• ベストアンサー

People who lived along th


  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

 #1です。補足です。 >>このdriveの使われ方を文法的に教えて下さい。  この前の watch は、下記の知覚動詞にあたり、目的語を隔てて動詞の原型(=to がつかない)の不定形が来て「~をするのを眺める」というSVOC(第5文型)のCになっています。  https://makocho2017.com/2018/03/24/genkeihuteisi/  ついでですが訳を「道に面した家に住んでいる人たちは、毎晩自動車の行列がゆっくり通るのを、家の前に座って眺めたものだった」と変えます。





  • 英語の文法及び意味合いについて

    英語の文法及び意味合いについて分からないことがあるので教えてください。 「家の前を今朝から車がずっと走っていてうるさい」を英訳するとどれが一番正しいでしょうか? 1.There have been cars going in front of my house since this morning, making noise. 2.Cars have been going in front of my house since this morning, making noise. 3.There has been noise caused by cars going in front of my house since this morning. アドバイスお願いいたします。

  • 次の英文を訳して下さい。

    次の英文を極力直訳でお願いします。 Meanwhile the pumped-up 80,000-strong crowd got into the party atmosphere, singing along in full voice as waves of colour swept around the bowl on the pixel screens in front of each seat.

  • 今日のニュースで英会話で質問

    Sixty years after first taking the world by storm, it's back. A new Hollywood remake of the classic monster movie "Godzilla" has opened in the United States, and people are lining up for their share of scares. この英文のtheir shareのtheirは、何を指してるんですか?people ですか? The film proved to be an international success, and the producer went on to make dozens of more Godzilla movies. この英文でのof more 名詞の用法を教えて下さい。 A six-meter sculpture of Godzilla is on display in front of the theater, where people are also lining up to have their photos taken with Japan's most famous monster. この英文のtheir photos のtheirは、people are also lining upを指してるのですか? 宜しくお願いします

  • 知覚動詞 現代用法? 文法に詳しい方教えてください

    I could hear the cars driving by on the busy street in front of the shop as the city came awake. "hear" は 知覚動詞なので、原型不定詞 "drive" になると理解しています。 ただ実際に、英語を母国語として話す人たちは、違和感なく"driving"のような使い方もするのでしょうか? 詳しい方いましたらお願いします。

  • 答え合わせお願いします

    The Stein family lived in the pretty pink house with lovely purple shutters down at the end of Daffodil Street. ステインファミリーはダフォディールストリートの終わりに、ラブリーな紫色のシャッターが降りた、かわいいピンクの家に住んでいる ちょっと日本語がおかしいかも知れませんが、テストとかではないのでニュアンスが合っていれば良いです 特にdownの意味が合っているのかが疑問です よろしくお願いします

  • driveを適当な形に変える問題

    次の文で、driveを適当な形に変えよ。  という問題があったのですが、 In Japan we drive on the left side of the street. Steering wheels have to be on the opposite side to see easily from the right.  A  long time ago, samurai in Japan hanged their swords on the left side of their bodies. If they walked on the right, their swords might hit other samurais' swords. So people at that time started to walk on the left. Later people (drive) cars on the left, too.  以上ですが、文章から、 その後、今現在も右側通行(運転)しているので、driveは現在形か、継続の現在完了形か迷っていたら、答えは、過去形のdroveでした。なぜ、過去形なのでしょうか?

  • 品詞などについて教えてください!

    英語を勉強しているのですが、下の文の He looked up the street and down the street, but he saw nobody but a slightly older boy, sitting on a post in front of the house and eating bread and butter. の最初に出てくるbutの品詞を答えよという問題が分かりません。 この場合butの品詞は何になるのでしょうか?

  • 高1英語

    訳を教えて下さい(>_<) (1)Another difference may be the space between people when they greet each other. (2)Some people from other parts of the world may feel uncomfortable with this,but backing away is not polite. (3)Tibets greet each other by sticking their tongues out. お願いします(*_*)

  • 英文を訳してもらえませんか?

    We Shall Rebuild Our Society On March 11, 2011 a magnitude-9 earthquake and tsunami struck the eartern part of japan. An unbelievable number of people died and lost their homes, and about four thousand people had to leave their hometowns. Many of the survivors lost family members and suffered mentally as well as physically. But even so, people helped each other and tried to keep a smile. In fact, the victims of the earthquake and tsunami have bulit a community to look after each other . Their efforts and perseverance surprised Japan and the world. 長い文章ですが、よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いしますm(__)m

    1 One can criticize the goverment, if one wants to, in a democratic country. 2 There are three ways in which a river can be crossed. 3 The sight of the hungry youth filled the ols man with pity. 4 There is no need for people to get out of their buses to cross the river. 5 They not only lived to reach land, but lived on the small island for six months. 6 I was going to leave the theater, when I met John, a friend of mine. 7 Henry and Phoebe loved each other the way people do who have lived together a long time. 8 Those whom you hate sometimes love you and those who love you you sometimes hate. 宜しくお願いしますm(__)m