true that the problems of global advertising_____problems of language and culture _____have become larger than ever. For example, Braniff Airlines wanted to advertise its fine leather seats. But when its advertisement was translated from English to Spanish, it told people that they could fly naked! Another example of incorrect translation is how a car maker, Chevrolet, tried to market the Chevy Nova in Latin America. In English, the word nova refers to a star. But in Spanish, it means "doesn't go." Would you buy a car with this name? To avoid these problems of translation, most advertising firms are now beginning to write completely new advertisements. In writing new advertisements, global advertisers consider the different styles of communication in different countries. In some culture, the meaning of an advertisement is usually found in the exact words (アare/describe/that/to/used) the product. This is true in such countries as the United States, Britain, and Germany. But in other culture, such as Japan's, the message depends more on situations and feelings than (イit does) on words. For this reason, the goal of many TV commercials in Japan is to show how good people feel at a party or other social situation. The commercial will not say that a product is better than others. Instead, its goal will be to create a positive mood or feeling about the product. アは並べ替えで イはit とdoesはそれぞれ何を指すのか答える問題です。 お願いします。

  • 英語 長文

    以下の英語の長文を読む際のポイントなどを教えていただけると助かります。 (打ち間違いがあるかもしれません。申し訳ないです。)                 NOTICE Due to an extraordinarily Bradley's Books is currently unable to keep the high level of demand, bestseller Dragonstar by Sam Greenfield in stock bookstores for the next The publisher. Wesson Publishing, is not taking additional orders from month. After the appearance of Mr. Greenfield on the television program"Talk with Judy," direct telephone and Internet s of the books inereased minefold. The current printing at Wesson Publishing is exclusively dedicated to eliminating this backlog. Therefore, it is unavailable for bookstore customers. hearing that it is Many customers have become frustrated checking for the book and constantly unavailable. Right now, we cannot keep Dragonstar on the shelf for more than a few hours at a time. If you wish to add your name to the list of people who will receive Dragonstar in the future, please feel free to do so. The cost is s17.85. Shipping is available at an added cost. People with their names on the list will be notified by telephone or e-mail, according to their preference, when Dragonstar is available. substantial increase in sales all Numerous bookstores, including Bradley's, have also seen a Greenfield novels. Nationally, we have purchased numerous copies from stores which have supplies of his earlier works. We have all of three of his previous works in good supply. If you have not yet read any of these books, we suggest you do so while you wait for Dragonstar to return our shelves. また Who is the author of Dragonstar? How will the people on the list be notified? という質問があった場合どのように答えればいいでしょうか? お手数おかけしますがよろしくお願いします。

  • 長文ですが英語を訳していただきたいです

    No, I'd pass www Your hair it isn't really short, at least for me, it is in good size :3 How much do you will be going to cut? By the way, may I ask, what is a bob? w Thanks! No, I'm pretty the opposite, I'm kinda unpopular ww orz I'm glad that I've convinced you more :3 Yeah, most of the beaches on Rio de Janeiro and in the state of Sao Paulo are indeed great. Specially the sea! You will like it! Also, you will really need an umbrella before you go to Sao Paulo Unless if you want to swim here in the rainy days too www Interesting to know that the city is known for it's spas I think I know someone who will like that fact wwww After seeing more photos, I agree with you. Oita isn't really too much urbanized, it looks more calm than most of the cities that I heard :3 It'll be nice to know these natural resources. Funny and great the fact that we are at the opposite sides of the earth each other :3 But... > I can hardly imagine! I didn't understood well this line, sorry (>.<)

  • 英語をどのようにして訳していいのか分かりません。

    英語をどのようにして訳していいのか分かりません。 下の2文なのですが、長すぎて、どこまでが主語で動詞なのか良く分かりません。 どなたか、訳していただけないでしょうか? ・An urban garden can supplement the diets of the community it feeds with fresh produce and provide a tangible tie to food production. ・At Trent University, there is currently a working rooftop garden which provides food to the student cafe and local citizens. よろしくお願いします。

