• 締切済み


Explain the difference between time series methods and casual modeling approaches in quantitative forecasting approaches?


  • cincinnati
  • ベストアンサー率46% (606/1293)

As the term "time series method" indicates, it is often seen in the world of physics or sociology, etc. that a phenomenon will be presented with a specific numerical value after a certain period of time, so for example, a society in the next few years the researcher could see how the situation has changed. I think this method it's quite convenient and reliable to predict the situation. Also, I think the term "casual modeling approach" is an idea to make an approximate model or mathematical formula in advance for a phenomenon to be predicted, and input the passage of time or other relevant data as numerical values into the model. I think that the model made is calculated and used as the prediction for the future event.



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  • 初めまして、こんにちは。

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  • 英訳:○○を決定する要因は◇◇にありそうだ

    『○○と△△の違いを決定する要因は、◇◇にありそうである。』という文章を英訳したいのですが、 The key factors that determine the difference between ○○ and △△ are likely in the ◇◇. という文章で正しいでしょうか? より適切な表現をご存じの方がいらっしゃいましたら、ご教示お願いします。