
  • £18.99の読み方を教えてください。eighteen pounds and ninety-nine pence でしょうか、それとも、他に慣用的な読み方(この文脈に合った)があるのでしょうか。
  • 英国の月刊誌の書籍の紹介記事です。英ポンド通貨のマークが文字化けした£18.99の読み方について教えてください。
  • £18.99を読むときの一般的な読み方は「eighteen pounds and ninety-nine pence」ですが、他に慣用的な読み方があるかどうか知りたいです。
  • ベストアンサー

£18.99 の読み方について

Polio: An American Story—The Crusade That Mobilized the Nation Against the 20th Century's Most Feared Disease By David M. Oshinsky Oxford University Press; 342 pages; $30 and £18.99 Buy it at Amazon.com Amazon.co.uk ---------------------- £ は、英ポンド通貨のマークが文字化けしたものです。 ----------------------- これは英国月刊誌の書籍の紹介の記事です。 £18.99の読み方を教えてください。 eighteen pounds and ninety-nine pence でしょうか、 それとも、他に慣用的な読み方(この文脈に合った)があるのでしょうか。 教えてください。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数0


  • ベストアンサー

通常、 eighteen, ninety-nine という感じでポンドやペンスは入れずに読むことが多いです。


  • 和訳をお願いします^^;

    Malaria parasites in Cambodia are becoming increasingly resistant to the drug hailed as the world's best chance to eradicate the disease. Artemisinin-based drugs are currently the best weapon against malaria, a disease which kills around a million people every year and is spread by mosquitoes carrying malaria parasites such as Plasmodium falciparum. These parasites have already developed resistance to drugs such as chloroquine and sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine, once the front line against the disease, so hopes have been pinned on artemisinin-combination therapies (ACTs). The parasites have become far less easy to treat with ACTs, however, in the Cambodian city of Pailin, close to the country's western border with Thailand. The finding was made by researchers from the Wellcome Trust–Mahidol University Oxford Tropical Medicine Research Programme, based in Bangkok, Thailand. In particular, the parasites are becoming more resistant to a combined therapy of artesunate, derived from artemisinin, and mefloquine, a quinine analogue. This combination is used to treat malaria worldwide. Rumours about artemisinin resistance in Cambodia have been circulating for a number of years, and a relatively small study by Harald Noedl at the Medical University of Vienna and his colleagues, published late last year, suggested that resistance was emerging. よろしくお願いしますm(。・ω・。)m

  • Assignment of delegations (UCC)

    米国法からです。解釈の仕方について戸惑っています。 On April 1, Neptune Fisheries contracted in writing with West markets to deliver to West 3,000 pounds of lobsters at $4.00 a pound. Delivery of the lobsters was due May 1 with payment due June 1.On April 4, Neptune entered into a contract with Deep Sea Farms which provided: ゛Neptune Fisheries assigns all the right under the contract with West Markets dated April 1 to Deep Sea Farms." The April 4 contract was an assignment of rights and a delegation of duties by Neptune. ここで質問なのですが、この場合のAssignment of dutiesは理解できます。lobsterを売ってお金を受け取る 権利があるからです。一方Assignment of delegationsなんですが、これはlobsterを売らなければならないからでしょうか。

  • なぜ"pound"を"Lb."と書くのですか?

    素朴な疑問です。重量の単位の"pound"はなぜ"Lb."と書くのですか?イギリスの通貨単位の"pound"の記号も大文字の"L"に似てますが、関係あるんでしょうか。 同様に"ounce"が"oz."になるのも不思議です。

  • 和訳をお願します

    Dr. Nicholas Day is a professor of global health at Oxford University, and he coordinates research on infectious diseases such as malaria and dengue fever in rural Southeast Asia. There is hope that malaria can someday be eradicated, but the disease is still very common. Unfortunately, it seems that malaria parasites in Cambodia are becoming resistant to the drug that was once thought to be the best chance of eradicating the disease. Two groups of malaria patients were used in a study directed by Dr. Day. One group was from Cambodia, and the other was located in Thailand. Each group was divided into two subgroups. One subgroup took artesunate; the other took an artesunate-mefloquine combination. The Cambodian subjects took longer to clear the parasite. In other words, the parasite found in the Cambodian subjects was able to resist both treatments better than the parasite that was present in the Thai subjects. Furthermore, six of the Cambodian subjects in the artesunate sub-group contracted the disease again, while only two of the Thai artesunate sub-group subjects fell ill with malaria after the first clearance of the parasite. The combined therapy was much more effective, with only one case of re-infection in each group. The largest lesson from the study is that eradication efforts ― developing improved drugs, controlling mosquito populations, and protecting people by using mosquito nets, among other actions ― must be accelerated, or the malaria parasites will become too strong to eliminate. よろしくお願いします^^;

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    Now that the British had found the Germans, Jellicoe was joined by the fleet based at Scapa Flow led by Sir David Beatty. Fifty-two ships joined the Grand Fleet. Jellicoe and Beatty faced a fleet of forty German ships led by Admiral Hipper. They opened fire at one another at a distance of about ten miles. Though they were a smaller force, the initial advantage lay with the Germans who were helped with their visibility by the lay of the sun. Just after 16.00, the British battle cruiser “Indefatigable” was destroyed by the Germans. One thousand men lost their lives when a magazine exploded. Nearly thirty minutes later, “Queen Mary” was sunk in just ninety seconds. The position of the British became more difficult when Hipper was joined by Scheer’s High Seas Fleet. Jellicoe’s force was about fifteen miles from Beatty’s force when the actual battle started. As the two British fleets converged, the British suffered a third major loss when the “Invincible” was sunk shortly after 18.30.