  • この英語のジョークがよく分かりません‥

    彼に好意を持って頂いてるのですが、このジョークがよく分かりません。。 前のメール■「University in Japan sounds difficult! In ○○(その人の国名), There is no test. hmmmm... maybe that is not true. There is one University where there is "entrance exam war"... It is a school for girls only. ○○(その人の名前)University :D hahaha You have the best score ;) <3」 返信した後のメール■「Good luck in my University! The 'entrance exam' is very difficult. It is... very big and very hard. ;D hahaha 」

  • 長文英語

    Philosophers' search for the truth resembles a detective story. Some think Andersen was murderer,(   ) think it was Nielsen or Jensen. The police are sometimes able to solve a real crime. But it is equally possible that they never get to the bottom of it, although there is a solution somewhere. So even if it is difficult to answer a question, there may be one ― and only one ― right answer. Either there is a kind of existence after death ― ( イ ) there is not. Philosophy has ウ( in / its origin / of / man's sense / wonder ). Man thinks it is so astonishing to be alive that philosophical questions arise of their own accord. It is like watching a magic trick. We cannot understand how it is done. So we ask : how can the magician change a couple of white silk scarves into a live rabbit? A lot of people experience the world with the same incredulity as when a magician suddenly pulls a rabbit out of a hat which has just been shown to them empty. In the case of the rabbit, we know the magician has tricked us. What we would like to know is just how he did it. But when it comes to the world it's somewhat different. We know that the world is not all sleight of hand and deception because here we are in it : we are part of it. Actyally, we are the white rabbit is that the rabbit does not realize it is taking part in amagic trick. We do. We feel we are part of something mysterious and we would like to know how it all works. 1.和訳をお願いします! 2.(  )と( イ )に適当な1語とウの(  )内の並び替えもお願いします! ◆補足◆ of own's one accord 自然に,一人で incredulity 疑う気持ち,信じられないという気持ち sleight of hand 手先の早業,手品

  • 英語長文について

    1 in Brazil, a waiter brings one menu for four people and gives it to the senior member of the group who orders the same food for all. 2 in France, each member of the group orders a different main dish at a restaurant. 3 in India,a senior engineer is asked to move to NewYork,at a salary that is twenty-five times his salary in NewDelhi,but he declines the opportunity. 4in California,a senior engineer is asked to move to NewYork,at a salary that is 50percent higher than his salary in LosAngeles,and he accepts. 5in Germany,a man walks one the grass in apublic park and is reprimanded by several passersby. ※reprimand;叱り付ける 6 in Illinois,a person marries someone without parental approval. 後に書かれてるsix behaviors のこと。 この英文は個人主義、集団主義についての文章 You will want some explanation of why the six behaviors mentioned above reflect these constructs.Brazil and India are collectivist countries,thougy in different degrees.France,the United States,and Germany are individualistic countries,also in different degrees. (3)Nevertheless,one can find both collectivist and individualistic elements in all these countries,in different combinations. In (c), the waiter infers that each person has personal preferences that must be respected, whereas in (d),the waiter assumes that the senior member of the group will decide what toeat and that ultimately consuming the same food will intensify bonds among the members of the group. ・・・ In India,the senior engineer feels he must stay close to his parents and that New York is simply too far. If his father were dying,it would be the engineer`s duty to be at his bedside and ease his passage to the other state. Under similar conditions in the United States,it is more likely that the parent would be placed in anursing home.the parent and his son have their own lives and are independent beings.  Germany,though overall quite individualistic,is also collectivist in certain respects. the German episode is a community concern ,and witnesses to such deviant behavior(逸脱した行為)may take action.IN most cultures,people are independent beings and can marry someone regardless of parental disapproval.In individualist cultures marriage is an institution tha only links two people and not their respective families. In collectivist cultures it links tywo families,in which case it is essential that the families find the mate acceptable 問 (3)(←Nevertheless~combinations)の特徴を本文中ではどの国のどのようなエピソードをあげて説明してますか? ↑この設問は意味がよくわかりません。 問 (c)(d)に入る国名を答えよ 問 インドは集団主義的傾向が強く、アメリカは個人主義的傾向が強いとされていますが、その根拠を答えよ ↑これは(In India,the senior engineer feels he must stay close to his parents and that New York is simply too far. )あたりのことだと思いますが、engineerをはじめいまいち意味をつかめません