• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:ジョーク&引用集の分からない英文2)


  • 「ジョーク&引用集」に分からない英文があります。訳を教えていただけませんか?
  • ジョーク集や引用集には、分からない文章もあります。訳を教えていただけませんか?
  • ジョーク&引用集で分からない英文があります。訳ができる方、教えてください。


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

1。「この包みはあなたのですか?名前がはっきり読めないんですけど」「私のじゃないです。私の名前は:(はっきり読めて)マギンティーです」 2。「何かに確信が持てるのは、バカだけだ」とある大学教授が言った。先生、これ確かでしょうか?(イエスと言えばあなたがバカだということになるから) 3。いい忠告は他に回すしかない。自分には役に立たないから。(まあかろうじてジョークと言ったあまりおかしくないジョークですね) 4。スラングとは、上着を脱いで、両手に唾を吐いて、(=本気で、上品ぶらないで)仕事に取り組む(ような)言葉だ。 5。テンパーを無くしても腹立ちは収まらない、 lose one's temper は、下記のように、「腹を立てる」という熟語と、「temper を失う」という文字通りの意味とがある。 https://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=lose+temper 6。愛の囁きは変わっていない。3000年前、ギリシャの乙女たちは一晩中竪琴(lyre 竪琴のリラは、英語式に発音すると[láiər] となり liar 嘘つきと同じ発音になる)耳を傾けた。



SPS700さん、ご回答ありがとうございます。 まず回答の早さにびっくりしました。 同時通訳くらい早かったですね。 以前にも質問をしたことがあるのですが、SPS700さんにわかりやすい解説で教えていただきましたね。 英文と日本語訳を照らし合わせて感心しきりです。 読んでて、なんだかうれしくなってきました。 なるほどlyreは、liarでしたか。こういうのは独力では絶対に無理でした。 「lyre」に何か性的な意味があるにちがいないという方向で、必死に調べてましたから。 ……ともかく、まだまだ独力では理解できない英文がたくさんあるので、 今後ともどうぞよろしくお願い致します。



  • ジョーク&引用集の分からない英文

    ずっと愛読している、「ジョーク&引用集」があるのですが、何度読んでも分からないラインがあるのです。 何年もたってから、もうそろそろ理解できるようになっているかなと、何度もトライしてみるのですが、やっぱりまだ無理かと、自分の成長の遅さに落ち込んでしまいます。 分からない部分には「?」マークをつけていて、それが本のあちこちに見られるのですが、それを全部消せたら、私の英語読解力も少しは上がるのでしょうか。 このまま何年も置いておいても、理解できる日が来るような気がしないので、思いきって分かる方に力をお借りしたいと考えました。 下に書いたものは、分からないラインのほんの一部なのですが、どなたか訳を教えていただけないでしょうか。 ご教示のほど、宜しくお願い致します。 いっぺんにちょっと多すぎましたでしょうか? 1) Marriage is the only life sentence that can be commuted for bad behaviour. 2) A marriage can last a long time if two people are determined to see how long they can stand each other with neither one giving up. 3) There, little luxury, don't you cry - you'll be a necessity by and by. 4) "Charity begins at home and generally gets no further" is an old saying of Confucius which I just wrote. 5) A bore is a man who, when you ask him how he is, tells you. 6) A close relative may be a skinflint and yet be the skinflint you love to touch. 7) We never heard of a mob rushing madly across town to do a needed kindness. 8) Civilization is just a slow process of creating more needs to supply. 9) There is no wholly satisfactory substitute for brains, but silence does pretty well. 10) Some people want the benefit of doubt when there isn't any. 11) Truth crushed to earth will rise, because it will not lie. 12) A person who loses his head usually is the last one to miss it.

  • この英文間違いあるでしょうか?

    この英文間違いあるでしょうか? 友達に送る文です。 最後のへんあたりは違う文ですが・・・・ 1)The economy of Japan doesn't see ahead. How much is the cost of living of the average though I think about the migration in Hong Kong? As for work, it thinks about an architectural relation. 2)However, it is not easy so much. Mainland China is impossible in various respects. Still, the medical issue is large. The foreigner's migration is not admitted. Hong Kong was expected to be an admission on the Web site. The wall where either is big the word ‥ Your support is also necessary. 3)After that, where can you support it for me?Is it a connection only on the site? It doesn't demand ..impossibility... However, I want only to hear it. 。 Hong Kong?Is does it live in the bay district and [masuka]?Detailed address? Are you scary? Japan wants to present you the present. How should I go from HONG KONG INT'L AIRPORT to your house? Is there a hotel to be near? The text is requested from the translation agency this time. The purpose is to prevent the misunderstanding from occurring.

  • 英文添削のお願いです。

    英文添削お願いします。 文書が長いので部分的でも結構です。 よろしくお願いします。 She gives you a short tour in my house. There are 2 bedrooms and a bathroom, a lavatory on the 1st floor. A place you use is the bathroom and the lavatory. Here is the lavatory. There is one on the 2nd floor, too. Here is a light switch. It’s hard to make out a little. After you use it, pull or push this lever to flush the lavatory with only this paper. But be careful not to flush anything else, Here is a bathroom. We Japanese do not only take the shower, sit in the bathtub. But only sit in the bathtub, never put a soap into the bathtub. This lever regulate a temperature of water from shower. And this lever give you a water. When you sit a bathtub, if you do not feel a hot in the bathwater, push this button to make it hot. You have to cover with this panel, before you go out of the bathroom. There are a living room and a dining room, a lavatory on the 2nd floor. We have an every meal in this dining room and feel at home in this living room with my family. This lavatory is same as 1st. There are 2 bedrooms on the 3rd floor. One is your room. You’ll have lived here with her. That’s all. Do you have any question?

  • わからない英文

    It merely tells you how well you did on a certain test on a certain. 上の文が意味わかりません。 どなたか、この英文の和訳と文法を教えてください!

  • この英文の訳をお願いいたします。 長いです。

    Every society makes laws to protect its way of life. By looking at a country's laws, we can learn something about the culture of that society. We can also understand what is important to its people. Sometimes these laws may surprise outsiders. In Switzerland,for example,you can't hang out laundry on Sundays. It is also against the law to use a power lawn mower on Sundays because it is too noisy. These laws tell us that Sunday are very important to the Swiss. これをお願いいたします。 あとit'sとitsの違いは何なのでしょうか。 よければお願いいたします。

  • 下の英文の日本語訳をお願いします。

    The idea of process is one of the most frustrating things about American life. It allows no day of triumph. Only a William Lloyd Garrison could see emancipation as the end of the slavery problem. Most o his colleagues knew that the struggle had only begun. The process of obtaining equal rights for black Americans was to be a long and continuing process. So with other areas. Where does process mean fulfillment? With a three-day workweek? With four cars in every garage? On the other hand, the commitment to this concept has enabled Americans too materialistic? Then the nation is in the process of a cultural revolution. Is the national wealth unfairly shares? Then the nation is in the process of achieving economic democracy. The commitment to process has its virtues and its shortcomings. It is impossible to say which side prevails. It is also impossible to understand American life and thought without an awareness of this trait. a William Lloyd Garrison 「ウィリアム。ロイド・ギャリソンのような人」 emancipation 「奴隷解放」

  • 英文の翻訳をお願いします。

    ebayで出品した商品に対して質問がありました。良く分かりません、翻訳お願いします。 i was just about to buy the item and when i am about to commit to buy its giving me the 21.95 shipping only option is there something wrong or a way to change that please let me know the auction is about to end and ill problably will not have the chance to buy it :(

  • 英語の英文を作りました。確認おねがいできませんで

    英語の英文を作りました。英語に詳しい方、確認おねがいできませんでしょうか? Excuse me. May I ask you something? I'm looking for a train station. The name is japan Station. Do you know where it is?     I'm looking for a subway station. The name is takenouchi station. Do you know where it is? I'm looking for a bus stop. The bus is for japan and the name of the bus stop is Kagoshima. Do you know where it is?     I'm looking for car. Do you know where it is? I have lost my way to japan. I am going to japan. Is this the right way to take? I am going to japan. Is this right direction to go? Would you show me where we are now on this map? Would you show me where my designation is on this map? Is it near here? Is it far from here? Do you think I can get there by walking? How long does it take to get there? Is there a Koban (Police Station) near here? Is there a public phone near here? I see. Thank you very much. It was great help! Thank you very much! How much is this? Which is it? This is 45 dollars. A price is high. Can you discount? I'm sorry. I cannot discount. I see. OK. I buy this. Thank you. Would you like this in a bag? Yes, please. May I put the handbill? OK. Please come back again. I come back again. I want to go to this gate. Where is this gate? This gate is over there. You turn at the right and turn to the left. ありがとうございます。ここで終わりです。感謝します

  • 以下の英文を訳してくださいませんか?

    以下の英文の訳をよろしくお願いします。 The speaker started to say '...is to take issues...', realised that this is an ambiguous phrase and then corrected him/herself by continuing 'it's taken...' (= it has taken)...'and 'it's used...' I see why you might think this is a passive - and if 'it's' = 'it is' you'd be right. But 'it's' can also mean 'it has'. Link to this forum: I don't undrestand the interview... Report message2 Message 3, in reply to message 1. Posted by Robert (U2283314) on Saturday, 9th April 2011 (6 Hours Ago) Well, I'm not an expert, but I see nothing here but present perfect tense. Maybe he/she is talking about a legislature or Parliament. "It's taken issues that apply to everybody (how about the 'federal funds rate' as set by the BoE) and it's used this convention to heighten those things."

  • この英文を和訳して頂けますか?

    imagine having the confidence of everybody around you for what it is you are about to do. 「a thousand paths to confidence」という本の一節ですが、what 以下が うまく訳せません。what you are about to do.であれば「あなたがしようとしていること」になると思うのですが、 間にある「it is」が何を指すのか、どう訳したらいいのかが今ひとつ理解できないのです。よろしくお願いします。