• ベストアンサー


スピーキングのテストで、外国人の先生に“What's new?”に対する答えを言わなくてはいけません。一応以下のように考えたのですが、添削お願いします。 Recently, I am very busy. Last week, I had a test of music theory on Wednesday, and on Friday, I had to submit two reports. And on the weekend I studied for this Speaking test, wrote three reports, practiced the piano, and I practice a handstand, because I have a test of it tomorrow. But, I can’t do it, so I’m very depressed, and I can’t understand why headstand is necessary to become nursery school’s teacher. And on the weekend I practiced my original dance a lot. (創作ダンスの練習をした。)This dance is for “Physical Expression class”, and I will have this test tomorrow.(このダンスは“身体表現”の授業のためのもので、明日試験(発表?)がある。) The dance’s music is ~ which is the music of Disneyland’s attraction ~. I like this song very much, but I have no experience of dance and I’m such a shy girl that I’m so nervous. However, I want to pass that class and became nursery school’s teacher, so I’ll try to do my best. And on the weekend, I cleaned my room, went shopping in the supermarket, and cooked lunch and dinner rather more and kept them freezer, because I’m busy this week too. Thus I’m very busy now, but I think I live life to the full. 以上です。長さの都合上、日本語はほぼ省略させていただきましたが、必要でしたら補足いたします。 大変長文ですが、宜しくお願いいたします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数3
  • ありがとう数4


  • ベストアンサー
  • taked4700
  • ベストアンサー率37% (777/2050)

本当に長文ですね。でも、頑張られているのが分かります。 1.Recently, I am very busy. I have been very busy. 最近ずっと と言う感覚なので。 2.Last week, I had a test of music theory on Wednesday, and on Friday, I had to submit two reports.  a test in music theory ある程度音楽理論というものの範囲が広いと考えられているから。 3.And on the weekend I studied for this Speaking test, wrote three reports, practiced the piano, and I practice a handstand, because I have a test of it tomorrow. 全体に言えることですが、「週末」とか、「金曜日に」などの副詞句が多いと感じます。これだとまるで、小学生の作文で「朝起きて、なになに、朝食を食べて何なに、、」と言った感覚になります。 The first thing I did on Saturday was practice for this speaking test. I also exercised playing the piano and handstanding that I sit for tomorrow. 4.But, I can’t do it, so I’m very depressed, and I can’t understand why headstand is necessary to become nursery school’s teacher. But to handstand is one thing that I can't perform, which depressed me so much. Let me say one thing that who can say the nessecity of headstand/handstand to become a nursery school teacher. 幼稚園の先生は一人二人と数えられるので、a が必要です。 5.And on the weekend I practiced my original dance a lot. (創作ダンスの練習をした。) ここも、副詞句で文を始めるのはやめて、 I practiced my original dance a lot on the weekend. 6.This dance is for “Physical Expression class”, and I will have this test tomorrow.(このダンスは“身体表現”の授業のためのもので、明日試験(発表?)がある。) これでいいと思います。 7.The dance’s music is ~ which is the music of Disneyland’s attraction ~. よく分かりませんが、多分、which is used in Disneyland's attraction ~. の方がいいかもしれませんね。 8.I like this song very much, but I have no experience of dance and I’m such a shy girl that I’m so nervous. これでいいと思います。しいて言えば、of dancing かな。 9.However, I want to pass that class and became nursery school’s teacher, so I’ll try to do my best. これでは、that class が何を意味するのか、間に歌のことなどが入っているので、聞いている人は疑問を持つことが多いでしょう。 I want to pass Physical Expression としましょう。また、became nursery school’s teacher では、すでに先生に「なった」ことになります。and to become a nursery school teacher, so ...としましょう。 10.And on the weekend, I cleaned my room, went shopping in the supermarket, and cooked lunch and dinner rather more and kept them freezer, because I’m busy this week too. ここも副詞句で始まっているので、それを変えましょう。 The other things I did on the weekend were cleaning my room, shopping in the/a supermarket and cooking some dishes for lunch and supper so that I could keep some of them in the freezer, because I thought I will be busy this week too. 11.Thus I’m very busy now, but I think I live life to the full. これでいいと思います。しいて言うなら I am living life... の方がいいかもしれませんね。