  • 和訳お願い致します。英語の意味が全く分かりません。

    the fall winter collection of Liberty is freely inspired by a public figure from the last century, Mohammed Ali Jinnah. An indian historical figure who lived across the 1st half of the 20th century and considered to be the founder of Pakistan. Although originally from Indian he studied in Oxford and worked in London as a lawyer, after which he returned to Indiaand started his political career. England greatly influenced his personal preferences, particularly when it came to dress. Jinnah wore mainly western style clothing , and pursued menswear fashion with fervor. It is said he owned over 200hand-tailored suits which he wore the same silk tie twice. His wardrobe was a sophisticated mix of various elements, as the travel between east was a constant throughout his life. この文章ですが、洋服屋さんで頂いたパンフレットに書かれていた言葉なのですが全く意味が分かりません。辞書を引いてみたのですが、私には文章が難しすぎます。 和訳できる方、申し訳ないですがご協力お願いしたいです。

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    Further north, the 169th Brigade was to advance to Polygon Wood through Glencorse Wood and 167th Brigade was to reach the north-western part of Polygon Wood through Nonne Bosschen. The 8th Division was to attack with two brigades, between Westhoek and the Ypres–Roulers railway, to the green line on the rise east of the Hanebeek stream. Eight tanks were allotted to II Corps to assist the infantry. The artillery support for the attack was the same as that for 10 August, 180 eighteen-pounder guns for the creeping barrage moving at 110 yd (100 m) in five minutes, with seventy-two 4.5-inch howitzers and 36 eighteen-pounders placing standing barrages beyond the final objective. Eight machine-gun companies were to fire barrages on the area from the north-east of Polygon Wood to west of Zonnebeke. XIX and XVIII corps further north, were also to capture the green line, slightly beyond the German Wilhelm (third) line. Each XIX Corps division had fourteen 18-pounder batteries for the creeping barrage and twenty-four 4.5-inch howitzer batteries and forty machine-guns for standing barrages, along with the normal heavy artillery groups. Each division also had 108 eighteen-pounders and thirty-six 4.5-inch howitzers for bombardment and benefitted from supply routes which had been far less heavily shelled than those further south. In the XVIII Corps area, a brigade each from the 48th and 11th divisions with eight tanks each, was to attack from the north end of St. Julien, to the White House east of Langemarck. The 20th Division planned to capture Langemarck with the 60th and 61st brigades. The 59th Brigade was to go into reserve after holding the line before the attack, less the two battalions in the front line, which were to screen the assembly of the attacking brigades. The attack was to begin on the east bank of the Steenbeek where the troops had 77–148 yd (70–135 m) of room to assemble, crossing over on wooden bridges laid by the engineers the night before the attack.

  • 興味関心が Pound って?

    興味関心が Pound とはどういう意味ですか?(辞書確認済み)

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    Aqaba was not in and of itself a major military obstacle; a small village at the time, it was not actually garrisoned by the Turks, though the Turks did keep a small, 300-man garrison at the mouth of the Wadi Itm to protect from landward attack via the Sinai Peninsula. The Royal Navy occasionally shelled Aqaba, and in late 1916 had briefly landed a party of Marines ashore there, though a lack of harbour or landing beaches made an amphibious assault impractical. The British feared that Aqaba would threaten their flank as Murray's troops advanced into Palestine, or could be used as a base for German submarines in the Red Sea. The main obstacle to a successful landward attack on the town was the large Nefud Desert, believed by many to be impassable.The expedition started moving towards Aqaba in May. Despite the heat of the desert, the seasoned Bedouins encountered few obstacles aside from occasional harassment from small bands of Arabs paid off by the Turks; they lost more men to attacks by snakes and scorpions than to enemy action.[citation needed] During the expedition, Auda and Lawrence's forces also did severe damage to the Hejaz Railway. Auda and his men reached the Wadi Sirhan region, occupied by the Rualla tribe. Auda paid 6,000 pounds sterling in gold to their leader to allow his men to use Wadi Sirhan as a base. Lawrence's plan was to convince the Turks that the target of his attack was Damascus, rather than Aqaba. At one point in this expedition, he went on a solitary reconnaissance expedition, destroying a railroad bridge. Lawrence did this largely to convince the Turks that the Arab force - of which they had received vague reports - was moving towards Damascus or Aleppo. The expedition then approached Daraa, and captured a railroad station nearby. This action confirmed for the Turks, who had heretofore been misled as to the Arab army's intentions, that Aqaba was indeed their target.

  • pound=lbの語源及び、分数の読み方

    簡単な日常英会話はしゃべれるのですが、恥ずかしながら2点分からない事があります。1点目はpoundのことをlbと表記しますが、その語源はいったい何でしょうか? 2点目は分数の表現です。 例えば、1/2lbでしたら、half pound 1/4でしたら、 quarter poundと全く問題ないのですが、問題なのが次です。1/3lbでしたら、one third poundで宜しいのでしょうか?ちなみに通じます。 幼児レベルで申し訳ございません。