• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:よろしくお願いします)

Reconnecting with your college crush: Is it weird?

  • If you still have feelings for your old college crush, it might not be weird to reach out to her.
  • However, it would only be weird if you make it weird.
  • Consider your intentions and approach her with genuine friendship.


  • ベストアンサー

#4さんと回答が重なりますが、ちょっと#4さんの説明が分かりにくいかもしれませんので、、、。 make ~~**で、「~~を**の状態にする」って事なので、 例えば、 ‘The other physics teacher, Mr. Meyer, actually makes the class interesting.’ (物理のメイヤー先生は、クラス(での勉強)を楽しくさせる。) ‘All credit to them for improving our Christmas lights and making Keighley very colourful.’ (making Keighley very colourful.=キースリーの街をカラフルにする) https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/make (上の例文分はこの英英辞書より引用しました。) Rather, it would only be weird if you made it so.の場合、itは「例の彼女に連絡を取る事」 soはweird。 つまり、これは、 it would only be weird if you made it so「自分から(彼女位に連絡を取る行為を)(故意に)変にした場合だけに、(彼女に連絡をとるのが)変になるね。」=「自分から故意に変にしない限り変じゃないよ。」 まあ、昔のクラスメートに連絡するにしても、いきなり「好きでした、付き合ってください。」とかだったら変になるしね。(笑) そういう風に自分から変にしない限りは別に変じゃないよ、と言う事です。





その他の回答 (3)

  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

if you made it soはどのような意味でしょうか?  もしそうすれば > (「そう」はすぐ前のweirdを指しています)> あなたが変にすれば、変でしょう > ごく自然な成り行きです > ちっともおかしくはありません




  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

"if you made it so" は "if you made it weird" と読み替えることが出来ます。 Rather, it would only be weird if you made it weird. ⇒ むしろ、あなたがそれを奇妙なことだと決めつけるなら、それ自体、異様なことです。




  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9739/12120)

>if you made it soはどのような意味でしょうか? ⇒「あなたがそうする(大学の友人に手を差し伸べる)のは奇妙なことではありませんが、《相手にそうさせるとしたら》それは奇妙なことです」。






  • 和訳と英訳お願いします

    it would be mean so much to me. 君は女の子?男の子?どっち?(性別がわからない人に質問)

  • よろしくお願いします

    I got married five years ago. It has never been a great marriage, but it’s been pretty good. I love my wife most of the time. A year ago I made a very stupid mistake. I got an email from an old girlfriend. We emailed back and forth then met. We talked over old times, kissed a few times, and decided to not meet again. My wife found out. She got mad and told me to leave, so I did. I apologized, and she took me back under a few conditions. First, I had to let her have all my passwords and agree that she could read all my email. I agreed. She also wanted counseling. I agreed to that too. She then told me that I’d have to agree to never be out of her sight unless I was at work or she knew where I was (every outing would have to be cleared with her). We talked over old timesのoverはaboutと同じでしょうか?あと、every outing would have to be cleared with herの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • どのような意味でしょうか

    Todd and I had been going out for eight months, spending every spare moment together and practically living together. He’s smart and funny, and we fit together so well at one point I thought he might be the one. Until last month. I live on a farm (Todd is definitely a city boy), and one morning I went out to fix my electric fence. I turned it off before working on it, of course, but while I was leaning over the top wire Todd thought it would be funny to turn it back on. Now this isn’t the electric fence from Jurassic Park, but it has a pretty powerful charger on it, and it knocked me back on my heels and made me cry out. knocked me back on my heelsはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 文章解釈

    以下の文章に関する質問です。 And by the time that I finally did have that conversation with my parents, I remember being so shameful, I felt embarrassed, like I was a burden. I remember I didn't want my mum to look at me when I told her. It wasn't until my mum was able to I guess reassure me and tell me everything would be okay and give me a hug. It wasn't until my mum was able to I guess reassure me and tell me everything would be okay and give me a hug.の理解が難しいです。 I guess が挿入されていて、 It wasn't until my mum was able to (I guess)reassure me and tell me everything would be okay and give me a hug. の形であると分かるのですが、 it wasn’t until…をここでどのように理解すれば良いのか分からないです。itはここではなんなのでしょうか? 漠然とした状況のitかな?と考えましたが自信がないです。 「当時は、わたしのお母さんが、わたしを安心させてくれたり、大丈夫だからねと言ってくれたり、ハグしてくれたりできるところまでではなかったように思います。」

  • worried thatについて

    お世話になっております。 以下についてお教え頂けないでしょうか。 The hiring manager had been had worried that it would be almost impossible to find someone to head the Parisbranch. (1)上記のようにworried that と、worried の後にthatを取っているケースをよく見かけます。be worried aboutと、worriedの後は前置詞がくるものと思っていました。 どうしてthatも取れるのでしょうか? 文法的にどう考えたらよろしいでしょうか? (2)be worried that とworry thatは意味的にどう違うのでしょうか? 何卒宜しくお願い申し上げます。

  • この詞なんですが

    訳がわかりません。詞なんですが、 You said, it wasn't gonna be like it was before. Then it happened again. Pushing me back out the door. Thought it would be for real this time. Love made me forget about the signs. So now what do I do? Now that I know that we're through. あなたは、以前こうだったように、、???出来事おきたとき、、 ドア、、、、このとき、、、私はなにしてる。。。すみませんさっぱりわかりません教えてください

  • どのような意味でしょうか

    My son, who I've always felt very close to, has started to call me by my first name. I'm 67 and he's 40. I've always tried to be there for him. I have loved being his mom. He loves to tease me, so I didn't say anything about it for a while, because I knew he would run with it, but I figured he wasn't going to stop so I asked him to please stop calling me by my first name. he would run with itはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • max out my 401(k)

    I just graduated from college and my mom invited me to live with her rent-free so I could save up some money. I'm very lucky and have tried not to be a burden. We really disagree on what I should be saving for. I want to max out my 401(k), correct some dental issues, and travel. max out my 401(k)とはどういうことでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 至急です(>_<)翻訳してくださいm(_)m

    goodbye? Like someone is leaving. I will admit I want to see because I'm really upset today. I talked to my ex and she just made me so mad. I hate her so much.←翻訳してくださいm(__)m

  • よろしくお願いします

    My 7-year-old stepson has been having a lot of nightmares lately. I know he crawls into his mom’s bed at her house, and when he’s staying with us, he sometimes snuggles with his dad. The other night my husband traveled on business and my stepson asked to sleep in my bed. I felt weird about it and said no, but he could try the floor. He feared monsters would be able to get him down there, so we both spent a sleepless night on the couch. Was I heartless, or can a 7-year-old sleep in bed with his stepmom and not have it be weird? monstersとは何のことでしょうか?あと、get himはどのような意味でしょうか?あと、have it be weirdはどのような意味でしょうか?文法的解説もお願いします。よろしくお願いします