ご回答どうもありがとうございます。 そして、すぐにご回答拝見して、スピーチの参考にさせていただいたのですが、あまりの多忙のため、お返事が遅くなってしまって申し訳ありません; ご回答、あんなにすぐに、丁寧に説明も書いてくださって、とてもわかりやすく感激しました! おかげさまで、スピーキングのテストも無事終わり、本当に感謝しています。 本当にどうもありがとうございました。

その他の回答 (2)

  • drjyoung
  • ベストアンサー率43% (28/65)

私も大学でスピーチのクラスを取りましたが、No.2さんのおっしゃるように聞き手が聞いていて楽しく、飽きない文章にする必要があると思います。どこかにジョークを入れて聞き手を笑わすのも一つの手です。出来るだけあなたの文章を引用して書いてみますね。 I wish I had something exciting to report(またはtell you), but unfortunately, nothing much happened because I’ve been very busy lately. I had a test in music theory on Wednesday and turned in two papers on Friday. (私はアメリカに住んでいますが、こちらではレポートのことをpaperまたはterm/research paperと呼びます。) Weekend was busier as I had to prepare for this speech which took me a long time, wrote three more papers and practiced the piano. I also had to learn how to handstands. I tried hard, but I couldn’t do it. This is really depressing me. I don’t understand why we have to know how to handstands to be a nursery teacher. Do you? I also practiced my original dance for Physical Expression class a lot as I have a test tomorrow. I’m using the theme music/song (タイトル) which is my favorite from Disneyland’s attraction. But I am very nervous because I am shy and have no experience of dancing. However, I want to pass this class and become a nursery teacher. I’ll do my best, so please wish me luck. Let’s see, the other things I did on the weekend were cleaning my room, shopping at the supermarket, and cooking lunch and dinner. I cooked extra meal to save in the freezer because I wouldn’t have time to cook this week. As you can see, my life is rather busy, but I have no complaints because I am living my life to the fullest! ちょっと文章が長いので、短くしようと思ったのですが、結局かわりませんね。(笑) 本当に忙しそうですが、夢に向かって頑張って下さいね!



ご回答どうもありがとうございます。 そして、すぐにご回答拝見して、スピーチの参考にさせていただいたのですが、あまりの多忙のため、お返事が遅くなってしまって申し訳ありません; できるだけ私の文章を引用してくださったのも嬉しかったですし、構成等もとてもわかりやすくなっていて、本当に参考になりました! おかげさまで、スピーキングのテストも無事終わり、本当に感謝しています。 そして、本当なら100ポイントぐらい差し上げたいのですが、今回は先着順とさせていただきます。申し訳ありません; 本当にどうもありがとうございました。

  • Riccota
  • ベストアンサー率46% (116/248)

私なりに書いてみました。 とてもたくさん言いたいことがあるみたいなのですが、聞き手が聞きたいことかな?とか聞いて楽しいかな?とか、もう少し内容をまとめてみた方が良いような気がします。 例えば、テーマを「いろいろあるけど、すべては先生になるために頑張る!」として、リズム良く「これもやった、あれもやった」と読み上げていくと楽しく聞けるかもしれません。 "What's new?" Nothing particulary new because I've been very busy last week. I think I am living life to the full. Let me tell you about it. [最初に結論を持ってきた方が英語らしい構成に] Last week, there was a test of music theory and two reports to submit. I was busier on the weekend writing further three reports, practicing the piano, and ,of course, preparing for this speech. I practiced headstanding for tomorrow's class,too, but still I can’t do it. This depressed me a lot and made me think why this is necessary to become a nursery school teacher at all! More things followed on the weekend for another test of the“Physical Expression class”, to show my original dance. I am going to use my favourite song from Disneyland attraction. Being shy and no experience of dance I’m so nervous. I am doing them all for the sake of becoming a nursery school teacher, so I’ll try to do my best. My weekend came to the end when I cleaned up my room, went shopping, and cooked both lunch and dinner to be kept in the freezer for this week. What a life! [smile] どうでしょうか?



