• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9758/12152)

「お礼コメント」を拝見しました。 >つまりこのthat節は関係代名詞で、the stuffを先行詞として形容詞的用法として修飾しているということですよね? ⇒はい、そのとおりです。より厳密に言えば、このthat節は関係代名詞節で、形容詞的用法として先行詞のthe stuffを限定修飾している、ということです。





  • I have noの考え方

    英語ではなぜないものを持っているというような変な言い方をするのでしょうか? have no money havn no likes and dislikes

  • that節

    My husband and I have been raising two of my grandkids: Their mothers are from my first marriage and addicted to drugs. It was rough the first few years, but I told my husband I couldn’t turn my back on the grandkids and he said that we together could do it. Fast-forward several years and he’s retired, the kids are 14 and 9, and I feel like I get punished all the time for “ruining his life and retirement” by choosing the grandkids over him. He always starts off that it was the only choice we could make, but there isn’t a day that goes by he doesn’t have a sarcastic remark about me or the grandkids’ mothers or how dishonest and horrible all women are. He always starts off thatはなぜ that節がとれるのでしょうか?何にでもとれるわけではないですよね?よろしくお願いします

  • that節について

    I’m a single woman with a large extended family. I cope with the enormous project of buying Christmas presents by getting them very early. Everyone in my family knows this; it’s the family joke that I have all my presents purchased by Halloween. My brother’s wife, Jean, sent out a group text last week saying they have decided not to exchange gifts with the extended family and would only be getting gifts for each other and their own kids. They have five kids, both together and via previous marriages, so I understand, but would have appreciated more notice. My mom asked what I was going to do, and I said I’d keep the gifts for the kids but return the ones I got for my brother and Jean. Unfortunately, my dad, the family bigmouth, overheard us and told my brother. This weekend, Jean made a snide remark about how I didn’t understand the “true meaning of Christmas” and how I’m withholding their gifts simply because I’m not getting anything in return. In the moment, I snapped that she doesn’t get to spend my money for me, but on reflection I’m a little afraid she’s right. it’s the family joke thatとI snapped thatはなぜthat節がとれるのでしょうか?決まりがあるのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • thatについて

    But according to some native American tribes, hunters killed a great bear in the sky. Its blood turned some leaves red, and while the hunters cooked it in a pot, its fat turned some leaves yellow. I love that story, but what I love, too, about fall and the fall foliage is it bitter sweet quality. There's something melancholy about the beautiful leaves falling from the trees. You know that song, "Autumn in New York." That sums it up for me, that mingling of love and pain. この英文の最後の行の That sums it up for me, that mingling of love and pain.  that が2つ書かれてますが、それぞれ何を指してるのですか?どう訳していけば良いのですか? 教えて下さい。よろしくお願いします。

  • このthat必要ですか?

    時々、なぜthatを入れる必要があるのか分からない文と出会います。 下記2つの文は最近疑問に感じたものですが、どちらも同じthatの用法でしょうか?どちらにしても、thatは必要なのでしょうか? 分かられる方がおられましたらご教示をお願い致します。 (1)I'm thinking that this might be a mistake,and that you'd mean to order only five trays. このandの後のthatの意味 (2)I hope u r well and that u have an amazing day! このandの後のthatの意味 何卒宜しくお願い致します。

  • that/which/whoについて

    1,Do you know anyone who/that speaks French and Italian?と、 2,John who(not THAT) speaks French and Itarian, works as a tourist guide.でなんで2は、THATを使ってはいけないんですか? (1),Barbara works for a company that/which makes washing machines.と、 (2),Brad told me about his new job, which(not THAT) he`s enjoying very much.の違いも教えてください

  • on that front

    The other is this: study abroad isn’t just about studying. It’s about being abroad, and about all the experiences and advantages that only complete immersion in another country and culture can give you. And on that front, darling, there should be nothing keeping you from taking the time you have left and making it amazing. on that frontとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • so just feel ~ that【和訳】

    次の文章の和訳をお願いします。特にso just feelからがわかりません。解説いただければありがたいです。 If we have very, very low self-esteem, which is a rampant problem in Western culture for many various reasons, then we can be very jealous of what others have achieved, but we feel that, “I couldn’t possibly achieve that, I’m not good enough” and we don’t even try. You just give up and feel bad about ourselves; so just feel “poor me,” that everybody else is so successful and “I’m a loser.”

  • for that(そのための)って英語使いますか

    お世話になります。 英語のフレーズで、例えば「英語力を伸ばすことと、そのための環境に興味がある」と言いたい時 I have an interest in improving my English and environment for that. の最後の"for that"は正しいでしょうか。 そもそも論としては、ここで "for it" なのか "for that" なのかで迷ったのですが、 itは「共通理解があるもの」、 thatは「少し遠さを感じさせるもの」という程度の理解で for that かなと考えました。 口語ではfor thatとよく聞く気がする(気のせいかもしれない)のですが、 あまり文章で観た記憶が少ないので質問させていただきました。 よろしくお願い致します。

  • If that does it

    I have been friends with “Jon” for four years. He’s a great guy but not my type. Four months ago Jon got drunk, confessed his undying love for me, and tried to kiss me. I gently rejected him and got someone else to sober him up. The next day, Jon apologized. I told him I valued our friendship and since then, our things have gone back to normal—but several of our mutual friends are pressuring me to give Jon a chance. They ignore my refusals and try to sell me on him. One got very angry when I started dating someone new and accused me of stringing Jon along. I was honest with Jon, and I have tried to be kind (I don’t complain to him about my love life or anything). I have asked Jon several times if we are OK, and he said yes, but all this interference from our friends has left me with doubts. Jon and I have plans to go to France this summer with another friend, and I have spent a lot of money on nonrefundable tickets. Should I ignore all this or press Jon for more details? —Pining I don’t think it’s Jon you need to speak to right now. It’s possible that he’s been pretending to be fine while secretly complaining to your friends, but that’s not at all certain, and the people whose behavior is bothering you right now are your mutual friends—so tell them to knock it off. “I’ve been very clear with Jon from the start that I care about him as a friend and I’m not interested in him romantically. I’m not stringing him along, but I’m also tired of your attempts to convince me I ought to want to be with him. I don’t know why you think it would be a good start to a romantic relationship for one party to have to be repeatedly talked into it. I certainly don’t. You need to stop.” If that does it, great! If that does itはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします