
  • 動画のコメントの翻訳について
  • 日本人少女への呼称に関する疑問と翻訳アプリの返信
  • 国や地域による呼称の違いと文化的背景の考察
  • ベストアンサー


とある動画で、日本人の少女に対する呼称を「asian girl」としていたので、その人に「Japanese girl」と呼んでくれ、と翻訳アプリで送ると、次のような返信が来ました。「hello. I agree with your comment, but I have some concerns. When we see a girl marching in England, we don't say European girl, we say British girl. But you said Asian girl Instead of Japanese girl. Even though Mr. Trump said that it was a Chinese virus, there were people in the United States who used violence even against Japanese allies. After all, I understand your comment that Westerners see Asia as a whole. If possible, I wanted you to call they a Japanese girl」翻訳アプリにかけたのですが、内容がよくわかりません。お分かりになる方、翻訳をよろしくお願い致します。

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数4


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9732/12106)

以下のとおりお答えします。 なるほど、確かに誤植と思しき部分がありますね。 まあ、それを推測で補って、意訳するとこんな感じです。 (意訳文) 《やあ、こんにちは。あなたのコメントには同意しますが、何となく気になることがあります。私たちは、イギリスで行進する女の子を見ても、ヨーロッパの女の子とは言わず、イギリスの女の子と言います。でも、(誰かが)日本の女の子と言わずに、アジアの女の子と言った、ということですね。トランプ氏が(敵国)中国のウイルスだと言っても、アメリカでは同盟国日本の人に対しても暴力を振るう人がいました。ということで、欧米人はアジアを全体として見ている、というあなたのコメントは分かります。(ですから)できれば、そういう連中に、日本人の女の子と呼ぶように言ってでほしいところです。》




その他の回答 (1)

  • takochann2
  • ベストアンサー率36% (2032/5595)

Nakay702 さんの回答に若干の修正を加えます。 第二文は、 イギリスで少女を見かけたら、ヨーロッパ人と言わずにイギリス(ブリテン)人と言うけども、日本人を見かけてもアジア人と言うと、あなたは言っているのですね。 最終文は、 つまるところ、西洋人はアジア人を一括して見る、というあなたの指摘は理解します、可能ならあなた方を日本人と呼びたいです!





  • 翻訳お願いします

    以下翻訳お願いします。どうしても最後の文章がどっちのニュアンスなのか分かりません。DateとPlaceをこれから決めようと言ってるのしょうか? I'm not sure what to say about our situation but just seems quite unreasonable for your mom to act this way? I don't know your mom but I feel this marriage issue is firstly between you and me, secondly this should be a family matter but that is once we decide to set dates and place. よろしくお願いします。

  • 翻訳お願いします。。。

    However, the second starting over was more difficult than the first. In the USSA races that followed, I finished mostly at the bottom. A girl who had finished second to last told her friend that she had finished last. She said,“There was Diana behind me all right, but she doesn't count.”I couldn't laugh this time. 長めですがよろしくお願いします

  • 翻訳してくださいm(__)m

    日本語に翻訳してください。 (1)I'm sorry I love you so much. I will make up for being awful to you. And I didn't mean that you aren't better than my ex. You are way better than her in a million ways. I love you and would do anything to make you happy. (2)Hehehehe when I said that you would beat her it was you would beat using me as a toilet cus that's what she wanted and that would make her mad lol You gave me a heart attack. I started crying (at last!) You are the most amazing girl on the planet. I don't care how good your English is I will always love you (heart) (3)Like I said when we first started talking. If you ever see something I said that offends you please know that is not what I meant. I would never want to hurt you.

  • 英語の翻訳をお願いします!

    英語の翻訳をお願いします! 今英語を勉強中で、海外の人とメールのやりとりをしてるのですが、いただいた文の意味が理解できません。 以下を翻訳できる方お願いします。 --------------------------------------------- Now I go to sleep but I see your message so I want to answer you. I'm happy to have to do your meet =) I want to say to you "Have nice day and enjoy it even if it's a little hard" =) I send you my happyness and I hope who you become happy =) Latter I send you an other mail. --------------------------------------------- よろしくお願いします。

  • 翻訳をお願いいたします。

    クインシー・ジョーンズ氏のインタビューから この文章の翻訳をお願いいたします。 There’s a small anecdote in your memoir about how the rock musicians who’d been asked to sing on “We Are the World” were griping about the song. Is there more to that story? It wasn’t the rockers. It was Cyndi Lauper. She had a manager come over to me and say, “The rockers don’t like the song. ” I know how that shit works. We went to see Springsteen, Hall & Oates, Billy Joel, and all those cats and they said, “We love the song. ” So I said [to Lauper], “Okay, you can just get your shit over with and leave. ” And she was fucking up every take because her necklace or bracelet was rattling in the microphone. It was just her that had a problem. よろしくお願いします。

  • ブログに書かれたコメントを翻訳して下さい。

    ブログにここ最近続けて英語のコメントがついています。全て違うホスト からの書き込みのようです。 翻訳で調べてみたのですが、全く意味が分かりません。 とても長いですが、どなたか翻訳して下さい。宜しくお願いします。 (1)In the end she laughed heartily at his attentive companion in a pine. (2)Even while speaking in English. (3)But you've got the spot that Deerslayer could have saved the life of a repentant child. (4)The insult that had been left in a rich soil. (5)You are honest; when, happening to turn out to be conscious that the enemy, did the ch'ice actually lie afore you? (6)Father and mother's graves are in the grass; all the consideration he claimed. (7)I was prepared to appear, respectable, if the truth, the Dawn, a very embarrassed state; but, the Wilkeses, the gentleman named Drewett, said some one from the solicitations of the whole party around me. (8) am certain, and had button holes worked in gold thread.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    We just wanted to move on in a productive, caring, productive… — and did I say 'productive?' — environment, and when the time came for us to do that, I think we shocked a lot of people. So with that said, we really, really wish Scott the very, very best. I hope he one day finds the light. But as far us, we wanted to, like I said, move forward, and not try to recreate our catalog, because I think that's impossible to do; we had a lineup change, we have a different man in the band now, we have a different human being, a different energy.

  • どなた様か和訳してください。お願いします!

    At the concert there was a girl who got in my taxi and said take me home... I said sure I'll take you home. She no TAKE ME HOME!!! I said oh no, no I have a girlfriend. She actually said " she won't know about it" I said but I will. When she got out she gave me $20 dollar tip, and said your girlfriend is lucky! I said no she's special. That is word for word what was said.

  • どのように解釈したらよいのかわかりません。どなたか翻訳をお願い致します

    どのように解釈したらよいのかわかりません。どなたか翻訳をお願い致します。 I think i will find that special lady, she will be asian, a woman not a girl, i hope she will be beautiful inside too. i think you have all of these qualities, and i hope i can convince you, that im a serious guy, who is serious about you. I hope i have not shocked you, please forgive me, im not sure how you feel about a younger guy.Maybe i have said too much. メル友(イギリス人男性 年下)から”ソウルメイトがなかなか見つからない”という内容のメールに対して、”あなたなら素敵な人が見つかるから大丈夫”と返信しました。 その後、このメールを受け取りました。”serious about you ”をどのように解釈したらよいのでしょうか? 英語圏で生活経験のある方、ご存知でしたら教えて下さい。 よろしくお願い致します。

  • 翻訳お願いします!

    英語が苦手で、翻訳をおねがいします! Mate. I was surprised to see your Facebook today?! What happened with your ex girlfriend? She was really nice I thought? Your new girl must be special! How's life? Not seen you in ages!! よろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m