ご回答どうもありがとうございます。 そして、すぐにご回答拝見して、スピーチの参考にさせていただいたのですが、あまりの多忙のため、お返事が遅くなってしまって申し訳ありません; 確かに、このように構成したほうがはるかにわかりやすいですね! とても参考になりました。 また、あんなにすぐに丁寧にわかりやすく、書き直していただき、感激しました! おかげさまで、スピーキングのテストも無事終わり、本当に感謝しています。 本当にどうもありがとうございました


  • 英語が得意な方、添削をお願いします。

    自己紹介文を作成しています。 まだ途中書きなのですが、これでいいのか不安です。 添削よろしくお願いします。 Hello. My name is ○○ I'm 17 years old and second grade student of ○○ High School. I like my school very much because I have many friends. It takes me 50 minutes to get school by train every morning. I'm having a really good shool  life. I'm quite tall for Japanese high school girl. I am very carefull person. This is my good point, but this also can be my bad point since it takes time till I will act  out. My hobby is watching movies. I get a lot of homework everyday so I don’t have much time to do it. My favorite movie is and I hope to be able to understand movies without subtitles someday. Also I like dancing and I think I'm pretty good at girls dance. I belonged to the dance club and practiced hard everyday. I learned a communication and the importance of plus thinking. I began dance and had a really various experience. The reason why I had these by various experience is that there were support and the hardship of the person of the circumference, support. ↑これが特に間違っている気がします…。 So I still value the feeling of thanks to such a person most. I think my English skill is not good enough to be a cabin attendant, but I will study English as hard as I can because it has been my dream to be flight attendant since my childhood.

  • この英文を添削していただけますか(すみません。至急です・・・)

    中国人留学生の友人と一緒に彼女が日本の大学に提出するために必要な文章を考えていますが、自信がありません。 以下の文章を添削していただけますか? 「どうしてこの大学を選んだのですか?」に対する文章です。 *彼女の作った文章を少し私が直しました。 I have a dream that I would like to work in Japan after I graduate from University. I am interested in (企業経営)and accounting. I think it is very important. I attended to (進学説明会)and I got lots of useful and important information from professor about your (this?) university. I also went to open campus day and I found out this university is very beautiful, and there are many wonderful professors and various program (cullicuram). I think it would be good for my future, therefore, I decided to apply. I like this university and when I have a chance to study this university, I would study very hard and do my best. I hope I spend fruitful four years so that I won't regret later. 彼女がいいたいことは: 私には夢があります。大学を卒業して日本で働くことです。私は企業経営や会計に興味があります。それはとても大切だと思うからです。 私は進学説明会に行って貴大学の教授よりたくさんの有意義な情報を得ることができました。そしてオープンキャンパスにも参加しました。 そして大学の美しさに感動し、またたくさんの優秀な教授陣やカリキュラムのすばらしさを知る事ができました。私の将来にとっても大変ためになると思ったので応募することにしたいと思いました。 この大学が大好きです。 もし大学に入ることができたら一生懸命がんばって勉強したいと思います。そして悔いのない四年間を過ごしたいと思います。 ーーーーーー 以上です。 他に頼れる人もいなくて困っています。 どうかアドバイスをお願いします。

  • 英文、添削お願いします。

    はじめて英語で手紙を書こうと思ったのですが、 本当に英語が苦手で困っています。 辞書と格闘したり翻訳機能を使ってみましたが自信がありません。 是非、添削をお願いします。 私は初めて☆☆☆を見た時、ショーの素晴らしさに凄く感動しました。 When ☆☆☆ was seen for the first time, I was impressed by wonderful of the show. そして私はすぐこのショーが大好きになりました。 And, I came to love this show soon. 私はいつもあなたのダンスと笑顔に元気をもらっています。 I am always getting vigor from your dance and smile. だから私はショーを見に行くのをいつも楽しみにしています。 Therefore, I am always looking forward to going to see the show. あなたのダンスはとても素敵で私は大好きです。 Your dance is very wonderful and I am loved. (お願いがあるのですが)もし良かったらあなたの名前を教えてもらえませんか? If it is good, could you teach me your name.

  • 【至急】英語の添削お願いします

    授業で Why is education so important in your life? という課題を出されました。 自分なりに書いてみたのですが、文法等に自信がありません;; どなたか添削お願いいたします。 I think that the purpose of education is to acquire and develop the wisdom of living well. To acquire the knowledge helps us to have flexible thinking. There is no end of learning in life. Moreover, to learn new thing is my greatest pleasure. That’s the very reason why I am educated. よろしくお願いします!!

  • 至急お願いします!インターンシップ 添削

    インターンシップの志望理由を英語で書かなければ ならないのですが、うまく書けません・・・ 至急添削をお願いしたいです。 よかったら、付け加えたほうがよい文章など ありましたら、そちらもお願いします。 This is because it thought that it wants to know what kind of thing the atmosphere of a thing and the company how can make use of having learned at a university in real work is. Furthermore, I wanted to learn the difference between student and durability of the consciousness of the member of society. I do not judge work from only appearance and can feed power to understand including a hiding part generally by experiencing internship. And I can feel weight and a sense of fulfilment ,worth to work,to take work on. In addition,I thought that it let me regarded as one opportunity to check my appropriateness and easy posture for finding employment and that gave me an opportunity to wrestle seriously.

  • 英語の添削

    今度英語で発表することになったのですが、一応考えたのですが自信が無いので添削をお願いします。 Good afternoon everyone. My name is ○○ and today I am going to talk about my favorite trip. This year I went to Malaysia with my friends. Malaysia is a country near the equator. Everyday the weather is very nice so there was very hot. But I enjoyed this trip and want to go to Malaysia again. I will tell you about three reasons why this was my favorite trip. First, Malaysian food was very delicious. There are many races so we can eat various food such as Indian and Chinese and so on. I was so happy to eat Nyonya food. Nyonya food is mixing Malaysian food and Chinese food. Malaysian food taste mostly spicy but everything was very delicious. Second, Malaysia has many famous historic building. I went to Kuala Lumpur and Malacca. I went to tour the Twin-Tower and the Blue Mosque. Twin-Tower is the third highest around the world. In Malacca, I rode a trishaw. Trishaw is like "Zinrikishya". It looks beautiful and the view of outside is wonderful. Finally, I went to Spa. Malaysia is famous for Spa so Malaysian people often reserve the Spa. To my surprise, there is a bath with a lot of flowers. the massage make me feel very comfortable and happy. In short, this was a great trip. if you think to go to foreign countries, I want you to go to Malaysia. I think you will surely be a wonderful trip. おかしければ文章自体を変えてもらってもかまいません。 添削よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語訳お願いします。

    どなたか、英語が堪能な方お願いします。 (1) This is charcoal. I like barbeque very much. I often have barbeque party with my family and friends in summer. It is really fun and dish is very delicious. (2) This is an autographed ball. I was given an autograph by Mr.Yoshinobu Takahashi in Yomiuri Giants. It is genuine. I like baseball since long ago. My father watched Major League games on TV in the weekend and I came to like it affected by that. (3) These are vegetables. I am working as a part time worker at the grocery store. All worker are friendly and cheerful and I am happy to work. My job is easy. (lol) Good points to work there are that hourly pay is high and I can eat many fresh fruits. (4) This is a savings bank in the form of Jizo (a guardian deity of children). It has good touch and I like it. No money is in it. (lol) (5) This is a seal. I bought it when I went to the trip to Beijing, China. It was made of crystal and by craftsman’s hands. I like it very much but have never used. (lol) (6) This is a photo of Tenanmon. It was very cold on the day I took this photo. It was very wide and the building had sense of history. Here was also a location site of the movie "Last Emperor." (7) This is a ticket of the World Cup. I went to the World Cup 2006 in Germany. I saw the game between Japan and Brazil and was very excited. Dortmund in Germany had very beautiful street and very tasty baked sausage 長文すいません・・・

  • 添削お願いします

    青山の問題なのですが Describe the worst day of your life. Get on the train crowding with many people every day is the most day of my life. Because morning train from 7:00to 8:00 is very crowded with many people. But I have to get on this train in order to go to school. it is hard for me to continue this routine. これっておかしいですか? 私は毎日満員電車に乗ることが人生の中でつらい日だ。 なぜなら7:00から8:00の電車はとても多くの人で混んでいるからだ。 しかし学校に着くためにはこの電車に乗らなければならない。 私にとってこの習慣をつずけること辛い。 違うところがあったら教えてください

  • 【至急】英文の添削をお願いします。

    海外のアーティストさんに出す手紙を書いていますが、英語が苦手なため困っています。相手も英語のネイティブの方ではないためシンプルなわかりやすい文章にしたいのですが、力不足で四苦八苦しています。お力をお借りできましたら本当に助かります。よろしくお願いします。 コンサートであなたの素晴らしいパフォーマンスを見ると「一期一会」ということわざを思い出します。 I remembered the proverbs "iti go iti e", each time I watch your marvelous performance at concert. この言葉は「一生に一度の出会い」という意味です。 This word is "Once in a Lifetime Opportunity" means. 元々は日本の茶道において「茶会は毎回一生に一度。主人も客も誠心誠意行うべき。」と説かれた言葉です。 In Japanese Tea Cult, this words was originally preached , "this tea ceremony is once in a lifetime every time. Both host and guest wholeheartedly thing to do." あなたのパフォーマンスも毎回手抜きをせず心を込めているから多くの観客の心を揺さぶるのだと思います。 I think your performance moved many audience deeply, because you wholeheartedly perform and spare no trouble every time. そしてその時間は二度とは経験できないもの、儚いけれどとても貴重なものだと思います。 And that time will never experience that can not be, I think it is very precious but fragile. 最後に、とても多忙にもかかわらずこのイベントを承諾してくれて本当に感謝します。 Finally, I really appreciate what you are very busy, nevertheless you consent to this event. 私たちファンだけでなくあなた自身にとっても今日のイベントが素晴らしい思い出となるように願っています。 I wish not only fans but also you will make some great memories of this event.

  • この文章の和訳を至急お願いします!!!

    *When creating your scrapbook, please keep terms in order and be consistent with your format! Make sure you do the correct terms that are assigned for each quarter! Incorrect terms will not be graded! Terms and Due Dates Quarter 1- Due- Tuesday, September 24th! (Due date subject to change per teacher discretion) TERMS- Liberty, Natural Rights, Representative Government, Popular Sovereignty, Checks & Balances, Entitlements, Constitutionality Quarter 2-Due- Tuesday, November 5th! (Peer Grading Day and turn in.) (Due date subject to change per teacher discretion!) TERMS- Federalism, Rule of Law, Social Injustice, Diversity, Bureaucracy, Internationalism, Judicial Review *Please plan ahead!! Do not wait until the last minute to work on your project!! When done correctly, there is a great deal of time and effort that needs to be put aside for this!! I expect there to be a tremendous amount of thought process that is put into your work. I will be able to tell if that happened by your final product that is turned in!!!!!!!! THIS IS A HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT!! You will not have time to work on this in class. Other homework will be given simultaneously that corresponds to our daily studies. *I believe it is your civic responsibility to educate yourself about these terms and how they correlate to the life that you are living and that in which history has established for us! Do well and make this assignment a product of who you are and what you believe to be the foundations of our democracy.